Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Nexus Plasma Arc Circuit

The Nexus Plasma Arc Circuit

Copyright © 2008 All information is hereby released into the public domain for public use.

"Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by power obtainable at any point in the universe. . .it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature." - Nikola Tesla

What follows is what I did. I don’t recommend that you do it. It’s dangerous. So don’t do it. But if you do and you (or anybody in your vicinity) gets zapped, it’s your own fault.

Read Everything, then read some more - - - -

The inverter is physically and electrically isolated from vehicle ground. Because of this, the only path for 120 VDC is through the dipole created across the spark plug gap.

OK, the Nexus hot wire is connected directly to the engine block, but it’s relative. Just don’t use your inverter for making coffee.

120 VAC from the inverter is directed through a MOT (microwave oven transformer) primary to a half wave rectifier. The MOT secondary is not used. A MOT secondary has one side tied to the transformer core, so I placed a wire nut on the secondary HV output and gave it a few coats of tool dip – just to make sure.

Without the MOT in series with the input, the plasma arc shoots out two or three inches and welds the anode and cathode of the plug together in short order. So if you decide to disregard my advice and play with this, be careful.

The MOT can easily be configured into a saturable reactor, which should allow for variable control of the current.

The diodes are all 1N5408 rated at 800V and 3 amps each. They are available through Newark: for a very reasonable cost – like 150 diodes for around twenty bucks. Newark provides quick shipping and excellent customer service.

The capacitor is 12.5 uF, 250 volt and was taken from the same microwave as the MOT. I don’t think the capacitor values are critical. It’s just in there to keep DC from going away for half an input cycle.

The negative side of the rectified 120 V is directed through a string of diodes sufficient enough to block the ground path (remember, nearly anything looks like ground to HV) through the circuit that the HV from the engine coil will see. The lazy HV will take the easiest path, you know. This will vary with the application. Too few diodes and we don’t get a spark across the plug. I have two strings of 60 diodes in parallel to provide 48KV of blocking at 6 amps current. I don’t need two strings because the max current I’ve seen through the Nexus circuit is quite a bit less than an amp even with a two inch arc shooting out the plug.

I’m running four plugs in the VW camper van, and all those anodes are connected to the same dipole feed wire from the Nexus supply, which results in spark plug cross fire. To eliminate crossfire, I installed 7 diodes in series with each individual dipole feed wire.

The dipole created across the plug gap creates a nexus to the void – but you knew that, right? That’s where the energy comes from, and that’s why the current drain on the Nexus supply is so low. I can explain all this (from my perspective, of course) if you’re interested, but before you ask, you should resolve the question:

What has less resistance than a short?

If you understand the dipole and the nexus contained therein, you’re on your way to even more interesting things, like free energy from magnets, what E=MC2 really means, what happens after we ‘die’ and much more.

Yeah – it’s all very simple.

That’s it. Let’s work together on this. I don’t do politics, but it would be nice to get out from under terrorism and back to a free country again. So, if you make improvements, please share them with everyone so we can get off fossil fuel. I’ll be happy to post your links to relevant stuff and we have a forum that you’re welcome to use.

By the way, if you download the HQ version of the video, you’ll get my book The Path in PDF along with binaural sound files for Alpha, Theta and Delta. They could help you think outside the box. You also get lifetime access to all the files we publish for download, so if I come up with more good stuff, it’s a pretty good deal.

And your contribution will help me in my next public domain project - - -

Free Energy from Magnets!


Thanks for your help.

Download the PDF document.

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