Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Projections of Consciousness

Out of Body Experience Methods and Out of Body Travel
Astral Projection or Astral Travel Methods
Fundamentals of Astral Projection and the Out of Body Experience
Astral Projection Factors
Questions about Astral Projection
Mental Projection
Lucid Dreaming and Lucid Dreams
The Dream Journal
Mysteries of Sleep
Meditation and its Practice and Benefits
Introduction to Meditation Part 1
Meditation Techniques Part 2
Yoga Meditation Part 3
Twin Hearts Meditation
Remote Viewing an Introduction

Lucidology 101
Get your free Lucidology 101 Lucid Dream & OBE Induction Explorer's Kit which has everything you need to have your very first OBEs and lucid dreams tonight. In it you'll get:

"How Many Of The 7 Biggest OBE And Lucid Dream Mistakes Are You Making?"
I see people make these same mistakes over and over because virtually all of the books on OBEs actually tell them to make these mistakes! A lot of times it only takes a tiny tweak to clear those stumbling blocks out and get people over the hump to start having speedy progress. So in your kit you'll find out exactly which of these 7 giant mistakes are holding you back and see exactly what you need to do to quickly fix those mistakes.

You'll also get my report titled the "Complete 8 Step Diagram To Trick Your Body Into Falling Asleep To Have Your First OBEs And Lucid Dreams". A lot of the people I've showed these tricks to have written to tell me that these steps were what enabled them to have their very first OBEs even after everything else they tried failed. In fact a lot of them had their very first OBEs the very first night they used these 8 tricks.

Plus you'll find out how to get access to the private Lucidology member's forum where you can ask questions and get expert advice from people who have successfully used these tricks.

You'll also get lucid dream timer mp3s, the lucid dream flash timer and lucid dream induction mp3s that you can download and burn on a CD.

And you'll find out how you can get Lucidology 102 which shows you my most powerful OBE exit visualizations that you can use to have 5, 10 or even 20 OBEs in a single session. With the Lucidology 102 tricks you can start averaging an OBE - or more - per day and have your first 100 OBEs in 100 days.

Visit http://www.lucidology.com to download your OBE & Lucid Dream Explorer's Kit.

Waking Sleep Paralysis: The Holy Grail For New Lucid Dreamers & OBEers - Lucidology 101 Part 2

The Stop Drop & Roll Sleep Command To Fall Asleep Fast - Lucidology 101 Part 3

5 New Sleep Commands To Trick Your Body Into Falling Asleep While You Keep Your Mind Awake - Lucidology 101 Part 4

Fast Relaxation For Lucid Dreams And OBEs - Lucidology 101 Part 5

How To Avoid The #1 Mistake In Lucid Dreams & OBEs Using The Sun - Lucidology 101 Part 6

The Timer Method: The Complete Method For Having Lots Of OBEs & Lucid Dreams - Lucidology 101 Part 7

The 4 Easiest Movement-Free Reality Checks For Lucid Dreams And OBEs - Lucidology 101 Part 8

Lucid Dream Exit Blindness - 3 Fast Solutions - Lucidology 101 Part 9

OBE Vibrations & 3 Ways To Tell How Close You Are To An OBE - Lucidology 101 Part 10

5 Fast Exit Methods For Lucid Dreams & OBEs - Lucidology 101 Part 12

The Vehram Energy System
Scientific Breakthrough Proves Life After Death!

Since the dawn of civilization, mankind has sought to unravel the mysteries surrounding life after death. Now, a revolutionary discovery in physics has revealed the fundamental secrets not only to the age-old question of whether there is an afterlife, but how we may explore it.

The Vehram Energy System is an external ethereal array comprising six distinct sources of ethereal plasma. Adhering to unique and specific scientific principles that are independently observable, and non-subjective, the Vehram array cannot simply be dismissed as a figment of the imagination. Rather, this universal array serves as concrete physical evidence that mankind has the ability to reach beyond the physical body to interact with the ethereal.

Explore the site and discover how you can harness the spiritual power that proves life after death!

Begin your journey, now!

Vehram Energy System - Proof of Life After Death
Ethereal energy system located outside the body enables out-of-body experiences. Adhering to unique principles of physics, the Vehram System is the first non-subjective proof that separation of the ethereal body occurs in real space and time (you can reach outside the body and feel this energy system during an oobe). Discovered by Robert Monroe and Vessen Hopkins in ~1971 and 1994, respectively. Vehram System provides fundamental technique for astral projection and unique proof that these events are real. Learn more at http://vehram.com or search Google for "vehram".

Bird's Lucid Dreaming Website

LUCID DREAM (loo' sid dreem): a dream in which the dreamer is fully aware of the fact that he or she is dreaming, being fully lucid in the dream and fully conscious while dreaming.
Note: This site only works with Internet Explorer. The top menu does not appear in other browsers.
The links to all pages at the site have been indexed in the main drop-down navbar that is found at the top of this and every page at the site. The more action you take, the better your results will be, so dive right in and start developing your dreaming awareness.

Explorations in Consciousness
Out of Body Experiences, Lucid Dreams and Altered States of Consciousness
Astral Plane Talks by Donald DeGracia

This is no ordinary website about Lucid Dreaming but the Hub of the whole dream world for you to experience and explore and share the same dream space with others at the Lucid Crossroads! Welcome oneironauts.

Welcome to LD4all!

When you dream, you are convinced that what you see is reality. However, it is possible to 'wake up' inside the dream and realize that are dreaming. This is called lucid dreaming. In a lucid dream you can do anything you want!

Here on LD4all you can learn how to become a lucid dreamer. Join the lucid dreamers community and share your experiences with other lucid dreamers in the LD4all forum or the LD4all chatroom.

Learn the art of lucid dreaming.

Share experiences, ask questions, make friends.

Neuromagnetic Signal Generator

The Magnetic Spiritual Mind Technology

Neural Stimulation Using Moving Magnetic Signals

Shakti uses magnetic fields with signals embedded in them for consciousness exploration, spiritual growth, mood enhancements, altered-state experience, and learning brain structure and function.

Your brain produces electrical signals as it operates. The 8 Coil Shakti applies magnetic signals to your head that mimic them. Because some brain structures have known 'signatures', they can be 'targeted' by applying their signatures as magnetic signals. Just as the brain has specific responses to specific chemicals, it also has specific responses to specific magnetic signals.

The 8 COIL SHAKTI headset moves magnetic signals between two sets of coils for altered states of consciousness, mood enhancements and improvements to meditation and other spiritual practices.

Alternating the signals (using the two stereo channels of your sound card) builds their momentum, and approximates the effects of 'rotation' used in laboratory studies.

The Frank Kepple Resource


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