Thursday, June 18, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality and Destiny

by Adrian Cooper

During the course of my book, Our Ultimate Reality we have discussed the true nature of the magnificent infinite multi-dimensional Universe also known as God, The All, Spirit, and by numerous other names in accordance with the many and diverse traditions and cultures of the world, and of the inner realms of life and reality beyond the physical planet Earth through which we will all journey sooner or later on the way to realisation of our ultimate and most sacred destiny. We have observed how each and every person creates their own reality, thereby each managing our own individual evolution and our own ultimate destiny by virtue of the freewill granted by our Divine creator to Whom it is the most sacred task for each and every person to return.

It will be apparent to everyone by now that hitherto it has been due to a lack of true knowledge that the current course of mankind has been leading inexorably and increasingly leading away from God, away from the Light, away from the glories and the splendours of the inner spheres of reality, the true destination of mankind, and instead towards the darkness, an insidious darkness fuelled by creed, dogma, indoctrination, unchecked rampant materialism, the uncontrolled ego and many other dark human traits, all of which continue to blight mankind.

Only when true knowledge and true reality of the Universe, and therefore the ultimate destiny of mankind becomes known to all can mankind finally and permanently turn away from the darkness of the past and back towards the Light, thus continuing to fulfil our true and rightful destiny as immortal, Spiritual beings made in the true image of the Divine. Then and only then can the physical world, God’s kindergarten of the Universe to which people return time and again, eventually become the “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth”, the place of health, harmony, happiness, peace and plenty for all, the heritage with which all mankind has been entrusted, but upon which heritage mankind has hitherto for the most part turned its back.

It is the most sacred duty and destiny of every single individual without any exception to travel the sacred path back to The First Cause, The Source, back to God, our Divine Creator, while always selflessly assisting others further behind on the path, in the Spirit of Pure Unconditional Love, the most powerful force in the entire Universe, my book, Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind has been written for you to assist you in these sacred matters.

Everyone should be absolutely clear that without any exceptions whatsoever, every single person who has been born into the physical world, has ever been born or ever will be born will, sooner or later, set foot firmly and confidently on the Divine path and embark on the most sacred journey of all; such is the ultimate destiny of all mankind and that of our Brothers and Sisters throughout the Universe, and such is the ultimate and true meaning of life.

No time on Earth should ever be wasted. The sooner true and permanent progress can be made, the sooner the cycle of physical reincarnation will be transcended forever as the sacred journey continues in the inner reality; worlds, planes, spheres, realms and conditions of Pure Unconditional Love, Light and bliss far, far beyond even the remotest comprehension of people still living on Earth. Those focussed within the outer spheres of life quite simply cannot comprehend the sheer magnificence and splendours of the inner sphere of life and reality until arriving there as a result of ever increasing individual perfection, in turn raising the Energy vibrations of our Spiritual bodies, always matching the vibrations and density of the inner spheres of life and reality equivalent to level of perfection.

As increasingly more people on Earth begin to awaken to these inner realities of true purpose, destiny and of the true and ultimate meaning of life, an expansion of Consciousness of the group human Mind will progressively occur, which in turn will continue to be the catalyst for yet more and more people awakening to these Universal realities and individual destiny.

Eventually, in the fullness of time, everyone on the planet will become fully aware and conscious of individual true purpose, nature and destiny, and will not waste any Earth time arranging their own lives accordingly.

This process has already begun and is one of the reasons why today we are witnessing increasingly more “phenomena” such as psychic abilities, clairvoyance and Astral Projection arising in people who might otherwise have not even believed in, or even been aware of such possibilities. This process is always being assisted by advanced Beings of the inner spheres of life, including evolved humans and other intelligences who have chosen of their own freewill to assist human beings in this Divine process.

It is the true meaning of life, destiny and the ultimate reality of every single person without exception to evolve back to The First Cause, The Source, God, an ongoing process that should never be delayed, but rather embraced with passion, joy and Unconditional Love.

Click Here to know beyond doubt that Our Ultimate Reality will show you the truth path to freedom joy and your ulimate destiny


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