Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lucid Dreaming and Lucid Dreams

by Adrian Cooper

Although I receive numerous messages on the subject of Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences, I am also receiving
increasingly more on the subject of Lucid Dreaming.

For those not yet able to accomplish Astral projection or Out of Body Experiences, Lucid Dreaming is an excellent alternative, and one that often leads to full Astral Projection or Out of Body Experiences. In fact it is very possible to use lucid dreaming as a launching point for projection and many other abilities.

So what is lucid dreaming?

During sleep many people dream to one extent or another. Most dreams however can be "fuzzy", vague, disjointed experiences where the dreamer appears to be a passive observer.

Lucid dreaming however is very different in that the dream not only seems very vivid, often to the point of seeming real, but more particularly because rather than being a passive observer you can actually become an integral part of the dream and take control of it.

During Lucid Dreaming the Astral and Mental bodies have already seperated from the physical body as always happens during sleep. With this realisation it becomes possible to convert the Lucid Dream into an Astral or Etheric projection; i.e. and Out of Body Experience.

Many people having experiences either Lucid Dreaming or an Out of Body Experience from a Lucid Dream go on to find producing Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences much more easily in future.

So how do we set about lucid dreaming?

The first habit to get into, and this is an extremely useful habit for many, many purposes, some of which we will be discussing in future newsletters, is to keep a notepad and pen or pencil by your bed at all times, and the moment you wake up writing down your dreams, or anything at all that comes into your mind.

So the moment you awake in the morning, before doing anything else at all, write down in your notepad everything you remember in as much details as possible.

This practice alone will almost always result in more vivid, memorable dreams, as well as receiving valuable messages from your subconscious Mind and/or Higher-Self.

So lets start using the notepad, your Dream Journal. The moment you awake reach for your notepad and write down everything you can remember about your dreams that night. To start with your memories may be vague, but it doesn't matter; write them down anyway. You will find this practice alone will result in increasingly memorable dreams until soon you remember entire dreams or several dreams.

Again, this is a most valuable habit at many levels.

So how can we increase the chances of experiencing a lucid dream?

Fortunately there is a very powerful method that will work for most people providing the motivation and perseverance is there. This method has a high chance of success providing it is taken seriously.

I would like to point out first however that motivation is a very important factor. You must be totally motivated to succeed with Lucid Dreaming, or indeed any inner ability, in order that you can impress your intentions and desires upon the subconscious Mind.

Here then is the method:

1. Set an alarm clock to awaken you after 6 hours sleep. This method tends to work the best between around 03:00 and 05:00, so if necessary go to bed earlier than usual.

2. Ensure you have your Dream Journal and writing instrument where you can easily reach it.

3. As you drift off to sleep repeat the affirmation "I always experience vivid lucid dreams and remember them in great detail". Or you can construct your own affirmation to that effect.

4. As soon as your alarm clock awakens you, get straight out of bed and do something such as read a book for at least 30 minutes but no longer than 60 minutes; you might need to experiment with the time.

5. Go back to bed, lie on your back, and endeavour to stay awake. The best way to do this is by visualisation. Visualise a favourite place or scenario and imagine you are in that place or scenario and participating in it. Make it as real as possible. The objective is to remain awake for as long as you possibly can.

You will find that at first you might experience hypnogogic imagery, and you may well start to even clairvoyantly view the Astral. Resist the temptation to sleep for as long as possible.

Eventually you will drift off to sleep and the chances are you will experience a lucid dream or even several soon afterwards. When you find yourself in this state you can take control and create any scenario you desire for yourself. You will find yourself in a world where you can create anything you wish for instantly.

You can even change your scenery and scenario. In a lucid dream if you wish to do something different simply create a large television set and remote controller. Then keep changing the channels until you find one that you like and jump straight into it.

When you awake in the morning, immediately write down everything you can remember about your dreams. Do not miss this step; it is very important.

Lucid dreams seem so real, because they are real. They are also extremely valuable, because so many other abilities can arise from the ability of lucid dreaming.


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