Thursday, June 18, 2009


by Adrian Cooper

Thank you very much indeed for visiting the donations page.

Adrian Cooper and Our Ultimate reality provide this site, forums, books, newsletters and other resources dedicated to Spiritual Growth as a service to you, and we do not request or expect any contributions of any kind.

However, we have received numerous requests from generous people who, having felt they have benefitted from these services, have expressed the wish to make a donation, a tithe or other contribution, for which I am most grateful.

Many of these people of course fully understand the power of giving in the Law of Attraction in receiving, in that as we give, so we receive.

I therefore humbly make this page available as a service to anyone wishing to make such a contribution.

My services are very much ongoing and will be extended, and of course all contributions assist in that process, thereby being equally a service to others as well.

To make a contribution please click the Donation button below. You will return to Our Ultimate Reality after your contribution is processed

Thank you very much indeed for your most generous contribution, and may you receive the same in return many times over.

In Lak'ech,


Our Ultimate Reality.


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