Thursday, June 18, 2009

Who is The Logos

by Adrian Cooper

In my book Our Ultimate Reality, in chapter 14, the Emerald Tablet of Hermes I make this statement:

"As this process occurs, Consciousness brings with it the experience of "capacity" or "wisdom". This is also analogous to the destiny of mankind in the microcosm whereby each new individual experiencing a first ever life in the physical Universe is a direct result of the original descent from the Logos, The Source, God of a "spark" of Spirit, an aspect of God, which will then unite with a human embryo resulting in a new, individual life, the beginning of an individual, immortal Spiritual being."

Many people have heard of the Logos before, and have asked what it actually means.

To explain this let us look at a quote from the New Testament of the Bible, which, like many parts of the Bible have been mis-translated from the original Ancient Greek leading to numerous misunderstandings.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. -- John 1:1-3

The original Ancient Greek text of the New Testament uses the word "Logos" as opposed to "word". In modern Greek "logos" literally means "word", but in Ancient Greek "Logos" also means "thought".

So this passage should more accurately say:

"In the beginning was the Thought, and the Thought was with God, and the Thought was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."

Now we have the truth.

In the beginning The Source, The First Cause, God already existed, always did exist and always will exist as The infinitely powerful Thought Form who was alone with Him/Her self.

This powerful Thought, the macrocosm, then desired, although we must be clear that this Thought does not "think" in human terms, to experience and expand and accordingly then Thought the Universe into existence using immense powers of Thought and imagination.

The result was the Thought Forms that eventually took shape to manifest in individuated Thought Forms of everything that comprises the Universe today at all levels of Energy Vibration from The First Cause all the way out to undifferentiated matter, The physical Universe of stars, planets, moons and all other life including of course ourselves as first our collective Higher Self and finally aspects of our Higher Self that we call "human beings", the "Microcosm".

So in the beginning we all left the Logos, The Great Thought Form" as unique individuated Thought Forms; Who we Are.

Each Thought Form has a unique vibration, which, as we progress through the process of perfection, through which the Great Thought Form experiences and expands, and the vibration of the Energy Field that comprises our individual Thought Form increases, until our Ultimate Destiny, Our Ultimate Reality is to increase our Vibration to approach that of The Great Thought Form, The logos, from Whence
we came in the beginning.


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