Sunday, June 14, 2009


How to Grow Your Own Organic Vegetables for Frugal Sustainability
There is no act more gratifying, more basic, more liberating, than to coax food from the Earth. Time and the rhythms of nature become the ultimate template by which to live. Do it just to know that you can do it, or do it just to live or do it to save money or for whatever reason.
You want to talk about a truly useful skill-set?

Learn how to grow some or most of your own food or teach others how to do the same.

This is not as complicated as you might think. If you have access to a deck, a roof, a patch of ground no larger than a flower bed or far more space, you can, with just a few of the resources listed on this page learn to feed yourself and others. Any reasonably intelligent person with time or patience or internet access can learn as much about soil and gardening as the most experienced farmer knew a hundred years ago--putting it into practice takes time however, today is the day to begin a garden.

How to Grow Cacao

Largest Grower of Acai Palm in the U.S.

Grow your own Acai Berries for MAXIMUM health benefits.

Acai is the wonder food scientists have studied for years. However the frozen Acai pulp from Brazil is diluted and less potent than fresh Acai. Don’t take a chance with your health by eating the imported stuff. It is not the same as the Acai Berries tested by scientists.

Growing Tomatoes Upside-Down

Seed Companies Selling Organic Seed

Organica Seed
Organica Seed for a Healthy World

We provide fellow gardeners with organic soil friendly untreated vegetable and herb seed. Our wonderful Organica Seeds are also fresh making them perfect for seed saving and soil health.
All of our seed packets are filled by hand as our customer orders come in. This insures freshness and personal attention by our staff. This joining of healthy seeds and friendly service is at the heart of our seed business.
The untreated healthy seeds we provide for you and your family come from many trusted seed growers and farms. When you purchase these wonderful seeds many dedicated family farms benefit from your generosity and thoughtfulness!

Greening the Desert
This is just one example of how permaculture can transform the environment, and, in so doing, dramatically change lives. By evidencing the dramatic transformation possible in the world’s worst agricultural scenarios, we hope to make people stand up and listen.

Because we focus on new and emerging solutions at Worldchanging, we don't talk too often about permaculture, because while it's a beautiful and brilliant tool for sustainable gardening and food production, it's been around for quite a while. But a story passed through today about a recent project by the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia, which uses permaculture to turn a barren, arid Jordanian desert into a fruitful garden and orchard, and suggests that the process can be a powerful solution to some of our most pressing global problems.

This video tells the story of a seemingly impossible feat achieved by permaculture designer, Geoff Lawton, in which he trained a group of locals in the principals of permaculture, and together they transformed the "hyper-arid" land until it bore fruit, desalinated water, and created fertile ground which requires very little water to be productive. If it can be done there, argues Lawton, it can be done anywhere, and it can become a real tool for addressing pollution, desertification and global warming.

Behind Greening the Desert
More from Geoff Lawton of the Permaculture Research Institute on the challenges behind "Greening the Desert" project in Jordan - from the DVD Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way.
Courtesy of Flashtoonz Films

Below is a behind the scenes look at Greening the Desert.

Big Agribusiness would convince us that continuing with fossil fuel dependent monocrop systems and genetically modified crops is the way of the future, but with fuel, transport and fertiliser costs skyrocketing, and growing evidence that genetic tinkering is causing far more harm than good, we, instead, advocate tried and tested methods of working with nature for the benefit of man.

The Permaculture Master Plan - Permaculture Centres Worldwide

Aid Projects, Community Projects, Courses/Workshops, Demonstration Sites, Education Centres — by Craig Mackintosh

Imagine a world of peace, health and low-carbon prosperity. Well, we’re going beyond imagination, and are working on full implementation. It’s our aim. Watch (and share) the clip below to get an idea of what we mean.

Geoff Lawton explaining the need to establish self-sustaining Permaculture centres around the world.

The answers to the world’s woes – waning energy supplies, depleted and contaminated soils and water, reduced biodiversity, the dismantling of communities, etc. – are all there. We know how to get the job done, we know how to restore natural abundance where before was only desolation. But, we can get the job done a great deal faster with your help!

Survival Seeds - The Survival Seed Bank

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