Saturday, June 13, 2009

Remote Viewing an Introduction

by Adrian Cooper

There are various methods of remote viewing including Ganzfeld, Outbounder or Beacon, Associative, Coordinate, Controlled or CRV, Extended or ERV and Scientific or SRV. Although all of these methods vary, remote viewing in general terms can be defined as the ability to obtain information on an object or “target” in a remote location across both space and time as it relates to the physical world. Distance and time are therefore no barriers to remote viewing; the object or event can be anytime in the past, present or even future relative to the physical Universe.

Remote viewing is broadly speaking a controlled shifting of awareness performed from the normal waking state of Consciousness, unlike many other psychic abilities often requiring a state of trance. Humans, as we will discuss later, are all part of a collective Mind existing beyond the limitations of physical space and time. Anyone who is focussed into this “dimension”, “plane” or “state”, which is a level of Energy or vibration, either permanently or temporarily, can potentially project their Consciousness anywhere within time or space in an instant. Remote viewing works therefore by means of the “remote viewer” projecting, or tuning their Consciousness into this spaceless and timeless aspect of the Universe. The remote viewer is then able to obtain information in accordance with “coordinates” they have been provided with by the “tasker”.

These “coordinates” are not the same as those for example on the grid reference of a map, but are rather a group of random numbers created by the “tasker” and assigned to the “target”, i.e. the place or situation from which the remote viewer is to obtain information. The remote viewer therefore has no prior knowledge whatsoever of what or where, the remote viewing target will be. This prevents the possibility of the remote viewer subconsciously including their own interpretation and bias to the information being sensed.

In this spaceless, timeless environment, the remote viewing coordinates are associated with the target by the tasker, and are all the remote viewer requires in order to obtain information from the designated target. It should be pointed out however that the term “remote viewing” is somewhat misleading in that there is usually no “visual” aspect to this ability at all. The remote “viewer” rather receives “impressions” from the target, a sort of intuition, and very quickly writes these impressions down in a type of symbolic shorthand as fast as they are received.


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