Friday, June 19, 2009

Cycles of Life

by Adrian Cooper

We are now two days into the new season of Spring, marked by the Spring Solstice which took place on 21 March.

Although the solstices, for example Christmas as well as Easter have been "claimed" by religion to mark religious events, we should remind ourselves that these are and always were in fact pagan festivals going back thousands of years, long before the origins of Christianity which later subsumed them in religious doctrines.

Our pagan ancestors - and most people have been pagans many times in previous incarnations - for example the Druids, Heathen's and the original, genuine "Witches", were extremely attuned both to "Mother Earth" and the Divine cycles of life which they celebrated on the 4 solstices as well as four other festivals in between - Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain in the case of European pagans, all of which had special significance.

Most other pagan cultures of the ancient world, for example Egyptians, the Asatru and the Shaman of mesoamerica all celebrated these important points in the cycle of life.

While many "modern" people look down on our ancient ancestors,which are often considered to be "primitive" or "heathen" as used as a derogatory word, their activities and festivals were considerably "purer" and well based in reality than the contemporary equivalents which have become a symbol of money and materialism as opposed to a symbol of Life Itself.

Spring, marked by the Equinox of March 21, is a very special joyous time of the year, bringing much hope, being the season of renewal, regeneration, and the birth of new physical life, thereby continuing an eternal cycle of birth, life and death - although in reality of course there is no "death". What people refer to as "death" is no more or less than the continuation of life but in a different form. All life, which is a projection of the Infinite, Source, The First Cause is Eternal, never ceasing to exist, only changing from one manifestation of Divine Energy to another in tune with the Eternal Universal Cycles of Life.

Our ancient ancestors of course knew this and included it in their celebrations.

Few people actually understand the true meaning of the Christian cross which they are led to believe symbolizes the "crucifixion" of Jesus at Golgotha.

The "cross" actually represents the cross of the four cardinal points of the Solar Cross of the Vernal Equinox. The cross has been used for thousands of years, long before Christianity to represent this. Indeed, where I live, there are numerous such crosses around the countryside that far pre-date Christianity.

Very often we see a cross with a circle around the centre. Again, the church has absolutely no idea what this really means. As with the seasons of the Equinox, the church has taken the Solar Cross of the Vernal Equinox of the Pagans, and turned it into symbol of religious doctrine.

The circle actually represents the "Sun", the "Light of the World". This is why older examples of the cross, and even in some cases modern examples, on church roofs even have the rays of the Sun around the circle.

This is why Jesus the "Son of God" or more correctly "Sun of God", is often referred to as "the Light of the World", because of course the Sun is in fact "The Light of the World".

"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness" -- John 8:12

The word "Sun" became "Son" - of God - the true meaning being lost to most. In fact we are all "Suns" of God - the Great Central Sun of which we are all Divine Rays.

In winter, the "Sun dies on the Cross", symbolised by the cross of the Vernal Equinox, and then on December 21, the winter solstice, and is later "resurrected" as the new cycle of life begins. It is ironic in some ways that Church roof displays such a powerful symbol and icon of the cycles of life and the pagan practices, which they subsumed with religious festivals, without ever understanding its true significance and meaning.

Of course the entire Christian mythology is based around these ancient but well founded practices, including the birth, death and resurrection of the person known as Jesus, who likely lived around 300 years before his official birth date which represents "the birth of the Sun" at the winter solstice of the Vernal Equinox.

This is because the Romans, notable Emperor Constantine, contrived the basis of the Christian religion around their Pagan God Mithras,that the "new God" would be more readily accepted by the populous, but who in fact was the Sun God, or "Son" God.

Of course Mithras was the latest in a long line of such Gods, all of which followed precisely the same birth, life, resurrection and death processes, all symbolising the cycles of Life, ultimately starting with the Egyptian God Horus who:

Was born on December 25 to a "virgin mother"
The birth was accompanied by a "Star in the East"
The birth was accompanied by "three kings"
Horus Was baptized at 30
Horus Had 12 disciples
Horus went about and performed many miracles Horus was known as "The Lamb" and "The Light"
Horus was crucified
Was buried for 3 days
Until finally Horus was resurrected.

Like Mithras, Horus was also a Sun god or "Son God".

The "Three Kings" are the three stars in the belt of Orion, which were always known as the "Three Kings" thousands of years ago. On December 25, the Three Kings trace a line directly to Earth from the bright "Star in the East" which in fact is Sirius.

This process repeated itself 16 times to Mithras, finally ending in Jesus who was the 17th God-man who mythically was born, lived, died and resurrected in this almost identical way.

I would like to point out before I continue that Jesus, Yeshua, absolutely did exist as did his powerful teachings, and he did, in a way, come to "save" humanity, in readiness for the end of the Age" we are now approaching.

This is what he said:

"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
-- Matthew 28:20

Except for the fact that the original word in Ancient Greek was "Aeon", which actually means "Age", so Jesus really said:

"I am with you always, even unto the end of the Age" - the Age the end of which he came here to prepare humanity for.

We must not confuse the real Jesus and his teachings with mythology inspired by religious ambitions.

Eternal cycles of life or "Ages" take place, so too does evolution, as we, and all life, evolve from one form of Energy and projection of the Infinite, to a "higher", "finer" form of Energy at a higher Vibration, each with our own unique Energy signature representing who we Are.

Each successive cycle of life, or "incarnation" brings a new personality of our Higher Self, only individuality, who we really "are" being Eternal.

As children of God, Source Energy, we never, ever lose sight of who we "are", always fully aware of our individuality, regardless of the personality that chooses to incarnate on Earth until such time as the cycle of reincarnation is complete, upon which we progress onwards and inwards as the total personality of our Higher Self.

It is through these eternal cycles, at a physical level commencing with each incarnation in the physical Universe, that the process of perfection takes place, each stage of perfection resulting in a higher vibration and step towards Source Energy, God during the process of evolution and ultimate perfection - the fundamental meaning of Life.

Of course not every step is forwards.

When a Spirit, an aspect of a Higher Self incarnates into matter, this process is and of itself involution, the opposite of evolution, because the Life-Force has taken on a much lower vibration. Involution however is potentially the starting point for Evolution.

Even within the Earth plane of Energy, for the last couple of thousand years at least, involution has been taking place as humanity has progressively succumbed to religious doctrines, materialism and the demands of the Ego, resulting in humanity generally moving further and further from Source Energy, God, resulting in lower and lower vibration until we see the vibration of humanity as it is today, at probably its lowest ebb.

However, as with the seasons, this too is only a cycle, a cycle that is very rapidly coming to an end, just as Winter gives way to Spring and a new beginning and re-generation of life.

Very often life is at its lowest ebb shortly before the dawn of the new cycle of eternal life, and this is precisely where humanity is today. As the saying goes - " it is always darkest before the dawn".

Life on Earth is nearing the end of a great 25,800 years cycle, or "Age", and preparing to enter the next cycle or Age, symbolically represented by the date 21 December 2012, as measured by the Mayan culture. Previous Ages have resulted in a new evolution of human being, such as Neanderthal to Cro Magnon and Homo Sapien. This next evolution, at the transition of the Ages, has the potential to take human beings from Homo Sapien to Homo Spiritus, or as the Hopi and other Native and Mesoamerican cultures say "Homo Luminous".

Just as March 21 marked the transition from one season, or "age" to another season or "age" of birth, renewal and hope, then on a larger scale humanity is preparing to leave the winter it now lives within, in order to enter the Spring of a new Era or Age, potentially a golden Age facilitating being "born again" into a season of new life, regeneration and joy as a new evolution of human being.

There is no room for complacency however. As we leave the Winter of humanity and enter a new Spring, as always humanity will create its own reality. The opportunity exists to allow the old to fall away, and like the mythological Phoenix, which is also a metaphor for this process, humanity can rise from the ashes of indoctrination, materialism and Ego-centricity, in to a new Age of Love, Light, Service to others before Service to Self, Spirituality and above all Evolution, leaving the dark winter of involution behind forever.

Just as the coming of Spring is a golden season or Age of regeneration, and birth into a new Cycle of Eternal Life, so to is the coming of the new Age of humanity that is now progressing and will continue to so so until the process is complete, just as Winter always inexorably gives way to Spring and new manifestations of Life.

Just as we embrace Spring and celebrate the new cycle of Life, we must embrace this new cycle, or Age that will soon be upon us.


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