Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mysteries of Sleep

by Adrian Cooper

As your newsletter subscriber offer is currently about how to benefit from the sleep state, I thought it would be appropriate this week for us to take a closer look at the sleep state in more depth, and more specifically how we may benefit from it.

Most people think of sleep in terms of simply "going to bed" for a long rest in readiness for the next day.

In a way this is true, but the mechanism and implications of sleep are much more complex and important to our Well Being than that.

When we enter deep sleep, a state often known as REM, or "Rapid Eye Movement" occurs. Although this can be observed, and measured by physical instruments, what cannot be observed or measured is what is actually happening during this process within which is this.

Our inner Etheric, Astral and Mental bodies start to move out of phase with our physical body. Soon they become completely out of phase, and effectively the Etheric, Astral and Mental bodies have "projected" away from the physical. During this time the Etheric body attracts and absorbs Universal Energy by a process that can be likened to osmosis, and transmits it to the physical body through the Chakra system, each Chakra corresponding to a vital organ and complex Energy system of the physical body. This is why after a good nights sleep we awaken feeling refreshed and energetic, and a reason why sleep is an crucial aspect of sustaining life.

If we can learn how to control this process we can then experience a conscious Out of Body Experience or Astral Projection depending on where we project our centre of consciousness. If we project our consciousness into our Etheric Body then we will experience an Out of Body Experience, or "OBE". If we project our consciousness into our Astral Body we will experience what is known as "Astral Projection".

Out of Body Experiences take place at a vibration close to the physical world - so close in fact that the projector believes they are still within the physical world. In fact the projector is slightly out of phase, and exists in a close Etheric "reflection" of the physical world, but providing absolute control is maintained can still observe objects and events within the projection of their physical surroundings.

In the case of Astral Projection, the projector is projecting consciousness into the actual Astral Planes, the exact level of which is determined by many factors including the Mind and Spiritual evolution of the projector.

The vast majority of Astral projections, including those very often taught in books on the subject, take place in a very low level of the Astral planes that correspond to the dream state. That is to say the projector is consciously experiencing the collective dream environment of billions of other human beings who are experiencing the dream unconsciously and why these projections frequently do not appear to make much if any sense.

It is possible with practice and the right knowledge and training however to raise vibration and travel to the level of the Astral worlds where "deceased" people live, meet deceased loved ones etc.

This of course is a vast subject in its own right, and one which I accordingly devote several chapters of my book, Our Ultimate Reality to:

As we wake we also go through the reverse process with our inner bodies reuniting with our physical body.

This can sometimes occur very rapidly, and the person wakes up very suddenly with a large jolt as if having fallen from a great height, sometimes even feeling that the bed has bounced under the force of the event. This in fact is the inner bodies very rapidly reuniting with the physical body.

At the other extreme the process can occur more slowly than usual and when we awake we can feel physically paralysed, a state known as "catalepsy" where it is not apparently possible to move any part of the physical body. Often associated with this phenomena is "seeing"
through closed eyelids, in other words although the eyelids are firmly closed, and the surroundings can be clearly viewed.

In these cases the inner bodies are still slightly out of phase with the physical body, and the sight is through the Etheric or Astral senses as opposed to the physical sense of sight as would be experienced through the physical eyes.

Although this can often be frightening to those not used to this experience, it can very easily be consciously converted into an Out of Body Experience. To do this simply imagine floating out of your body and it will immediately happen, after which control can be taken of the Etheric Body. This of course takes practice, and again these processes are full described in my book, Our Ultimate Reality.

The sleep and dream states have many more potential and very powerful uses other than rest and Etheric or Astral projection.

Immediately before and during sleep our conscious Mind is progressively sidelined as we become more centred on the Subconscious Mind which is infinitely powerful, being directly connected to, and an aspect of Universal Mind, Source Energy, God.

As we already know from my previous newsletters and book, our route to experiencing anything that we wish for, need or desire is therefore to "program" or impress upon Our Subconscious Mind those wishes, needs and desires, Who will in turn relay them to Universal Mind, God, Our Father for fulfilment.

For matters concerning our individual physical body and health, our Subconscious Mind acts directly to bring about the state we desire or impress upon it, having total dominion over our physical body.

We must of course also be cognizant of the fact that the Subconscious Mind accepts absolutely everything we impress upon, whether intentional or otherwise, and for this reason we must always be extremely mindful of our thoughts, feelings and emotions, especially towards sleep time. If a person takes worries to bed such as health worries, financial worries, relationship worries or any worry backed by emotion, then the Subconscious Mind will accept it as a wish, and subsequently bring it into the reality of the person without consideration of the consequences. This of course makes matters even worse, and a self-fulfilling spiral can result.

Again, this important subject is discussed in depth within my book:

Knowing this however we can make very powerful and effective use of the time just prior to and during sleep in order to create our own reality.

Just prior to sleep we are much closer to our Subconscious Mind due to the slowing down of our brainwaves from delta, through alpha and theta. As this process progresses we often see what appear to be swirling clouds of colour and other effects, these being the Subconscious Mind beginning to infringe upon and take over the realms of consciousness previously occupied by the waking consciousness.

This is an excellent time to impress our wishes, needs and desires upon the Subconscious Mind, and to take them into the sleep state where the Subconscious Mind can act upon them without any interference or contrary thoughts from the conscious Mind.

Another excellent property of the dream state are dreams.

Most people dream to some extent, but most tend to forget their dreams, which is a loss because they can be extremely useful in many ways.

For example, the Subconscious Mind and Higher Self through the Subconscious Mind can and does bring messages through dreams.

I receive numerous messages from people who have recently "lost" a loved one who has recently made the transition to the Astral Worlds during the change known as "death", wishing to know how they may contact them and know they are safe and happy.

People who have recently passed over almost always endeavour to make contact with loved ones in order to offer these assurances, say goodbye if the departure was sudden and unexpected, and for many other purposes. Of course this is usually a very frustrating experience for the "deceased" person due to the fact they are now living on a much higher vibration, and cannot make their presence felt to people still living on the physical vibration.

A very common way that "deceased" people endeavour to make contact therefore is through the dream state. As discussed above, we all project from our physical body during sleep as a natural process, and when we do so we are potentially projecting into the same realms of vibration as "deceased" people who can then lower their own vibration to the same level in order to meet loved ones face to face as it were, at a level of vibration and consciousness common to both.

At this level of vibration communication is "normal", all taking place through though transfer as with telepathy, by imagery and other thought processes. of course most people do will not remember this upon awaking, or if they do might dismiss it as "fantasy" or figment of their imagination, or even wishful thinking which only leads to more frustration on the part of both the physically alive person and the "deceased".

An excellent practice for everyone is to keep a "Dream Journal". This again is described in detail in my book, Our Ultimate Reality, and broadly consists of keeping a small notebook by your bed, and as soon as you awake writing down every single detail of what you can remember of your dreams.

This will have the effect of impressing upon the Subconscious Mind your intent to remember dreams in the morning upon awaking, and the Subconscious Mind will then increasingly facilitate this process.

The information received in the dream state can be extensive and profound, and the keeping of a dream journal is therefore a very valuable practice.

This by no means adequately encompasses all their is to know about the sleep state, but I hope at least this brief introduction will encourage you to investigate further, and I sincerely hope to also take action. Starting to keep a Dream Journal is an excellent start to investigating both the mysteries and benefits of the sleep state, which is every bit as important, if not more so, than the daily waking state.


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