Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 14 June 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

Here the weather is once again proving to be kind, with mostly sunshine and deep blue skies. Temperatures are around 14 degrees, but everyone is happy and making the most of it which is the man thing. I hope for everyone here it is the prelude for a wonderful Summer.

People here sometimes envy those who live in parts of the World, for example South California, Florida, Southern Europe where the Sun shines most days and it is warm, but I tell these people that having something to look forward to is a wonderful thing in life generally, and helps us to appreciate it that much more when it arrives.

Let me say that I have visited Southern California, Florida and Southern Europe and enjoyed a wonderful time amongst wonderful people - the weather is unimportant at this level - only people matter.

I would like as always to extend a very warm welcome to all new members of this newsletter. I do hope you enjoy your weekly newsletter and hope that it is of value both in life, and as we experience the great Transition of the Ages together.

If you are reading this due to receiving a copy from or referred from someone who clearly loves and cares about you, you can join us every week by subscribing from any page on our site:

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If you find this and all Our Ultimate Reality newsletters of value, sharing it with others is such a simple yet profound gesture and contribution, and could change someone else life as well as your own.

In this weeks newsletter:

1. Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons - update

2. The Sun: Life, Light and Energy - update

3. Faith and Quantum Mechanics

Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons Update

I would like to thank everyone for the phenomenal response to your Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons opportunity and for all the valuable feedback received.

There are many, many books on the Law of Attraction and related subjects out there, but only three stand alone as being wholly exceptional, teaching the true Metaphysics behind the whole subject of Expressing our own Experience. Science of Being is one of them and indeed the very best of the best, especially when read with the first book by The Baron Eugene Fersen - Science of Being in Seven Lessons.

Another famous book in the Law of Attraction area, in my top 10 but not top 3, is The Master Key System by Chares Haanel. Charles Haanel was actually a student of The Baron Eugene Fersen.

I thought it appropriate therefore to include all five exceptional and unique books by Charles Haanel and Science of Being in Seven Lessons with your Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons newsletter subscriber opportunity.

I guarantee that for a nominal $17 you will not find a more powerful library of Mind Power books. I may well bring you the other two books in my top three in future weeks.

If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, which must only available for a short time due to the fact the regular price which everyone else is gladly paying is $37 - thus offering you a $20 discount - here is your special newsletter members page:

Click Here to Acquire Your Own Copy of Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons, plus Science of Being in Seven Lessons and 5 Powerful books by Baron Eugene Fersen Student Charles Haanel including The Master Key System

I do hope you enjoy this books, as well as the additional 6 gift books, and that they make the difference in your life you have been wishing for. In our main subject this week we will discuss the Quantum Physics of Expressing our Experience and which is absolutely crucial to success.

The Sun: Life, Light and Energy - Update

I would like to thank everyone who sent me a message after last weeks newsletter in which we discussed the complex interaction between the Energy of the Sun with the neurotransmitters of the brain - chemical compounds known as "Amino Acids".

A number of questions and interesting facts arose from these messages, the main ones of which I would like to discuss this week.

Tryptophan and 5-HTP: Many of you have asked me whether taking the dietary supplement L-Tryptophan is as desirable or effective as 5-HTP.

My own research has shown that this varies from person to person, probably due to the fact that each individual has a different metabolism, and accordingly ability to process, in other words metabolise, L-Tryptophan to Serotonin via the intermediate 5-HTP.

I cannot stress enough anyway the importance of choosing a diet containing foods that naturally contain Tryptophan of which there are many.

Some have also asked me whether meat or vegetable products are the best sources.

Well plain and simple I would never recommend eating meat or dairy products of any description for many reasons, both from a health and Spiritual perspective. We will re-visit this subject again in a near future newsletter.

Cattle, pigs, sheep etc are not chemical factories. To the extent their flesh contains these crucial amino acids and other nutrients it is because they have consumed vegetation that contains these nutrients and absorbed them in to their flesh. The same applies for vitamins such as B6 and B12. So much better to eat vegetable foods directly.

My concern about L-Tryptophan is that it is synthesised from a chemical process in the laboratory, leaving the potential for residual harmful chemicals.

In any case the body metabolises L-Tryptophan first to 5-Hydroxy Tryptophan, 5-HTP, which is then further metabolised to Serotonin and in turn Melatonin, so actually 5-HTP, which is extracted from a plant that grows in Africa and is therefore a natural herb extract, is more direct.

Light Therapy: The question has arisen whether Light Therapy would work for people who have no sight.

The answer is yes it does - which may surprise you.

When people feel lethargic, depressed, anxious and even fatigued in the absence of Sunlight, it is not only due to the lack of Light entering the brain through the visual cortex. When the Sun shines, people feel better whether within or outside the home.

Energy at the frequency we are interested in actually passes through buildings and other physical barriers as well as the skin of the body.

The entire human body, unknown to medicine, behaves like a large and highly complex fibre optic network which includes the brain.

When Sunlight or more specifically Energy from the Sun radiates over the body, it is instantly transmitted throughout the entire body, as Light, where the benefits will be felt.

My view is that Light Therapy can be extremely beneficial to many people in Sun-less locations, and even more people in the Winter months.

It is however absolutely crucial to choose a Light Therapy Lamp that is approved and proven for this purpose. Light at the wrong frequencies can be extremely damaging.

So if you are interested in pursuing this route, make absolutely sure that the Light Therapy lamp you choose is 100% perfect for the purpose by doing your research.

Other possible causes of fatigue: While brain chemistry is both extremely complex yet crucial, there are other possible causes for fatigue, feeling tired, depressed etc.

The body requires a diet balanced with necessary vitamins. While all vitamins play an important part in health, my research has suggested that the B vitamins are particularly crucial, in particular Vitamin B6 and B12. So make sure your diet contains ample levels of these vitamins.

B6 is also crucial for brain neurotransmitter metabolisation, regulation and distribution, so above all, especially if taking L-Tryptophan or 5-HTP, ensure your diet includes plenty of Vitamin B6.

Another neurotransmitter that can have a profound effect over well-being generally, as mentioned last week, is Dopamine.

Dopamine deficiency is the primary cause of Parkinson's Disease for example.

A primary amino acid responsible for Dopamine in the brain is L-Tyrosine and another is Phenylalanine, both of which are metabolised in to the intermediate compound L-Dopa, and from there to the amino acid Dopamine.

So again, ensure the family diet includes foods rich in L-Tyrosine, Phenylalanine as well as L-Tryptophan, also ensuring a plentiful supply of Vitamin B6 as well as B12.

It is an excellent idea to ensure a diet rich in all amino acids and B Vitamins.

Keep in Mind that a doctor cannot test you for amino acid presence and functioning, so you are on your own when it comes to ensuring your body receive a constant supply of these and B vitamins, as well as all other nutrients, so do your research.

Plant sources are always infinitely better than animal flesh or dairy products.

What else can cause fatigue, depression and tiredness?

I am not a doctor of course - the only healing Source any of us need is Source Itself, through the power of the Mind - but I do know that Thyroid disorders can also result in these symptoms. Doctors can test for Thyroid disorders.

If after a few weeks of ensuring an effective supply of amino acids and B Vitamins you still feel tired and/or fatigued, it is a good idea to be tested for Thyroid function.

I hope this update will prove to be useful, and also reminds us that perfect health is always a choice.

Faith and Quantum Mechanics

One of the biggest difficulties people encounter generally when "creating", or more accurately "expressing" your experience, is the inherent Belief and in particular Faith required to actually make it happen.

Humans generally have been programmed from birth by the "life is hard" syndrome, and that "nothing comes easy" or without lots of "hard work" and "money". and even "luck".

These erroneous ideas are reinforced by resultant life experience, supported by the controlling and manipulating dark forces behind them, who wish only keep humanity enslaved by any possible means.

As those of you have been reading this newsletter for any amount of time, we all have Total, Absolute Control over your own Experience in Every Moment.

The main driving force behind this process is Faith. Not the blind faith evangelised by the church, but true Faith in every respect.

In fact this is the Faith that the person who came to be known as Jesus taught, but religion subsequently completely misunderstood, and/or distorted to their own ends.

So how then does Faith as well as Belief and Expectation relate to Quantum Physics?

To answer this question we need to review again how we actually create, or more correctly Express our Personal Experience.

1. The five physical senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch - continuously send data in the form of millions of tiny "packets" of electrical charges, collectively "sensory inputs" representing an impression of your immediate surroundings, every second to your organic brain.

Note: The organic brain is not the Mind and neither is the organic brain the so called "seat of consciousness" - an erroneous idea in and of itself. The organic brain is best likened to an immensely powerful "supercomputer", but which still relies completely upon its programmer and systems analyst - the Subconscious Sphere of activity of the Mind - most often considered to be the "Subconscious Mind.

2. The organic brain continuously collates and assembles the stream of sensory inputs received from the sensory organs from which it compiles a composite image or impression as a "best guess scenario". This composite "image", which actually encompasses all available sensory information, is then sent as a stream of data to the Subconscious sphere of Mind Principle - Subconsiousness - "Subconscious Mind".

Note: This is an entirely mechanical, programmed process with no inherent intelligence applied or present, in and of itself.

3. Subconscious sphere of Mind - Subconsiousness - then applies a wide range of learned "filters", acquired over the duration of the physical life experience to that point, based upon ongoing ideas, feelings, emotions, fears, self esteem, prejudices, beliefs and belief systems, religions, expectations of family, friends, society, perceptions on "money" and sense of security, concerns for family and much, much more, all received from the Conscious Sphere of Mind Principle - generally considered to be the Conscious Mind - during the ongoing experience which it recognises as "life".

Note: The Subconscious Mind Principle is sublime, and simply accepts these messages from the Conscious Sphere of Mind activity as "preferences" without question, as your own preferred "self-image", your "ideal self" - how you "see yourself".

The Subconscious Mind then applies these "preferences" to the composite image it has received from the organic brain, and then forwards it to the Conscious Mind. Conscious Mind duly accepts the image without question as your own particular impression of your current "experience" in that moment. Keep in Mind that this is a continuous process.

This impression or image is always accepted by the Conscious Mind as "real" because the Subconscious Mind has already processed the image to ensure that it is in exact alignment with how you already perceive your own situation and "life experience", and therefore there are no contradictions, and you have no reason to Consciously doubt it.

So the "Subconscious Mind" is simply and only showing you only that which you already expect to see based upon your own perceptions, positive, negative or neutral of your own personal experience.

Subconscious Mind is always "humouring" you, but not because it makes any sort of decision to do so. The Subconscious Sphere of Mind activity is sublime, and only ensures that the wishes, rational or not, of the Conscious Mind, the Ego, are satisfied.

Note: It is erroneous to speak in terms of "Conscious Mind" or "Subconscious Mind" because they are both spheres of activity of the One Ultimate and Only Mind, of which humans are but one sphere of activity. We should always therefore refer to these as Consciousness and Subconsiousness. However, in the interests of familiarity of terms, I will continue to use both as appropriate. There is also Superconsciousness.

Now the important point to note at this stage is that your personal experience is constantly being shaped only by your Conscious observations, experiences and associated thought processes, feelings and emotions, simply reacting to, and engaging in, what you sincerely believe to be your "real" experience, your "life" but with little or no control, or even remote awareness of this process.

It is a very common human trait to focus much more upon the "negative" aspects of their own perceived experience, with all the corresponding worries, fears and negative expectations arising, which are being constantly received by, and impressed upon the sublime Subconscious Mind, thereby reinforced by feelings, moods and emotions.

So again, Subconscious Mind is dutifully and immutably ensuring that your own unique perception of your own unique experience accurately reflects your own perception of your experience and expectations, thereby perpetually satisfying your own learned and programmed self-reinforcing perceptions, prejudices and beliefs.

If these beliefs are negative in nature, because they are self-enforcing , they can spiral out of any "control" that may have existed, very quickly being perceived as a "hopeless situation", as so very often happens.

Now it should and must be noted at this point that this process has absolutely nothing whatsoever to with this concept of "attraction" as suggested for example by proponents of the "Law of Attraction". There is no "attraction" and there can never be "attraction" which is an entirely erroneous concept as it is generally presented. "Attraction" implies a duality - "attracting" "something" "to you" that exists independently "outside" of yourself. In truth there is no "outside" of yourself, there is no duality, ergo can never be any "attraction".

Nothing can exist "outside" of "The All", or not within the context of The All.

Every human, no matter what "picture" the physical senses, organic brain and conscious Mind conspire to present, is an inseparable aspect of All that Is, concurrently existing wherever The All Exists - and there is "nowhere The All does not exist otherwise The All could not be The All, encompassing The All, so it is completely erroneous to think in terms of "attracting" something from "somewhere" "outside" of you when in fact there is no "outside" of you - you are already The All, and therefore whole.

Duality and separation are simply illusions arising from the activity of physical senses, organic brain - again which has no inherent intelligence or consciousness - and the conscious sphere of activity of Mind, but which has absolutely no basis in fact.

But still nevertheless the Conscious Mind "sees" or more correctly "perceives" and believes itself to be a "separate" "person", known as the Ego. This indeed is where many of the issues facing humanity today originate at this moment, and is accordingly the origin and cause of most misery, suffering and human conflict in the World.

Now we must take a closer look at what is actually happening at a Quantum level.

From a recent newsletter you will no doubt remember that what most people regard as "matter" is in reality several levels of increasingly smaller "particles", culminating in 99% nothingness, or rather pure Energy.

The native state of the Universe, even the physical Universe is a Quantum Field in the form of a Wave of Infinite Possibilities, where nothing is ever a Reality. Source Mind is the only Ultimate Reality.

Universal Energy fundamentally exists therefore as an Infinite Superposition of Quantum Waveform where All is Possible but nothing is Actual until it is observed after which it returns to the Quantum Superposition of Possibilities once again.

When we "observe" something, that is to say "focus our Mind" upon it, in that moment the Quantum Waveform "collapses" at a temporal, local level, in to "particles", which take the form of atomic structure from which the illusion of matter is perceived through a holographic tunnel originating in the brain, and perceived by the Conscious Mind via the Subconscious Mind.

Now knowing and understand this is immediately massively empowering.

It should be clear then that in any moment, we can "collapse" the Quantum Waveform of the Unified Field into any local, temporal Experience of our choosing.

So why do people generally maintain the status quo in their lives?

Well simply because they react to their current Experience, instead of proactively Expressing an alternative Experience in that Temporal Moment.

In other words for most people Experience is a conditioned and programmed response.

However, even those who are aware that Experience originates from Mind, 99.999% still fail to use these truths to their advantage.

I would just like to mention the "Law of Attraction" as popularised by the movie "The Secret" is very misleading at best. There is nothing "outside" of us, we are already integral to Universal Mind, All that Is, and accordingly encompass All that Is.

Since nothing exists outside of us clearly nothing can be "attracted" to us, and there can be no "law" that regulates it.

The Secret is based on books written nearly 100 years ago, most of which broadly follow the same ideas of each other at the time.

We must move on from this flawed thinking.

So - we now know that we can potentially Express any Experience we can Imagine in any Moment.

But is it that simple? If so, why is it that no one ever seems to be able to achieve it?

The answer is that everyone has that potential, but in reality most people are so programmed to believe they are a "victim of circumstance" that they simply cannot "change their Mind" that easily, and even then they need the justification to do so.

Where then does Faith come in to the equation?

Well quite simply, Faith is the most powerful force that we can exert over our Experience.

When we "collapse" the Quantum Waveform, we do so not as ourselves, but as Source Mind Who we are expressing.

So the more Power of Source Mind we can Express, the more powerful and immediate is the effect, and this is really what Expressing our Experience is all about.

The person known as Jesus taught these truths extensively, but of course the inner meaning was totally lost to the church who turned it in to something completely different for their own purposes.

For example:

John 14:10: The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

The "Father" is of course Source Mind being expressed through us all.

Matthew 17:20: And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you

Now these are very important teachings. First we must accept that we have no inherent power as a person, simply because we do not even exist as a "person".

We only exist as an aspect of the Whole and Expression of Source from which The Whole derives its Power.

Secondly - In order to Express that Power we need Faith. The more Faith, the more power we can bring to bear on our Experience.

So what then is True Faith as opposed to the blind faith of the Christianity?

The answer lies in a book of the New Testament which has its basis in the Old Testament:

Hebrews 11.1: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

And this is indeed a very accurate description.

This passage tells us that rather than rely on what your five physical senses are telling you is true, we should disregard that completely to focus on the "things" we hope for but for which there is no evidence as yet - i.e. they are unseen.

The more true Faith we can invoke therefore, the more powerful will be our Expression over our Experience.

But even that is not all.

Keep in Mind this great Truth:

"God Expresses through You as You".

What does this mean?

It means that you, as are we all Expressions of Source, God with All of the same Infinite Powers.

As an Expression of Source, God, we are Expressing more and more Quantum Possibilities in to Personal Experience, from which Source Mind and The All benefit. The more Source Mind Energy and Power we can Express therefore, the more powerful, immediate and persistent will be the Expression.

In other words we all have Infinite Powers to Experience Anything we can Imagine, Instantly.

An important aspect of Spiritual Evolution through all Spheres of Energy and Vibration is the progressive Realisation of Source Mind Power, which will increasingly be directed towards the greater good, including towards helping others further out on the Path.

An Enlightened Human can invoke and direct such Power, which is why the ultimate objective of every Human is Enlightenment.

I realise much of this is profound, and a lot to assimilate, but once you understand the basis of your Experience and how it is Expressed, then you can quickly move your Mind towards actually making it in to an integral aspect of an infinitely empowered Experience with absolute Joy, Abundance, and above all Freedom.

The same is true of Health. Once you know that your body has no permanent, real existence, and only exists when observed in a certain way, then you can "update" your body in any way you wish.

Most people react to their body, focusing on appearance, diseases etc, thereby reinforcing those same issues, while further reinforcing takes place by taking notice of "vanity" products.

There is no disease in existence, including advanced cancer, that cannot be instantly, completely and permanently removed from the Body Experience, once you know that all you are doing is changing the Quantum Waveform of the Unified Field of Which You are an Integral Aspect in that same direction.

Cancer is just an Expression of the Unified Quantum Field, usually originating out of stress and reinforced through Observations fuelled by fear and other destructive emotions associated with the taboo of the condition, ultimately associated with death.

There have been countless cases of cancer being healed instantly, even inoperable brain tumours, because the "patient" has found the necessary Faith though some source to cause the Quantum Field Waveform associated with the disease to "collapse" in accordance with perfect health, the blueprint of the body, instead of anomalously.

It is much easier to heal children of cancers simply because they have not been programmed by a lifetime of beliefs, fears and prejudices, and are also inherently trusting and accepting, thereby easily allowing the process to take place naturally.

This of course is a big field, albeit crucial and exciting, so we will delve further in to it from time to time in future newsletters.

Please keep in Mind your newsletter member opportunity for this week, Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons, also including Science of Being in Seven Lessons and the 5 Charles Haanel books including The Master Key System.

If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, which is only available for a short time due to the fact the regular price of which everyone else is gladly paying is $37 - thus offering you a $20 discount - here is your special newsletter members page:

Click Here to Acquire Your Own Copy of Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons, plus Science of Being in Seven Lessons and 5 Powerful books by Baron Eugene Fersen Student Charles Haanel including The Master Key System

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,


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