Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 21 June 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

Today is the Summer Solstice, the first official day of Summer, a day representing great hope for people in the Northern hemisphere of a few months of glorious weather to enjoy with the family before the arrival of the long, cool or cold Winter months once again.

Last year, where I live, we experienced just one or two days of weather that could be considered as "Summer", so hopes are high here this year for a few months of glorious Summer weather. The last couple of weeks in fact have shown great promise with glorious sun and blue skies, and temperatures reaching as high as 17 degrees. The temperature does not matter that much, we are all used to a different climate. Here 20 degrees is considered hot - too hot by some.

Although I am not a weather forecaster by any means, I personally believe that 2009 will prove to be a very good or even an excellent Summer, and in any case that is my expectation, and may it be so, not only here, but throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

I would like as always to extend a very warm welcome to all new members to this newsletter. I know I say this often, ad it gives me pleasure to do so - this week there has once again been a particularly large number of you joining us.

The great awakening is most assuredly gathering pace - fast and exponentially. I am also seeing the beginnings of a polarisation where it is becoming increasingly clear that a divide is emerging between those who could and probably will make the transition and those who will not and are not intended to this time around.

Let me make it clear though that it is almost never too late, and it is often difficult to determine which people are in which group.

For this reason it is becoming so crucially important now to offer everyone the opportunity at least just as you once enjoyed the opportunity yourself - perhaps recently.

This newsletter has served readers and perhaps you almost every week since 2005, and will continue to serve you for as long as I am here. If ever the newsletters stop arriving for a number of weeks without word, then you can assume that I am no longer here - for whatever reason. Please keep in Mind though that it may be your email filters blocking it, so always do send me a personal email before reaching any conclusions.

It is certainly my intention to continue sending this newsletter every week, unless otherwise notified, up to, during and if possible after the transition - that I promise you.

Please ten do your own part by simply sending this newsletter - either the email link or PDF - to as many people you know as possible. No need to explain yourself or your own feelings on these matters, simply say that you have just received this email from a friend, and what do you think?

I endeavour to write all my newsletters in such a way that they are appropriate and useful as possible to an extremely wide and diverse membership through the whole world, with varying English Language abilities, varying situations, varying aspirations, varying levels of understanding and experience, and indeed varying age groups.

Writing for such a diverse membership is not easy, especially when considering the nature and importance of these subjects, but I do endeavour to ensure that even someone receiving the newsletter for the first time may find it of interest, even if there may have been no interest in these subjects before.

This is how awakening can and often does take place.

So again - please at least give someone - as many as possible the opportunity.

The entire Spiritual hierarchy from Source to Physical Humans stands on the inner - the more Spiritually evolved - being of Selfless, Joyful, Divinely Inspired Service to the outer - the less evolved - on the Divine Path.

Those who so Serve will not only fulfil this Divine Service and experience the Joy of doing so, but it will greatly help advancement on the Great and Divine Path of return to Our Source.

If you have received this newsletter for the first time please do join us each and every week by adding your name and email address to the form on the top of every page of our website by clicking the link below:

Join the Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter and Receive Seen Chapters of the Book

Speaking of my book, if you have been seeking a complete guide to life itself, then, as you will see from the reviews on Amazon, my book will provide just that.

My book has already changed the lives of countless people - I know that from emails received and the reviews - and it could easily change your life or he life of someone you Love or care about, so why not take a look to see what Our Ultimate Reality has to offer by clicking the link below:

Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind in Paperback

This week:

1. Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons - Final Week

2. The Source of All Being

Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons

Final Week

I would like to thank everyone for your absolutely exceptional response to your Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons opportunity which has been a phenomenal success.

The reason for this success is that Science of Being is almost unique in being one of only three books I am aware of that teaches the true nature of how humans create their own experience.

Aside from the quality of the content itself, Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons is configured as a series of lessons that anyone can follow to enjoy great success.

This opportunity was due to end this week, but with so many new members joining, so many existing members been away on vacation, and those wishing more time I have decided to extend the opportunity for one more week.

In addition to this great book you will also receive 5 exceptional books from Charles Haanel, who was a student of the Baron Eugene Fersen, one book of which is called "The Master Key System" which is almost a legendary book in its own right.

You will also receive the original book from The Baron Eugene Fersen - Science of Being in Seven Lessons which actually compliments Twenty Seven Lessons perfectly.

Here is the link your special members only page where you can claim your $20 members discount, plus 6 valuable gift books, together worth $152, but really priceless.

Science of Being in Seven Lessons by The Baron Eugene Fersen

The Master Key System by Charles Haanel

A Book About You by Charles Haanel

Mental Chemistry by Charles Haanel

The New Psychology by Charles Haanel

The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi by Charles Haanel

Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons and 6 Gift Books - Final Week

Taking in to account this entire package, I honestly believe this is one of the best and most invaluable opportunities that I have ever made available to newsletter subscribers.

The Source of All Being

As this is the final week of Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons I thought it appropriate to take a closer look at the very foundation of this outstanding book, which also teaches the very foundation for Life itself.

To do this I have included the entire Lesson 1, after which I will discuss further.

So here then is Lesson1 of Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons, which, in the book concludes with exercises and a series of questions followed by the answers.

ONE of the dominant traits of modern Humanity is the desire for "Independence," Humanity is seeking it above everything else and is willing to pay the price for it, no matter how high that price may be.

And yet what is real "Independence" after all? Is it based on social position or on great intelligence, on physical strength or on money? Adverse conditions can make rich people lose their fortunes. Diseases can destroy physical strength. The most brilliant intellect may be misunderstood by people and therefore fail to bring forth the expected practical results. And social position itself is of all human powers the most unreliable and unstable.

Under these conditions something else has to be soughta Power which will never fail youa Power great enough to meet every emergencya Power close enough to be right at hand whenever it is needed. It is only such a Power that can bring real Independence.

What is this Power and where is it to be found?

It is within you, it is outside of you. It is the Power of Life itself. Within you there seems to be only a limited supply of it, and when that supply is exhausted you are like an engine short of fuel. From where have you to get the fuel your human engine needs?

From the Great Storehouse of all Energy, of all Lifefrom the Universe itself.

There is an infinite supply of Power around you. All you need to do is to learn how to draw upon it and how to use it in every department of your daily life. This Power is the Life Energy of the Universe, the Foundation and Apex of all Existence, the First and most Sublime Manifestation of our Great Mother, Nature Herself. It is that which always was, is, and always will be, changeless as Fundamental Power yet variable in Its Infinite manifestations, Eternal through Time, Infinite through Space with its Centre always there where you contact Itunderlying, pervading, governing, sustaining and encompassing everything.

When this Power is within you, you call It life. Outside of you Its name is Primal Energy or Universal Life Energy. Because of It everything in Nature lives. It is in the currents of the earth, in the waves of the ocean, in the strength of the wind, in the heat of the sun,

in the soft rays of the moon. Electricity exists because that Power is back of it. Withdraw that Force from anything and that thing would cease to be, would die. Even the Universe would collapse were that Power withdrawn from it.

This Power, known as Universal Life Energy, or simply Life Energy, as It will be called in these Lessons, is the very essence of everything there is. Not only do Sound, Light, Electricity, Radio-activity, etc., derive their power from It, but also all so-called material elements and objects are found in their final analysis to have originated from Universal Life Energy. They are known by different names in accordance with the different aspects under which they appear, although they all come from the same Source.

For instance, take steam. Super-heated steam is invisible. It possesses great dynamic power when under control. When liberated, it has the tendency to diffuse itself. Someone who does not know through Science the different transformations which can take place with steam would never think that in another aspect this hot, light, ever-moving gas appears as a block of solid ice, cold, heavy, motionless.

So it is with that which we call Matter. Previous to the time that Science was able to show the direct relation between the invisible forces and the so-called material elements, this world was considered the battlefield where Matter and so-called Spirit were fighting their unceasing Battle. The general tendency was to side with Matter, because those who saw Creation only as a material unit totally ignored the Invisible Forces back of the so-called manifestations.

On the other hand, another part of Humanity tried to reach spiritual attainment, harmony and happiness by fighting - Matter, by suppressing their senses and even by denying their own physical bodies.

Science of Being explains the difference between those two concepts and shows impartially and impersonally the conditions as they actually are, not as they were believed to be. Under the light of this Science is revealed the Unity of Creation with its two poles, one of which is Spirit, represented by Universal Life Energy, and the other the so-called Matter.

Science of Being explains to you that Universal Energy, when in a free condition, is called Life Energy and manifests Itself through motion and vibration. Everything in this Universe vibrates, moves, even things which at first sight seem to be entirely motionless.

In Its primary condition of condensation Universal Life Energy forms microscopical spheres called Electrons. Electrons are considered the very Substance of the Universe, and as far as modern researches in that direction have been able to discover, Electrons underlie everything, everywhere, on the furthest star the same as here on earth. Combinations of Electrons, differing one from another by their number and mutual relations and revolving in a certain space filled with Free Energy are called atoms.

Atoms, in turn, are the fundamental units which constitute Matter in its three aspects, solid, liquid and gaseous.

The more electrons, or condensed Energy, present in the atoms of a material element, the heavier, denser and more substantial that element becomes.

Those tiny electrons are in perpetual motion, rotating with an extraordinary velocity upon their own axes and revolving around a central electronic nucleus which acts as a little sun in its own microscopical planetary system.

As all elements are made of atoms, therefore within even solid matter there is a continual movement of those electrons. Everything, everywhere, moves in this Universe of eternal movement.

Your human body is formed, like all other bodies, of atoms and electrons. Therefore within your own physical body everything is in a perpetual motion governed by certain invisible yet definite Universal Laws. As long as your body functions according to those Laws, its condition will be a harmonious one, because the Laws themselves work always with perfect harmony. But if, through ignorance, you interfere with the normal functioning of those Laws, in harmony will be the result.

That in harmony may express itself through body, or through mind. In the first instance it is called disease, in the second negative traits of character; but both trace their origin to a common cause, namely, conscious or unconscious violation of the Universal Law. If this cause is removed, then all its varied manifestationstroubles physical and mentalwill vanish also.

You may ask the question: How shall I know all the different and very complex operations of the Universal Laws? The answer is: Know the Fundamentals, be One with the Law in its Main Aspects and do not worry about details. If left alone, details will work out harmoniously by themselves.

Another question may be asked by you:

What am I as an individual, and for what purpose am I placed on earth, ushered into existence seemingly without my knowledge or consent?

First let us have a clear definition of what you are. In order to proceed logically let us go back to what has been explained in the beginning of this First Lesson.

Eternal Nature manifests Herself as that Universal, Infinite, All Powerful and Eternal Force called Universal Life Energy. This Force is a living Power, being the very life of the whole Universe. It is also intelligent, because it is Universal Mind. Law emitting and law abiding is this Power, and as such it is called Universal Law. Harmonious is this Force also, and through its Law of Attraction or Love it keeps the whole Universe in a condition of perfect equilibrium and harmony.

Projections of this Universal Life Energy are continually proceeding from their source in Nature into material manifestations. These manifestations vary in degrees, details and complexity of their fundamental qualities. The strongest manifestations known to us, now, and the most complex, are called Man, or YOU, a triune being, made up of a body, a mind and a soul. You are directly related with Life Energy, which is the basis of your triune nature, through all three of these constituent parts. Consequently, you are eternally linked with Nature Herself also through the immutable and eternal part of your being, your Soul.

Therefore, though individual in one sense of the word, you are yet one with your fellow beings, one with Nature and everything in Her, because you all originated from one common Source. That is why environment is able to exercise such an effect on the individual, and the individual on his environment, either constructively or destructively. There is a kinship between you deeper and more subtle than any of blooda community of spirit welding all things into a brotherhood no less influential because it is not commonly perceived.

Though Mind is not first as a Fundamental, being second in the Eternal, logical order of Creation, yet your human mind is one of the most important faculties you possess. Through it you become conscious of the full value of that First Fundamental of all being, Life. You begin to perceive all Life's infinite possibilities for unfoldment and to discriminate also between right and wrong, good and evil, according to whether they will help or hinder that unfoldment. You realize gradually that the Success, or Good, in your life comes in direct proportion to your unification with Universal Forces and Laws, while the disharmonious results, such as failure, poverty, disease and trouble, are the inevitable consequences of your separation from or opposition to those Laws, either through ignorance, fear or self-will.

Never fear that you cannot do a certain thing, that you cannot bring out certain qualities from within you, that you cannot overcome obstacles on your path. Remember that all things are possible to a Power which governs the whole Universe and that you are the very embodiment of that Power. Latent within you are all those forces and qualities of yours. Your problem is to bring them out. How this is accomplished will be the subject of the following lessons.

As the closing instructions of this Lesson will be given to you two Exercises, Relaxation and Silence, which you are to start today and to practice regularly throughout the whole week. These two, together with the Star Exercise and Mental Contact which will be explained in Lesson Two, form the foundation for succeeding Exercises of a specific sort. They are to be practiced continually, not only during the period of the Lessons, but throughout your entire life. They must become a part of your daily routine, just as important and vital to your well being as the food of which you partake, the air you breathe or the care which you give to your body. The fifteen or twenty minutes a day which will be regularly devoted to these Exercises will be the best investment of time and energy you ever made in your life.

The specific Exercises based on these Four, however, are designed to suit the particular Lesson with which they are given. A new one will be added each week, but is to be practiced for that week only and then held in reserve for future use whenever you feel a special need for it.

The Science of Being is an essentially practical course, one which, if practiced daily, will bring forth all you expect from it and even more; but if you will be satisfied with the perusal only of these Lessons and then expect them to produce results without any effort from your side you will be greatly disappointed. It is a very well known fact that the more you use an organ or faculty the better it works and the stronger it grows.

All the exercises given in this course are arranged systematically and progressively, and are designed in such a way as to develop gradually all your latent qualities and powers, making them stronger and more productive every day.

These exercises are also of a sort that everybody, men and women of all ages and in different stages of development, can easily perform without the least trouble. Even children can do some of the fundamental exercises and obtain most constructive results. The ones which are most adaptable to children will be especially pointed out.

It is advisable, in fact quite important, that these exercises, should be performed under the most favourable conditions, which are the following:

You choose a certain time of the day, preferably in the morning immediately on getting up, or the last thing before going to sleep. The morning is better, as one's forces are fresh after the night's rest. If possible, always keep the same hour. Try to be by yourself, with nobody in your immediate vicinity, in order that other people's mental vibrations may not interfere with your own very delicate mental work. Be comfortably seated in a chair, the body erect but not tense, with the left hand up resting on your left knee, palm upwards. and the right hand on your right knee palm down. Be careful not to cross your legs. Eyes may be kept open or closed, but preferably closed. In that posture the body is most favourably disposed both to receive from outside the Life Energy which is filling all Space and to convey and distribute it through the complex nervous system to all parts of your body, and especially to the brain.

Universal Life Energy will enter mainly through your left hand, whose palm is turned upwards, receiving the Force from above. Through the nerves of the left hand and arm that Force is conveyed to the spinal cord, and through the spinal cord to that nucleus and centre of radiation of life in your body which is called the Life Centre of it. That Centre is situated at the very base of the spinal column, and from there it radiates life vibrations throughout the whole body. That Centre was known to the ancients, especially to the Hindus, who called it "Kundalini," the Coiled or Serpent Power, because it is like a sleeping serpent coiled, resting. Using modern terminology we would say it is Life Energy in a static condition.

From this Life Centre, which it stimulates first, the current of Life Energy flows into the solar plexus, which is called solar because the radiation of the nerves which form it looks like sun rays proceeding from a common centre. The solar plexus is a reservoir where life currents are stored to be distributed to the different parts of the body according to their needs. After the current of Life Energy has filled to the brim the solar plexus its surplus is conveyed from there back to the spinal cord, passing through and purifying on its way all the different interior organs. Then it goes through the right arm to the right hand, from the finger tips of which it flows again out into Space. It is a continual flowing in and flowing out of your body of Universal Life Energy, stimulating, invigorating, purifying, developing and harmonizing it.

Not only does the Life Energy penetrate into your body through the above mentioned channel, but it enters into it, when you are properly relaxed and in the right posture, through every cell of your body. The cells inhale that Force, which then travels along the nerves to the Life Centre of the body and back again, to be exhaled by the same cells in a form of life radiation called the Aura or Human Atmosphere. In Lesson Two will be given more details on that subject.

And so ends the first of Twenty Seven remarkable Lessons, Exercises and Question and Answer sessions, which I assure you become progressively more profound.

When I first read this chapter, after discovering this book for the first time, one of the first things that immediately struck me right from the first few paragraphs is just how accurate were Eugene Fersen's observations on the nature of matter relative to modern Quantum Physics. That level of knowledge could only have come from Higher Sources.

His observations about the illusory nature of matter are as true today as they were back then. This fact alone proves that Eugene Fersen's work is original and from true Sources.

In this next statement we find the key to our real power as both humans and Expressions of Source Energy:

"Under these conditions something else has to be soughta Power which will never fail youa Power great enough to meet every emergencya Power close enough to be right at hand whenever it is needed. It is only such a Power that can bring real Independence.

What is this Power and where is it to be found?

It is within you, it is outside of you. It is the Power of Life itself. Within you there seems to be only a limited supply of it, and when that supply is exhausted you are like an engine short of fuel. From where have you to get the fuel your human engine needs?

From the Great Storehouse of all Energy, of all Lifefrom the Universe itself."

The fact is - most people today still look outside of themselves to solutions to their issues, for health, for money, in fact for everything, completely oblivious to the Truth that All we could ever wish for is Within - all we need to do is express those wishes in to our experience through the Divine Powers that flow through us all, and which are infinite in nature, limited only by the individual ability to Express Divine Power which is Infinite.

Eugene Fersen goes on to say:

Therefore, though individual in one sense of the word, you are yet one with your fellow beings, one with Nature and everything in Her, because you all originated from one common Source. That is why environment is able to exercise such an effect on the individual, and the individual on his environment, either constructively or destructively. There is a kinship between you deeper and more subtle than any of blooda community of spirit welding all things into a brotherhood no less influential because it is not commonly perceived.

And again - this is a crucially important truth in every sense, as well as in the context of expressing Divine Energy to shape our own Experience as well as the collective Experience that we all share.

I will discuss all of these Crucial Truths in future newsletters, but for now I am sure you will find the book itself to be of immense value. If this were not the case you may be assured that I would not be bringing it in to your consciousness.

Here again is the link your special members only page where you can claim your $20 members discount, plus 6 valuable gift books, together worth $152, but really priceless.

Science of Being in Seven Lessons by The Baron Eugene Fersen

The Master Key System by Charles Haanel

A Book About You by Charles Haanel

Mental Chemistry by Charles Haanel

The New Psychology by Charles Haanel

The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi by Charles Haanel

Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons and 6 Gift Books - Final Week

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,


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