Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wheels of Life - Part 3 - Karma

by Adrian Cooper

This week we will conclude our three part series on The wheels of life by looking at Karma.

First of all we must define what Karma actually is, or rather is not. Karma is not a punishment and reward system per se, in as much that if we do or think something wrong, we do not experience any form of Divine retribution.

Karma is really an aspect of the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, or more specifically the Law of Attraction.

With The law of Attraction we attract to ourselves whatever we think about. In the case of The Law of Attraction this is usually applied in the context of wishes, needs and desires.
The Universe however does not differentiate between "good" thoughts and "bad" thoughts, simple delivering experiences that are in exact harmony with our thought forms.

In the case of doing something "bad", this "bad" act must always first be preceded by a corresponding thought, because actions and experiences thoughts are always preceded by the corresponding thought.

So a thought that is intended to harm someone for example, whether that thought is brought into physical experience or not, will always have a corresponding effect which manifests as attracting to the person who thought the "bad" thought" a corresponding effect which will be experienced at some time.

Again it is important to stress that thoughts are karmic as well as actions, so any "bad" thought will result in a corresponding effect, every time, so we must always only think positive, expansive, joyous thoughts at all times.

If you believe someone has wronged you for any reason, then immediately forgive them and send them love and peace.

In the context of the wheel of life, karma can occur at any "time"
relative to Earth "time". This is due to the fact that thoughts form beyond time and space, and therefore so do the corresponding effects.

Karma literally means "action"; it is important to note however that an "action" need not only be physical, but can equally be a thought; a bad thought will cause a corresponding bad effect at the Mental level, and a good thought will cause a corresponding good thought at the Mental level. This is also in accordance with the laws of Vibration and Mentalism whereby a thought is a cause in the form of vibration, in other words of Energy, yielding its corresponding effect on the level of Energy and vibration of the Mental plane.

Individual karma can be accumulated over many lifetimes relative to the Higher-Self, so when a "bad" thing happens it will not be by mere "chance" or due to "bad luck", notions which are impossible in the Universe in accordance with the law of Cause and Effect, but rather as a result of some previous equally "bad" cause, a cause which might even have originated many lifetimes ago.

According to this philosophy, the karmic "entity" is the Higher Self, and the Higher Self is therefore deemed to be ultimately responsible for all the thoughts and actions of the many aspects of itself that visit earth in the form of "physical lives".

In Hindu philosophy there are three levels of karma. The first level of karma is called "Sanchita karma". Sanchita karma is caused by a past situation still awaiting its corresponding effect or reaction. This is in effect then "latent" karma.

The next level of karma is the level of past causes including those from past lives, the effects of which are still manifesting in the current, temporal lifetime. This type of karma, called "Prarabdha Karma", is a manifestation of karma shaping the current lives of people.

The third level of karma is known as "Future karma". Future karma is where the causes are being created in the current temporal lifetime, but which will manifest in the future, either later in the current lifetime or otherwise in a future lifetime as its corresponding effect.

Another aspect of karma needing to be considered is that a sequence of "effects" do not necessarily occur in exactly the same order as the corresponding sequence of the causes that gave rise to them.
This is largely due to the possible differences in the magnitude of the original cause, and therefore the first opportunity to become a corresponding effect. A large karmic event, a cause, might not be able to equilibrate itself as a corresponding effect until much later in a lifetime, or indeed very often not until a future lifetime. On the other hand, a small karmic event, a thought for example, might well yield a corresponding effect within seconds, minutes or hours of the original cause.

There are no hard and fast guidelines to this, the only certainty being the law of karma will inexorably exert itself throughout and beyond space and time; everyone should know that no person whatsoever is beyond this law.

In terms of the "wheel", we can see therefore that at the centre of our wheel is our Higher Self, from which all individual lives originate. Each spoke of the wheel represents an individual life with the rim representing the physical Universe.

As individual lives collect karma due to "bad" thoughts or actions, the karmic consequences are the responsibility of our Higher Self to balance, our Higher Self being who we truly "are".

So relative to the Higher Self at the centre of our "wheel", karma can be equilibrated by any fact of the Higher self, i.e. physical life", and therefore at any time-line relative to Earth.

So if you experience something "bad" it is always, without exception due to a previous "bad" thought resulting in a "bad"
thought form that could have originated in a previous life, current life or even a future life relative to Earth.

That said, very often karma is experienced during the current life as part of the learning process, the reason we are here in the first place.

In order to progress karma needs to be equilibrated, and this is why during an advanced incarnation, e.g. a final or near final incarnation, many "bad" things seem to happen in order to try us, and because we are strong and wise enough to handle and process the karmic lesson.

Everyone should therefore always be consciously aware of karma and live accordingly, always ensuring no "bad" actions or thoughts are allowed to occur.

At the same time, when "bad" things do happen they should always be accepted gracefully and embraced as a challenge to be overcome in the knowledge that in so overcoming the challenge, true progress can be made.

Our ultimate objective is to control our thoughts completely, not only to create the precise reality we wish to experience, but also to only send out positive, expansive thoughts into the Universe, regardless of the circumstances, in order that equally positive and expansive thoughts and therefore experiences are received in return.


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