Thursday, June 18, 2009

Spirituality, Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment

by Adrian Cooper

By far one on of the most important questions I receive is about the definition, meaning and importance of "Spiritual Growth" and "Spirituality" in the context of "enlightenment".

As we near the end of an era, the end of one great cycle and enter into the next great cycle, the stage of evolution, in other words Spiritual growth for each and every individual will be absolutely crucial, both at an individual level and on a collective level; in other words the human race and of all life on Earth, animal, vegetable and mineral and of Earth Herself.

Spirituality is an aspect of our Being, an aspect of Spiritual Growth that describes our aspirations towards the process towards enlightenment.

Just as the ancient Maya, the ancient Chinese with their I-Ching any many other ancient cultures new of the coming end of the age, the person known as Jesus came to earth to prepare mankind for this great forthcoming event, which, like the Maya at the same point in time would have known about, by teaching the initial group of teachers known as the "Disciples" or "Apostles", who's task it would then be to teach further teachers from those who were ready.

In Matthew 13:10-13 the disciples asked Jesus why he spoke to them in parables. He responded by saying that they have been chosen, or are ready to "know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven"; i.e. the inner realities of the Universe. He goes on to say that only those who are ready will understand these truths.

The disciples were therefore the teachers of the future with the task of teaching future teachers in prepartion for the coming of the end of this age. He arrived 2000 years ago because he knew that it would take that long to effect the Spiritual growth of a sufficient number of people.

Im Matthew 13:47-52 Jesus goes on to say that at the end of an age those people who are ready will be "harvested" and will transition to the glories of the inner realities, metaphorically known as "heaven", while those who did not make it this time around will be frustrated, but will return to the furnace of Spiritual growth in readiness for their own eventual transition. He goes on to tell them that everyone who records the processes required for Spiritual growth, which was one of the tasks of the disciples who went on to write the gospels, is bringing these "treasures" to the populus.

These words of Jesus are prophetic and crucial to his mission on Earth. His mission specifically, knowing the end of a 25000 year cycle will be upon mankind in the 21st century was to prepare, or "save" as many people as possible for the great Spiritual "harvest", those who will "ascend" to the next phase of the journey on the Divine path, an existence of glory, splendours and magnificence beyond the comprehension of most Earthly people.

For those that miss the "harvest"; the "furnace of fire" that Jesus refers to is the "furnace" of achievement on Earth, from which Spirituality, Spiritual growth, progress and enlightenment are forged.

Those left behind will continue their 3D, physical challenges, most likely on another Earth-like planet somewhere in this Universe or even another "parallel Universe", until their time, lessons finally learnt will finally arrive.

It should be pointed out that this process is happening right now; we do not however know at this stage whether 21 December 2012 will be the pinnacle of this process resulting in "rapture" or whether it is the pivotal point, the point of no return for this ongoing process.

Unfortunately; Jesus teachings have been drastically misunderstood by those not ready to understand and who sought to abuse these teachings as a form of mass control over the minds of people often using the emotions of fear and guilt. Fortunately the very reason the words of Jesus survived was because those who sought to exercise such control simply did not understand the meaning of his words, and thus did not see them as a threat to their own objectives.

Time is running out, but the tide is turning; there is still time for people to learn the necessary lessons in order to progress when the "dragnet" is cast and, in the words of Jesus "Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old" after the lessons of thousands of incarnations on Earth have been learned.

So what is required to be included in our Spirituality and to achieve a necessary degree of enlightenment in preparation for the "dragnet" of physical life and on to the next glorious phase of life on the path of return to our Divine Creator from whence we came in the beginning?

First let me say that this is one of the main reasons I was inspired to write or "scribe" my book; Our Ultimate Reality, to show you the way forward that you may realise your true glorious destiny by teaching all that you need to know:

The entire subject of Spiritual growth and enlightenment and the preparation for the end of the age is a massive one, and the reason it took me over 600 pages to address, but here is a brief overview of some of the fundamentals that you need to practice and assimilate into your very Being in preparation for the "dragnet" at the end of the age:

1. Subjugation of the ego: This is a crucially important subject that justified 2 entire chapters of my book to address.

To discuss the ego would take too much of this newsletter, so I have summarised it on this page of my site for you: Managing the ego.

The ego cannot be destroyed; it is who we are; but the ego must be brought under absolute total control; this is indeed a very important aspect of mastery.

2. Service to others: Service to others before service to self is a crucially important aspect of Spiritual growth, without which again there can be little true progress.

We should live every minute asking how we may best serve others before attending to our own needs. Those who live solely to serve their own selfish interests can make little or no true progress.

Again; this is a huge subject as well as a very important one, and so I have prepared this web page to provide more in depth information:
Service to others before service to self

3. Identifying with the body or gender: this can be an emotive subject for some people, but nevertheless one that needs to be addressed.

Many people identify with themselves as being "male" or "female" or by a name such as "John" or "Joan" for example.

The truth is we are, in our true Spirituality, our true Spiritual form neither male or female. "Gender" is a convenience of nature for the purposes of perpetuating the species but means nothing more than that.

Our Higher Self is beyond gender; almost everyone has experienced numerous physical incarnations as both "male" and "female".

Our physical body is simply a necessary convenience a body with the same density as the world in which we live and through which we can therefore interact; this applies to all Energy levels; we always transition to the Energy level corresponding to the vibration and therefore density of our Spiritual body in accordance to our state of perfection; this is how we progress.

As we perfect our Spiritual body during the process of Spiritual growth the vibration increases, and as the vibration increases we transition to the Energy level" existing at exactly the same vibration, The Source existing at the highest vibration of all; that of absolute perfection.

This is why people with a very low vibration, those people who are extremely selfish, or have no respect for life such as murderers, terrorists etc., will transition to a "hell-like" lower level of the Astral worlds; worlds which are dully, dreary and heavy; thus reflecting their vibration perfectly. Yest even these people are aspects of the Divine who can and will evolve sooner or later; no one is ultimately left behind.

It is very important aspect of Spiritual growth therefore not to identify with our physical body or gender by making it the centre of attention, by decorating it for example or by obsessing about the body.

The physical body is an instrument of interaction with the physical world for the purposes of learning; not an ornament to be worshipped and treated with vanity. The physical body should of course, as with any instrument should be treated with respect and looked after that it might perform the tasks required of it, but that does not include making it the centre of attention or identifying with it in any other way.

Likewise with "gender". We are all equal, immortal Spirits. Gender promotes the idea of separation as well as other ugly traits of the ego such as superiority.

Most orthodox, dogmatic religions depict their version of the deity God as male, causing females to be treated as inferior, or often with contempt as if they were out here for the convenience of males.

The more enlightened traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism fully recognise that Divinity is represented by the Universal Law of Gender on Earth in the form of both male and female.

Anyone believing that female is inferior to male are under the tight control of the ego, a control which will hold them back in the crucial years ahead. Although the people of the Astral worlds still perpetuate materialistic life as it is on Earth, including gender, they too will, sooner or later understand their own true nature and will be able to move on from the illusion in which they are living.

I hope this brief insight into Spirituality, Spiritual growth and elightenment has been of value to you. Please do read the many articles I have added to my website which will be constantly growing, and that my book covers these subjects and how to progress in readiness for the new era in great detail.


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