Friday, June 19, 2009

Olympic Mind Power

by Adrian Cooper

I very rarely watch the TV, but when I do it is always for a very specific reason and almost always History Channel which I consider to be excellent - for me the best channel available - followed by National Geographic and Discovery Channel.

I usually watch programs related to people, nature and Earth.

Actually History channel, despite its name, also broadcasts many excellent programs about current and "future" subjects.

This last couple of weeks however I have made an exception and watched the Olympic Games for reasons I will come to in a moment.

Before I do however I would like to congratulate China on staging an absolutely exceptional Olympic Games that has clearly enabled athletes in many sports to achieve new levels of excellence.

I have watched the Olympic Games for as long as I can remember, going back to my early childhood, always being amazed at the achievements of these athletes which often seemed super-human.

At every Olympics, just as we think that the records and achievements of the previous Olympics cannot be surpassed, World and Olympic records are not only beaten, but shattered in many sports.

No person has epitomised this more than Michael Phelps in swimming, with his 8 Gold medals in this games, and 14 in total - both records and an exceptional testimony to what humans can achieve.

Surely we can all learn valuable lessons from these people.

Let us then take a look at just a few such valuable lessons today.


Olympic athletes are totally dedicated and have only one objective in Mind - winning and being the best in the World at their chosen sport.

They know this will not come without absolute ongoing dedication.

These super-athletes often practice many hours each day, both alone and with their coaches, often starting at 05:00 in the morning and not finishing until late at night - often 7 days each week.

They know that to achieve their objectives, nothing less than uncompromising dedication will do.

If everyone were to apply this attitude in their own lives in achieving excellence in all things, instead of always wanting and expecting something for nothing, then the world would be a far different and better place, and everyone would be much better off in many different ways.

This applies no more so than in self-improvement and inner development.

Human Beings have vast, infinite unrealised potential, not only in sports, but in every aspect of our Being, both physical and within.

With the same level of dedication everyone could achieve powers and abilities beyond their wildest dreams, including all those inner abilities that people crave so much - and much more.

Most importantly - with this level of dedication to Spiritual evolution and inner development great progress can be achieved when humanity most needs it.


Every Olympic athlete is passionate about their chosen sport.

There is no half-hearted approach to their discipline - they rather look forward, each and every day, to pushing themselves and their abilities to ever greater levels.

I can say this with absolute certainty - Passion is one of the greatest powers behind all achievement. It matters not what you wish for in life - if you are passionate about it you will always succeed and you will always feel joyful and fulfilled, which in turn brings health and abundance.

People often say to me - I would like to start a business to create a better life for myself and family, but do not know what business to start or how to go about starting it.

I ask them one question - what are you passionate about?

When they tell me I say to them - "then that is what you must do".

If you are passionate about something, then thousands or even millions of other people around the world will share your passion, and you will be drawn together like magnets by The Law of Attraction, and you must succeed. Passion is a very high vibration.


All Olympic athletes share a quest for Perfection and will do whatever it takes and make as many sacrifices as they need to make in order to achieve their maximum potential and their own perfection.

Our ultimate and most sacred objective as Human Beings is Perfection.

The true meaning of Life is to achieve the potential of Unity with Our Divine Creator, God, in a state of Perfection.

Our Soul and Spirit deeply desires perfection, because our Soul and Spirit know what glories, incomprehensible to most in a human state, the quest for perfection will bring, especially compared to the trappings of the material world.

Every moment on Earth should be dedicated to this highest objective, and then you can be sure that everything else will follow, and you will always experience joy, fulfilment, health, abundance and Love.

Faith and Belief:

The person known as Jesus taught two things probably above all others - Faith and Belief - and not without very good reason.

As it is of course these have been interpreted by the church to mean that people must have some abstract, blind "faith" in a deity they call God, without knowing the true nature of God, and must "believe" in Jesus and God in order to be "saved".

Faith really means Faith in our own inner powers, abilities and above all Oness with God.

Belief means unshakable Belief in those powers and the outcome of exercising those powers, which, with the Faith will come to pass.

Olympic athletes have this absolute Faith and Belief in themselves and their ability to reach the top, the pinnacle in the form of Olympic Gold medals and World records.

They know that if they doubt, they will fail.

It is this Faith and Belief that drives them on to ever greater achievements towards their ultimate objectives.

Without Faith and Belief they would never achieve anything of note.

The same applies in Life generally. If we know Who we Are, expressions of the Divine, God, and have the Faith and Belief that all our wishes, needs and desires will be realised through God, then we can have anything without limit.

If an athlete channeled their Faith and Belief inwards, they would be immensely powerful human Beings.

Mind Power:

All Olympic Athletes know the power of the Mind - this is one factor that separates them from athletes of previous generations who relied purely on muscle, training and natural ability alone.

Every successful athlete, as well as other successful competitors such as Tiger Woods in Golf, make extensive use of Visualisation and Affirmations or "self talk". Successful racing drivers win the race in their Mind long before they sit in their car.

Experiments have proven that if an athlete is wired up to sophisticated equipment that measures the input of electrical impulses to muscle groups, and they perform a race entirely in their Imagination, then all of the muscles that would be used to physically win the race actually fire in precisely the same sequence as if the athlete had actually run the race itself.

What does this tell us?

It tells us quite simply that whatever the Subconscious Mind is programmed to do, the body will follow, and therefore if we program the Subconscious Mind for success, then success will surely follow.

Top athletes run or swim a race, or perform their discipline, over and over in their imagination, before they ever reach the track, pool etc. The actual physical performance is simply the realisation of their mental training and a formality.

It also demonstrates that in order to achieve excellence in anything, actual physical exertion is largely unnecessary, because it is Mind that ultimately wins the race or competition - not the body which is simply the physical means by which to do it.

It also demonstrates the fact the power of the Subconscious Mind in manifesting physically as fact, anything that is imagined as fact.

This does not only apply to sports, it applies to our absolute experience.

The Subconscious Mind will always bring in to physical experience everything that is imagined as true within the Mind experience.

So in summary, everyone can learn some very real and very powerful lessons from the ongoing achievements of Olympic athletes, all of which can be applied to realise any objective that can be imagined.


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