Friday, June 5, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality

Welcome to Our Ultimate Reality

More and more people the world over have noticed changes occuring at all levels, ranging from increasingly extreme weather conditions and other geophysical phenomena, to a much more subtle, individual level of conscious awareness. Irrespective of the nature, range and magnitude of these changes, most would agree that they are indeed ocurring, are unprecedented in recorded human history, and herald a much more profound event or series of events on the horizon.

We are all blessed to be living on Earth during a great transition with the potential to take humans, all organic and mineral life and Earth Herself to the next stage along the path evolutiion on the great path of return to our Divine Creator from whence we came in the beginning, a transition from one great era of evolution to a new greater era of evolution for humanity, all life on Earth and Earth Herself.

For most, the eventual outcome will ultimately be determined by just one fundamental factor - Mind and therefore Consciousness. It is therefore of the utmost importance that everyone understands the existence and nature of this great transition of the ages, and of their own true nature, final destiny and Ultimate Reality while the opportunity is still available to humanity over the next few crucial years as the great transition inexorably progresses.

Ever since the beginning of Earth history Earth and all life on Earth has been influenced by Universal Energy cycles ranging from an extremely short duration and low magnitude, that cannot be easily measured or recorded, to the very highest duration and highest magnitude.

Ancient cultures such as the Maya have observed, charted and documented these great eras and transitions throughout history, often by observing the cosmos and charting these great cosmic cycles of Energy and associated events, events more recently associated with a now iconic date that increasingly more people are becoming aware of - December 21 2012 - the date that marks the end of one great cycle of the great Mayan Long Count Calendar and beginning of the next great cycle - cycles that always have and always will come and go with immutable frequency.

The ancient cultures such as the Maya and other great mesoamerican cultures, as well as other great civilisations around the world knew of the coming transition of this great era or "age", and of its potential implications for humanity and all life on Earth. They also knew that only humanity could determine whether this age, as with others, heralds a new, glorious level of Spiritual growth, or another global event followed by dark times as has happened in the past.

It is crucial for all humanity this time around to make the most of this opportunity, and to grasp the path of a glorious evolution to the next phase of humanity - Homo Spiritus.

Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind is a book of 572 pages and 115 chapters that has already changed and continues to change the lives of numerous people, as witnessed by the the countless ongoing messages of thanks and testimonials that I am most grateful and blessed receive from readers, with more arriving each and every day.

This highly acclaimed book has become the defacto reference for Spiritual growth, Metaphysics, the truth of life after death, how to attract lasting, health, abundance and happiness and much, much more - subjects that really should be taught in school from an early age.

We are living in extremely crucial but exciting times but make no mistake - what you learn in the next few years, and how you apply it to your own Spiritual Evolution is absouletely crucial to your own immediate destiny and reality on your way to realising your Ultimate Reality.

These are just a few of the numerous subjects you will discover in Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind:

  • The true nature of the Universe, meaning of life and our ultimate destiny
  • How to attract your natural state of infinite health, abundance and happiness
  • How to achieve Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences, Clairvoyance and more
  • How to visit and connect with the "afterlife" and discover the truth of life after death
  • How to find the answers to any questions from within, and to change your life accordingly

Click Here to see for yourself how much more you will discover in the Our Ultimate Reality book

If you wish to learn the truth of the continuity of life after death, how to prove it for yourself beyond any doubt, how to understand your own true Spiritual nature and Spirituality and apply it to your own Spiritual growth while enjoying a physical life of true, lasting health, abundance and happiness, experiencing the joy of teaching your loved ones and showing them the way forward, you can be assured that Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind is the only reference you will ever need and the reason I was inspired to write this book for you.

Please do join my weekly newsletter and forums and keep informed about all the latest developments as they happen in these exciting times.

Above all please remember - I can and will provide you with the information, resources, news and everything else you need for your happiness and Spiritual growth, but at the final analysis only one person can make that big change in your life, only one person can realise your own true Spirituality, and make real, enduring progress to fulfill your reason for being here, only one person can take action, and that person is you!

Please feel free to contact me at any time using the contact form on this site; my Soul purpose is to be of service to you.

In Lak'ech (Mayan for "I am another Yourself") ,

Adrian Cooper, author, Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind.

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