Friday, June 19, 2009

Freedom and Freewill

by Adrian Cooper

The vast majority of people in the world today still fail to achieve their full potential due to a complete lack of understanding of the immutable perfection of the Universe, or of the relationship between themselves and the Universe.

When we, as our Higher Self, choose to incarnate into the physical world, we do so in the full knowledge of who our parents will be, where we will live, what circumstances we will encounter and potential challenges we will face, as well as the determination to meet those challenges, in the knowledge that it is only in accepting and prevailing in these and other important objectives that we can progress further towards The Source in the Divine process of Spiritual evolution and perfection.

We are all equal aspects of The Same Source, The First Cause, God, expressing in all spheres of existence with Unconditional Love, and the natural, instinctive, powerful desire to evolve back to The Source as a perfected aspect of God. Over the years, however, mankind has steadily and increasingly turned its back on God towards an alternative, darker existence of gross materialism, dogma and indoctrination, often driven by the Ego and the desire for power and control.

Most people are influenced by such erroneous factors as what other people think of them, the desire to conform to the expectations of family, friends, neighbours, society, others, and only to live in strict accordance with "the way things are done".

It is only when an individual has the courage, strength and determination to face the truth that he or she can become truly free to fulfil his or her own true destiny with joy, meaning and real purpose, and to consciously attract anything and everything that they can possibly desire into their lives.

In order to achieve this Divine state of awareness, it is necessary to consciously become an open channel through which God can express and experience in the physical world, a process that we, as humans, control ourselves as individuated aspects of The Source. We determine our own experiences and God provides for all our wishes, needs and desires necessary for those experiences, and thereby, through us, God experiences and expands, and thus the entire Universe expands.

Most people however are doing exactly the opposite by striving to conform to the expectations of others, pursuing material gain as a first priority, and forcing things in a perceived direction by physical means, instead of being an open channel of expression of The Source, The First Cause, God, and are therefore often contrary to the perfect flow of the Universe. Quite simply, such people are failing to "let go and let God", the inevitable result of which is suffering and lack of Spiritual evolution, ultimately resulting in the Higher self of the person sending yet another incarnation to Earth for the opportunity to learn the lessons once more that were not learned in the previous incarnation.

Even in the 21st century, "society" is still operating by a system through which people are trapped from a very young age into a system that often prevents happiness, fulfilment and evolution.

From the very first day a child is born into what should be a glorious, joyful and fulfilling life on Earth, the child is immediately and continuously indoctrinated into the trappings of the material world. A child is taught to focus exclusively upon the five physical senses, to behave in a certain way that precludes maintaining their strong connections with the inner worlds, and taught to treasure material things, such as toys, as a prelude to coveting bigger material possessions later in physical life, often as a first priority over everything else.

Later, young children are expected to go to school in order to get the "qualifications" required to obtain a "job" that they may "work" for the next 40 or 50 years before "retiring" on a meagre "pension", after which they may live out what remains of this life in the hope of simply surviving in a generally non-caring world where very often service to self comes before genuine service to others.

From the moment of birth, the Minds of most children are shaped by parents based upon their own perceptions of what life "is all about", usually based in turn upon their own current circumstances, and the lifestyle, traditions and "values" of their own parents before them. Many children are taught that it is wrong to aspire to anything outside of their "station in life" and should instead focus on the lifestyle that their parents have always accepted and found to be quite "adequate". The Mind of a child at both conscious and in particular Subconscious levels is highly impressionable, and it does not take many years of such indoctrination for the Subconscious Mind of a child to accept what their parents have thrust upon them as "reality".

Humans have been trapped in this paradox, a cycle that often results in misery as a result of living a false reality that is inconsistent with their true mission. It is not until this cycle is broken, and people recognise, understand and exercise true freedom based upon their own reason for being here, can they finally realise true joy, fulfilment and happiness, and the means by which to complete their mission on Earth this time around.

The current systems of society originated three hundred or more years ago. It might well have worked back then to the extent it was consistent with the people living at that time, but with society still enforcing these very archaic systems, mankind has failed to progress at many fundamental levels.

People might say that money is necessary to acquire the basics of survival, such as food, clothing and shelter. While this might appear to be superficially the case, but the truth is that we are here to attract and enjoy unlimited abundance, health and happiness if desired through our Divine connection with The Source, God, and not simply the basics for mere survival. There is a very big difference between true "abundance" and "money", and it is this distinction that has led so many people astray. "Money" is a human concept that largely does not even exist, except as notional data created and stored on computers, whereas true abundance is a fundamental Universal Principle.

The Universe has unlimited abundance waiting to be delivered to each and every person simply for the asking. "Ask, and you shall receive", every time, no exceptions. There is nothing that we cannot be, do or have. The Universe does not recognize favouritism, "luck", "chance" or any other such superstitions. Most people simply do not know how to ask or to receive, and they therefore fail to achieve abundance, joy and happiness.

The vast majority of people in the world today are not taught how to attract abundance, but rather how to "make money". It is in the "making of money" that so much misery has been, and still is wrought upon humanity, being the catalyst for gross materialism driven by the Ego and self-interest and often urge for power and control. Few people achieve true abundance and freedom, and even those who do are often not at all happy, fulfilled or joyous about their situation, simply because they felt compelled to "make" their money at a very physical level, often attracting much misery in the process to both themselves and others. "Making money" is not the same as "attracting wealth" and abundance for the right reasons, and the resultant true emotional freedom, joy and fulfilment that these bring.

In order to enjoy a true life of the Freedom that is our birthright, and to escape the "human system" once and for all, you need to exercise your Divine right of Freewill, and know, beyond doubt that there is absolutely nothing you cannot be, do or have, by using the power of your own Mind and realising God within, supported by true Faith and Belief in your own God-given powers as a channel of expression and experience of God.

The moment anyone accepts the illusion of having to "work" in the physical world to struggle "for a living", that person become part of the human paradox.

But is is never too late. By realising the glorious truth that you are a channel of expression and experience and thereby expansion of The Source, The First Cause, God, and that you have unlimited potential through the infinite power of our Subconscious Mind, you can use your Divine Freewill to escape the human system, the human paradox, and to realise the life of health, happiness and abundance that is your right as a Son or Daughter of God.


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