Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 28 June 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter. I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

Here where I live I am enjoying the best weather for years with day after day of bright sunshine, little wind and temperatures around 23 degrees – which is hot for here.

I will keep your newsletter short this week, while still hopefully of value, so that I can make the most of this glorious weather with my three sons.

It is such a joy to see families and in particular children outside, down by the sea front, playing, eating ice creams, enjoying themselves on the beach, with parents simply soaking up the atmosphere and putting the perceived pressures of life behind them.

In fact there is no reason why every day should not be the same. Our experience comes from the Mind, not from external sources, and all we ever need do is to capture these wonderful experiences and re-live them in your Mind whenever we wish, and external experience must follow. Always hold on to happiness, joy and freedom and reject all else.

In a newsletter of some weeks ago I predicted that 2009 would be a wonderful Summer and so it is so far and will continue to be for the next three months or so in my view.

Once again there have been a large number of new members over the last week and I extend a very warm welcome to you all. I do hope that you enjoy this and all future newsletters published every Sunday almost continuously since 2005.

I know I say this most weeks, but I cannot stress how important it is to share with others that they may too have the opportunity to awaken to these great truths, and above all to prepare for the monumental events that are continuing and will accelerate. Please share this newsletters with everyone you know and let them decide. If you have been sent this newsletter for the first time you are very welcome to join us by visiting our website and adding your details to the form at the top of the page:

Here is the website link:

For those interested in a complete single source revealing the mysteries of Lie, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind, my best selling book, Our Ultimate Reality, which has guided and changed the lives of countless people, can help you:

In this week’s newsletter:

1. Message situation after a short break

2. Chakra Development update

3. Spheres of the Mind

Message Situation after a Short Break

I recently took advantage of the exceptional weather to go on a short holiday with my three sons from June 17 to 24, ensuring of course that your newsletter was published as usual last Sunday.

When I returned, I switched on my PC to download my email and discovered that there were 19,163 messages in my inbox, which took over 4 hours to download.

Most of these messages were spam that had made it though my extremely stringent server and PC level filters, without which I would have been faced with hundreds of thousands of spam messages.

I have now increased the level of these filters even further.

Sorting through all these messages is totally impractical, especially on top of all my additional tasks requiring my attention upon my return, so I decided not to do so.

If you have sent me an urgent message in the last week and have not received a reply, please do send it again and I will respond as soon as I possibly can.

Please also note that due to increasing the strength of my spam filters more genuine messages will be lost in the filters. So if you send me a message and do not receive a reply within a day or so, this will be the reason why.

Please be absolutely assured that I really do care deeply about each and every message, and would never, ever wilfully disregard any message for any reason.

In order to ensure that your message has the best opportunity to make it through my filters, please keep it as brief as possible, and avoid using words which might cause it to be filtered for any reason.

Chakra Development Update

I have received several letters about the all inclusive Chakra Development MP3 that I mentioned a few weeks ago as an update to the dedicated Root Chakra track.

I am currently working on producing an al inclusive Chakra Development track with the objective of activating, developing and tuning all Chakras in one MP3 session.

As you know I always strive for perfection in all things, and this track is no exception.

The reason I originally decided to produce a dedicated track for each Chakra is because in order to ensure maximum and long term effects and therefore benefits, each Chakra needs to be developed both individually, and in the context of the entire Energy body and Chakra system as a whole, also taking in to account the wide range of relaxation and visualisation abilities of all concerned.

I am now incorporating all of these factors in to an all inclusive track, but it is not proving to be straightforward although it is certainly achievable.

The main issue I am facing is the length of the all inclusive track which will be initially up to 90 minutes in length as a whole.

I will therefore also provide individual tracks for the initial relaxation stages and the entire Chakra development. In this way, once the deep physical relaxation has been learned, it may be achieved at will so that you may focus exclusively on the Chakra Development component alone.

This approach provides the option to play the entire 90 track and then, after you have learned how to deeply relax at will move on to following only the much shorter Chakra Development track.

Or you make choose to learn deep physical relaxation first before moving on to the Chakra Development track.

The choice will be yours, but I am working on incorporating maximum effectiveness, flexibility and convenience.

It is my intention to complete this all inclusive Chakra Development track in the next month or so, and make it available to newsletter subscribers as a special opportunity before making it generally available.

I fully recognise of course that many of you have already purchased the Root Chakra Development track, and I assure you that I will fully take this in to account through a special arrangement exclusively for you.

Spheres of the Mind

Over the years we have discussed the infinite powers of the Mind, both from a personal perspective and from a Universal perspective.

Ultimately of course there is only One Mind, an All Powerful, All Inclusive, Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Mind that we may refer to as Universal Mind.

The Supreme Origin of Universal Mind is Source Mind, of which we are All Divine, Infinitely Powerful and Infinitely, Unconditionally Loved Expressions.

Enlightenment – the Ultimate objective of every human on Earth – is directly related to the degree to which we can consciously realise, assimilate and invoke Source Mind.

Now although ultimately all Mind is a seamless Continuum of both Mind and Energy – the Quantum Field – humans can experience Mind in the context of different Spheres of Activity, the main ones if which are these:

1. Conscious Mind. This is the logical, rational Ego Mind that delights in taking control over your every thought and action on a daily basis.

2. Subconscious Mind. This is the Personal Sphere of Mind activity which automatically controls and regulates all bodily functions, thereby mainlining Life Principle in the body, while also executing perfectly, and without question, all instructions received from the Conscious Sphere of Mind without question or judgment of any sort.

3. Superconscious Mind. This is the sphere of activity of Source Mind, to which Subconscious Mind permanently communicates and directs activity at a personal level. Ultimately all power invoked by Conscious and Subconscious sphere of Mind originate from Superconscious Mind which is Principle.

When we first came into Being as individuated human beings originating from our Higher Self - in addition to the physical body we incarnated complete with two subsets of Universal Mind that we know as "Conscious" and "Subconscious" - both required in order to function in the physical Universe as a complete sentient Being.

Our Subconscious Mind is who we truly "are" as an individuated, incarnate Being, and also as an aspect of Higher Self, our true Self and complete Mind.

Subconscious Mind represents the vast majority, at least 90%, possibly 99% or more of our total Earthly sphere of Mind activity, the Conscious Ego Mind being the balance.

The Subconscious Mind also exists in the realms of the Collective Mind on the Mental Plane of the Human Mind where there is no perceived separation.

It is only the Conscious, Ego, Luciferian Mind that perceives everyone and everything as being "separate".

The Subconscious Mind, exists beyond the illusions of "time" and "space", knowing that there is only Absolute Oneness, both with all other personal spheres of Subconscious Mind activity and ultimately of Universal and therefore Source Mind.

For example - dreams, Astral and other forms of Projection take place exclusively within Subconscious Mind.

When people speak of "Astral Projection" it is an entirely erroneous concept - there is in fact no external “projection” at all - it is an illusion.

Astral Projection, like Out of Body Experiences generally as well as dreams, is actually a "projection" within the sphere of activity of the personal Subconscious Mind, which is also within the realms of the collective Subconscious Mind.

The “Astral Planes” are the shared spheres of activity of the Conscious Minds of people of the same Vibratory Energy frequency after "passing on". In other words it is a shared, created experience shared by all those sharing it, but which otherwise has no basis in fact.

Our true "home" is the Mental, Spiritual planes where we reside as a pure Energy Experience beyond all Earthly concept of "form" and without the Conscious and Subconscious spheres of Mind activity which no longer have any form of relevance.

Both the Physical Universe both temporal and transient, the Astral Planes also being transient in nature.

It is our Subconscious Mind that manages every aspect of our physical body, maintaining all vital bodily functions, for example breathing, digestion and assimilation of food, flow of the blood and beating of the heart, functioning of organs and much more that most people take for granted.

When we were "conceived", it was the Subconscious Mind that built our body, cell by cell, in accordance with the genetic "blueprint" provided in our DNA as passed on to us by both parents.

After we are born into the physical world the Subconscious Mind maintains total dominion over every aspect of our physical body, but only in accordance with the "wishes" of the Conscious Mind.

This is why we can, and many people do make themselves ill - the Subconscious Mind is simply following orders in accordance with the thought processes of the Conscious Mind. If for example a person sees someone sneeze, assumes they have a "cold" and expects to "catch the germs" themselves, the Subconscious Mind will duly oblige.

I never "catch" diseases simply because I refuse to acknowledge their existence, affirming instead only my reality of perfect health.

Viruses, bacteria and other pathogens are simply agents that Subconscious Mind, through the power of Source Mind uses to execute diseases.

As we already know, nothing in the physical Universe including viruses, bacteria do not exist except as Quantum Possibilities. It is Mind that brings then to Quantum Experience – nothing else.

Perfect Heath is always a choice – not a lottery.

The Subconscious Mind can also be impressed to heal absolutely any physical or mental ailment without limitation including the dreaded cancer.

Cancer is actually one of the easiest ailments to heal simply because in so doing we are using the power of Mind to reverse the influences that gave rise to it in the first place.

The Subconscious Mind originally built our body to the blueprint of perfection that Source Mind, First Cause, God holds of us.

We each of us exist only as ideas, Thought Forms, unique configurations of Energy within Universal Mind under the Expression of Source Mind Who knows only Perfection.

This is what is meant by the Biblical truth that we are "made in the image of God".

The "image" does not mean we look like God, it rather means we are made after the true Spiritual Perfection of God, Source Mind,

Therefore all we need to do to heal any imperfection in the form of disease, and to maintain perfect health, is to impress Subconscious Mind to maintain that image of Perfection. This is what true healing is all about - impressing the Subconscious Mind to rebuild the body in accordance with the blueprint of perfection provided by, and held by Universal Mind.

Of course Faith and Belief are required, both of which we have discussed before and will doubtlessly discuss again in the future.

So what then of the Conscious Mind?

The Conscious Mind is a small aspect, subset and sphere of activity of Subconscious Mind, just as Subconscious Mind is in turn of Universal Mind.

Subconscious Mind never, ever makes decisions, argues, pro-actively performs actions or anything else. Subconscious Mind instead "takes its orders" from Conscious Mind except for the basic bodily functions "ordered" by Universal Mind at the time of

incarnation, since Conscious Mind was not sufficiently developed at that point to direct this initial constructive process.

Whatever we think about or feel persistently, fuelled by emotions, focus and intent, Subconscious Mind will thus accept and bring into our temporal local experience, either directly in the case of the physical body, or through the creative power of Source Mind in the case of everything else.

Alas - most people have little or no control over their own thought processes through the Conscious Mind, often choosing to focus on the evidence provided by their own physical eyes, focusing on negative things, always "thinking the worst", and thereby inevitably attracting more of the same - such is current "human nature", always ready to "believe the worst", always complaining when "the worst" manifests.

With Faith in our Divine nature, and Belief in the creative processes, and absolutely anything is possible through the Principle of Expression, limited only by our Imagination, Belief and Faith in the process, and the extent to which we can invoke and express Source Mind.

If only negative thought processes were reversed, their would truly be nothing people cannot be, do or have, and there would be no unhappiness and disease in the world.

The coming years will present a golden opportunity to bring this about, and thus the "Kingdom of Heaven on Earth".

This is another reason I wrote my book, showing the way forward:

So the Conscious Mind is "boss" with Subconscious Mind faithfully carrying out all orders from the "boss" without question or judgement or regard for the consequences.

Although the action of Subconscious Mind is always in the direction of Life and survival, the reason It is given the task of maintaining all vital bodily functions, Subconscious Mind will still bring about illness or even "death" "on request". Many a person has believed they are going to "die", often in specific situations, and it has come to pass.

A few years ago I heard of someone who became totally convinced that, at age 24 he would die in a car crash, and within a year he did. He believed it was destiny or some other external "forces", but in fact it was his own superstition and thought processes which his Subconscious Mind carried out to the letter and with immutable precision.

As far as the Subconscious Mind is concerned, if the "boss" with its freewill wishes to "die", then so be it. Subconscious Mind makes no judgements, simply rather following "orders" from Conscious Mind, conveyed by thought processes.

Everyone is surely aware of the recent death of Michael Jackson.

I have read many accounts where he has stated to people that he “knew” his life would end prematurely in the same way as Elvis Presley.

Although the true reason for his death may never be known, one thing is certain beyond any possible doubt – he alone was responsible through his own Mind activity. Any factor a post mortem or toxicology test reveals will simply be the means used by the Subconscious Mind to fulfil the wishes and expectations of the Conscious Mind.

Of course we all recognise the contribution Michael Jackson made to the music industry and the tens of millions of people he touched with his music – it is for these that he should be remembered and surely will be remembered.

In the meantime we wish Michael Jackson well in his new Astral home, where he can finally find peace among friends and kindred Spirits.

In a future newsletter we will take a much closer look at our direct relationship with Source Mind, and how we may direct the Principle of Expression in our Experience.

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week and if you are in the British Isle and other parts of the World enjoying this exceptional Summer weather, I do hope you make the most of it and use these times to share with family and friends.

In Love and Light,


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