Thursday, June 18, 2009

Who Is Father Time

by Adrian Cooper

What exactly is "time" or perhaps another way of looking at this question for some is "who is father time"?

This in fact is a very important question, because "time" is one of the physical factors that rules the lives of most people.

Time, in reality, is nothing more than a human construction created for convenience. Mankind, certainly for several thousand's of years, has felt the need to reference life by fixed intervals which has been largely based upon the movements of the Earth relative to the Sun and Moon. Of course, to that extent these measurements work well enough, and have been utilised by many cultures around the world for millennia.

For all that however "time", like "father time" many other things, is a human construct, and one which, although seemingly convenient, has held mankind back considerably, by causing people to live within a perceived "past" or feared "future" without any regards for what really matters; the present moment of Now.

In reality space and time, the space-time continuum, is an illusion. Such is the importance of this truth that I dedicate an entire chapter in my book, Our Ultimate Reality, to the importance of "The Eternal Now". Here is the opening paragraph:

"Time" is an illusion, a purely human construct of mankind, designed for convenience in order to measure a perceived "past", "present" and "future". The illusion of "time" on Earth is maintained by means of a scientific measurement of the relative positions of the Earth and the Sun in the physical three dimensional Universe in order to observe the seasons and the time the Earth takes for a complete rotation relative to the Sun in the measurement of ongoing "time", in turn measured by various physical instruments such as clocks, calendars and charts.

Beyond the perceptions of most of those in the physical world, "time" simply does not exist. There is only Now, the Eternal Now where everything that has happened, is happening and ever will happen relative to the Earth concept of time already exists, always has existed and always will exist. Beyond Earth therefore the concepts of "past, present and future" simply do not and cannot exist."

"Time" like material things binds people to the physical world becoming a slave to it. Wearing a watch, having clocks in every room, on the mobile phone and countless other places are constant reminders of the influence of "time".

In order to be truly happy and free and to truly progress Spiritually, it is absolutely crucial to recognise and treat "time" for what it really is; a convenience and common point of reference with other people on Earth. So time is a mutual point of reference.

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the concept of father time, and of course it does facilitate organisation. Where time becomes damaging is when it reaches a point when it is allowed to govern every day life, and in particular over-emphasis is placed upon it.

Each glance at the watch or clock only serves to re-affirm the power time has over the observer, hiding the fact that glance is tying the observer further to the material world.

This is all very well you might say but everyone else uses "time". I have to be here, there or do something "on time".

This is true due to the way humanity has chosen to emphasise and construct society around "time", and while here the need to live within that enforced framework the best we can.

However; what we all can and must do is to place "time" in its proper perspective.

"Time" as a point of reference with other humans on a day to day basis is fine; providing always it is kept into complete context; i.e. it is a concept invented by humans for convenience only.

What we must not do is to allow "time" and all of the many instruments of "time" to rule individual lives and therefore destiny, thereby holding back the "time" watcher on the great path.

We must never live in the "past", recalling and reliving "past" events and allowing them to rule our "Now". Past events are transient; they are Energy which if allowed to, and should be allowed to; will simply dissipate back into the Universe, but also being stored as a "record" that one day you will be able to review when appropriate to do so.

Experience is never lost; we are here to "experience", learn and evolve. But experiences are to be assimilated into our Being, not to be dwelt upon to rule our lives based upon this notional "past" event. An experience, of any sort occurs in the Now, is assimilated in the Now, and stored in the Universe in the Now. Once experienced, assimilated and stored we move on to the next learning experience.

Everything we do must be in the "Now". There is no "past" there is no "future", there is no "time".

If we observe the perfection of nature that I mentioned at the start of this newsletter, we see that nature, although influenced by the seasons, day, night, weather etc. does not include clocks, watches and other instruments of "time". Nature operates immutably in the present moment of Now, and as a result we observe perfection.

Time not only binds people to the material world, it also brings misery by dwelling on past events or an imaginary future.

We all create our reality Now!

So how can we start to put time into its proper perspective?

There are several practical steps we can take. The first and most important is to always live for Now. Rather than look to some sort of external influence or the approval of others, or by reference to some instrument of "time", live in the present moment of Now.

Again, my book, Our Ultimate Reality provides detailed information on these important matters.

Follow your inner-guidance; it is sublime, immutable and never failing.

Meditation is excellent for appreciating these important truths. When we meditate, clear our Mind and exit the illusion of the physical world, we only experience Now, and we quickly realise how real that is. We remain in no doubt about the power and truth of

On a practical level remove your watch and take down as many clocks and instruments of time as possible. Yes; I realise that "events" happen according to the "time" on the "clock", but once you remove your dependency on physical instruments of "time", you will find that your Mind will keep you informed of necessary "events".

To demonstrate this you can even switch off your alarm clock. Your subconscious Mind understands "time", so before drifting off to sleep at night, clearly state to your subconscious Mind that you wish to wake up at a particular time; and you will find that it happens.

Indeed, many of you might already have found that you awake in the morning at the same "time", a few seconds before your alarm clock makes its usual loud noise. This is your subconscious Mind, but it has not "looked" at your alarm clock, it knows what to do in the present moment moment of Now when you wish to awake.

So these are just a few practical steps to remove dependence on "time".

Above all always keep in Mind; there is only ever Now, and it is only in the Now that you can create your reality and your destiny; never in the "past" or "future", so do nnot let father time rule your life.


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