Friday, June 19, 2009

The Mystery of Karma

by Adrian Cooper

Last week we discussed the important but much misunderstood subject of reincarnation.

Another subject however that is equally misunderstood, if not more so, is that of "karma", a word that originates in ancient Sanskrit.

To many, particularly those following certain belief systems, karma has become the object of fear, almost to the same extent as the Christian doctrine of "hell".

So what do the belief system doctrines of "hell" and "karma" have in common?

Quite simply they are both perceived as systems of "punishment".

In the case of the Christian doctrine of "hell" a person who has not led a life in accordance with the doctrines of the religion will, instead of going to "heaven" after the change known as "death", instead go to a terrible place "below", known as "hell", for "all eternity".

Karma is often seen as a form of punishment exacted by some mysterious and unseen force, sometimes perceived, in accordance with some belief system doctrines, as the "Lords of Karma".

Before we take a closer look at karma, let us make one truth abso utely clear from the outset - there is no "hell", karma is not exacted by some invisible "judges", and there is no "punishment" system in the Universe.

Source, God, of Whom we are the children and equal aspects, knows only Unconditional Love for all creation as we do for our children.
"Punishment" is a human idea that has absolutely no existence to the Divine or anywhere else in Creation.

As we sow, so shall we reap, and therefore everything we experience, even if it is perceived as "bad", is the direct result of our own thoughts.

We can understand understand this truth better by considering three fundamental aspects of life - Expression, Experience, Evolution - all of which are inexorably connected as aspects of the Whole.

As individual but integral aspects of Source, The Divine, God, we are all channels of Expression of God, through Whom God Experiences, through which we and the Whole ultimately evolves.

There are no such things as "good" and "bad" or "evil" - these are simply human ideas born out of a limited understanding of the true nature of the Universe where there is in fact only Experience.

Our relationship with God and with all Creation is that of equals, not of ruler and subject.

It is a symbiotic relationship whereby through an infinite number of "channels" of expression,Source, God expresses and experiences, and creates, these channels of expression being humans and all life in the Universe.

This eternal process ultimately has one objective - Perfection - both at an individual level and at a Divine level.

All Experience is valuable, valid and adds to the Whole. If experience was simply limited to what humans call "good", then the Universe would become unbalanced and would not be sustainable. So stability and growth and ultimately Perfection initially requires the entire spectrum of possible experiences including those which humans call "bad" or "evil". But these experiences are relative to the vibration upon which we are focused. As we progress the difference between the vibrations reduce as overall vibration increases as we travel inwards towards Source.

So what then is "karma" in this context?

Karma is an aspect of the Universal Principle of Cause and Effect, in that for every action there is a corresponding reaction. Karma is actually the result of the action of the Mind in other words of thought. Some believe that an action can create karma, but this is erroneous in that all actions are preceded by, and are the outward manifestation of thought originating from Mind which is Principle, in the form of a Cause that gives rise to karma in the form of a corresponding Effect.

Thought is Energy and therefore karma is Energy.

As we live our lives on Earth and beyond, each thought and corresponding action gives rise to a unique Energy form that becomes associated with our Energy field as karma. So our individual Energy field, which is Who we Are - our unique identity - includes configurations of Energy or karma, which in turn comprises positive and negative, high and low vibrational Energy, nd ultimately our overall vibration.

Thoughts as causes that are positive give rise to a high vibration Energy, and thoughts as causes that are negative give rise to low vibration of Energy.

So our unique Energy field includes both low and high vibration Energy, which together constitute our overall vibration of karma.

Our evolution is a function of our unique vibration. Beyond the physical plane, as our vibration increases, we automatically transition to the corresponding vibration in the Universe - this is how we evolve in the process of Perfection towards the ultimate Perfection and highest vibration of Source, God of Whom we are integral, inseparable aspects.

Our objective therefore, as we experience and thereby evolve, is to transmute the low vibration Energy that "weighs us down" into high vibration Energy through the process of Perfection that contributes to our ongoing evolution towards our Creator, God, from Whence we came in the beginning.

Each incarnation of our Higher Self in the physical world ends with a "mix" of karma accumulated over that "lifetime" which is then taken, along with all experience, back to our Higher Self which then assumes the karma for that incarnation, the overall vibration of our Higher Self being changed accordingly, and the result of all incarnations at that moment of Now.

When the vibration of the Energy field of the Higher Self, which is our Individuality, each incarnation being a personality reaches a certain level, and having gained the necessary experience, the Higher Self will no longer need to send incarnations to the physical Universe, and can then move on to greater adventures in the grand scheme of things.

As an aspect of Cause and Effect, karma arising within a specific lifetime, can be, and often is resolved within that specific lifetime.

If a person produces low vibration thought and corresponding action, the Law of Attraction often attracts an experience of corresponding vibration that the person must deal with, and afterwards, having successfully done so, that vibration will be transmuted and will no longer attract a corresponding experience or eventually lower the vibration of the Higher Self. It is therefore clearly desirable and beneficial to deal with such low vibration karma in the physical plane where it originated, and where it is much easier to do, and hence the reason why we should take every opportunity on Earth to raise our vibration through perfection.

If an incarnation brings back to the Higher Self low vibration Energy, or karma, then the Higher Self will need to send another incarnation to Earth to experience whatever is necessary to gain corresponding high vibration karma, which will ultimately go towards increasing the vibration of the Higher Self.

So what does karma mean to us in practical terms as we experience our life in the physical world?

It means that we should always be fully aware of the fact that "thoughts" are things, and that "good" or positive, high vibration thoughts will give rise to corresponding "good" experiences, and "bad" or low vibration thoughts will give rise to corresponding "bad" experiences.

When we understand this we will always do our best to ensure that we only hold the most positive, high vibration thoughts which, in accordance with the Law of Attraction, will only give rise to correspondingly positive experiences.

If we produce negative, low vibration thoughts, which, through the Law of Attraction attracts correspondingly negative experiences, then these experiences should be viewed both as learning opportunities and opportunities to transmute negative, low vibration karma, in to positive, high vibration karma.

The ultimate objective is to become fully aware of the consequences of our thoughts and corresponding actions, and to only be the originator of positive thoughts and positive experiences.

The greatest tests will arise when you believe you have been "wronged" by someone, or you see someone doing something that you do not approve of for some reason. In these cases rather than judging or thinking negatively of the person concerned, think positively with Unconditional Love and understanding, in the certain knowledge that this is a valuable experience and an opportunity to further your own evolution. It is also wise to realise that your current experience with this person may well be the effect of a cause brought about by a negative thought of your own. This person is therefore simply an instrument of your own karma and experience.

In conclusion, that aspect of the great Universal Principle of Cause and Effect known "karma" should never be viewed as a system of punishment and reward, but rather a system through which we learn and experience and thereby to evolve which is our primary objective.

If we experience the results of "bad karma" then we should take time to meditate on the cause that gave rise to this effect, and thereby to learn from it that we will not repeat the same experience again.

Above all we should always be mindful of the fact that karma can only arise from the action of our Mind, in other words thoughts, because ultimately there is only Mind, and everything we experience originates from Mind even when it manifests as a physical experiential effect.

By always remaining Mindful of our thoughts in the present moment of Now, only allowing positive, constructive, positive thoughts and disallowing negative, judgemental destructive thoughts, we can ensure that we originate only positive, high vibration karma Energy that will not only contribute to the evolution of the personality of our present incarnation, but also to our Individuality, our Higher Self, Who we really Are.

In absolute terms how we experience our surroundings and other people is a reflection of our own thoughts and personality, and therefore to change our experience we must first change ourselves, as an inseparable aspect of the Whole.


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