Thursday, June 18, 2009

About the Author

by Adrian Cooper

Hello and welcome!

I am Adrian Cooper, the author of the Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind, a book which since its original publication has already changed for the better the lives of countless people; a fact for which I am extremely grateful.

Our Ultimate Reality is the culmination of over 40 years of seeking and finding; when we seek with sincerity and an open mind and heart, information arrives in many, both from physical and non-physical sources; and I have been blessed over 40 years to have benefited greatly from this experience.

I was born in central England on 8 May, 1956, in a city called Leicester and moved deep into the country to a small but beautiful village called Rearsby. I was educated at the local tiny primary school until the age of 11 years, after which I moved to high school and finally upper school.

After leaving school I embarked on a career working in the laboratory for a large multi-national chemical company, doing a degree course at the same time in organic and physical chemistry.

Shortly afterwards the first "mico computers" arrived on the scene, and I knew I wanted to be involved in this exciting arena, always having been technically oriented. I established a computer business which I ran for a number of years. Later the Internet appeared in its very early form, before the days of the World Wide Web, and again I knew that was my next move; and so it was. I used the Law of Attraction every step of the way.

I later moved to live on a small Island in the middle of the Irish Sea, located between the UK and Ireland, called the "Isle of Man", which is a seperate country with the oldest system of government in the world founded by the Vikings over 1000 years ago. The Isle of Man is a beautiful place in every respect, and full of history, folklore and mysticism.

I had decided by then to focus on raising my 3 children alone, and to begin formulating my plans to devote the rest of my life to my children and to being of service to mankind by teaching the timeless truths of Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind, and to teach as many people as possible how to live a happy, healthy and abundant life while realising their true potential and destiny.

Again, I have used The Law of attraction during these years to orchestrate my life in precise accordance with my objectives.

My Spiritual path in this physical life started at the age of 8 years when I suddenly knew, beyond doubt that "life" was not as it seemed; I had been led to believe to that point. Notwithstanding the fact that back then religious education was and still is taken very seriously in schools, I completed rejected orthodox religion after knowing it for what it really is, much to the shock of my school teachers.

I have led a very interesting life to say the very least, with many situations, some of which were hard and costly, but which I recognised as learning experiences which I needed to continue on my own path; experiences which I feel blessed to have exposed to, as well as numerous rewarding experiences, all of which have contributed to who and where I am today.

I am often asked what foods I eat; I am a strict harvestable, raw food only vegan, my diet consisting exclusively of fruits, nuts and berries; the very food that the Divine made available to all humans in great abundance; the foods which human beings were designed to eat, and upon which we thrive.

I respect all life howeverr small, from the smallest single celled organism to the largest sea dwelling mammal, they are all part of ourselves, and will do everything I possibly can to avoid unintentionally hurting or inconveniencing any form of life, including those I I am honoured to share my home with, as well as being a dedicated conservatist and lover of nature in all of its Divine manifestations.

For the last 12 years at the time of writing this in 2007 I have been blessed to be the single parent of my three now teenage sons, again an experience which has been most valuable and one which I am most grateful for.

In 2004 I received a most powerful inspiration from inner sources to write a book that would teach Universal truths and the destiny of mankind in a way that was both absolutely complete, and above all would be within the language abilities, understanding and comprehension of almost anyone in the world. This was a daunting challenge but one which I knew I was here to do and had to be done, and soon, and the reason I was inspired to write my book Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind as well as my many other services to you.

Although Our Ultimate Reality is currently written in my native English language, I intend to translate the book into other major languages and formats to ensure as many people as possible can benefit in these next few years in particular which are crucial to mankind and all life on Earth.

As we head towards and beyond 2012 and a new era for mankind, I will be updating this site and keeping you informed of the latest news developments as well as continually adding further information. I will also be extending my range of publications around Our Ultimate reality.

These next few years are absolutely critical for mankind and all life on Earth as well as Earth Herself. As we enter a new era the "future" and outcome of the transition of the ages wil be determined by one thing at both an individual and global level; the state of consciousness. This is why it is absolutely crucial for everyone to undertstand these realities and for only truth to prevail, regardless of any attempts to distort it by agencies for their own purposes as has happened so much in the past. Falsities must not be allowed to prevail this time; the consequences are far too great.

On this site and in my publications I will show you the way forward on your own path and the path of mankind.

But a note to the wise; the truth I convey here is my own truth, the truth as I personally know it to be; only the Divine knows the absolute truth. It is crucially important therefore for you to decide whether this is also your truth, or whether you feel your truth will best be served elsewhere. This is your decision to make and a decision you must make; there is no room for error at this stahe in the evolution of mankind, all life and planet Earth.

I hope you enjoy this site and my publications. I am here to serve you in any way I can. Please feel free to contact me using the contact page whenever you need to. Please keep in mind however that my volume of email is extremely high, and although I do my best to answer eberyone, I cannot guarantee it becasue there are only so many hours in a day. If you need help please mark your message as urgent and it will receive my immediate attention.

Finally; look forward to the future with the greatest joy, love and anticipation; there has never been a better time to be human on Earth.

In Lak'ech - Mayan for "I am another yourself",



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