Friday, June 19, 2009

The Meaning Behind Suffering

by Adrian Cooper

I receive many messages from people who are suffering in various ways. Many of course wish to know how to turn their situation around, in which cases I am pleased to help in any way I can, but some also wish to know why they must suffer - why them - why anyone?

We are all here for one fundamental reason - to learn by experience. If everything came to us easily, and there were no challenges to overcome and we would not evolve - at least as quickly.

It is only by facing challenging situations that we can use our Mind, Freewill and courage to overcome them.

Indeed, the First "Noble Truth" of Buddhism states that to most people, life is suffering, which includes pain, disease and untimely death. Suffering also includes loneliness, fear, frustration, disappointment and anger. Buddhism teaches how to avoid these pitfalls, all of which due to the way people live and think.

Buddhism and the significance of the Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path are all discussed within my book, Our Ultimate Reality.

In the Astral Worlds there are no physical challenges in the same way. Everyone lives on the same level of vibration, and are therefore of the same type of mindset and level of Spiritual evolution, where peace and harmony exists all the time. It is not possible for an "incompatible person" to live on the same vibrational level of the Astral Worlds or indeed any inner level of the Universe beyond the physical Universe.

Within the Astral Worlds, where most people will transition to after the change known as "death", The Law of Attraction is instantaneous with anything at all instantly manifested by the power of the Mind, so no one ever wants for anything.

This is the same Law of Attraction that we have access to, but due to the much lower vibration and higher density of Energy of the physical Universe, our thoughts generally take longer to manifest into our experiential reality.

Our Higher Selves chose the path of physical incarnation - it is not compulsory - each expression of God has the choice of whether to evolve from the none-physical spheres of life and reality, which is a much harder and "slower", in terms of Earth time, although there is no concept of "time" beyond the physical Universe, or whether to accept the challenges of the physical Universe and take the fast-track to Spiritual evolution, in knowledge of the glories and splendours that await having graduated from the kindergarten education of Earth.

We should not be surprised or resentful therefore when we are confronted by these challenges - each one of which should be welcomed as an opportunity to evolve and thereby to fulfil our reason for being here out of choice.

It is not the challenges we face - it is the way we choose to overcome them using the immense powers that we have available to us.

Suffering is often caused by a person believing that they are separate from everyone and everything else, and they must therefore "struggle" alone.

The glorious reality is that we are in fact all One and we are never really alone. We are each of us a channel of expression and experience of God, with the entire power of God, The Source, The First Cause available to us at all times - all we must do is to realise this glorious truth.

The Upanishads of Hinduism wisely state:

"You are at one with the Universe. He who says he is different from others, even by a hairs breadth, immediately becomes miserable.
Happiness belongs to him who knows this oneness, who knows he is one with the Universe".

In particular, Isha Upanishad says:

"The Self is everywhere. Whoever sees all Beings in the Self, and the Self in all Beings hates none. For one who sees Oneness everywhere, how can there be delusion or grief?"

Many of the highest achieving people started from a position of total desperation, suffering hardships far beyond what most people would consider as "suffering", and it is only when they reach such a state of Mind that they completely surrender to God, and therefore cease looking towards material solutions, does their life suddenly dramatically turn around, as they realise they have the power of God within them, and everything becomes possible.

If you are suffering therefore, do not look to other people and the material world for your salvation, look within - all you could possibly need is there.


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