Thursday, June 18, 2009

States of Consciousness

by Adrian Cooper

Due to the wide range of questions about Abyss, and also of the various "states" of mind generally, this week we will take a deeper look at both the questions of states of consciousness and also, in part 3 of this newsletter, the subject of affirmations, the action and effectiveness of which are very much related to consciousness and accordingly the reality we create for ourselves at every level.

First of all we should define the various states of consciousness:

The Conscious Mind:

The conscious aspect of our Mind is the small aspect of our Mind that we use during waking ours, in other words while we are aware, and is also known as the "Objective Mind".

It is with the conscious, objective Mind that we observe, make decisions, form desires, interact with our surroundings and other people, and simply consciously take "control" of our waking lives.

The conscious Mind is, in most people still very much driven by the demands of the ego, feeling the need to conform to the expectations of family, friends and society generally, and the constant quest for material things, usually reacting to the perceptions of the five physical senses.

There is a saying "seeing is believing" which summarises the attitude of many. Our objective therefore is to arrive at the absolute knowing that in fact this saying should be reversed to "believing is seeing", thereby finally recognising the true way in which reality is created, thereby understanding the true role of the conscious Mind, not in actually shaping our reality, which is the proper domain of the Subconscious Mind, but merely rather to facilitate our survival within the reality we create with our thoughts through our conscious, objective Mind

The Subconscious Mind:

Also known as the "Subjective Mind" is that aspect of our Mind that is most intimately connected with the Universal Mind, and is therefore infinitely powerful, having full access to every aspect of the Universal Mind.

The Subconscious, Subjective Mind never makes decisions, never argues controversially, and never goes against the wishes of the conscious Mind. Whatever the conscious Mind impresses upon the Subconscious Mind, whether consciously or unconsciously, the Subconscious Mind will immediately proceed to carry out without question, either directly upon the physical body in the case of healing and health, or through the Universal Mind in the case of manifestation by The Law of Attraction.

The Universal Mind:

The Universal Mind, The Mind of The Source, The First Cause, the Mind of God, is the Ultimate Mind in which everything in the Universe has its Being. Everything in creation exists as a "thought form" within the Infinite Universal Mind.

Because everything in the Universe is One and therefore intimately connected through and with the Universal Mind, Our Subconscious Mind, which is therefore intimately connected to the Universal Mind can easily manifest all of our wishes, need and desires, through this connectedness with everything that Is, including through the minds of other humans, through which our wishes are manifested.

Things of humans are manifested through humans, and things of God are manifested through God. Everything in the Universe has its proper channels of creation, ultimately through Divine Providence, The Source, God.

Like the individual Mind, the Microcosm, the Universal Mind also has two fundamental aspects, "Objective" and "Subjective". It was the Universal Objective Mind, Who made the Conscious "decision" to bring the entire Universe in to Being in the beginning. As with humans, and all life, the vast majority of the Universal Mind is Subjective, so the individual Subjective Mind is an integral, inseparable and intimate aspect of the the Universal Subjective Mind, through which relationship our thoughts become manifest, and subsequently consciously experienced through The Law of Attraction.

The Universal Conscious, Objective Mind Consciously creates the Universe, the Macrocosm, just as we, as humans, representing the Microcosm consciously create our own individual Universe, our reality. The medium through which these processes occur are the Individual and Universal, Subjective, Subconscious Minds, through which all Mind is connected and is an integral aspect.

The "Unconscious" Mind:

I would like to mention the "unconscious" Mind due to the fact it is very frequently confused with the "Subconscious" Mind, often in the context of hypnosis, hypnotherapy and associated professions.

The Conscious, Subconscious and Universal Minds are all very real, aspects of the one Ultimate Mind of which we are all an integral, inseparable aspect, collectively representing the one, true Mind.

The so called "unconscious Mind", a term which is often, and most erroneously used by people meaning the Subconscious Mind, in fact rather describes a state of conscious "awareness" as opposed to an aspect of Mind.

During waking ours we are "Conscious" and therefore "aware" whereas during sleeping hours we are "Unconscious" and therefore "unaware".

Consequently there is no such entity as the "Unconscious" Mind.

The Conscious Mind can either be "aware" i.e. "conscious" or "unaware" i.e. "unconscious" but neither of these correctly applies to the Subconscious Mind which is neither "aware" or "unaware" but rather simply Is.

I hope this better describes various aspects of Mind and awareness


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