Thursday, June 18, 2009

We Are The One We Are Waiting For

by Adrian Cooper

We Are The One We Are Waiting For!

Everything is Energy from a 'Single' Conscious Source
Known by many Names including God of course,
God Consciousness evolves through human being's
Beliefs, thoughts, words, actions and feelings!

Our divine purpose is harmony, JOY, celebrations
Without judging, criticizing or blaming God's Emanations!
What darkens segments of a Divine Plan?
Absence of awareness in child, woman and man!

Unlike creatures, our thoughts bring into form
Creating unconscious results became the norm
Focus 'ONLY' on what you want; focus deliberately
Your willingness to shift sets everyone free!

Imagine a circle of darkness around our Earth
Holding our human family in lack and low self worth
Unloving choices brought darkness in many a form
Seeing through eyes of love is the way to transform!

God's Infinite Substance awaits you within
Re-membering oneness is where to begin,
Understand and experience who you truly are
A unique particle of God Consciousness from afar!

Beliefs hidden in our subconscious mind
Project events and people divinely designed
To unblock what we are ready to release
Restoring joy, harmony and inner peace.

Buried beliefs originate from unfamiliar places
Some from our own forgotten faces
Traumas experienced barricade our heart
Seek guidance from within to heal your part!

All you have to do is ask and receive
Knowing Intelligent Substance will begin to weave
Whatever you require to shine the Light
Of awareness to awaken your eternal insight!

World peace is other than the absence of war
After eons of protests who can keep score?
Individual peace of mind makes world peace possible
Healing within makes this entirely plausible!

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Imagine the BLISS in uniting our human hearts
In the doing comes the knowing what more can I say
For those with ears to listen, WE ARE THE WAY

Doreen Agostino

Doreen is a remarkable person engaged in valuable selfless service
to humanity in these crucial years. I suggest you take a look at
this video that Doreen co-created:


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