Sunday, June 7, 2009


It's very important to keep in mind that the year 2012 is nothing more than just a number. The date in and of itself has absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Whatever event that takes place on and around this date is the result of the collective consciousness.

December 21 2012 and Earth Changes

by Adrian Cooper

As December 21 2012 approaches, a date that more and more people are becoming aware of, we will be examining in great detail every aspect its meaning and significance of this iconic date, and associated events, not the least of which is the Galactic Alignment of December 21 2012 which forms the basis of their Lonfg Count Calendar, and of the many changes that are occuring and will continue to occur as the transition of the ages progresses, and of the extraordinary ancient race that brought us the 21 December 2012 date in their legacy, the Maya.

The next few years as we approach, reach and travel though 21 December 2012, assuming Earth and life on Earth makes it that far, are absolutely crucial and the most important years that humanity has confronted for many millennia, or will again for many millennia more.

You can discuss the end of the age and its assciated prophecies at the December 21 2012 and Earth Changes forum

This page therefore lists the articles that I have written about this transition of the ages, the Maya, the Galactic Alignment and everything else relating to these pivotal and crucial events of the next few years. Please do bookmark this page, and so visit often for the very latest 2012 analysis.

Introduction to the Year 2012

Questions on 2012

More on the Year 2012

2012 and the Cycles of Life

2012 - Transition of the Ages

Conspiracies in Perspective

Behind the "Conspiracies"

2012 in Perspective

The "global warming" Myth

Galactic Alignment 2012

Timeline to 2012

2012 The Online Movie (2009)

Jay Weidner 2012 Conference

2012 Shift of the Ages

Video Selections for 2012 Shift of the Ages I
Video Selections for 2012 Shift of the Ages II

2012 Mayan Calendar, Doomsday or Ascension?
Part 1 of 3

2012 Mayan Calendar, Doomsday or Ascension?
Part 2 of 3

2012 Mayan Calendar, Doomsday or Ascension?
Part 2 of 3

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