Sunday, June 7, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 07 June 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful, abundant and healthy week.

I would first of all like to extend a very warm welcome to all new members to this newsletter. This week you number well in to the thousands once again.

Many new members have joined us as I direct result of existing members forwarding last week's newsletter to family, friends, co-workers and others, and who subsequently decided to join us to receive this newsletter every week.

It is a fact that the vast majority of people interested in these subjects never actually publicly say so through fear of what others may think, but nevertheless are often really hungry for knowledge such as this which comes as a relief once they discover it.

We are all here to serve others before self. I realise most do not recognise that fact yet, but a very simple way to serve others is by sharing this newsletter. Simply forward the email message you received with the link to this newsletter, or send the link directly, with a note something like "I received this today from a friend - what do you think?".

There is no need to go in to detail or explain yourself in any way - simply give someone the same opportunity that perhaps you once had yourself and were grateful for.

As the transition of the ages continues, we are rapidly reaching that crucial pivot point where those who wish or should be on the path, should already be actually on the path. It is never too late, but really it is best not to delay at this point in the process.

If you have received this newsletter from someone else and wish to receive it every Sunday, then you may join by simply by adding your name and email address to the form on the top of any page on our site:

And you will also receive 7 free chapters to by book.

For anyone seeking comprehensive knowledge on the meaning of Life, my best selling book, Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind will provide just that as you will see from the reviews on the site:

I am often asked if there are any other books that I would recommend.

Well there is only one other book that impresses me so much that I can highly recommend that everyone, a book that has been out of print for many decades but impressed me so much that I personally re-published it as a paperback to ensure that everyone can benefit, and that book is Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons:

In this week's newsletter:

1. Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons. Newsletter Reader Opportunity

2. The Sun: Life, Light and Energy

Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons Newsletter Reader Opportunity

It has been many months since I made the electronic edition of the incredible book, Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons available to newsletter members as a very special opportunity, and quite some weeks since I brought to you any opportunity at all.

Since then many thousands of new members have joined us, many of whom have heard of this book and wish to know whether it may be made available once again.

I have therefore decided this week, for a limited time only to be fair to those who have already purchased this great book, to make Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons available once again.

This is what I have put together for you as a valued newsletter subscriber, and for the benefit of the many thousands of new subscribers joining us in recent weeks having never previously enjoyed the same opportunity:

Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons, Eugene Fersen - $Priceless

Science of Being in Seven Lesson, Eugene Fersen - Normal Value $37

The Master key System, Charles Haanel - Normal Value $17

A Book About You, Charles Haanel - Normal Value $17

Mental Chemistry, Charles Haanel - Normal Value $17

The New Psychology, Charles Haanel - Normal Value $17

The Amazing Secrets of The Yogi, Charles Haanel - Normal Value $17

And a $20 Discount from the normal price

So in summary you are receiving Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons, plus $142 of gifts and discounts for just $17 as a most valued newsletter member.

Charles Haanel, who is one of the very greatest authors of Mind Power Books, was apparently a student of the great Baron Eugene Fersen, the author of the Science of Being books, which is why I deemed it appropriate to offer you all of his books as well.

All of these books have been specially edited, updated and prepared by myself, so you can be absolutely certain that they are of the very highest quality.

If you wish to take advantage of this unique limited opportunity, here is your special newsletter opportunity page:

Together with Our Ultimate Reality, you cannot read more valuable books than these.


The Sun: Life, Light and Energy

In last weeks newsletter I briefly mentioned that the small island where I am blessed to live was experiencing some extraordinary weather.

Temperature reached 25 degrees Celsius last Tuesday which was almost unprecedented. In fact it was way too hot for most people to function normally. Here 20 degrees Celsius is considered to be hot, and just about the level where residents here start to slow down and really feel the effects - it certainly does not happen very often.

By Friday the weather was back to more normal for early Summer - I realise Summer has not formally started yet - of 11 degrees, wind, rain and cloud.

This last week however has been an absolutely fascinating study for me, of just how much the weather can and does profoundly affect human mood, performance and well-being on a very large scale, especially in conjunction with other factors.

This week therefore I have decided to move away from our usual Spiritual, Metaphysics and Quantum discussions to take a look at the crucial importance of that entity most people take for granted, but which exerts a tremendous influence over Life - the Sun.

Where I live, which I assume is typical to a greater or lesser typical of many locations, many people spend 8 months of the year tolerating "miserable" weather, only to look forward to perhaps three or four months of better weather which to make the most of.

During those 8 months people here often look miserable for the most part - I assume they feel that way as well.

This last week however, when the Sun shone, it was hot, clear blue cloudless sky, gentle cooling breeze, virtually everyone I saw seemed so happy - almost as if a great weight had been lifted from their shoulders.

This week everyone is back to "normal".

It has been abundantly obvious to me that there are factors here worthy of deeper investigation, specifically why the Sun, that familiar yellow disk in the sky, can quite clearly influence so many people so profoundly in such a short time.

These are actually very worthwhile questions, because in most parts of the world millions of people collectively, during the months of Winter, experience an ailment with the appropriate acronym "SAD" - "Seasonal Affective Disorder"

Now it became immediately apparent to me that this is not and cannot be a coincidence.

But how and why is this so?

Well there are two fundamental reasons for this.

1. Biological: The human brain

2. Metaphysical: Energy

Let us now take a look at these in depth.

Biological influences - the human brain.

The Sun is crucially important for the efficient functioning of the human system at all levels - physically, mentally and therefore psychologically.

A major source of influence over the human well-being, including moods and emotions are the Neurotransmitters of the brain, the major ones of which, especially from this perspective are Serotonin, Melatonin and Dopamine.

I personally believe that imbalances of these Neurotransmitters are the root of many brain and well-being related "disorders" including, but not limited to "chronic fatigue syndrome" as well as bipolar and related disorders and various forms of depression.

To understand this better we need to take a closer look at the biochemistry and neurochemistry involved in these organic processes.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter metabolised in the human body from a naturally occurring substance called Tryptophan, which is an amino acid.

Crucially, Tryptophan is an "essential amino acid" which means that it is not produced, i.e. manufactured directly by the human body from its native resources.

Tryptophan is rather a precursor of Serotonin found in various foods in the diet.

Since Tryptophan is metabolised - converted - to Serotonin by the body, it is clear that a diet deficient in Tryptophan will result in a body, or more specifically brain that is deficient in Serotonin, giving rise to a wide range of potential neurological "disorders".

It does not end there however.

Serotonin is further metabolised to another brain neurotransmitter known as "Melatonin", which is crucial for regulating sleep patterns, circadian rhythms etc.

It follows therefore that a diet deficient in Tryptophan can have profound effects on levels of both Serotonin and Melatonin, with sometimes devastating consequences.

The other major neurotransmitter that needs to be present and regulated in the brain in this context is Dopamine.

Like Serotonin, Dopamine cannot be made directly within the human body. Dopamine is rather metabolised from an amino acid called "Tyrosine" which, like Tryptophan, is ingested as part of the human diet.

Before proceeding, let us review the effects of a deficiency of any of these neurotransmitters:

Lack of Serotonin:


Panic attacks

Obsessions and compulsions

Repetitive thought processes

Emotional responses such as anger and aggression



Chronic fatigue

Lack of Melatonin:



Premature ageing



Lack of immunity against diseases

Lack of Dopamine:

Feeling "low"


Lack of motivation

Lack of enthusiasm

Lack of concentration

Unable to think clearly


Tendency to additions, e.g. tobacco, alcohol and mood enhancing prescription drugs

Weight gain

Chronic fatigue


These are just a few of the symptoms of brain neurotransmitter deficiency. There are other neurotransmitters, deficiencies or imbalances of which can cause other effects.

Now I am sure it must be obvious that in order to minimise exposure to these symptoms, it is absolutely crucial to ensure that your diet contains an adequate supply of the essential amino acids Tryptophan and Tyrosine as well as others.

I should point out that drugs prescribed by doctors which are supposed to help fight the symptoms listed above are generally "uptake inhibitors".

"SSRI" is acronym for "Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitor" which are designed to maintain the levels of Serotonin in the brain by blocking, or rather inhibiting the natural recycling or "reuptake" processes.

Drugs exist to prevent the reuptake of Dopamine. I would very strongly advise against taking any such drug, a well known example of which is Prozac. These drugs have not been proven to be effective, but have been shown to cause all sorts of other unwanted side-effects such as Tinnitus - persistent ringing in the ear.

SSRI's and DRRI's can seriously mess up brain chemistry - which is finely balanced - generally, causing more harm than good - possibly even in the long-term.

So what is the solution or at least what may we do to minimise these situations?

Well first of all ensure a diet that has adequate natural supplies of these brain neurotransmitter amino acid precursors. Much of the processed and junk food today found in supermarkets and fast food outlets does not, as well as damaging generally.

Natural sources of Tryptophan include many varieties of nuts, brown rice and many types of vegetables. You can find definitive lists of Tryptophan rich food on the web.

I personally recommend high quality, unprocessed brown rice as an excellent source of many crucial amino acids and other necessary nutrients. If you enjoy rice I suggest either using brown rice alone, or, if the family prefers processed - i.e. white - rice, mixing brown rice with some white rice. White rice has much less nutritional value.

Lysine, the precursor of Dopamine also exists in many natural foods, in particular Corn and Avocado's.

I suggest you carry out your own research relative to your own diet and that of your family to discover which foods you enjoy naturally contain Tryptophan and Tyrosine.

This is a hugely important matter. Brain neurotransmitters are crucial for both physical and mental health, and are fundamentally dependant on your choice of diet.

Now what of "dietary supplements".

I personally do not have a position on dietary supplements one way or the other, except to the extent I know that natural sources of nutrition are always best, together with the power of the infinite Power of Mind which is always Principle.

If you do choose to take natural supplements, always ensure that they are from a highly reputable supplier, and above all contain only all natural products with no fillers. Keep in Mind that gelatine is made from ground animal bones and hooves and no suitable for Vegetarians or Vegan's. Many herbal products are now packaged in "vege-caps".

There is one particular excellent dietary supplement for boosting Serotonin levels, which has actually been proven in clinical trials to be more effective for treating depression related disorders than Prozac, without any of the many risks associated with Prozac.

The supplement I refer to is called " 5-HTP" which is short for 5-Hydroxy Tryptophan.

5-HTP is a in intermediate compound between the naturally occurring Tryptophan and brain neurotransmitter Serotonin. When the body metabolises Tryptophan, which is a natural process, 5-HTP is a product which is then in turn metabolised to Serotonin.

Taking 5-HTP therefore is one step closer to Serotonin than Tryptophan, and has the additional benefit of being processed more easily in the form of a dietary supplement.

The only natural source of 5-HTP extract is the plant Griffonia simplicifoli, which is a climbing shrub that grows only in Central and West Africa.

I am particularly happy about this, because, as readers who have followed my newsletters for some time will know, I only eat, and encourage others to only eat, natural, harvestable plant based foods, such as nuts, seeds, berries etc that do not harm the plant itself. This in fact is the natural and original human diet and food source along with roots and other vegetation, and the only foods that guarantee perfect health.

All meat and dairy based products are alien and toxic to the human body, even though, over the millennia, humans have become tolerant to them, as with processed and supermarket type foods, notwithstanding considerable damage is still being done as we see from escalating obesity, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease and much more.

If you feel you would benefit from 5-HTP then go ahead, but my advice is to take a long, hard look at your family diet in the meantime, ensuring a good supply of essential amino acid containing foods, notably Tryptophan and Tyrosine, so your family will be sure to have available the neurotransmitters required for optimum brain related functioning.

Influence of Sun and Light over Well-Being

Neurotransmitters alone however are not the whole picture - crucial though they are.

Regulation, processing and application of neurotransmitters are also regulated by photons of Light entering the visual cortex of the brain through the physical eyes.

This for example is how sleep patterns are regulated by the brain.

As fewer photons of Light enters the eyes, the brain, always under the absolute control of the Subconscious Mind, further metabolises Serotonin in to Melatonin, which in turn then regulates waking and sleep patterns as well as Circadian Rhythms. The well known "jet lag" syndrome is also closely related to these processes.

In addition, the higher the levels of photon activity entering the brain, the more Tryptophan is metabolised in to Serotonin, and the more the effect on the brain giving rise to mood enhancement, and more effective sleep/awake regulation.

Also to consider is the metabolic conversion of Lysine to Dopamine.

Dopamine is a "CNS" - "Central Nervous System Stimulant" - which profoundly influences feelings of happiness, well-being, and even euphoria. Many recreational "substances" are either Dopamine antagonists or reuptake inhibitors, boosting

Dopamine levels, stimulating the central nervous system, thereby creating feelings of euphoria and other "highs", such as those associated by "recreational drugs".

Many ancient cultures also use natural substances to create these euphoric states but without understanding the physiological or neurological process taking place. In fact these are mostly based upon Dopamine elevation with the resultant central nervous system stimulation giving rise to the euphoric states associated with native rituals.

It is clear then that Light entering the visual cortex is a crucial regulator of brain neurotransmitters in general, and a fundamental and inseparable aspect of the process.

I personally believe, from my own research and observations, that even if neurotransmitter levels are normal in the brain, without sufficient Light entering the visual cortex and higher frequency Energy entering the Energy Body, there will be insufficient metabolisation of brain neurotransmitters, and therefore CNS stimulation.

There is a well known disease that you may have heard of or even experienced known as "SAD" which is an appropriate acronym for "Seasonal Affective Disorder". SAD mostly affects millions of people in the Winter months, where they feel depressed, "low", lacking Energy and motivation and more.

During the Winter months of course, the Sun is not only lower in the sky and much less intense, but the Sun also only appears for a few hours per day, depending on how far North or South you live. And of course weather is often much more cloudy and overcast during the Winter, so he Sun never appears at all for sometimes days at a time.

There is no doubt to me that SAD is a direct result of the position of the Sun relative to the location of the person experiencing SAD in the winter months.

People who remain in the home are usually more prone to SAD than people who spend more time outside for this reason.

During the Winter, when it is cold and the weather is adverse, people will often spend much more time indoors anyway, resulting in less Sun and natural Light exposure.

Many studies have also shown that SAD is much more prevalent in Scandinavian countries due to their more Northern latitude for this reason. An exception seems to be Iceland, which incidentally is an amazing country to visit, and one I would recommend visiting. Research has shown that this exception could well be due to the fact that Icelandic people eat a large amount of fish in their diet of the type rich in Tryptophan's and Vitamin D.

I should mention at this point that in order for Neurotransmitters to be metabolised, regulated and balanced efficiently, an optimum level of Vitamins are also required, in particular B Vitamins - B6 and B12 being particularly crucial - and Vitamin D. This of course reinforces the importance of a properly balanced, natural, whole food diet.

So this then is a brief look at the biological aspect of the complex interaction between the Sun, amino acid neurotransmitters and regulating vitamins, but there is more - the Metaphysical aspect- to take in to consideration as well.

The Metaphysics of the Sun and Well-being.

Now just as this was beginning to seem complex, there is more - much more.

I have observed, and indeed verified that even when people are in an enclosed building, not exposed to the Sun, even with curtains closed or away from windows, when the Sun shines people are still influenced - sometimes even dramatically.

Why is this?

It cannot be due to photons of Light after all, especially if the curtains are closed.

Well this is where we leave photons of Light, visual cortex and the organic brain to take a look at Universal Native Energy and the Energy Body.

While the Sun is most obvious as that bright yellow disk in the sky, it is also a powerful Source of Energy across a much wider spectrum than science is aware of.

From a physical perspective, the Sun is a crucial, life sustaining Energy Source, and a reason why so many cultures of the past worshipped the Sun, and attributed so many deities - God's - to the Sun.

The God of the Roman Empire before Christianity was invented was Mithras, the Roman Sun God, after which Christianity was modelled. This is why the cross actually represents the Solar Cross and Cross of the Vernal Equinox. This is why many crosses have circles around the centre - the circle is the Sun, sometimes seen with rays. Mithras was borrowed from the Zoroastrianism based cultures of Eastern Europe, so the Sun God depicted by the Solar Cross was around thousands of years before Christ.

The Sun emits Energy at a very wide range of frequencies, only some of which are observable or measurable within the visible or invisible spectrum of Energy. Much if not most of the Solar Energy spectrum is not measurable with human scientific instruments.

These higher frequencies of Energy do however influence the Energy body itself, which, in turn transmits Energy to the physical body which profoundly influenced. the Energy Body with its Chakra system is in fact a step-down transformer that transmits and regulates Energy between the Energy body and the physical body.

There is a whole branch of Yoga - Surya Yoga - dedicated to "Sun Gazing" - specifically to absorb or "assimilate" Energy directly from the Sun.

There are people who claim to be able to live exclusively on such Sun Energy without the need for any food or even water, although such specific claims have never been conclusively proven.

It is absolutely possible to live exclusively from Native Universal Energy, because, as we know, we ultimately exist in the same Universal State. That said, living exclusively from Native Universal Energy is an advanced practice and should never be undertaken.

Anyone attempting this without the necessary abilities could experience serious illness or quite possibly death. In particular, Sun gazing can be extremely dangerous, with the potential for very serious damage and permanent to the eyes or even blindness.

Again - these are very advanced abilities, beyond the range of most.

Higher frequencies of Energy, whether Native Universal or Solar are not restricted to physical limitations, and will therefore easily pass through the roof and walls of a home, and absorbed by human beings to directly charge the Energy body, thereby raising Energy levels and Vibration, both of which will directly influence Well-Being at all levels.

So then we can clearly see then many reasons why the Sun can directly influence Well-Being. For those experiencing illness due to Light deficiency, Light Boxes, radiating 10,000 or more Lux are available which can be highly effective.

But also it is clear that a proper, natural diet, with a good supply of amino acids, Tryptophan and Tyrosine are also crucially important, and inseparable from the activity of the Sun, both as a source of photons of Light and Native Universal Energy.

I hope this has provided some valuable insight in to the whole subject of Well-Being, and in particular that Well-Being is as a choice as well as a function of external factors.

Please keep in Mind your newsletter subscriber opportunity, Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons, which, together with the 5 Charles Haanel books, is probably the most complete and powerful package of its type available:

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,


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