Thursday, June 18, 2009

About This Site

by Adrian Cooper

During the last few years, increasing numbers of people around the world have been noticing changes manifesting in both individual and collective human consciousness, and in the outer physical world.

We are blessed to be living in physical reality during the era of a great transition, an of evolution of consiousness that has the potential to take humans, all life and planet Earth Herself to the next stage on the great return to our Divine Creator from whence we came in the beginning.

As we near the end of one great era and enter a potentially great new era. The ultimate outcome of this great transition will, for most, be ultimately determined by one factor "consciousness" of the human race, all life and Earth Herself, and it is to this that Our Ultimate Reality is devoted.

Many ancient cultures predicted and documented these events two thousand or more years ago, events often associated with a date people are becoming increasingly aware of; December 21 2012.

The ancient people knew, as did many others throughout the ages, of the coming of this new era or "age", marking this transition of life and consciousness to a new, glorious level of Spiritual growth.

However, the outcome of next few years towards which we are rapidly heading will ultimately determined by just one major factor; the consciousness of humanity, life and Earth in the next few years.

Our Ultimate Reality is a book of 632 pages and 115 chapters that has changed, and continues to change the lives of numerous people, as witnessed by the the countless ongoing messages of thanks and testimonials we are most grateful grateful to receive from readers.

This highly acclaimed book has become the defacto reference for spiritual growth, spirituality, the truth of life after death, how to attract health, wealth and happiness in abundance and much more. We are living in exciting times but what you learn in the next few years, and how you apply it to your own Spirituality and Spiritual Growth is crucial. These are just a few of the numerous subjects you will discover in Our Ultimate Reality:

  • The true nature of the Universe, meaning of life and our ultimate destiny
  • How to attract infinite health, wealth and happiness
  • How to easily achieve Astral Projection and, Out of Body Experiences
  • How to visit the "afterlife" and discover the truth of life after death
  • How to find the answers to important question from within

And much more. Click Here for full details

If you wish to learn the truth of the continuity of life after death, how to prove it for yourself beyond any doubt, how to understand your own Spiritual nature and Spirituality and apply it to your own Spiritual growth while enjoying a physical life of health, wealth and happiness, and experience the joy of teaching your loved ones and showing them the way forward, Our Ultimate Reality is the only reference you will need.

Please do join the newsletter and forums and keep informed about all the latest developments as they happen in these exciting times.

Above all please remember; I can and will provide the information, resources, news and everything else you need for your happiness and Spiritual growth, but at the final analysis only one person can make that big change in your life, only one person can realise your own Spirituality, and make progress at all levels and fulfill your reason for being here, only one person can take action; that person is you!

Please feel free to contact me at any time using the contact form on this site; I am here to be of service to you.

In Lak'ech (Mayan for "I am another Yourself")

Adrian Cooper.


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