Monday, June 29, 2009

Community Gardening

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Community Gardening

The Mission of the American Community Gardening Association is to build community by increasing and enhancing community gardening and greening across the United States and Canada.

The American Community Gardening Association (ACGA) is a bi-national nonprofit membership organization of professionals, volunteers and supporters of community greening in urban and rural communities. The Association recognizes that community gardening improves people’s quality of life by providing a catalyst for neighborhood and community development, stimulating social interaction, encouraging self-reliance, beautifying neighborhoods, producing nutritious food, reducing family food budgets, conserving resources and creating opportunities for recreation, exercise, therapy and education.

ACGA and its member organizations work to promote and support all aspects of community food and ornamental gardening, urban forestry, preservation and management of open space, and integrated planning and management of developing urban and rural lands.

The Association supports community gardening by facilitating the formation and expansion of state and regional community gardening networks; developing resources in support of community gardening; and, encouraging research and conducting educational programs.

What is a Community Garden?
Starting a Community Garden
Find a Community Garden Near You

Community Gardens Program

How to Start a Community Garden by Erin Hayes at

How to Start a Community Garden at

How to Start a Community Garden at The Greenest Dollar

Start a Community Garden at CookingLight


Anonymous said...

Thank you for linking to us..can I ask that you change to the permanent link which is ? The other may not work forever...

Thanks again!

Inward Journey Tools said...

Sorry for the delayed response. I've been quite busy lately. Thank you very much for the permanent link. I just changed the link to the correct address.