Sunday, April 26, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 26 April 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter. I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

Many of you are sensing or at least beginning to sense by now the great changes that are increasingly occurring in the World today at all levels - both within and without. Many know of others who are noting and commenting on the changes, wondering exactly what is happening and what, if any actions can be taken.

The truth though is this. It is absolutely critical not to focus on the dramas of the "outside world", in whatever form they take. Whatever we focus on we attract. The only place to focus instead is within, on all of your most positive wishes and dreams, and above all without any fears, worries or any thoughts of a negative nature.

The physical world, indeed the physical Universe as a whole, as with the Astral worlds, the "afterlife", are of the collective making of humanity. They do not exist except in, and as a result of the Mind, and accordingly have no basis in fact except to the extent everyone believes that have a basis.

In this weeks newsletter we will take a look at this apparent paradox in more detail by taking a brief look at the true nature of what people generally regard as "matter".

In general terms, we should only focus on the bigger picture, on our own experience and that of our family, of the forthcoming transition, and above all Service to Others by sharing this knowledge that they may have the opportunity to make the same choices.

So please do share this newsletter with everyone you know, offering the same opportunity that you have been offered in the past, that they may decide for themselves.

Of course everyone is most welcome to join us here which they may easily do by completing the form at the top of any page on our website:

In this weeks newsletter:

1. Jackie Evancho update.

2. Root Chakra Development update.

3. What is the "matter".

Jackie Evancho update

A couple of weeks ago I brought you news of Jackie making it in to the top 20 of the USA World Showcase singing competition.

I am delighted to inform you that Jackie was finally awarded First Runner Up, which is an absolutely phenomenal achievement for a 9 years of age girl who only started singing just over a year ago, competing against all age groups and experience levels.

Last weekend Jackie was asked to attend a singing competition in Massachusetts, where she was awarded the Gold Medal for the best vocal performance.

At the end of the event she was asked to perform an impromptu duet with singing and acting star James Bondy. Here it is:

I am sure you will agree that Jackie's performance speaks for itself.

From the first time I heard Jackie sing I knew that her abilities come to us from a higher "level", and that she is here, as with so many children, during these transitional times to participate in the process of the raising of consciousness. Jackie is doing an outstanding job of achieving this everywhere she sings, touching the heart and Soul of everyone who hears her sing, as the standing ovation at this event shows very well.

Jackie's mother, Lisa, tells me that soon she has been asked to sing the national anthem at a fund raising event being held by General Chuck Yeager, and then sing the National Anthem again at another event hosted by Senator Jane Orie.

Jackie is now receiving the recognition she deserves. I continue to predict that within 12 months Jackie will be known by, and touching the Hearts and Souls of millions.

If you know of other artists like Jackie please do let me know - there are many out there without doubt. For every person such as Jackie we discover, there are a hundred, even a thousand that are waiting to be discovered and fulfil their true purpose on Earth.

I would like to mention of Jackie's mother, Lisa Evancho, who recognised Jackie's ability from the very beginning, and now dedicates her life to give Jackie every opportunity.

The question I would like you to ask yourself if you have children, is what special abilities do they have? It might not be an ability in singing or the arts, but nevertheless an ability that they truly have a passion for, simply needing some support at this stage.

So many people go though life doing "jobs" and other activities they dislike - or worse. If we can help others to follow their passions, as I support Jackie, not only are they blessed, but they will bless the lives of countless others, bringing joy and happiness.

Root Development Chakra Update

I would like to thank everyone for your truly exceptional response and feedback for the new Root Chakra Development sound track that I introduced to you last week.

As a result of feedback I have already been able to make one small adjustment to stage 1 of the track, during the holding the breath phase of the breathing exercises.

Although each phase of the breathing is to a count of 7, it was mentioned that with the vocal guidance, the holding of the breath phase was for a somewhat longer duration than some people could manage, not being used to breathing exercises generally.

I have therefore adjusted this aspect of phase 1 of the sound track, the breathing exercises, in order to ensure that the holding of the breath phase is more comfortable.

As with many of these abilities, the breathing exercises will become progressively easier with practice, until they become second nature.

Breathing exercises are an extremely important aspect of all Spiritual and Metaphysical practices, which is why so much emphasis is placed on breathing by all the traditions of the Far East.

The rewards of persevering with correct and effective breathing alone are great, and so it is well worth persevering. Root Chakra Development as with all future sound tracks will place great emphasis on breathing for this reason.

Those of you who have already purchased the Root Chakra Development sound track can download the updated version from the page that you already have.

The feedback generally has been extremely positive and an excellent basis for further tracks. You can be assured that I will adjust the tracks until they are as perfect as possible for the maximum number of people.

I would like to mention that the Root Chakra, although a very important component of Chakra, and indeed the Energy Body system generally, maximum benefits are only fully realised when the entire Chakra and Energy system are fully activated and working in complete harmony, thus facilitating the maximum Energy flow and retention across all Chakras. Without such balance, Energy bottlenecks can and will result.

I will be providing further Chakra Development tracks as according to feedback received, so the sonner you start the more beneficial this development will be.

For all those new members who are not yet aware of this Root Chakra Development opportunity, further details can be found on this page:

What is the "matter"

"Matter" not only forms the basis of the apparent "solidity" or "tangibility" of your surroundings, your physical world, your experience, but of the mainstream sciences, including, but not limited to chemistry, biology and the materially based sciences.

Even physics, whether conventional or theoretical, has its basis within the context of a three dimensional, material framework - the Newtonian Universe.

So the first question we must ask then is what is the "matter" that you have come to accept as "solid" and "real" and therefore the basis of your existence, or experience?

This is actually an extremely relevant question in the context of your experience.

Every "thing" that people believe to be "solid" and "real", and indeed the basis of their very existence and experience is "made of" what is perceived to be "solid matter".

Your home seems to be "solid", your car seems to be "solid", even your body and the bodies of those around you seem to be "solid".

The question of "matter" and "solidity" is therefore extremely relevant from the perspective of "creating" your "reality" or your experience, because experience is always perceived to be relative to so called material "things".

In other words, people believe that in order to influence material things in the desired direction, "matter" itself, which is deemed to be "solid" must be physically "manipulated".

Now look around you.

What do you "see" or think you "see"?

How do these "things" appear to your conscious awareness.

Your PC, desk, chairs, walls, door, even your drink and food - indeed everything around you probably seems to be "solid" or "tangible" in some way.

After all you can see it, touch it, hear it, and in the case of your food you can even taste and smell it. Surely therefore it must be "real"

But is really real?

Now ask yourself these questions.

What is "matter" made of?

"Molecules and atoms" you may reply.

What are "molecules" and "atoms" made of?

You may reply "sub-atomic particles".

You may even mention protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, leptons and so on.

Let us then look at a specific example.

Look at the desk upon which your PC sits.

What is it "made" of?

"Wood" you might say.

Let us now imagine that you have an extremely powerful microscope that you can place upon the surface of the desk, and then you look in to the eye piece.

Now what do you see?

At first you may see the "grain" of the wood. As you progressively increase the magnification you may begin to see the cellular structure of the wood - keeping in mind that "wood" is an "organic material" just like your own body.

As you continue to increase the magnification further you may see the sub-cellular structure such as the nucleus of the individual cells of the wood.

Increase the magnification still further and you begin to see the atomic structure.

Continue to increase magnification still further and the nucleus of an individual atom comes in to view together with its associated constellation of subatomic "particles", protons, neutrons and electrons, seemingly "orbiting" the atom as planets orbit the Sun.

Continuing to increase magnification still further, you may see even more basic atomic particles, known as a "quarks", associated with the protons.

You may notice the three quarks associated with the proton of the atomic nucleus, one of which moves in an "upward" direction, the other two moving in a "downwards" direction.

Now you may begin to wonder just what sort of "force" is holding this atomic structure together. After all, with all this high speed spinning and orbiting going, surely these subatomic particles could simply "spin-off" in to space somewhere?

If you return to your super-high powered microscope and increase the magnification even further, then you may perceive a sort of a subatomic "superglue", keeping the subatomic elements "glued" in place. These are appropriately called "gluons".

But next comes the real surprise.

If you continue to increase magnification still further, suddenly you notice that there are no longer "particles" of any type visible or detectable - nothing is left but "empty" space.

But is the space actually "empty"?

"Space" is not "empty" at all - nowhere in the Universe - in All Existence - is "empty", in absolute terms. What appears to be "empty space" is actually "filled" with a seamless continuum of what we may refer to in absolute terms as "Energy", the most discreet "unit" of which is known as a "Quanta".

So what then does this tell us about he nature of what you may think of as a "desk".

Well quite simply that the "desk" has no "solid", "tangible" or even "real" basis in fact.

The desk is instead comprised of 99.999.....% "nothingness".

What then does this imply about the nature of "matter" generally?

Herein then is the first paradox.

The desk actually has no basis in fact except to the extent that you believe it has.

It is only your "belief" that the desk is "real", that it "exists", and is observed to be where you "expect" to be, that actually causes it to appear to your senses as "real".

If you did not believe the desk to be "real" then the desk would not and could not appear to you as "real", tangible or "solid" in any way. It simply would not exist as a "desk".

But how can this be?

Quantum Mechanics has conclusively proven, beyond all doubt, that "matter" does not exist, "space" does not exist, "time" does not exist, "mass" does not exist and "gravity" does not exist. There is absolutely no doubt about these facts whatsover.

The native state of the Universe is rather a continuous Waveform of Energy - Universal Life Energy - known as the "Quantum Field", originating from its Source, at the highest level of vibration, radiating outwards, vibratory frequency slowing as it does so, until finally attaining a vibratory frequency of such a low rate, that Energy attains the potential - but not the actuality - to appear to "differentiate" in to what people think of as "matter".

But does Energy really differentiate in to "matter"?

In a word - no.

The Quantum Field, Universal Life Energy, exists only as "Quantum Potential" - an infinite Superposition of Energy of infinite possibility, but which cannot be experienced unless a certain condition is satisfied.

What then is this condition?

This condition is "observation".

Observation does not necessarily imply "looking" through the physical eyes. It is the Subconscious Mind that makes the observation through any medium possible and available. This is why the Subconscious Mind ultimately determines our experience.

How then does this process work?

Millions of sensory inputs from the five physical organic sense organs are fed to the organic brain, which mechanically, without any sort of inherent intelligence or consciousness, collates these electrical impulses to produce a composite "image", or more accurately an impression, in accordance with quality of the information received.

The Subconscious Mind then, in accordance with a lifetime of thoughts feelings, emotions, beliefs, prejudices, expectations and other learned and programmed data originating within the sphere of Conscious Sphere of Mind activity, re-processes the "data" before "outputting" it to the "screen" of the Conscious Mind, which in turn becomes "experience" and is usually accepted as being "real".

Ultimately however it is the Conscious Sphere of Mind - the Ego - which both determines and accepts the nature of its own experience, so it is in fact a self-perpetuating illusion.

It is always the task of the Subconscious Mind to ensure that our Experience always matches our Expectations.

How can you apply this knowledge to determine your own experience in any moment?

Well once you know, beyond doubt, that everything you once believed to be "fixed, "real" and "objective" in some way is in fact nothing more than Energy temporarily "collapsing" from a Waveform in to what the physical senses and organic brain believes to be "particles" through the act of observation, but which then instantly returns to native Waveform after the observation - e.g. focusing on something else - and that the Quantum Waveform "collapses" only according to the "way" something is observed - i.e. expectations, intent, Faith and so on - then it becomes empowering, simply because it is readily apparent that we have absolute control over this process at a conscious level.

You see the reason everything around you, your home, your experience, your life, seems "fixed", is quite simply because you always expect it to appear that way.

If you are used to "seeing" certain objects located in certain places, you would never think about these objects as suddenly being in a different place, or even not there at all.

Similarly you would not expect something to suddenly appear where it did not exist before.

But all this is the result of limited, fixed, and indoctrinated thinking of an entire lifetime, stored within, and executed by your Subconscious Mind - never, ever is it "real".

The Quantum Waveform has Infinite Potential.

Plain and simple - if you can Imagine it you can Experience it.

So all you ever need do is to set aside the limited thinking and learned beliefs about the fixed nature of so called "matter", instead to make use of your Infinite Power as an Expression of Source Mind to collapse the Quantum Waveform in any way you desire.

In future newsletters we will take a closer look at this process in practical terms.

Please keep in Mind the first sound track in the Chakra Development Course - the Root Chakra Development - will only be available until the next in the series.

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,
