Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 19 April 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

I have received several messages following last week's newsletter on the subject of Nibiru, some asking what, if anything, can be done to prepare for these events.

First of all, as I mentioned last week, no one knows for sure when Nibiru will arrive. There is every possibility, in my view, that Nibiru will not return during yours or even your children's lifetime. I will of course be sure to keep you fully informed.

All preparation though, no matter what the motivation, must always take place within, because within is all there really is. No amount of preparation within the context of the physical world can make ever make a real difference, especially those based upon fear.

As the saying goes, which is absolutely correct "there is nothing to fear but fear itself".

Know the Truth, Live the Truth, Be the Truth, and all will be fine - it must be, and always is, regardless of the dramas and distractions of the physical world - which are not real.

Before anyone can realise the truth, they must first be aware of the choices.

So many people today are still living in fear each and every day and waking moment, under the oppression of religions, materialism and other false and self-proclaimed entities of power and control, believing they have no choice but to "suffer in silence".

But this is where you can make a difference - a bigger difference than you can imagine.

Simply by making everyone you know aware of the choices that you have previously been made aware of, you are offering the opportunity to actually make choices - which is more than hundreds of millions or even billions of people around the world have.

All you need do is to forward this newsletter to someone you care about. If you are concerned about their reaction, simply ask "what they think of this" information you have been sent" - there is no need to disclose your own position if you do not wish to do so.

If those you share the newsletter with do find it to be of value, they may easily join us if they wish be sure of receiving all future editions, simply by visiting our website and filling in their details in the form at the top of the page:

In this weeks newsletter:

1. Developing the Chakras. The Root Chakra

2. Pursuing the Dream - Spirit and Mind Conquers All

Developing the Chakras. The Root Chakra

Many of you will no doubt be aware of the existence of the Energy Centres located within the Energy Body - the so called "Chakras" - a particular focus of the mystical traditions of the Far East. Chakra means "wheel" or "disk" in Sanskrit.

Over the last few years I have received many messages asking me if developing the Chakra system is really worthwhile, and many more asking if I would actually consider offering a sound track specifically to activate and develop the seven main Chakras.

I can certainly very much appreciate the interest in developing the Chakras, because, as many of you will already no doubt be aware, activating and balancing the Chakra system and therefore the associated Energy Body, is a fundamental factor towards ensuring the health of the physical body, and realising individual Metaphysical abilities.

Each Chakra is also associated with different levels of connection with the Inner Levels of Life, as well as with life experience generally.

The main reason I have not previously developed and offered such a sound track is quite simply because it is, contrary to popular belief, really not possible to develop the entire Chakra system in the context of a single sound track.

Those purporting to offer such a single product, single track "solution", as with many "metaphysical solutions" are simply appealing to the trait to crave instant gratification.

There are tens if not hundreds of thousands of people out there who now know, through experience, that there is no such thing as instant gratification for "Metaphysical Powers" anymore than there is for Enlightenment itself.

Plain and simple, I personally only offer solutions that I know, beyond any doubt, to be a complete and effective solution developed carefully by myself, and ones in which I also know, beyond all doubt, can be effective for the maximum number of people.

The only way to effectively develop the Chakra system both completely and permanently is to first develop each individual Chakra in order, "from the ground up", and then to continue to maintain the entire Chakra system on an ongoing basis. It is also this ongoing development that can lead to the so called "Kundalini" experience.

After much thought, and listening to the requests of many people over the years I decided to create just such a Chakra development system, even though, as mentioned in previous newsletters, I am also working on writing two new books as well as a new service, both of which are necessary as we rapidly approach the pivotal times ahead.

The system I have developed therefore provides a dedicated sound track to develop each individual Chakra first, and then finally a complete Chakra maintenance track.

The power of these Chakra tracks is achieved through these main features:

A high quality MP3 track for each individual Chakra, of up to 60 minutes in length, Including full vocal guidance at every stage by myself
The powerful, next generation, brainwave entrainment technology that I have been developing to achieve the very deepest levels of consciousness
Specially composed ambient music specific to each stage for deeper altered states, and to make the track interesting and engaging
Four distinct stages of development for each Chakra
Fully integrated, interactive and progressive process, each stage leading seamlessly to the next

For those not already aware, the profound benefits of a well developed, balanced and maintained Chakra system include, but are not limited to:

Much more vibrant and balanced physical health, immunity to diseases, and slowing of the "ageing" process
A much greater potential to manage your own life Experience, which is fundamentally Universal Energy differentiated into particles or "matter"
Success with a wide range of Metaphysical abilities including, but not limited to Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences, Telepathy, Telekinesis and many more
A much greater level of inner connectedness at all levels, through corresponding Chakras

Each individual track includes much Each individual track includes much more than Chakra development alone, Including, but by no means limited to these valuable ongoing abilities:

Effective Breathing and Energy transfer
Deep Physical Relaxation
Visualisation through the Third Eye, the Brow Chakra
Powers of Imagination - a Fundamental Power of Creation
Higher, Deeper, More Profound States of Consciousness

It has taken me many hours of intense development to produce each individual track commencing with the Root Chakra, which I believe, and hope, will address the requests and needs of everyone wishing to benefit from Chakra and Energy Body development.

Each track after this first track is dependant on the successful completion of the previous track. I will withdraw this Root Chakra track just before I make available the next Chakra track in the course of development.

It is crucial to your success therefore to use each Chakra Development Track in the order presented to you.

This then is your page if you wish to take advantage of this opportunity:

Pursuing the Dream - Spirit and Mind Conquers all

Over the years I have received countless messages from people all over the world who feel "unworthy" in some way, and allowed this feeling of "unworthiness" to literally consume their entire life experience - sometimes over the course of many decades.

Some of these cases, all too many in fact, are particularly sad, frequently involving people who have experienced an abusive childhood in some way, including the worst kind of abuse, later going on to blame themselves.

Clinging on to the "past", understandable though it is, is very often destructive, especially when the issues originate as a young child at the mercy of parents and others, who should be providing Love, Devotion and Security.

The fact is - the "past" and the "future" do not exist, except only as Energy, drifting around "out there" with the potential to become something else.

In many other cases people see themselves as physically "unworthy" in some way.

This is very often after looking in the mirror and perceiving themselves as not "fitting in" with the expectations of so called "friends", society and others. Such people very often have not as a result been able to find a partner in life, often feeling lonely and hopeless.

This perception can become all consuming, and spiral out of control, often resulting in a withdrawal from society altogether, thus sacrificing all hopes, dreams and aspirations.

This of course is sad in many ways, but is, in reality, a product of a totally dysfunctional so called "modern society" that places vanity and materialism before everything else.

This attitude and outlook on life is constantly reinforced by the media, especially television, with its seemingly relentless barrage of advertising for "products" designed to make the viewer more "beautiful", "more desirable", "younger looking" and so on.

Such adverts, although symptomatic of "modern society" are extremely damaging, and about as far away from our true purpose in Life as it is possible to get.

This relentless assault upon humanity is very often intentional and well orchestrated, the overall objective being to cause humanity to focus increasingly on material things, instead of the only values that really matter - Happiness, Freedom and Evolution.

It is with great joy therefore when I observe a person who could so easily have fallen prey to society and its controllers, completely prevailing and rising above them all.

I rarely watch the television, but two programs I sometimes do watch are "Britain's got talent" and "America's got talent", quite simply because these are two "shows", despite being a circus, that do offer the opportunity for people "outside the system" to really make an impression, and above all to realise and "live their dreams".

These "reality talent shows" are also an excellent study of human nature as well as the extraordinary abilities of those who have successfully thwarted the "system" by following their own passions and pursuing their own dream, regardless of what others may think or the obstacles they have encountered along the way.

Never has this been more apparent than by the millions of people watching "Britain's got talent" last week, when a 47 years of age lady, Susan Boyle, walked on to the stage announcing that she would like to be a professional singer and specifically would like to be like Elaine Page.

Some of the audience laughed and sneered at her with derision. The judges seemed extremely cynical and condescending to say the least.

In her interview before her "performance" Susan confided to an interviewer that she has never been married, and never even been kissed before in her whole life.

In a later interview to a US TV channel she said that her whole life had been devoted to caring for her mother, who had passed away the previous year.

It was abundantly obvious that everyone was judging Susan by her appearance alone.

The video that later appeared on YouTube video has already been watched over 27 million times, but in addition there are several other videos on YouTube of this very same performance, so the total views for all videos of Susan for must exceed 50 million - in just one week. This is unprecedented in my experience, and probably for YouTube.

This is the video:

I am sure you will agree that we are all witnessing something very special here.

Keep in Mind that this was only a preliminary regional audition for the main show later.

There have even been many well known names from Hollywood and all over the world adding their support for Susan, on YouTube but on many different blogs and websites.

I am sure you will agree that this situation is, in and of itself quite extraordinary, but also one which also holds many profound lessons that many would do very well to learn.

The first lesson is self esteem and self belief.

We are not our physical body. In fact at the quantum level the physical body does not even exist at all, and neither does the physical Universe.

Everyone, without exception, is fundamentally an integral aspect of the Divine, temporarily manifesting through a physical shell, which, to the extent it even exists at all, is solely for the purpose of gaining Experience through he interaction with the physical environment and other physical people, which adds to the wholeness of the Higher Self.

The physical body is not to worship, decorate, or otherwise to relate to. The physical body rather exists as a vehicle through which to express Divinity, gain experience and ultimately to attain the Highest possible state within the physical body - Enlightenment.

Mind is Principle. Whatever the Mind can express within, the physical experience must always follow, no matter what the prevailing circumstances of the "outer" world.

The outer world must and will always change in accordance with Mind Principle.

Susan Blackburn is an excellent example of this, and the reason why, even if she is not aware of it, she will profoundly influence the consciousness of tens of millions of people - indeed she already has as can be seen from the YouTube viewings alone.

Before stepping out on to that stage, Susan was portrayed as an eccentric 47 years of age woman, who had never married, had never been kissed by anyone, was unemployed, lived alone with her cat, Pebbles, but still wanted to be like Elaine Page.

She clearly saw the laughter, the derision, the scorn, from both judges and audience, but nevertheless still did not allow it to influence her in the slightest.

When the music started she simply smiled and followed her passion - she sang.

In that moment everything changed.

Everyone rose to their feet, applauding while gasping in disbelief as they realised that she was not only as good as Elaine Page, but a brilliant singer in her own right.

Read the huge number of comments on YouTube which speak for themselves.

No longer is Susan perceived as the person people thought she was before she started to sing, but rather she instantly became transformed, in the eyes of the global audience and judges, in to the beautiful person and Spirit with a God-given talent that she truly is.

How is this possible?

Quite simply because at no time, in her 47 years, did Susan ever see herself in the same way as the judges and audience saw her and judged her to be at first sight.

This extract from a BBC news report summarises this phenomena very well:

Lisa Schwarzbaum, writer for US celebrity magazine Entertainment Weekly, said the performance was a powerful reality check.

She wrote: "In our pop-minded culture so slavishly obsessed with packaging - the right face, the right clothes, the right attitudes, the right Facebook posts - the unpackaged artistic power of the unstyled, un-hip, un-kissed Ms Boyle let me feel, for the duration of one blazing showstopping ballad, the meaning of human grace.

"She pierced my defences. She reordered the measure of beauty. And I had no idea until tears sprang how desperately I need that corrective."

Her post has been followed by comments from scores of readers saying they watched the clip repeatedly, with the same emotional response.

"I cried SO hard," read one. "There's something so beautiful about reaching your dreams... and knowing that age means nothing."

Another wrote: "I cry because she reminds us to hope, to never lose track of our dreams, to keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter what others say or think. She gives us hope."

All Susan knew, apart from exceptional devotion to her mother - a mark of a great Spirit - was her own singing.

Susan is clearly a very humble and modest person who simply decided that she would like to reach more people with her singing ability - she has made an exceptional start.

So what can we conclude from an individual perspective.

Quite simply this.

What you see when you look in the mirror does not matter.

The circumstances in which you were raised do not matter.

What other people see when they look at you does not matter.

All that does matter is that you are Source Energy - God - with all the same Divine Power, Glory, Perfection, and truly Unlimited Potential just waiting to be realised.

You Are what You Believe You Are - never what others believe you are or what they expect you to be.

The other lesson that may be learned is never to be Judgemental.

The judges and the audience instantly judged Susan the moment they saw her, based only on her appearance. They sneered at her, laughed at her and acted with derision.

But on what basis? Quite simply because of the way she "looked".

There was no other basis.

How do you think they would have all reacted if Susan was a 20 year old blond?

The answer is they would have reacted very differently indeed.

Neither judges or audience would have judged her in the way they did, but rather accepted her word, assuming, that if she looks like a singer then she must be a singer.

Being judgemental is one of the worst and most insidious traits of humanity.

People judge others based upon race, colour, creed, religion, social background, age, disabilities and so much more - without ever as much as having spoken to the person.

Being judgmental is also a trait that presents one of the biggest obstacles to Enlightenment and therefore one which goes against the very reason for being here.

If you must judge anyone, judge only yourself.

It is impossible to know the nature of the Spirit manifesting through a physical shell based upon appearances alone.

This works both ways. There are those who know this human trait and use it to their advantage, dressing in mystical or exotic clothes, giving themselves exotic names and titles, claiming to be "gurus", "masters" and so on, knowing that this alone will attract a large "following".

The lesson is quite simply always accept people for who they are, their Soul, Spirit and Energy, not what they look like or who they claim to be which is just the outer facade.

Always look beyond the physical shell to the Eternal Spirit.

Above all know, beyond doubt, everyone is both an aspect and a reflection of yourself.

Your attitude towards others, and towards Life generally reflects Who you Are.

Before concluding I would like to thank the readers who have sent me further examples of children, Children for the Golden Age, who have exceptional musical abilities.

This is Rachel aged 8 playing a Chopin Waltz - a Virtuoso performance:

And in case you were thinking that only girls can play Virtuoso piano at this age, here is an absolutely amazing performance by Hugo, also aged 8, playing a Haydn Piano Concerto with his professor piano teacher. Note how the professor plays from the sheet music while Hugo plays the entire 19 minute piece from memory without putting a key wrong - again a Virtuoso performance at the age of 8 years for nearly 20 minutes:

A truly phenomenal performance by any standards.

His 9 years of age sister plays extremely well too:

Again, all of these children play from a much higher level. They are not playing mechanically - they allow Spirit to manifest through them without allowing the Ego to intervene - which is precisely how they Express music so effortlessly and so beautifully.

Several readers have asked why it mostly seems to be Asian children who are able to play the piano at this level. The reason is simple.

In Asian countries parents recognise latent abilities in their children from a very young age, and then provide the child with every possible opportunity to realise those abilities.

In the West, although their are plenty of children with the same potential, very often their parents have a very different attitude and priorities based upon their own ideas and aspirations, rather than that of their children. Those ideas and priorities often preclude allowing their child the opportunity to follow their passion and very reason for being.

If a child begins to manifest great abilities in a certain way, they should always be provided with every possible opportunity to fulfil their maximum potential - only then will the child feel truly fulfilled and joyful, with the opportunity to profoundly influence the consciousness of millions of people during these crucial and pivotal times for humanity.

Please keep in Mind the first sound track in the Chakra Activation and Development Course - the Root Chakra Development - is now available by popular request:

And finally keep track of Susan Boyle - she brings hope to millions if not billions.

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,


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