Sunday, September 6, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 06 September 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter

6 September 2009

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

As the Summer gradually but gracefully completes its course, we are preparing ourselves for the next Season, Autumn or Fall depending on where you reside, with a whole new realm of Divine Beauty and Perfection to appreciate and Experience.

As the long days of Summer draw to a close, and the long nights of Winter approach, more and more people turn to their PC and the Internet for leisure, entertainment and research in to how they may improve themselves and quality of life in some way.

It is not surprising therefore that once Summer is behind us increasingly more people join this newsletter. It is always wonderful to see so many new members joining us from every part of the world, and from so many different cultures and situations, thus once again illustrating the fact that the quest for Enlightenment, Freedom and the feeling of the profound, impending changes lying just ahead are Universal in nature, and fully reflect the truth that Ultimately we are All One and shared by All, transcending all other considerations.

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This Week:

1. Mobile/Cell Phone Alert

2. The True Meaning and Significance of Faith

Mobile/Cell Phone Alert

This week I would like to begin on a more "down to Earth" yet crucial subject, and one that affects the vast majority of people, at least to some extent.

This subject is mobile phones, sometimes referred to as "cell phones".

These devices have long been suspected of causing various types of cancer due to the close proximity of radio frequencies in a similar wavelength to microwave ovens.

Due to the fact that large scale use of mobile phones is a relatively recent phenomena and conclusive observations and testing take some years, the full risks had not been fully appreciated or quantified. Now however the data is beginning to filter through and it is not good, especially for children as the diagram below illustrates:

The researchers also go on to state:

Ronald B. Herberman, MD, Director Emeritus of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute has stated,

“Based on substantial evidence, especially from industry-independent studies that long term exposure to radiofrequency radiation may lead to increased risk for brain tumors, I issued a precautionary advisory last year to faculty and staff of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute.

Since then, my particular concern about exposure of children to radiofrequency has been supported by a report from Dr. Lennart Hardell. Some of my scientific colleagues have expressed skepticism about the reported biological effects, especially DNA0A damage by radiofequency radiation, because of the absence of a demonstrated underlying molecular mechanism.

However, based on the precautionary principle, I believe it is more prudent to take seriously the reports by multiple investigators that radiofrequency can damage DNA and increase the risk for brain tumors, and for industry-independent agencies to provide needed funding for detailed research to ascertain the molecular basis for such effects.”

Lloyd Morgan, lead author and member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society says,

“Exposure to cell phone radiation is the largest human health experiment ever undertaken, without informed consent, and has some 4 billion participants enrolled.

Science has shown increased risk of brain tumors from use of cell phones, as well as increased risk of eye cancer, salivary gland tumors, testicular cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and leukemia.

The public must be informed.”

I am thus informing you.

It is not know how much, if any mobile/cell phone usage may be considered to be "safe", but clearly risk is related to amount of usage. Children, in particular teenagers tend to make more use of mobile phones than adults, so children must be considered to be particularly at risk.

Invariably in cases such as this commonsense is the order of the day. In my view there is little reason for a child not to carry a mobile phone so that concerned parents can keep in touch, but the child should be informed about the risks of using mobile phones for frequent and/or long calls, and be advised to use conventional landline whenever possible.

Adults would be well advised to follow similar precautions and only use a mobile phone when absolutely necessary - especially for phone calls more than a few minutes.

The True Meaning of Faith

For many people the first time they encountered the word "faith" is in the context of religion, but what is the origin and true meaning of the word Faith?

The word "Faith" translated from the word in Ancient Greek, from which the Bible was originally written and translated came from the word "pistis", which meanings include "conviction" or "assurance", or "to wax confident".

The opposite of Faith is "doubt" and it is with doubt, at some level of consciousness that people perform a Law of Attraction exercise, and wonder why they are not successful.

Doubt is a very powerful, but negative emotion that effectively blocks are retards the creative process, opposing Faith.

True Faith on the other hand "Faith" is the Divine Force of Power Expressing in to our Experience anything that we can possibly imagine.

The person known as Jesus made this point time and again:

And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you -- Luke 17:5-6


And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

-- Matthew 17:20

And throughout the Bible you will find similar references to Faith and Belief although these were interpreted by the Doctrines of religions to mean something completely different - specifically "blind faith" in a fictitious deity, and the need to "believe" in the existence of this fictitious deity or be cast down to "hell" or other situation.

In the context of expressing, Know, beyond all doubt, with complete conviction, confidence and assurance that you are a integral, Divine aspect and channel of expression of The Source, God, and with all of the same creative powers, and that God will provide absolutely anything, without limitation by virtue of your own freewill given by God. Imagine and Believe, beyond all doubt and with complete conviction, confidence and assurance that you already have that which you desire, and with absolute Faith in your God-given powers supported by Gratitude, and it will be yours - every time.

The more we can realise God within, and thereby our own unlimited powers of creation, with perfect Faith that everything we ask for with our thoughts and imagination is unconditionally given, the more powerful we become as co-creators in and of the Universe.

Always keep in Mind that what might seem large to you, like the new home of your dreams, is absolutely minimal to the Creator of the glorious Universe with its trillions of diverse Suns and planets, all of which were "imaged" into Being by God.

But at the same time always remember - out true abundance is not in our material things without, but our treasures within:

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. --Luke 12:32-34

By "bags which wax not old" Jesus is stating the powerful truth that the true treasure, the treasure that is eternal, is within. So we should not seek ephemeral material possessions without, but rather the Kingdom of Heaven within. So before seeking to manifest anything into your physical experience, we should always look within and never without with Perfect Faith.

So what more then can we say about the true nature of Faith? This is what Dr. Robert Russell has to say about Faith, which I believe represents an excellent overview:

"Did you ever contemplate the things that happen through Faithnot the things that could happen, or the things that might happen, but the things that do happen, the things that are happening now?

Where Did Faith Come From?

You were born with the characteristic of Faith, for it is inherent in man.

Protected from the moment of your conception, you emerged into the world with the expectation of continued security.

You accepted the loving care of your parentsfood, shelter, guidancewithout question.

You not only accepted but demanded in a loud imperious voice the things that gave you emotional and physical comfort.

You took your first steps in confidence in the loving hand that held you, and you were not too discouraged by a few bumps and tumbles.

You smiled and expected a smile in return.

Today you walk to your work or drive or take a bus, expecting to arrive at your destination all in one piece.

You accept a job, expressing Faith in your potential.

You marry with Faith in the one you have chosen and Faith in your power to provide for your family.

In other words, you have Faith in yourself, and that is actually Faith in the God within you.

You eat food prepared by countless hands that you never see and wear clothing made by persons you will never know.

You trust the taxi driver to take you to your destination, the barber to shave your face, and the cook to prepare your meals.

How do you know that the taxi driver won't take you to some out-of-the-way place and hold you up?

Or that the barber will not cut your throat?

Or that the cook will not poison your food?

Because of your Faith in your fellow-man and that too is Faith in the one God, who according to St. Paul, is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Three Gifts Are Yours.

When man walked out from God's finished thought, he bore three gifts:

Life: Energy, Animation - by which to live.

Mind: The power to reason, select, understand, and know, by which to become aware of God, of “Him”self and his environment.

Faith: Trust, confidence, assurance by which to penetrate the invisible and to hold God's promises until they are realized in “Him” and for “Him”.

What Is Faith? The St. James version of the Bible says:

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Moffatt translates the words in this way:

Now Faith means that we are confident of what we hope for, convinced of what we do not see. What comforting words: evidence, assurance, conviction, substance!

Faith is the belief that you have the power to do all things.

Faith is a magnetic power that attracts the answer to your prayer. Results do not come by chance, accident, or fate. They are moulded by your Faith in your power through God.

Faith is the glass under the faucet; it is the water wheel under the fall; it is the windmill adjusted to the wind; it is the sunflower facing the sun; it is the ear at the telephone.

Success reduced to its lowest and simplest terms is Faith expressed in action.

Faith is a mental attitude against which there is no possibility of contradiction. If that attitude is directed toward God, it becomes your ability to do anything.

When you pray or treat, you have a right to expect an answer to that prayer or treatment, providing your conviction is in line with the nature of God.

Your Mind, however, must be so convinced of its idea, it must so completely accept it, that contradiction or denial is impossible.

When you have absolute Faith, there is nothing left in you to contradict your treatment.

Faith is the bridge between the physical and Spiritual world. You have the privilege of crossing on it at will

Faith not only makes old things new, but it is the point of contact between God and man.

Faith is the means by which we identify ourselves with the Allness of God.

Through our Faith, God fulfils His promises.

Through our Faith, His Good becomes visible and usable.

Desire is impressed upon the Subconscious Mind through feeling.

Faith holds the idea of desire in Substance until it takes form.

Faith is the most dynamic and transforming force in man.

To become mighty in the individual, Faith needs only a chance to exercise itself.

As students of Truth, we must work for the highest and most complete state of Faith, for Faith is the wire along which Omnipotence moves. In that state, there is no longer anything in us to deny, doubt, or divide the Truth that we affirm.

We shall never perfect our Faith, however, by talking about it, reading about it, waiting for it or wishing for it; we perfect it by applying it to every phase of our living, to the little as well as to the big problems in our lives.

Faith is not just a stirring-up of the imagination.

Faith it is an actual power which acts upon our words.

Faith enables us to see things as God sees them, without blur or distortion.

Faith not only leads man into a definite course of action but opens the way for the Power to flow along the uncongested circuits of his thought.

No longer hampered by doubts, fears, and worries, man becomes, as Emerson says:

“The inlet and the outlet for all that there is in God."

The highest Faith is whole, continuous, triumphant, and victorious. It admits no contrary evidence, no fear, no opposition, no separation, and no limitation.

Hope says that it could happen or it might happen.

Faith says that it will happen.

Faith is the moving force in all creative processes.

Faith is the agent of healing, of prayer, and of demonstration.

Faith is the power to accomplish all things through Christ. All things are yours; and ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's.

The man of Faith experiences Wholeness. Thy Faith hath made thee whole, said Jesus to the woman who touched His garment in search of healing, to the blind beggar, Bartimaeus, and to the leper who returned to give glory to God.

Faith is an Individual Power.

Why did Jesus pinpoint thy Faith?

Why not the Faith of someone better trained or better equipped Spiritually than you recognize yourself to be?

He was showing us that the whole process takes place within the individual Consciousness, within my Consciousness if I am seeking the rewards of Faith, within yours if you wish to experience Wholeness.

Why do we ask for another's help?

Why do we have practitioners?

When the evidence of the senses seems to overpower us, when we cannot see Reality through the cloud of false evidence, we are often impelled to seek the help of one whose vision is not obscured by our problem.

But unless we meet the Faith of the helper with one-hundred percent agreement, we are no better off than we were. Our Faith is still essential.

The Answer Precedes the Problem.

Do you remember the place in which Jesus could do no mighty works because of their unbelief?

Could healing not have taken place in Nazareth?

The Truth is that the works were already done Spiritually in that place as they are in all other places, but they had to await the recognition of the people concerned before they became visible on the material plane.

Do you see now why it is your Faith that makes you Whole?

Faith makes you Whole because in reality you are Whole already.

Your Faith simply acts to reveal that which already is. The works come automatically to the heart that believes.

We do not see the Law of Faith, but we know its power by what it does."

It should be clear therefore that True Faith is one of the most important of all Universal Principles, especially in the context of Expression of our Individual Experience. Taking time to meditate upon and understand the true meaning of Faith you will find to be profoundly valuable, especially in conjunction with other Fundamentals of the Principle of Expression which we will discuss in forthcoming newsletters.

Until next newsletter, I wish you a healthy, happy, abundant week.

In Love and Light,


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