Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 13 September 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter

13 September 2009

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

Today's newsletter will be a short one. Today is an absolutely perfect Autumn/Fall day and a very welcome opportunity to make the most of this beautiful location while the opportunity presents itself, at the same time escaping the chaos of our ongoing renovation.

As usual it is my great pleasure to begin today's newsletter by welcoming all new members - again this week there are many of you.

If you have received today's newsletter from someone who Loves and Cares about you, and would like to receive it every week, then you can join us by completing the form at the top of any page on our website:

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If you would like a more complete guide to the meaning of your life and destiny:

Click Here for Full Details about Our Ultimate Reality book

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From time to time I remind you that our most Divine duty here on Earth is not towards Self, but towards Others. Actually there is no "Self" or "Others" - Only One -The All - but from a physical world perspective we sometimes need to act in a dualistic manner in order to better Serve the Greater Good.

To receive but not give brings an imbalance. Giving can take any form including Service, Guidance and of course Love.

So if you wish to give you can easily do so by sending this newsletter to all those you Know, Love and Care about. It is not for us to concern ourselves with ready they are ready or not - allow then to decide for themselves out of Divine Freewill.

This Week:

1. Chakra Meditation Update

2. The Power of Deep Relaxation

Chakra Meditation Update

I have understandably received many emails enquiring as to the status of the new Chakra Meditation track.

Well the tracks are completed and I am finalising the pre-requisites to make it available. With the ongoing noise and chaos arising from my house renovation this has slowed the process down somewhat, but I am Mindful that many of you are awaiting it.

I can provide some insight.

There will be a total of 9 tracks as follows to facilitate maximum choice:

1. Deep Relaxation - Vocals Only

2. Deep Relaxation - Vocals and Brainwave Entrainment Tones

3. Deep Relaxation - Vocals and Brainwave Entrainment Ambient Music

4. Chakra Activation - Vocals Only

5. Chakra Activation - Vocals and Brainwave Entrainment Tones

6. Chakra Activation - Vocals and Ambient Music

7. Full Chakra Power Meditation - Vocals Only

8. Full Chakra Power Meditation - Vocals and Brainwave Entrainment Tones

9. Full Chakra Power Meditation - Vocals and Brainwave Entrainment Ambient Music

Why so many choices?

Well first of all, because this is due to the fact the track, unlike the original Root Chakra Activation is all inclusive for the development of All Chakras, the total length is longer.

I did not introduce any compromises over the original track, in fact I believe this inclusive track is even more powerful than Root Chakra, and way more powerful than any other track that I am aware of in accordance with my policy of producing the best possible products with the knowledge, experience and resources available to me.

Deep Relaxation is an exceptionally valuable ability, and once learned can help dramatically in many areas of your life Experience. I am offering separate tracks

therefore so not only can it be used as a standalone track, but also once learned you need only follow the Chakra Activation Track.

I received much feedback about the sound effects on the vocals which I have taken in to account.

All Tones and Ambient Music tracks include state of the art brainwave entrainment.

Now it became apparent from feedback and comments generally that some people prefer tone based brainwave entrainment and others music based - so I have included both options. You can switch between them if you wish or progress to vocals only.

The Tones are not binaural's - these are much more powerful.

Likewise with the Ambient Music option, the Entrainment is absolutely state of the art.

So again, I have taken every care to ensure that however you wish to apply these tracks, you can achieve the best possible results.

Fully activated Chakras bring considerable potential, and the process also brings benefits in many other areas of your experience as well.

As for timing - I am hoping to release the track in the next few weeks, subject to opportunities to really focus on completing All that is required first.

The Power of Deep Relaxation

We have already briefly mentioned the Power and Importance of Deep Relaxation, but because this is such a hugely important ability I thought it would be a good opportunity to discuss it further.

I know of no Higher/Inner ability or State of Mind and Being that precludes the need for achieving a state of Deep Relaxation. The deeper the better.

There are several reasons for this:

1. The process of achieving a deep state of relaxation focuses the Mind away from the physical environment and conscious, Ego Mind, in the direction of Inner States of Being and the Subconscious Sphere of Mind activity.

2. During deep relaxation, brainwave frequency slows to the Alpha and even Theta levels through which we can access our Full Potential.

3. It is necessary to lose the feeling and presence of the physical body so that it does not become a distraction while focusing on Higher/Inner Activities.

Many have found that focusing on and achieving Deep Physical Relaxation alone has led to numerous Mystical experiences, with Out of Body and Astral Projection most frequently reported.

Deep Relaxation is also extremely valuable for Healing and Health, because it allows the Subconscious Sphere of Mind Activity to operate in an unrestricted way.

As those of you who have been reading this newsletter for some time will no, the book I recommend apart with Our Ultimate Reality, as the greatest book ever written on these crucially important subjects is Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons, further details for which can be found here:

Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons

This is what The Baron Eugene Fersen has to say:

"The two exercises to be acquired by you first are Relaxation and Silence, without which no other exercise can be properly performed. Only when the body and mind are completely relaxed can you get what is called a real rest, for only then are you in the most ideally receptive condition. All the gates of your body and mind are then opened to the inflow of that supreme Universal Power called Life Energy.

When starting Relaxation do not expect it to be perfect from the very beginning. To relax at will, like everything else, needs practice. If you notice that there is any tension in any part of your body when you are seated in the chair in the correct posture, let it go. Try to feel physically as comfortable and as much at ease as you can.

The same also with your mind. Relax your brain as much as possible. Try not to think of anything, but just to sense rest, peace; and when that condition is attained, then enter mentally into Silence. That is, try to silence within your own self for the time being all impulses, desires and even thought. You will not be able to attain perfect silence within yourself right from the start, but every time you practice it you will gain something in that direction."

Baron Eugene Fersen also mentioned Silence which of course is also crucially important for many objectives, not the least of which is meditation.

But Deep Relaxation must always come first, without which no other worthwhile Experience or State is possible.

As I mentioned before, I know of no Higher/Inner Ability, State or Communication that does not require attaining at least some degree of Relaxation - the deeper the better.

So how can this state of Deep Relaxation be achieved?

The Chakra Meditation is of course one way - a fully guided meditation with brainwave entrainment enables you to focus on the relaxation instead of consciously focusing on the method, but there are several methods that can be used anywhere.

Other methods for achieving Deep Physical Relaxation are these:

1. Breathing: Breathing has always formed an absolutely fundamental aspect of many Mystical, Metaphysical and Meditative Disciplines and for good reason.

The process of inhaling deeply from deep within the stomach area and in to the lungs, holding the breath and then exhaling can be applied to numerous Abilities and States.

The simple process of breathing deeply and rhythmically induces a very calming and relaxing effect that deepens with each inhalation, holding and exhalation cycle.

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Progressive muscle relaxation is a more conscious, mechanical method of attaining relaxation, but nevertheless can be effective if done properly.

During this process each individual major muscle or muscle group, starting with the toes and ending at the crown of the head is tensed, held in a tensed state and then slowly released. Repeating the process for each muscle group if necessary.

3. Mind Power: Using the Power of the Mind to achieve Deep Relaxation is the purest way and ultimately the most effective way, because the Mind always has total dominion and control over the physical body at every level.

During this process the Mind is focused on each part of the body, usually starting at the feet, with the focused intent to relax.

The Guided Deep Physical Relaxation is very powerful for the reasons already mentioned, but in the meantime here is an example of an effective Deep Physical Relaxation Exercise.

Breathe in deeply but slowly to a slow count of five, and imagine with as much realism as possible that the air you are inhaling is a very bright, radiant, sparkling white light. As you progressively inhale, feel the positive Energy of this white light enter your body and spread throughout from head to foot.

Hold the breath for a slow count of five while enjoying the light as it bathes your entire body. Then, slowly exhale to a further slow count of five. As you exhale, imagine that your breath is a dark grey color containing all negativity and tension that you have been holding. As this negativity and tension leaves your body, you feel progressively more relaxed.

Now, continue to relax for a further slow count of five, and repeat the process of inhaling pure, radiant, white sparkling light, again feeling its Energy entering and permeating your entire body from head to foot before finally exhaling the dark grey light. All inhalations, pauses and exhalations should be to the same slow count of five for each part of this process.

Repeat each breathing cycle at least five times, ideally continuing until you are feeling generally relaxed, refreshed and positive. Please note that while doing these breathing exercises, you should inhale by using your entire diaphragm and not just your upper chest. You can accomplish this by drawing in each breath by using the entire area from your lower stomach to your upper chest.

The next stage in deep physical relaxation involves progressive active relaxation, starting at your feet and finishing at the crown of your head.

Imagine, as vividly as possible, a large sphere of bright, glowing, radiant white light positioned just beneath your feet. Make this sphere of light as intense as possible—even brighter than the sun on a clear summer’s day.

Feel the warmth of this energizing light around the entire area of your feet, toes and ankles. Feel all remaining tension drain quickly away as your feet become free of all tension. Maintain this visualization as vividly as possible until all remaining tension completely dissipates from your feet and ankles.

Next, imagine the bright sphere of radiant light moving slowly up your legs to your calves. Feel this area completely bathed in the soothing white light until both of your calves are completely free of all tension.

Next, the light moves slowly up your legs until it reaches your thighs. The sphere of light can expand as much as necessary to fully encompass any area of your body. As before, allow the sphere of light to remain in this position until you know beyond any doubt that all tension has fully dissipated from your legs and they are feeling completely relaxed.

Repeat this process as the glowing sphere of Energy travels slowly up your body, reaching your hips and buttocks, followed by your stomach and lower back, your chest and upper back, arms and shoulders. Your arms should ideally remain totally straight by your sides, allowing the sphere to encompass the entire trunk of your body and arms as it progressively makes its way up through your body, encompassing everything as it leaves each area totally relaxed.

When the sphere of radiant white light reaches your neck, allow it to remain there as long as necessary for you to release all tension. Your neck can collect a considerable amount of tension, and sufficient time must therefore be allowed for it to completely dissipate.

Finally, the glowing, radiant sphere of light reaches your head. Allow it to remain around your head while all tension leaves your face and head muscles. After all of the muscles feel totally relaxed, imagine the radiant, glowing white sphere of light traveling to the top of your head, where it pauses for a while before moving onwards into the infinite Universe.

Take time to bathe in this pleasant feeling of deep, full body relaxation. Feel how blissful it is to have removed all of that stored tension and stress from your entire body. You can remain in this position of deep physical and mental relaxation for as long as you wish while you fully appreciate it.

As has been previously mentioned, this deep physical relaxation exercise is a valuable precursor to Astral Projection, OBE, concentration, manifestation, healing and many other important abilities to be discussed later in this book. In this stressful world, it is very useful, however, to learn the art of deep physical relaxation for the benefits it brings.

After sufficient practice, deep physical relaxation can be performed anywhere at will and without the need for a formal comfortable location or visualizations. Ultimately, you should reach the stage where you can sit completely upright, spine erect on a non-padded chair, and totally relax by simply focusing and willing your body to so. When you can achieve such a state of deep physical relaxation at will, you will find that many more latent abilities will open themselves to you.

If the weather is as beautiful in your part of the world as it is here today, I hope you are making the most of it.

Until next newsletter, I wish you a healthy, happy, abundant week.

In Love and Light,


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