Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 11 October 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter

11 October 2009

Welcome to your newsletter.

I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful, healthy week.

As winter rapidly approaches in the northern hemisphere, increasingly more members are joining us as the long Summer days outdoors give way to the opportunity to spend more time with the PC researching the true meaning of life and other crucial life matters.

You are all most welcome. I do hope you enjoy this newsletter which has been published almost every Sunday since 2005.

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Please do forward this newsletter to as many others as possible.

Should you be concerned about what people may think, you can simply say that someone sent it to you and wondered what they thought about it..

It is very difficult to know the innermost thoughts of a person and whether they are truly open to these Higher Truths. Many more are than may seem immediately apparent.

As the Great Awakening progresses exponentially more people are awakening, but simply do not know where to turn for further guidance - as indeed may have been your own situation at some point in your evolution. So please give everyone the chance.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you works both ways just as it should.

Mind Over Health

As we head rapidly towards the dark, cooler and damper days of Winter, the thoughts of many turn to the possibility of "catching" "seasonal diseases" such as colds and 'flu.

This year a much greater fear lurks in the Mind of many in the form of "Swine Flu".

Now there is much I can say about "Swine Flu" from my own investigations, but this newsletter is not about conspiracies, even if justified as in this case, and knowing the background and agenda's behind Swine Flu will not help in any tangible way. Suffice it to say that Swine Flu is not a natural occurrence - not by a long way.

So before moving on to more substantive aspects of health let us deal with the subject of Swine Flu because Knowledge is Power - literally.

From a practical perspective Swine Flu is not substantially different to normal seasonal 'flu of the sort contracted by millions every year both in terms of symptoms and risks.

What is different however is the way it is being hyped by the media who in turn are under the control of the dark, covert forces whose least concern is the welfare of humanity - the opposite in fact.

Again, without the conspiracies, the main agenda from all the evidence appears to be to vaccinate as many of the population as possible as quickly as possible.

Should you accept or seek such vaccination?

Of course that is entirely your decision to make of your own Freewill.

What I can say however is that there is no way that myself or my three sons would ever consider such a vaccination - or any vaccination for that matter.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that vaccinations administered from a very young age have resulted in damage in many way, including to the immune system itself.

This is no coincidence.

The covert forces operate under a time proven model of Problem > Reaction > Solution.

In other words a notional "problem" is first created and driven home through the media, followed by the reaction and then the convenient and timely solution received by a grateful public who believe, erroneously, that the governments and other agencies of the World are doing a fine job, and really have the best interests of the country at heart.

This has always been a successful tactic because it facilitates so many objectives - none of which are in the interests of the general public - quite the contrary in fact. The more recent example is the "vaccinations" against cervical cancer being routinely given to young teenage girls supported by an expensive an evocative TV campaign.

Aside from the many complications - even deaths - that have directly resulted from this particular vaccination, it is a classic example of Problem > Reaction > Solution ploy designed only to pump even more dangerous chemicals in to our children.

Many of these vaccinations are responsible for isolating people from their Inner Being, stripping them of access to natural Spiritual and Metaphysical abilities.

In Africa, tribes people go to great lengths to avoid their children receiving vaccinations from "well meaning" missionaries. The children of those people very often have great Spiritual and Metaphysical abilities as a direct result including, Clairvoyance.

Consider this. The human race as it is today has evolved over 5 million years or so - countless generations - yet vaccinations have only been available for a few decades.

Similarly 99% of medicines are worthless chemicals which, as such, can do plenty of harm to the body without "curing anything". All healing is of the Mind. It is the belief in the efficacy of these synthetic chemicals that brings about healing, not the chemicals.

These same entities also endeavour to poison us in many other ways including, but not limited to fluoridation of water supplies, aspartame in "diet drinks" and foods - aspartame is a very dangerous substance - a wide range of "additives" in foods, airborne chemicals and much more. Even the radio frequencies from mobile phones are very damaging, especially to children with developing brains and other organs.

So what are we to do to remain healthy?

Well the answer is simple and as it has always been - the Power of the Mind.

Our Individual Mind has Total Dominion over our Physical Body - in every possible way.

Every outer disease and affliction originates from within, due to the action of Mind at some level.

Even ageing is a function of the Mind due to a programmed expectation of the inevitability of ageing, supported by the "anti-ageing remedies" as advertised on TV.

The process of "ageing" is reinforced by the "vanity industry" who, through TV adverts, bombard people with a relentless series of "products" to mask or even prevent the effects of "ageing", often using impressive sounding chemical compound names, thus reinforcing the thought of ageing and vanity itself, and therefore becoming self-fulfilling.

By purchasing such products you are saying to yourself "ageing is inevitable".

Similarly if you go to the doctor for a prescription and start taking "medicines", you are saying to your Subconscious Mind "I have a disease".

Taking that medicine is the same as repeating the affirmation "I have a disease", and the physical action of taking that medicine reinforces the presence of that disease.

This is the true mystical meaning of the "Eucharist" as opposed to the theological concept of it as practiced by the Christian religions. The mystical or Magical meaning of the Eucharist is specifically the reinforcement of a Principle on the Subconscious Mind through the action of eating or drinking.

So why do people age or suffer long-term diseases?

Quite simply because the Subconscious Mind is continually building our body in absolute accordance with the our thoughts.

The original Blueprint of every Human Being is Divinely Perfect and would remain Perfect if the conscious Mind did not instruct the Subconscious Mind to modify it.

Whatever you believe and expect of your body will always become your Experience - positive or negative.

If you think you will "age" or suffer from an ailment, then that will be your Experience, every time, through Mind Principle.

Likewise with "body building" or "training at the gym" where it is generally believed that hard work and physical exertion will produce the perfect body.

The Truth is that the body is already inherently Perfect having been created by Perfection. All we must ever do is to Realise, Express and Experience that Perfection.

Anyone can attain the perfect body shape and other attributes without even leaving the house, or using any equipment, and probably better results as well.

The only "workout" anyone needs is of the Mind, because Mind is Principle and has dominion over the Body. Attending gym etc. does not "build the body" in and of itself anymore than drugs cure diseases, - it is the expectation of the results that gives rise to the results - the physical work simply provides the justification and Belief to the Mind..

We always have absolute control over our body at every level through Mind alone, specifically our Subconscious Mind, over which our conscious Mind has absolute control and total dominion at every level.

So what then are the Principle factors for maintaining perfect health and appearance?

1. Love Yourself - unconditionally. This does not mean in a narcissistic way, but rather as a Divine aspect and Expression of Unconditional Love, Source Mind, God.

2. Realise and assimilate at every level the Divine Perfection in Which we are made - in Whose Image We Are Made.

3. Know the Power of the Mind for Perfect Well-Being at all levels

Let us look at these Principles more closely:

1. Love Thyself: God, Source Mind, First Cause from Whence we came in the beginning Loves every single one of us - Unconditionally - including those that many humans consider to be "evil".

In reality there is no "good" or "evil", only Vibratory Frequencies and Experience.

So if our Creator Loves us Unconditionally, then we should Love Ourselves Unconditionally both from a Personal and Collective perspective.

Again - I do not mean that in a vain, or narcissistic way, but rather to Honour and Reciprocate the Divine, Unconditional Love God holds in us, thus realising the same Unconditional Love within ourselves.

Unconditional Love is the highest Vibration in the Universe, and the higher the Vibration of Energy we associate with, and assimilate, the higher the effect upon our own body.

Unconditional Love is the Highest Vibration With Which we can honour our body, and the Vibration with the Greatest Healing Power.

If you look in the mirror and dislike what you see, you are effectively disliking our True Source, First Cause, God, because you Are the Son or Daughter of God in Whose Perfect Image you are Made and can accordingly fully Realise through Mind.

Only when that Power is abrogated to false, human made ideas as propagated by family, friends, society, media and government is that power weakened.

So every time you look in the mirror, regardless of what illusion your physical eyes convey, say to yourself "I Love You Unconditionally as an Expression of Unconditional Love". Do this as often as you possibly can - you do not have to be looking in a mirror to do this - anywhere and anytime is perfect to Honour Yourself and therefore Divinity.

2. Realise the Perfection in Which We are Made: The First Cause, The Source, Universal Mind knows only absolute perfection.

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them" -- Genesis 1:27

God's own image is Perfection. So we Are All made in the Same Perfection as God. It is a sacred duty to Fully Express that Perfection.

God never sent us to decay or to Experience disease, lack or misery - these are all creations of the Human Mind. God knows Only Perfect Life, Perfect Health and Perfect Love.

So all we need to do is to Realise God Within, as a Channel of Experience and Expression, and to Realise that Perfect Image.

3. Know the Infinite Power of the Mind for Health at all levels: It is crucial to know, understand and practice the Power of Mind.

Our Subconscious Mind has total dominion over our body at all levels. It is the Subconscious Mind that maintains our vital functions, breathing, heartbeat, blood flow, bodily defences and everything else at all levels. Likewise the Subconscious Mind responds to our every conscious thought.

Only think therefore healthy thoughts and of your most perfect ideal appearance at all times and that will be your reality.

Many have difficulty believing this, but this is only due to the influences, or rather illusions of "space" and "time".

It is a fact that when people "pass over" during the change known as "death", upon reaching the Afterlife - the Astral Spheres of Energy - they appear to themselves and others as they were in the "prime of life" - usually mid-twenties to mid-thirties.

This is "residual self image" - the idealised image of their body.

If you hold an image of yourself in the physical world, e.g. of Perfect Health, it must become so through Universal Mind Principle. Never be influenced by others either knowingly or otherwise.

If you see someone sneezing or otherwise ill in any other way, do not think to yourself "now I will catch that cold or 'flu", rather think in terms of "I always feel so perfectly healthy" and "thank you for my perfect health".

That said you should not ignore those around you - especially if they are suffering. Because we are all One, you can feel their Love of themselves, and their perfect health, and thereby bring these things into their own reality, which is really a part of your reality.

If your Child or other Loved one or anyone for that matter has manifested an illness within the domain of their physical body, place yourself into a state of relaxation where

you will not be disturbed, and then feel at one with them, knowing, beyond any doubt that they you are they and they you. Feel the absolute Oneness knowing it to be True.

Then visualise, sense and feel that person smiling joyfully, in perfect health knowing the truth of the words of Genesis: "in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them", knowing that image can only be one of absolute perfection.

All is Spirit, be it another person or an "object", and therefore the Principle is identical.

In order to influence something or someone else, whether to move it as in the case of Telekinesis, or to heal them in the case of an ailment, you must first, beyond all doubt, know the truth that They are really You - As One. In fact there is no "they" and "you", there is only the Unity of Spirit originating from Source Mind within Universal Mind.

Once you Know this Truth, Feel this Truth, and Assimilate this Truth into your very Being, a whole range of seemingly "miraculous" abilities will open up to you, especially when supported by two of the most powerful emotions in the Universe - true "Faith" in your inherent Divine Powers and Abilities through Source Energy flowing through you, and true "Belief" in your own identity as an inseparable aspect of God, made in the image of God, Source Mind, First Cause, and therefore of the Infinite God-given powers of your Subconscious Mind, because -

"Neither shall they say, lo here! or, lo there! For, behold, the Kingdom of Heaven is within you". -- Luke 17:21

"On that day, you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you". -- John 14:20

Until next newsletter, I wish you a healthy, happy, abundant week.

In Love and Light,


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