Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 18 October 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter

18 October 2009

Welcome to your newsletter. I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful, health joyful week.

Once again many new members have joined us since last week - all most welcome. I do hope you enjoy this newsletter, published almost every Sunday since 2005.

As I have mentioned often, there is a truly great awakening taking place right Now - a defining era for humanity which our Higher Self has chosen to Experience.

I saw a trailer for a movie recently due for release in December, simply entitled "2012".

This appears to be the first in a series of movies that depict 21 December 2012 as a day of catastrophic destruction for mankind - the "end of the World".

This type of movie usually has an agenda, and can be very destructive on the consciousness of humanity. Whatever the collective consciousness of humanity focuses on and accepts as truth will manifest as Experience - through Universal Mind Principle.

Should you choose to watch this movie, do so as a science fiction novel - not fact which it is not unless humanity chooses. We always have a choice - choose Enlightenment.

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Please do forward this newsletter to as many others as possible.

Should you be concerned about what people may think, you can simply say that someone sent it to you and wondered what they thought about it.

It is very difficult to know the innermost thoughts of a person and whether they are truly open to these Higher Truths. Many more are than may seem immediately apparent.

The Conscious Paradox

Over the years I have received countless emails from people telling me that they have "tried" to do this, or "tried" to do that without success.

The "try" comes from the conscious Mind and is always bound to fail every time.

As Yoda said to Luke in Star Wars:

Do or do not - there is no "try".

Wise words indeed.

The fact is, throughout my excursion here on Earth this has always been totally True.

The moment we "try" to do something we fail - it is inevitable.

So why is this?

Well "try" is of the conscious sphere of Mind activity which erroneously believes that "effort" brings "results" - it never does or can in absolute terms - at least not enduring or worthwhile.

Many have observed in fact that that the more they "try" to "do" something, the more they fail. This is no surprise at all.

All the wisest cultures of the World know this to be true, none more so, in my view, than Zen - an offshoot of Buddhism.

Now I never promote any culture over another because we all have Freewill which must be exercised as an integral aspect of our Experience here, but if you were to ask me to suggest a culture whose practices are closest to Universal Mind Principle I would respond with Zen.

Actually Zen is an offshoot of Buddhism and the only one that I am aware of which preserves the original values of Buddha himself. Many branches of Buddhism have become a religion like Christianity, following the "teachings" of The Buddha instead of those of Jesus,

The Truth is it is impossible to achieve anything worthwhile from an intellectual level because it engages the extremely limited conscious Ego Mind.

True Buddhism is a state of Being, never a state of "learning".

True Buddhism can only ever be experienced through Zazen.

For followers of the Christian system of belief, the person known as Jesus once said:

"Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" -- Matthew 6.27


"And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?" -- Luke 12:25

What was meant by this?

Well quite simply that "thinking" about something can never result in actually achieving anything worthwhile.

My own life experience over the decades has always aligned with this truth and does so today. To "think" is to deny the Infinite Power of Source Mind that flows through us because it takes it out of the Realms of the Infinite and in to the realms of the limited consciousness.

A fundamental aspect of Enlightenment is transcending the conscious, Ego Mind.

The main vehicle for Expressing our Experience is the so called "Subconscious Mind".

As we have discussed previously however, there is no distinct "Subconscious Mind", it is rather the Subconscious, Subjective Sphere of Mind Activity, or to put it another way our Personal Aspect of Source Mind. Subconsciousness is Source Mind, with All the same Powers, All of Which we have the Potential to Express.

So how then do we Express our desired Experience?

The first thing we should always know beyond any doubt is that the entire Universe and everything within the Universe at all levels, all dimensions and all manifestations is "Mind".

Everything, without exception is an Expression of Supreme Mind - Source Mind, First Cause, most know as "God".

The Entire Sphere of Activity of Source Mind is Universal Mind.

The extent to Which we can Express Source Mind is the extent to Which we have control over our Personal and Individual Experience, the main power behind which is Faith - True Faith - not the blind faith of religion.

As human beings we are individuations Source Mind within the context of Universal Mind.

As Expressions of Source Mind through Universal Mind, Source Mind Expresses and Experiences through each Expression, Expands and the Universe Expands in All Spheres of Vibratory Frequency culminating with the Physical Universe of Matter - which actually is an illusion of the physical senses, still Being Pure Energy.

The immediate Expression is Higher Self - Individuality - which then mirrors Source Mind by "sending" numerous Expressions of Itself to Earth. Almost everyone on Earth is just such an Expression, the exceptions Being the "Ascended Masters", Avatars etc Who already have a complete Higher Self, and consciously manifest as such by lowering the Vibratory Frequency of their Spiritual Body. They can dematerialise just as easily by raising their Vibratory Frequency.

This Infinite Mind of "Source" through which "Source" Experiences and thereby Evolves and Expands.

The entire Universe is in a perpetual state of expansion and evolution.

It also is important to keep in Mind however that although we are ultimately "Individuations" of The Source, i.e. individuated Energy Fields within the Universal Energy Field of Universal Mind, we are also still Integral, Inseparable Aspects of this Energy field and therefore of Source.

There is no separation in the Universe - All is One.

In order to understand this better we only need look at Quantum Mechanics.

Because the Universe - Universal Mind - is Infinite Intelligence of which we are All integral aspects, Quanta of Energy are influenced by Mind at Personal, Individual and Collective levels, Thought itself also Being Pure Energy.

Whenever you look at a physical "possession" such as a house, a car, a television set, they are in fact nothing more or less than an arrangement of Energy, or "Quanta", ultimately created by thought processes of the Mind through the local, temporal collapsing of the Quantum Wave to particles - or more properly the illusion of particles. It is only the physical senses that perceives particles as such.

If an "object" was scrutinised very closely, for example through an infinitely powerful electron microscope, it would very soon become apparent that it is not solid at all but are rather composed of Quanta of Energy Vibrating and moving at extremely high frequency rates in an out of the object being observed, as the Quantum Waveform collapses from a Wave to Particles and back when "observed" - under the influence of Mind.

Nothing can exist permanently unless it is observed because it is Mind that influences the way Quanta of Energy are perceived by the physical senses. Without that focus of Mind the Quanta revert to a Wave of "quantum potential" for something else.

Quantum physics completely confirms this by recognising that some "thing" can only actually come into "existence" when observed as a local, temporal event.

To "create", or more accurately Express our desired Experience we must focus our thoughts accordingly, causing Quanta of Energy to "collapse" and Vibrate in harmony with the desire.

This "focus" is the "observation" and is of the Subconscious Sphere of Mind activity.

So where does the conscious sphere of Mind come in to this?

Well therein is the paradox referred to in the title of this article

Where most people "go wrong" in "manifesting their desired reality" is that they have little or no control over this creative process.

The conscious Mind, our everyday, waking Mind is heavily influenced by the demands of the Ego, expectation of family, friends and society, pressure to conform to perceived socio-economic "norms" and so on - which are actually completely arbitrary - seeking to filter and logically analyse everything presented to it through thought processes or any of the five senses, only allowing thoughts to persist that are consistent with what it considers to be "logical" and in accordance with the "norm".

This is why so many people today are constantly creating unwanted experiences without ever realising why.

The solution therefore is to bypass the filters of the conscious Mind in order to access our infinite and unlimited personal Sphere of Universal Mind activity - Subconsciousness, usually known as the "Subconscious Mind".

Increasingly more people are becoming aware that they can "create" their own "reality", thanks to the movie "The Secret" and masses of information on the Internet on the "Law of Attraction".

What they do not realise is that there is no "Law of Attraction". "Attraction" is impossible because it implies some "thing" exists outside of us in some way, floating around in the ether, which can be "attracted" using the prescribed methods.

In fact even as humans on Earth there is nowhere in the entire Universe that we do not already concurrently exist.

Awareness is simply focusing the Mind on one aspect of that Wholeness as opposed to "moving to it" or "attracting" it in some way.

This then is where many traditional methods of "creating" either fail or bring transient results.

Where there is success it is due to invoking other powers of the Mind, notably Faith, in the process.

Affirmations are often intercepted by the logical, Ego driven conscious Mind, analysed and then rejected as being "impractical" in some way.

For example, repeating an affirmation such as "I have a new house", the rational conscious Mind immediately says "don't be ridiculous, you are still living in the same place"..

The immediate objectives are clear therefore.

The rational filters of the conscious Mind, built up over a lifetime, must be bypassed.

The paradox is that any "attempt" to do this is also of the conscious Mind.

What is needed then is a complete shelving of the conscious, Ego Mind, instead to Express the Power of Source Mind through Subconscious Mind activity.

Now there are pitfalls here in that the moment you begin to "think" about your perceived wishes, needs and desires, your conscious Mind has taken over once again.

Whatever you desire must therefore be an aspect of your Being through which it is Expressed.

Once this is accomplished simply choosing to become aware of a different aspect of yourself - the aspect you wish to Express and Experience.

The more Source Energy you can assimilate and become One with, the more power and success you will enjoy.

This was a main basis of the teachings of the person who became known as Jesus.

As long-term readers of this newsletter will know, we are only interested in the Spiritual, never the religious.

However, the words of Jesus were turned in to a religion for the purposes of power and control by the Romans three hundred years later, thus obfuscating the true meaning of the teachings of this Master.

We will conclude then by considering the following verse:

"Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do

shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son". -- John 14:10 - 14

This literally means that we as individual Expressions of Source have no inherent powers whatsoever. All powers originate from Source and Expressed through us to the extent we have the ability to Express such Power, the main factor being True Faith.

This is what Jesus meant in the final part of the passage, going on to state that he is subject to the same Universal Principles, and that we will all go on to Evolve to greater things as Evolution brings the capacity to Invoke and Express Source to ever Greater.

In a future newsletter we will look more closely at this process.

As many long-term readers will know, I have offered an alternative phrase to the "Law of Attraction", and that is "The Principle of Expression" for which there are 10 main factors.

Until next newsletter, I wish you a healthy, happy, abundant week.

In Love and Light,


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