Sunday, January 11, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 11 January 2009

Welcome to your newsletter.
I do hope you have enjoyed a truly wonderful week.
Many people "out there" are aware that the World is changing - some
see profound changes for the better, others are seeing dire changes
for the worse, but the fact the World is changing is beyond dispute
to most.
We are indeed living in "interesting times", and for better or for
worse there has never been a better time to be Human on Earth.
I am of the absolute view that the next few years will prove that
humanity will experience the most profound changes ever in the
entire human era history of the planet. The precise nature of those
experiences remains with each of us individually - how we approach
the next few years.
Specifically we can choose between the Evolution of Enlightenment
or the Involution of materialism and religion. There is always that
choice out of your God-given Freewill. Butt you will need to decide
an embark upon your chosen path - very soon indeed.
As I often mention - this opportunity being presented to you only
does so on this scale every 25,765 years - so choose wisely and
above all choose soon.
One of he very best ways to help yourself is to help others.
Do you know anyone - a loved one, friend, co-worker perhaps who
you would wish to be with and experience in the forthcoming Golden
If so you can make all the difference by showing them the way.
Never wait for someone else to show them the way, or for them to
find their own way - there i every possibility it make not happen -
in time anyway.
All you need do is simply forward a copy of this newsletter - it
takes but a moment - and suggest that they may join for themselves
that they my receive it every week as you do.
Simply refer them to our website where they can easily join us here
from any page:
Another way you may bless a person you truly care about and wish to
share the Golden Age with s give them gift of a copy of my book
And also a book that I regard as the very greatest I have yet
encountered for Self Empowerment - Science of Being in Twenty Seven
Lessons. So great do I believe this book surely is that I have
published it as a paperback for you to value from and gift to others:
Do not think that I am implying that these are the only routes to
the transition to the Golden Age - far from it - but they are
nevertheless routes that Divine Providence has led you to, that you
may in turn lead others to - so continuing the Eternal Cycle of
Love and Service.
Thank you for caring.
In this weeks newsletter:
1. Backing up your valuable files
2. Biblical end of Age prophecies
3. Freedom from worry, fear and anxiety
Backing up your valuable files
I know I have raised this subject before, but truly it never ceases
to amaze me that so any people choose, of their own freewill, to
put put themselves through the distress and inconvenience of losing
all of their valuable files and data, often taken many years to
accumulate, through a hard disk crash, or through a virus or trojan.
I have been deeply involved with computers and technology for 33
years now, and one observation I can make, and one that never
changes even as technology marches ever onwards, including simple,
inexpensive and convenient forms of backup, is that people still
believe that computers are infallible and will always run
faultlessly ad-infinitum, while keepig your valuable data safe.
I have seen numerous people lose years of accounting records, years
of irreplaceable family photographs, letters and so on. The tragedy
is they often ascribe it to "bad luck" and continue in the same
way, with no backups.
There are two main reasons for catastrophic data loss these days:
a. Hard disk crash: Your hard disk will crash - it is only a case
of when - never if. A hard disk is not only the only mechanical
component in your PC - except for he cooling fans. It is a high
precision device that works very, very hard and is often abused.
Most of my hard disks fail within 3 years - and I treat them with
respect as I do with every other aspect of my technology. If you
move your PC while it is switched on for example, there is an
extremely high likelihood of damage to the heads and/or platters of
the hard disk - often serious or terminal damage that might not
become apparent until one day your PC freezes or fails to boot up
and the panic set in when you realise you have lost all your files.
Why choose to put yourself through all that?
b. Trojans and Viruses: The PC's of most people - including yours -
are probably riddle with trojans. I will not go in to how this
happens, but there are many, many routes that trojans can install
themselves as well as viruses. Key loggers are particularly
dangerous to your on-line security.
Very often trojans or viruses will crash your PC requiring a full
low level hard disk format.
It is absolutely crucial therefore to ensure that all of your very
valuable data is backed up. There is no need to backup software if
you have the original installation Cd's.
I recommend backing up all of your valuable data on at least three
separate devices and placing them in three different locations, at
least one of which should be away from your home or office - for
example the home of a relative.
Here is a short article I wrote a few months back for the same
Never think it will not happen to you - it will - be prepared.
I receive mny requests each day from people asking for their
downloads again due to a complete hard disk crash or trojan
re-format - make sure that you are not one of them.
Biblical end of Age prophecies
I have mentioned previously that the Master who became known as
Jesus came here 2000 years go to prepare humanity for the momentous
changes that will take place at the end of the age that will soon be
upon us.
Of course as we know, his life and teachings were hijacked by what
would officially become the Roman Church in 325 CE, under the
control of the forces of darkness to turn him into an instrument of
power and control through fear and guilt - the exact opposite to
what Jesus came here for - which is why the Roman Church was and is
"anti-to-the-Christ" Energy that was embodied in Jesus - the force of
Light and Love.
Now many people have asked me where in the Bible the "end of the
age" is mentioned and prophesied.
First of all we must always keep in Mind that there are no such
things as "prophecies", "fortune telling", "psychics who "tell your
future" etc - these are all superstitions, delusions, charlatans or
all of these.
There is no "past" or "future" only Now - the Eternal Moment of Now.
This much is fully supported by Quantum Mechanics.
However, the end of the Age we are now approaching is not a
prophecy. It is rather a prediction based in fact and measured by
the Mayans and many others. Of course Jesus knew about these
forthcoming events and the great cycle of Energy that would give
rise to them - it is why he came to Earth from the Inner Spheres.
This is also why the end of the Age and it's ramifications appears so
often in the books of the Bible.
We will therefore, from time to time, take a look at some of the
less well known references to the current events from 2000 or more
years ago, but which are not "prophecies" but born out of knowledge
of the events arising from the cycles of Energy that are currently
exponentially exerting its influence, just has always been the case
for eternity.
This week therefore I brig to you the following passage from the
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers,
incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors,
heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from
such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses,
and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers
lusts. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of
the truth.Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these
also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning
the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall
be manifest unto all men, as their's also was." -- 2 Timothy 3:1-9
I need not comment further on this passage - it will be appaent.
All you need to do to understand is compare these words with the
state of humanity today during these "last days" and all will be
This passage concludes with these words:
"All knowledge is given by inspiration of God, and is valuable for
teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly
furnished unto all good works." -- 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Again the meaning behind this truth will become obvious to those
who take time to contemplate these profound words.
It also affirms our true reason for Being and true meaning of Life
- that the "man", Children, Expressions of God shall become
Perfection of and through God.
Above all these are not words of fear - they are words of Power, of
Life and of Love.
Knowledge is Power - providing you act appropriately upon that
knowledge and are no longer led astray by the false doctrines and
instruments of the dark forces, all of which are Anti-To-The-Christ
Light, embodied within us All trhough the most powerful Energy in
the Universe - Unconditional Love.
Freedom from worry, anxiety and fear
Of all the destructive things we can inflict upon ourselves, few
are more destructive than the power of dark, negative emotions of
worry, anxiety and worst of all fear.
These are powerful emotions that can both control and be used for
control. For example, the Roman Church uses these emotions for
control in the context of fear of being "rejected by God" instead to
be cast down to burn for all eternity in purgatory for "eternal
damnation" lest the person not obey the church doctrines, and guilt
through the false concept of "sin" which, in the context of the
Roman church, includes many of those aspects of life that are
entirely natural but can be summarised in one word - Experience.
"Sin is a double edged sword designed to take the congregation feel
worthless, helpless and feeble, and in need of the controlling
influence of the Roman Church and their jealous, vengeful,
egotistical, capricious, thoroughly nasty deity who "loves" his
loyal congregation so much, that if they step out of line, even for
a moment, they will, upon their death, be "cast down" to burn in
hell for all eternity with only "satan" and his "minions" for
These false, satanic doctrines not only disconnect people from
Source, God, as of course they are intended to do, but also from
themselves - their true, glorious reality as Divine,
Unconditionally Loved Expressions of the true Father/Mother God.
Many people experience worry, anxiety and even fear in the course
of their daily lives. Here are just a few reasons why:
1. The constant influence of their religion and consequential
disconnection from God - which can only lead to misery.
2. A constant pressure to perform and above all conform to the
expectations of family, friends and society.
3. The constant pressure to survive in what is perceived as a "hard
Having already dealt with religion, now let us take a closer look at
these other factors.
Many people today feel great pressure to conform to the expectations
of family, friends and society, often to such an extent that if
they fail in achieving what they perceive as those expectations,
often which are either unrealistic or blown out of proportion,
they become "emotionally disturbed".
The answer is simple but profound - Always be True to Yourself.
You are here to fulfil your own "mission" on Earth - no one else's.
Of course we must be of Service and help others on their Path that
they may be of Service, but only in a positive, productive, loving
Follow your passions and inner guidance wherever they take you, and
do so with Joy, Faith and Empowerment. When we follow our passions,
or reason for "Being", life is wonderful, blissful and harmonious no
matter what your reason for Being here is - your Higher Self knows
even if you do not - so trust yourself at all times, and always
follow your passions an inner guidance.
Some may say "well surely you are offering guidance".
That is true, but I am here to Guide you to discovering your Own
Inner Guidance, and ultimately Source, God, within.
If you follow these simple but profound guidelines, you will never
want for anything, because as a Divine, Empowered Expression of
Source, God, through following your passions and "reason for
Being", all your needs will be met - effortlessly - by Principle.
The constant pressure to survive in a "hard world" is a real issue
for billions of people.
Why is this?
It all comes down to another man-made instrument of control - Money
supported by rampant materialism.
The pressure to succeed.
The pressure to have all those things that people see as symbols of
But very often the pressure simply to survive.
We live in a world where people are programmed from Birth to:
Go to school - graduate with pieces of paper - go to University -
graduate with more pieces of paper - use those pieces of paper to
get a "job" - "earn" just enough money to provide yourself with
sufficient food and shelter to continue with the job - be grateful
for the two days per week and three weeks per year you are "given"
for rest, relaxation and pastimes - retire 50 years later - scrape
by on a "pension" assuming health is still good - live for another
10 or 20 years - "die" - the "end".
This is the human system, the human paradox I write about in my
book, the system that is totally contrary to our true reason for
being here.
Thus, for the last 1800 years or so, humanity has not only faltered
and stagnated, but descended in to an ever steepening decline,
until now the bottom of the pit is fast approaching for those who
do not discover themselves and commence th climb back upwards and
inwards, which is much faster with the power of the true God
flowing through us.
These days humans are bombarded with fast food, vanity products,
iPods, large flat screen TV's, games consoles, theme parks, and any
number of other instruments used to "dumb people down", keep people
occupied, and above all keep them dependant on the controlling
And the result? Read again the verse from the Bible in part 2 of
this newsletter from which I quote thus:
"For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy.
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers,
incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors,
heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God."
It should come as no surprise therefore that the forces of darkness
behind the Roman Church, and behind the control of money, society
and the mass, popular media are all manifestations of the same
negative Entity, presenting themselves as "good" and "necessary",
and through which they exert an ever increasing control, and
disconnection from Source, God. They know the what is coming, and
will do all they can to prevent it lest they lose their power and
control. The battle between the forces of Light and the forces of
darkness at the end of the age has long been predicted and know - it
is happening Now, today.
So how does this knowledge help us in the context of conquering
worry, anxiety and fear?
Knowledge is power.
Let us take a look at the words of the Master, the words that
religion has sought to corrupt in the name of power and control:
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage
to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? Jesus answered
them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is
the servant of sin. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye
shall be free indeed." -- John 8:3-36
Here the one known as Jesus clearly states that once you know and
recognise the Truth, it shall set you free.
He confirms that such as the Roman Church who commits "sin" with the
other covert dark forces of control through money and materialism,
are they themselves in fact the sinners - the forces of darkness.
Jesus goes on to say that if the Son - which is you, me and every
human being - we are all Sons and Daughters of the One true Source,
God - knows his/her own glorious reality, and acts accordingly, we
shall be free indeed.
So know only that you are a Divine, Infinite, Immortal, Eternal,
All Powerful "Son/Daughter" of God, our Unconditionally Loving
Father/Mother, Source,Divine Providence Who will provide All your
wishes, needs and desires, if only you will allow.
Know that you have the Infinite Divine Power within you to Express
and Experience Anything that you can Imagine - and more - much more.
Know that the Only person that can harm You is You.
Therefore take this glorious Truth and let it Free You - Now -
Let worry, anxiety, and above all fear be alien to you.
If any of these negative emotions enters your awareness immediately
reject them as false, and relace them with thoughts, feelings and
emotions that make you feel Happy, Joyful and Uplifted.
If you do go to church, and their is nothing wrong with that
providing it is for all the right reasons and you keep the
doctrines in their proper context, feel the full power of Source
Energy, God, Unconditional Love flowing through you - not through the
church minister, other self-appointed go-between, the Bible or other
religious symbol.
Do these things, follow your passions, follow your inner guidance,
and your life will become the epitome of Freedom, Empowerment and
Bliss. And so it Is.
I will conclude by wishing you all these things and more.
Have a Truly Wonderful, Healthy, Joyful and Empowered week.
Delivered to you in Love and Service.
Until your next newsletter.
In Love, Light and Truth,
Additional resources:

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