Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 25 January 2009

Welcome to your newsletter.
I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week.
This week has been historic, not only for those of you focused in
the USA, but for the whole world. I refer of course to the
inauguration of President Obama.
Now I know of course, from past experience, that Obama invokes a very
wide range of feelings and emotions.
We will re-visit this matter soon, by which time we will know more
of the true nature of this new President, and of his agenda.
There are more immediate matters for most to consider in the form
of the so called "financial crisis", so it is on this we will focus
in this newsletter, as I know, from messages received, this
situation is of the most immediate concern.
First I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all new members
of this newsletter.
As always there have been a very large number of you joining us here,
which is as wonderful as ever, as well as being a reflection of the
ongoing and accelerating awakening that is taking place Now as we
approach the Transition to what will be a Golden Age for all those
who choose to participate - and there is always a choice - in all
things, as we will discuss later in this newsletter.
As I have mentioned many times, but should be repeated, the most
valuable actions that anyone can do for others and thereby for
themselves, is to make others aware of the events Now taking place,
thereby extending to them a choice - the same choice extended to
many of you by someone who loved and cared about you enough to do so.
Ask yourself this simple question in relation to someone you love
and care about:
Do I wish to be with this person and thus share with them the
Glories and Joys of the coming Golden Age that humanity has awaited
so long, or not?
If so, do not wait for others to make them aware and show them the
way - it will most likely never happen, and then how will you feel?
So it is an extremely valuable exercise to sit down and think about
all those you wish to be with when the Transition to the Golden Age
is complete - no one knows precisely when that will be - and share
this newsletter with them. You may also suggest that they joint
this newsletter for themselves by visiting our website where their
is a subscription form on most pages:
It is our most sacred mission, and one that will also help your own
evolution and destiny in the next few years to help others to see
the Light and to Evolve, just as many more Evolved Beings of the inner
spheres of Light are always of Service to humanity - but especially
during these pivotal times.
Another simple but powerful way of bringing these important matters
to people is to give them a copy of my book, Our Ultimate Reality,
which I was inspired to write in readiness for these pivotal times:
In this week's newsletter:
1. Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons - Final Week
2. Mind over Experience - "Financial crisis" in Perspective
Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons - Final Week
Once again the response to the book, your current newsletter
subscriber opportunity, has been exceptional.
Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons is not my number one
recommended book for no reason - it is a Life changing book - one
of the very rare few - one of only five that I am yet aware of.
Newsletter members will not only receive this phenomenal book but
also these additional exceptional and powerful books:
Science of Being in Seven Lessons
And these by Charles Haanel:
A Book About You
Mental Chemistry
The New Psychology
The Amazing Secrets of The Yogi
Plus a $20 Discount from the usual value of Science of Being in
Twenty Seven Lessons.
A total gift value of $122 exclusively for newsletter members.
Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons with the five additional
valuable books is offered to you as a newsletter member for only $17.
This is your special newsletter subscriber page:
Please do keep in Mind that this opportunity will end very soon.
Thanks you - and enjoy as much as I know you will.
Mind over Experience - "Financial crisis" in Perspective
Although long-time readers of this newsletter will no doubt be
familiar with the Eternal Truth that Mind is Principle in All
Creation, and many will have verified this Truth for themselves, the
majority of people in this world today still do not know or
understand, preferring to feel sorry for themselves as a "victim of
circumstance", here by "chance", only to make the most of their
Little do these people realise or understand that we are all the
authors of our own circumstance from the moment we arrive in this
physical Earth plane - as indeed we are in All Spheres, Realms and
Planes of the Universe. It is just a fact that beyond the physical
Universe the influence of Mind is instantaneous - it is observed
and experienced without delay so there is never any "doubt".
The Earth plane of Vibration is different in that, due to the
temporal nature introduced by space-time, additional factors are
required, the Principle of which is True Faith and Belief - which is
not the same as the "blind faith" and theological "belief" of
orthodox religion for example.
The person known as Jesus taught True Faith and Belief, but which
was interpreted by the church as meaning religion - blind faith -
and an abstract belief in an invisible, but jealous deity which
requires that "his" subjects have "faith" in "him" through a system
of belief as set out in "his" "instruction manual" called the
Today I would like to take a look at how a greater range of beliefs
about "money" "property" and material "things" collectively applies
to the human population as a whole, and how this influences the
collective human Experience - for example the "financial crisis".
Now if you were to ask most people what has caused this "crisis",
most people would say "the banks" or the "incompetence" or "greed"
of the worlds banks.
While it may be true that the banks brought crisis upon themselves
- which was inevitable - the only factor relevant to this situation
was the effect on the Consciousness of humanity in absolute terms.
The Only "crisis" therefore, as with any "crisis" is of the Mind.
Yes the banks have behaved extremely irresponsibly - as they have
for decades in one way or the other - but Cause and Effect has been
inexorably asserted in the form of banks going out of business
completely, or taken over by other banks, been "nationalised".
But this situation has simply been the catalyst, not the cause for
a greater "crisis" involving shops, factories and service industries.
The real catalyst of the "crisis" or "recession" that most
countries are experiencing or entering, has been a mass shift in
consciousness by billions of people throughout the world, initially
originating and arising from the media coverage of the original
"banking crisis" - which, like all such crises from 1929 have been
before - but that is another matter, and not one that is relevant
to you - unless you allow it.
Had the banking situation not been covered by the media, but rather
kept quiet to the extent possible, affecting individuals on a local
level - although the "banking crisis" would be no less than it is
today, it would have remained more or less a banking matter, and
there would be no recession, no job losses, and no human misery
You see the real situation is really very simple and goes something
like this:
1. For the last few years people have felt wealthy and their
experience has reinforced this in their lifestyle, the rapidly
increasing value of their home, stocks, mutual funds, pension
funds, even gold jewellery. Everyone was living a dream, built on
sand, that simply could not be sustained in reality. No one ever
stopped to consider the basis for this band wagon, and one would
have thought to - ignorance is bliss after all.
2. The "banking crisis" arrives. This became the catalyst for rapid
change of Mindset from one of Wealth to one of fear of losing
everything they believed they had gained, and the resultant loss of
security. The feeling invincibility was giving way to one of
mortality as an ever increasing feeling of gloom and doom permeates
human consciousness.
This was actually irrational, because for the most part, the
"banking crisis" was and still is a matter between the banks and
the governments of the countries in which the banks reside.
There have been a very few bankruptcies and bank closures, but not
amongst the large, national and international high street banks.
Those who were on the verge of bankruptcy and closure were "bailed
out" in various ways, so their customers were "bailed out" as well.
The cash deposits of banking customers were safe.
So you see - outside of the banks and the governments that "bailed
them out" - nothing has really happened in terms that would affect
most people except lack of availability of "credit".
3. People perceived the banking crisis as very "negative", and
somehow indicative of a much greater crisis that would threaten
their wealth, security and livelihood in some, intangible way.
The immediate response was one of self-preservation - holding on to
"money" as if their lives depended on it instead of spending it all.
Again - there is no rational basis for this in absolute terms - it
is simply a change of Mindset - plain and simple - from one of
wealth, affluence and plenty, to one of fear, apprehension and
threat to living standards and perceived wealth.
In other words at this stage it is simply a shift in perception.
4. Because people, as a result, stopped purchasing anything not
considered necessary for basic living - such as food - shops and
other retail outlets reduced their stock and re-ordering levels
based upon current and projected demand - which was declining.
5. As shops no longer purchased goods from manufacturers to sell on
to the retail public in the same quantities as before, the
manufacturers - the factories - could no longer sell what they were
making for the shops, in the volumes of just a few weeks before.
6. Because both shops and factories were geared for satisfying the
demand of the "boom times" of the last few years, they now found
themselves with a massive over-capacity which was costing the same
to maintain as ever, but for which the sales and therefore cash to
finance these excessive overheads suddenly no longer existed.
7. Some manufacturers an retail outlets were able to adapt, but
many were not, suddenly finding themselves losing money, not being
able to adapt quickly enough to the rapidly deteriorating
situation. Previously profitable manufacturing, wholesale and
retail businesses suddenly finding themselves in an escalating loss
situation, without the means to react quickly.
Most businesses would turn to the banks for credit facilities, but
the banks were refusing to provide any due to their own situations.
8. First shops and then manufacturers started to make employees
redundant, and soon afterwards started to close factories, offices
and shops altogether, often ceasing to trade altogether, leaving
a rapidly increasing number of people without work.
9. This results in even more fear and a feeling of insecurity among
people generally - many of whom felt justified in their original
perception - not realising that it had become self fulfilling -
many fearing for their jobs.
This results in even less being spent on anything but the most
basic living requirements as the feeling changed from wealth to
apprehension, insecurity and outright fear for the future.
Cars and other items such as TV's and other household luxuries
which were previously renewed every couple of years, were kept with
view to "making do" with them until the "crisis" was over.
10. So the shops sell even less, the factories manufactured even
less, both increasingly less able to finance fixed overheads, leading
to even more people losing their jobs through redundancies and
factory and shop closures.
And so the process accentuates itself - a "vicious spiral" fuelled
and driven by what amounts to panic and fear for the "future".
But do you see - this entire situation started with, and is
continually fuelled by one fundamental factor - a shift in Mindset -
feelings, emotions, perceptions invoked out of fear, insecurity and
uncertainty leading to drastic measures for self-preservation and
protection of the family at all costs.
The "banking crisis", in and of itself, has affected very few
people in real terms, but nevertheless was the catalyst for a
complete change in thinking and feeling and in turn actions.
On the Mental Plane of the Human Mind, which, as readers of my book
will know, is the Vibration, the Energy level of the Collective
Human Mind which may be considered to be an Entity, or Being, in its
own right, When enough people thing or feel in a certain way, these
Thoughts, and Feelings, which are Vibrations, are "transmitted"
across the Collective Human Mind, by Induction, and those members
of Humanity tuned in to that Frequency start to think as One.
The same applies to the stock market. When there is a positive
Vibration of optimism that share prices will keep on ever rising,
as everyone keeps buying, and the price of stocks keeps increasing,
making people feel even more optimistic, or "bullish" as their
profits and perceived wealth increases, causing them in turn to
risk even more money in shares - and the situation feeds upon
Then one day there is a change of "heart", the buying stops,
feelings and emotions change, shares stop rising and then start to
go down in value, which reinforces these feelings, causing more
selling and so on - the situation keeps feeding upon itself.
The value therefore of stocks has little to do with the performance
of the company in which the shares are purchased, as the technology
stock boom of the late 1990's proved only too well, or in the entire
stock market - share prices simply accurately reflect the
collective mindset, "mood" of humans - emotions and feelings by
Mental Induction - upon the Mental plane of the Human Mind.
Now I would like to mention at this stage that although this
Principle is the cause of considerable roller coaster for humanity
- of its own doing - there is a much more important consideration.
I often speak of the "Great Awakening" that is propagating through
Humanity and indeed accelerating.
This is due to the very same Principle of Induction upon the Mental
Plane of the Human Mind.
As more people become awakened, even Enlightened, this resultant high
Vibration will propagate to increasingly more Humans, to the extent
the Vibration of the Individual Energy Field, Consciousness of
each individual Human is actually open to this process.
This is why it is Crucially important that I, you, and everyone
else do whatever we can to accentuate this ongoing process.
Just before the pivotal point of the Transition - the "point of no
return - just one Human Being could make all the difference - that
means that you - one way or the other, by virtue of who you do or
do not share your awakening with, and guide towards the Light.
So never believe that you cannot make a difference - you do. You, I
and everyone else are an inseparable aspect of this process where, as
in an election, every vote - in this case for Enlightenment - counts.
I would also like to mention the role of the media - newspapers,
TV, radio etc have a massive influence over the collective Mind of
Make no mistake - without the media this "financial crisis" could
not and would not have happened.
Yes the banks would have still collapsed due to the Universal
Principle of Cause and Effect which made it inevitable due to their
own actions, but without the sensationalist "reporting" of the
media the banks would have suffered in silence, done whatever they
needed to do to save themselves through mergers, "bail-outs" etc,
and this financial crisis would not exist in its current form.
Another factor influencing the Mindset of humanity has been home
prices. Ever increasing home prices causes an illusion of wealth
and security, whereas falling home prices provide just the opposite.
At the final analysis - bricks, mortar, wood, plastic and other
materials that comprise the home - shelter for ourselves and
families remains unchanged simply as raw materials and land.
The only factor that actually changes is how humans perceive those
materials, beyond the family shelter, and what intangible values
they attach to it in their own Mind.
Again - this is all a matter of shifting Mindsets. Houses made of
bricks, mortar, plastics and wood do not suddenly transmute in to
Gold. Even if a house did transmute in to Gold, the value of Gold
is, in and of itself, still entirely a matter of human perception.
Gold is Gold - an elemental metal that is perceived to look nice as
well as being softer to "work" with than other metals.
Lead is even softer, as are many other elemental metals, but
because it does not look as nice, humans attach a lower value to
it. The same goes for diamonds - which are just compressed carbon
- and other natural "precious" or "semi-precious" substances.
People get very emotional - even irrational - when the perceived
value of their home changes, but it is still entirely of the Human
They are happy when the notional "value" of their home increases,
bringing an illusion of "wealth" and security, but then become
distraught when the value of their home stops rising and then
reduces in value, even though the high value was meaningless in the
first place.
The market value of anything, regardless of what it is, is
determined by one fundamental factor - supply and demand in an
average market.
The home owner was happy to accept the perceived but
disproportionately inflated value of their home when it suited
them, but unhappy when it did not suit them.
All the time the material reality of the home itself is unchanged.
The home does not change, it is only the human Mind that changes -
all resultant emotion being a function of that change.
For example - if we assume that "fair value" for a home is $200,000
- if the value of the home reaches $300,000, the home owner is
euphoric. But if the home market value subsequently falls to
$250,000, the home owner does not feel happy to still be $50,000
up, they instead feel distraught because, in their Mind, they have
just "lost" $50,000.
Plain and simple - humans create their own exuberance and their own
misery simply by a shift in Mindset, perception, feeling, which
often starts with one person or a group of people, and then
propagates through Mental Induction through the collective Mind of
the human race.
This is exaggerated by the fact that people really have no concept
of "fair value" which is determined by the collective perceptions
of humanity as a whole.
The point is though that no "situation" is "real" in absolute terms
- situations simply "Are" - situations do not make decisions about
their own value - only humans do that - so misery is self-inflicted.
Animals never think in these terms. They are more advanced than the
Human "animal" in this respect, because they never think in terms of
"value" of what they Experience, or even about the passage of "time",
they simply rather, assuming no human interference, accept what
Divine Providence has provided for them, in its proper context.
So what then do humans, as individuals, do to avoid being carried
along by the whims and fancies of the Human Collective Mind?
Well, although humans are an inseparable aspect of the collective
Human Mind, all humans still determine individual Experience.
Everyone has a choice.
Each may choose to submit to the collective Human Mind, or may
choose to an alternative Experience.
It is through such choices that alternative Collective Realities
can emerge, because unless a choice is made to change a Reality on
an Individual level, the collective Reality cannot change either.
It is possible for a single human being to have so much power and
influence in fact, that he or she can literally, change the course
of history - in other words the course human perception - and
therefore direction of the collective human Mind.
In other words - such a person is said to "shape history".
We have seen this in the "past", with such as Jesus for example,
who come to Earth to return the collective Human Mind to the path
of Light from which it had strayed, in readiness for the Transition
of the Ages which we are now facing.
So you can make a choice Right Now - at this very Moment.
You may choose whether to accept the collective perception of he
Human Mind which says there is a "financial" crisis, and all is
doom and gloom, or you can reject it in favour of an alternative
Experience that best suits your own hopes, aspirations and reason
for Being here on Earth at this pivotal juncture.
We must always keep in Mind that whatever your "situation" appears
to be through your the mediation of your physical senses, the most
Glorious and Empowering Truth of All is that we are all, each one of
us, an equal Expression of Source, Prime Creator, God, with all of
he same Powers.
All we ever need to do is become Aware of them, and Focus them in
accordance with the Divine Freewill that we all Enjoy.
If you enjoy Experiencing "financial crisis" then fine - read the
media and revel in it. It is your choice after all.
If on the other hand you are weary of the "financial crisis" and do
not want to subscribe to it - then great - use All the God Powers
that flow through You, as everyone One, to Choose a different
Never let the opinions of another, and definitely not those of the
so called "popular media" decide for you.
You are a Glorious, Infinite, Immortal, Unlimited, Unrestricted
Expression of Source, Prime Creator, God, and all you ever need do
is to Realise this Ultimate Truth, Empower Your Self, and
Experience Anything You Desire - without limitation.
Always keep in Mind that if you can Imagine something, anything at
all, then it Already Exists within you current Sphere of Mind, and
all you need to do is bring that which you Imagine in to your
Sphere of Conscious Awareness where you can Experience and Enjoy it.
Each of us is Already Whole - we "lack" nothing.
All we ever need to do is to Express in to our Awareness That which
we wish to Experience from our Inherent Wholeness.
This is why I brought to you several weeks ago the "Principle of
Expression", which brings to you All of the elements required to
Express in to your Conscious Awareness and therefore Experiential
Reality, Anything at all that Exists within your current sphere of
Imagination and Comprehension.
Forget the human-made dramas that the popular media revels in
reminding us of - it is illusion - all of it. You are an Infinite
Expression that shares the same Infinite Power that Created the
Entire Universe in All Spheres of Life and Reality.
You do not need to become side-tracked by the dramas of the media.
So my suggested course of action is this.
1. Read this newsletter over until you appreciate the true nature
of the current collective human Experience, how it arose, how it
detracts you from your glorious Divine Nature, and how you can
Empower Yourself by refusing to Subscribe to it.
2. Resolve to stop watching the "news" on TV, reading "news
papers", looking at the "news" on the Internet and so on.
Understand that no matter how much reading, listening to and
watching the news you do, it cannot and will not make one iota of
difference to your own Experience - unless choose to accept it as
But first know this:
No "news" is true because it implies "past events".
"News" reports those events that have already "happened".
That which has already "happened" is just so much dissipated Energy.
There is no "past" or "future" there is only Now - Now is the Only
Experience there Is.
Many people choose to Bind their Now to past experience or notional
future, but to do so is a choice.
I must respect choices as I surely do. But know this...
The Experience of the Eternal Moment of Now is All that matters.
3. Know that you are an Infinitely Powerful Expression of Source
Energy, God, through Which you can Experience anything you choose.
So choose Only that which you wish to Experience Now, and Focus
upon it as if it is Now and not in what humans call "future".
You may also wish to evaluate those aspects of your Experience that
really matter, as opposed to those which are superfluous, trinkets
or statements of affluence that exist only to "keep up appearances".
Our true Abundance, Health and Freedom may Only be realised within.
Once you realise your Reality within, they Must be Expressed in to
your physical Experience without where you may Enjoy them - by
Immutable Universal Principle.
I mentioned last week that I am developing a new Service for You.
This new Service is available to All - without exception.
If you choose, I will Guide you Experientially to the Realisation
of your own Experience and Reality and through Which - Your Destiny.
You will Realise the Principle of Expression, but as a small but
important aspect of a much greater Reality - a Reality that you
came here to Experience once you become Aware.
This Service will be Unique.
There is absolutely nothing, even remotely similar in any respect.
This Service to You is also complex to develop and to implement -
so you may have to wait some weeks yet - I cannot say exactly when.
Nevertheless, this Service, for You will be worth waiting for - of
that I promise you.
In the meantime - do not accept the "financial crisis" as an
inevitable aspect of your Experience - it is not.
Instead Allow only those Experiences that bring you Joy, Freedom
and Evolution, and above all preparedness for the Golden Age.
Please keep in Mind your special newsletter member opportunity -
Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons - one of the very few
books that will show you the true Divine nature of the Human Being,
and how you may realise those Divine powers.
This opportunity will end very soon.
Until next newsletter I wish you a very Healthy, Abundant, Joyful
week - however you choose to Experience it.
In Love, Light and Truth,

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