Sunday, February 1, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 01 February 2009

Welcome to your newsletter.
I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week.
I know I have said this many times before, but it is always worth
repeating - your current experience is always, without exception,
directly related to your current beliefs, thoughts, and emotions,
and in particular how you "see" Yourself.
Mind is Principle - not the physical senses. Whatever we believe to
be true, fuelled by Faith, Thoughts and Emotions, Is Always True.
I receive many messages from people who observe their "situation",
feel that it is "hopeless", and then as a result feel "helpless,
having accepted what they "see" around them as truth of their own
We will therefore discuss this crucial subject in our newsletter
today, to put it in to a proper perspective.
But first, as always, I would like to warmly welcome all new
members to this newsletter. Once again I am pleased to say, there
has been a particularly large number of new members this week, once
again reflecting the ongoing expansion in awareness taking place, and
indeed accelerating throughout the world.
Each week I mention, at length, the extreme importance of affording
others the opportunity of realising and walking the same path of
Light that you are now walking yourself, often as a direct result
of being given awareness from someone who truly cares about you.
If you were not walking the path of Light, Evolution and Truth then
you would not be here reading this newsletter Now plain and simple.
You would and could not be vibrating on the same level, and your
Inner Self would reject it.
I will remain brief this week and simply remind you that the very
greatest service that you can extend to Loved ones, relations -
indeed anyone that you know and care about, is quite simply to
"point them in the right direction".
You can do this very simply, in a moment, with no effort, simply by
forwarding this newsletter, or suggesting they join for themselves
which they may do on any page of our website:
My book, Our Ultimate Reality, as you will see from the Amazon
reviews, has proven to be the turning point in the lives of many
people, and will also be for those you Love and care about:
If you have any doubts then ask yourself this of any person you know:
"Do I wish to be with this person in the Golden Age".
If your answer is yes, you do, then it is your Divine duty to show
them the way as someone once did for You - in all probability no
one else will show them the way - there is no time to wait and hope.
Those not prepared for the Transition cannot make the Transition
because they will not be vibrating on the same level.
After the long newsletters of the last few weeks, it really is my
intention this time to make this newsletter shorter - I will not
know for sure until it is complete.
This week:
1. Consciously Creating Circumstances
2. Change Your Mind, Change Your Experience.
Consciously Creating Circumstances
I would like to thank everyone for the exceptional response to the
"Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons" opportunity which ended
Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons is an exceptional, must
read book by any standards, one of only five that I am currently
aware of, aside from my own book, that accurately conveys the true
Nature of how the Universe really "works", and above all how to
Experience the Life we desire.
The book I am making available to newsletter members this week is
yet another such book in my Top 5 - Consciously Creating
Consciously Creating Circumstances goes directly to the point, with
the process of "manifesting", or Experiencing your desired reality."
This week I am making Consciously Creating Circumstances available to
newsletter members for just $9.70.
I would like to mention that proceeds of these low cost books helps
towards keeping all of the resources and Services that I make
freely available, operating. Also book proceeds help to further
my ongoing investments in all the many technical resources
necessary to maintain and extend my Services for You, which
requires full time commitment and dedication all day, every day.
As I mentioned last week, I am currently working on new Service for
You, with its own new website.
I promise that you will find this new Service to be of immense value.
Thank you.
Change Your Mind, Change Your Experience
It is evident from the numerous messages received that many people,
still do not fully appreciate the fundamental importance of the
Principle of Mind in both influencing and determining precisely how
you Experience what you know as your ongoing "reality".
Having thought about this situation at some length, and asked
myself "why it is that even people who are fully aware of these
crucial matters are still trapped in a vortex of negativity which
is reflected in their life Experience" - the reason becomes evident.
The Experiences that many people face, and increasingly so during
this so called "recession", seem so stark and "real", that it is
often very difficult not to accept these circumstances as inevitable.
Of course as thoughts, feelings and beliefs become increasingly
self-fulfilling, it becomes progressively more difficult to
comprehend a different situation, so the experience becomes it
becomes increasingly self-reinforcing, self perpetuating and self
fulfilling, especially during a time when people on the "news" tell
us how dire the situation is out there.
So what then is the solution to resolving this apparent enigma?
The first step is understanding.
My top 5 books, including this week's "Consciously Creating
Circumstances", are an exceptional place to begin.
But among the most convincing evidence is a real life example.
One of the most impressive and convincing examples are people who
are experiencing "Dissociative Identity Disorder" or what, until
recently has been called "Multiple Personality Disorder".
Dissociative identity disorder is characterised by a single
physical person, with one body, one brain and one Mind, just like
everyone else, but in these cases are expressing at least two, and
often many more distinctly different personalities through the same
physical body.
Each of these "entities" has, just like people generally, has its
own unique set of characteristics including, but not limited to
personality, food preferences, abilities such as sports, vocabulary
including often even accent, and, most significantly, own set of
long-term ailments, diseases, afflictions etc.
For example, one distinct personality may experience extreme allergic
reactions to certain foods, while another personality can to
consume exactly the same foods without any reaction sort of at all.
Even more significantly a personality in the midst of a severe
allergic reaction, may undergo a "personality change" during which
the allergic reaction subsides, and after the change is complete a
few moments later, not only have the allergic reactions completely
subsided, but so too have all of the associated physical symptoms
associated with it such as rashes etc.
Now let us look at the significance of this more closely.
Here we have a person with a single, organic body, single organic
brain, and a single Mind, but where the Conscious Mind is actually
segmented in to individual isolated, completely distinct
"compartments", each one representing and individual personality.
Most importantly, the underlying Subconscious Mind is still One
Single Entity awaiting instructions from the Conscious Mind - in this
case from each individual personality of the Conscious Mind.
The Subconscious Mind cannot discern between each "version" of the
Conscious Mind, and in any case is not in the slightest interested,
rather simply processing the instructions, beliefs, feelings and
emotions received from Consciousness irrespective of which
personality is originates them.
Now in the case of a person with just one personality, as with most
people, that single personality has a set of beliefs through which
emotions, thoughts, feelings etc are processed by the Subconscious
Mind in accordance with the nature of those thoughts, until such
time as a person "changes their Mind" at which point the
Subconscious Mind accepts the new stream of instructions, and
changes the Experience of the person accordingly.
Now in most people these changes of Mind are very gradual as they
change their perception in accordance with what their senses and
experiences are telling them - i.e. in accordance with the evidence.
In the context of pro-actively Consciously changing Experience
through use of the Mind, many people, if not most, struggle, quite
simply because they do not have the level of Belief in their own
Divine powers, or the Faith that the changes must happen as desired.
This lack of Belief and Faith - keeping in Mind that in this
context I am referring to True Belief and Faith, in stark contrast
to the abstract "belief" in a deity called "God", and the blind
"faith" as is required by religion - both of which are utterly
powerless - causes conflicts and doubts which greatly reduce the
ability and powers of the person to change their Experience - the
Subconscious Mind is quite simply receiving too many ambiguities
from the Conscious Mind, through the mediation of the eyes, ears
and other physical senses "telling a different story".
Keep in Mind that the Subconscious Mind, or more correctly
Subconsciousness - being a sphere of activity of the One Mind - in
the case of the person with "Dissociative Identity Disorder" with
the associated "multiple personalities", these conflicts, doubts
and ambiguities simply do not arise.
Each personality or identity is fully autonomous, each personality
completely distinct from the other, so there is simply no conflict
arising - Subconscious Mind therefore not receiving conflicting
information from each personality, which It sees as just One.
The Subconscious Mind is not concerned with the characteristics or
traits of the Conscious Mind, or in this case of each Conscious
personality of Mind, it simply receives instructions and processes
them without question and with immutable precision through the
infinite Divine Power upon which It draws as required, in order to
faithfully fulfil whatever the Conscious Mind holds as True.
Now in the case of the person with "multiple personalities" each
individual personality is unambiguous, as are the instructions
received therefore, so as a personality of the Conscious Mind
changes, the Subconscious Mind immediately processes whatever the
personality believes of itself, instantly bringing them in to
physical Experience, because that particular personality holds the
belief of itself as absolutely, unambiguously True.
So when this individual "switches" to another personality, all
characteristics of the previous personality are instantly dropped,
and replaced with the new ones by the Subconscious Mind, including
any ailments.
So what may we observe from this?
This demonstrates in most unambiguous way that if we can "change
our Mind" and accordingly Beliefs and Expectations, Completely, and
Unambiguously, then we can change our Experience to precisely the
same extent almost instantly.
For example - if you wish to Experience Wealth, Abundance,
Happiness, a relationship, a luxury cruise or whatever - if you
completely change your Mind accordingly, then you must Experience
it - by Principle. These are fundamental Universal Principles.
The more Absolute your Change of Mind, the more Absolute will be
the corresponding Change of Experience, plain and simple.
If you are for example currently experiencing an ailment - whether
long term, short term, "chronic", "acute", "serious", "mild" even
according to the doctors "terminal", all you need ever do is
"Change your Mind" to Absolute, Pristine Health, and so it must be
- by Principle.
People often ask whether cancer is easy to heal. Yes it is - in
fact it is one of the easiest of all ailments to heal, but only if
you "Change your Mind" so that you do not Experience cancer. The
cancer can then no longer exist in your body - it is impossible.
So what then is the reality of this?
Well a person experiencing "Dissociative Identity Disorder"
effortlessly "Changes their Mind" and their Experience changes
accordingly - instantly - because there are no doubts, ambiguities or
conflicting beliefs.
It follows therefore that if we decide that which we wish to
Experience, and then Change our Mind to actually Be that Experience
in our Mind, then we Will Be that Experience in our Body - by
Sounds straightforward does it not? And it really Is - if you allow.
But what, in reality, prevents a person from achieving this success?
The eyes, ears and nose mostly - the "evidence" of physical senses.
If the "feedback" received from your eyes, ears and nose tells you
that your situation is as it is, then you will believe it.
What you must understand therefore is the "Order of things".
Your Mind determines your Experience.
Your Experience should Not determine your Mind - unless you allow it.
Most people, from birth, are taught by their parents the nature of
reality according to their parents perception of "reality", which
in turn is based broadly upon the parents religion, "job", "social
status", and so on - often going back many generations.
Children are told from an early age to "quit dreaming" and not to
"get ideas" beyond their "station in life". The child then goes
about dutifully fulfilling the expectations of their parents until it
becomes their "reality". Not only that, such a person believes such
a "reality" represents "success", simply because they have
succeeded in "living up to" their parents expectations - so they
never question it.
For example - I have never, in nearly 53 years on Earth, ever met a
person who follows a religion that is different to the religion of
their parents, and their parents before them, and so on down
through the generations. It is quite remarkable how religion is so
closely linked to the family tree. Religion is one of the most
destructive influences over the Experience of a person because it
strips them of their true Identity and Reality, and therefore of
their Power - which is why religion exists of course.
Or to put it another way, this person has never made an informed
Choice, they are simply dutifully perpetuating a family tradition.
This does not only apply to religion though - it applies to
"learning a trade" in the case of males, or learning to "cook",
"clean house", sew", "wash clothes", "raise kids" etc in the case of
This also applies to expectations of school, relations, "friends"
and so on.
It is very often the case that if a person achieves success beyond
their "community" or parents, they are seen as an "outcast", a
"traitor" or even no longer "one of us", but "one of them".
This is all programming and it is all nonsense. We are All One.
This is also how the few people in "power" control the majority.
Every truly successful person I know, or am aware of, are people
who broke their programming at an early stage in their Experience,
and instead set about being True to Themselves - they are driven
from Within, not from without. They are True to Themselves.
Take Barak Obama for example. Setting aside all of the emotions
that his name invokes, he is a classic example of what I am saying.
If someone had said, 10 years ago, that a "black", or "mixed race"
person would become president of the USA, they would at best have
been laughed at, or worse committed to a mental institution.
But those reactions fail to take account of a truly amazing rise to
prominence of Obama who is definitely fulfilling his own "purpose".
His father was a native Kenyan, now passed on, His Mother a "white"
American citizen, who, although academically accomplished, could
not settle down for very. As a result Obama was raised mostly in
Indonesia after his mother married a devout Muslim resident of that
country. Later his mother sent him to the USA to be raised by his
The rest of the story speaks for itself. Whatever or whoever you
believe Obama to be - and we will discuss this matter again in the
near future - he was able, by his own efforts, to defeat the
"establishment" and to become the most powerful person in the USA -
power in political terms that is - not real terms.
So you see Obama ignored all the conflicting, and presumably
confusing "evidence" of his origins, instead to overcome All before
him to rise to a status that is usually determined "within the
closed ranks" of the so called "ruling elite".
But getting back to "changing your Mind".
If you wish to Experience something - anything - all you have to do
is "Be that Change" so completely in your own Mind, that it must
soon become your Experiential Reality to the extent you believe it.
This means ignoring the "evidence" of your own eyes, respectfully
ignoring the wishes and ideas of your parents, relations, friends
and others, deciding what You wish to be, and to Be that wish in your
own Mind as if it is True Now - which it is - all you need to do is
Experience that Reality which you will know is a foregone conclusion.
I can personally vouch, as ever, for all these Truths.
At the age of 8 years I fully "de-programmed" myself and became the
person I am here to be. It is never too late for you to do the same.
But before you start you must know exactly Who you Are and where
your Inner Guidance takes you, and Be that person in Your Mind.
The person experiencing "Dissociative Identity Disorder" does this
automatically and unambiguously, but each and every one of us can
do the same out of Choice.
Your newsletter member opportunity this week, Consciously Creating
Circumstances, shows you how you may go about achieving this.
Until next newsletter I wish you, your Family and all other Loved
Ones a most Joyful, Healthy and Truly Abundant week.
In Love, Light and Truth,
Additional resources:

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