Sunday, February 15, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 15 February 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter.

I do hope that you have enjoyed a truly wonderful week.

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we are into the final stages of
winter before the glorious dawning of Spring and the emergence of a
new cycle of Life.

While we experience the long, cold winter days and nights we should
remind ourselves that these conditions are not "sent" to "try" us,
but are rather the outer limit of an immutable cycle of Life.

Universal cycles are present in countless forms and durations
relative to Earth concept of time - some so small or so large that
they cannot be observed or measured, even by the most advanced
scientific instruments.

It is a human tendency to believe that anything that cannot be
touched, observed or measured in some way cannot be "real".

The cycle of Life, a 25,800 year cycle that we are nearing the
transition point of Now is very real indeed. Humanity is now in the
Winter of this cycle, and very, very soon we will enter a new cycle
- the Spring of the cycle which will last for thousands of years -
heralding the next, glorious stage of Life and Evolution. The
Golden Age.

Many of you have asked "what will become of our Children who are
too young to understand?". "What must we do to prepare them?"

This week we will discuss this important question in the context of
"The Children of the Golden Age".

But first, as usual, I would like to welcome all new members to
this newsletter.

Once again there are a particularly large number of you, many here
as a result of referrals people who Love and care about You.

This week we will discuss the Children of Golden Age and how they
relate to these transitional times.

Adults though need to make a choice - sooner the better.

Every member of this newsletter has already made that decision
after being presented with the opportunity to do so. Although
there are hundreds of thousands of you out there, you still
represent a very small percentage of humanity on the entire planet.

Of course thousands of others are awakening through other routes and
resources, or simply by hearing the urgent call to action from

But we must never assume that anyone is prepared. The very greatest
Service you can offer is to show others the way and the Light.

The entire Universe in every sphere and every dimension from Source
outwards extends Love Service unconditionally to those further out
on the Divine path - the inner always being of Service to the outer.

So if you wish to do your part in this process, greatly helping
your own evolution in the process, please do everything you can to
awaken others - family, friends, co-workers, anyone at all - and
show them the way and the Light.

These newsletters are here to help everyone in this crucial process,
so please do share it with others. It only takes a few moments to
forward this newsletter to those you truly Love and care about.

You may also suggest that they join us - which they can do from any
page on our website:

We must never assume anything of anyone. In a few short years it
may be too late, and there is an Eternity to regret what could have
been done for those left behind.

I was inspired to write my book for these transitional times, so
please consider giving a copy to people as a gift:

In this weeks newsletter we will discuss just one, but very important

The Children of the Golden Age

Over the months and years we have discussed numerous diverse
subjects as to how we can improve, develop, Experience, Evolve and
how to prepare for the coming Great Transition of the Ages.

We have never however specifically discussed those most Perfect and
precious members of the human race - the Children.

Increasingly newsletter members have sent me messages, often
worried, about what will become of the Children during the coming
Transition, and what must we do to prepare them specifically.

Well first of all we should always remind ourselves of one very
important fact: Just because a child physically looks "young",
having only been on Earth for a few years as it relates to Earth
time, many Children today are very advanced Spiritually, very often
way more than their own parents.

Other Children are on a similar level of Evolution, simply here to
Experience the Transition to the Golden Age together.

Yet others Children, a minority but still large in number are
highly evolved Spirits Who are here to actually participate in the
transitional process and most crucially afterwards.

Now first I would like to put the Mind at rest of all those of you
with young Children who may concerned about what will happen to
your Children during the Transition.

You can relax and feel joyful that the vast majority, if not all,
Children are here to Experience the Transition, later to become the
Children of the Golden Age as teenagers and young adults.

What age group are we speaking of?

We cannot say for sure, but certainly any Child younger than 12
years, and probably many to the age of 15 years or so are here for
these specific reasons.

Now what I would really like to discuss today are the much smaller
group of children who have "arrived" here on Earth over the last 20
or 30 years or so, and also an even smaller group of Children that
have arrived since the year 2000 or so and are still arriving.

These are the Children that are not only here to Experience the
forthcoming events, but to also be an integral participant in the
process, before, during and after.

So who are these Children, and why are they here?

Well the first factor they all share is that the Spirit within
these Children is highly evolved, and probably beyond the normal
cycles of incarnation. In other words they are not an aspect of a
Higher Self as such but rather the "complete" Spirit.

In the New Age community, these Children are known as "Indigo",
"Crystal" and "Rainbow" Children.

Now first let me clear up some confusion on these labels.

I never use he terms "Indigo", "Crystal" or "Rainbow" because to do
so places a label on a Child that they feel they must live up to.

Also I always regard every human being as completely equal. To
place a label on a child immediately elevates that Child above
others with an implication that they are "better" than other Children
- which is simply not the case. "Better" and similar words simply
do not apply to the same Perfection of Whom we are all "made" by
the Source of All Perfection.

So how then did these Children come to be labelled in this way?

Simply by Clairvoyantly viewing of the Aura. Indigo Children, viewed
Clairvoyantly, have a very bright Indigo coloured Aura.

The Aura is a reflection of our Energy, or more specifically the
Vibration of our Energy field which increases with Evolution.

Crystal Children are characterised by a more translucent Aura with
multi-coloured "swirls".

Rainbow Children are Clairvoyantly seen to literally have a
multi-coloured Aura comprising all of the colours of the Rainbow
and more.

I personally refer to all of these Children collectively as:

The Children of the Golden Age.


Because they are all, every single one of them, here for specific
roles before, during and after the Transition to the Golden Age.

The reason so many have been born is due to the fact that they can
only fully fulfil their purpose here if their parents recognise,
intuitively, that their Child has "special" qualities that are
simply not what is considered to be "normal".

Mothers have a very strong Mind connection with their Child and can
often "feel" or "sense" the feelings, needs and Energy of their

Mothers of Golden Age Children often also sense much more but often
cannot define it, simply because they have no point of reference.

Now the reason such large numbers of such Children of this nature
are being born now is because very often the Mother or Father
either does not recognise the deeper qualities in their Children,
or more usually choose to ignore their inner feelings in favour of
"raising" the Child according to their own beliefs, expectations
and long standing family traditions.

So enough Children need to be born to ensure that a sufficient
number can rise to achieve their full potential and purpose.

I should mention that these Children do choose the parents who are
most likely to recognise Who they Are and Represent, and will give
them everything necessary, including the Freedom of Choice, to
reach their full potential, often necessitating great personal
sacrifices by the parents.

Children who are suppressed by parents, especially as the child is
yearning to fulfil their potential and purpose, often feel very sad
and unfulfilled, often appearing to me "melancholy" or "withdrawn".

So why then are these Children here, and what exactly is their role.

This is a very large subject indeed, and one which would require a
book to answer anything like fully, but here anyway is an overview.

Although Children known as "Indigo's" have been arriving for the last
century, the vast majority majority were born between around 1975
and 2000.

These Children are here to pave the way for the Children to follow,
and to exert their potentially powerful influence in the World in
order to change conditions generally ready for the changes ahead.

After the Transition, and all of the shackles and dark forces that
have imprisoned humanity for the last 1700 years have been left
behind, the Indigo's will continue to prepare the world and
remaining members of the human race for glories of the Golden Age.

After 2000 or so a new level of Child began to appear - these have
been called the "Crystal" Children - again after their translucent

Crystals are here to help change the Consciousness - the Vibration
- of Humanity in readiness for the profound events ahead.

These Children have the abilities to profoundly influence
Consciousness, very often through music and song.

Sound, as we known, exerts a profound influence over Consciousness.

In fact Sound as Vibration is the primary Creative force - "In the
Beginning was the Word". "Word" is a mistranslation - the "Word" is
actually "Sound", Vibration.

Sound has always been used throughout the World to change moods, and
often even more profound influences over human Consciousness.

Crystal Children can also have other or even multiple abilities
including, but not limited to Clairvoyance, Telepathy, ESP and a
high level of control over Universal Principles for healing,
manifestation etc.

Like the Indigo's, the Crystals have considerable Energy around
them, and almost always large, bright, entrancing eyes, that can seem
to pierce right through you like a laser beam if their attention is
on you. This is the power of their Spirit being directed towards you.

The final group are called in the New Age community "Rainbows" -
again after their Aura.

There are very few Rainbows at this time - they will arrive during
the final stages of the Transition and then in numbers afterwards.

The Rainbows will truly be the citizens of the Golden Age, with the
Crystals and the Indigo's who will, their mission complete, simply
enjoy until it is time to leave and return to the Inner Spheres
from Whence they Came.

Before continuing I would again like to again stress that I do not
approve of or use the names Indigo, Crystal or Rainbow we are All
One - but it has helped in differentiating their very unique
characteristics for the purposes of this discussion.

So what role then do parents of these Children play?

In short - an Extremely important one.

These Children, no matter Who they Are in Spirit, are still
Children, and can do nothing without the support of their parents.

As I mentioned before, it is very, very hard on one of these Golden
Age Children if their special abilities are not recognised, or if
they are recognised are suppressed.

This is not to say that parents are deliberately doing this - far
from it - it is just that the vast majority of parents indoctrinated
by their own parents and so on for many generations back, in to what
has become family tradition, which they feel most strongly they
must uphold.

The most pervasive of these traditions, yet the most damaging are
religious beliefs and practices.

As many of you know, I was able to break all of these barriers,
including religion, at the age of 8 years, and from there embarked
on my own path - which has been far outside that of my family -
leading me to where I am now, in Service to You, today writing this

Another major issue is the school system.

Those kids known as "Indigo's" stand out at school as being very
"different", and are almost always either misunderstood or often,
worse, considered to have some sort of "learning disability".

The "conditions" most often attributed to Indigo's are ADD or ADHD
- "Attention Deficit Disorder" or "Attention Deficit Hyper-activity
Disorder". A related condition often attributed is "Asbergers

Very often these Children are placed in special classes with
children with genuine disabilities, and even worse medicated with
various drugs, most often Amphetamines such as Adderall.

This can be very traumatic for these children indeed.

My eldest son never fitted in well at primary school - equivalent
to elementary school in the US - because the teachers thought he
never paid attention to anything they were teaching, or to his
written work.

In truth he was completely bored. From the age of 4 years, while in
the car on the way to school, he would bring various books to read,
his favourite being a book on the "Big Bang Theory", which he

He could never relate to the other children during play time -
recess - because he thought their antics were "silly". He had one
friend who was also 4 who stunned his kindergarten teachers when
they asked him to write some numbers on the board. He happily
complied, filling the board with equations that the teachers did
not understand. They then fetched a high school math teacher to
have a look, who then told them the boy had written a series of
equations including integral calculus, differential calculus and
quadratic equations - and they were all completely correct.

During "play time" - recess - my son and his friend would sit in a
corner discussing various deep subjects including those by Einstein.

Yet the teachers continued to be frustrated with my son and said
they "could do nothing for him" except send him for "special needs".

Of course I knew why, but to appease them, at their request, I took
him for a whole day "evaluation" with a child psychologist so they
could determine what "special needs" were appropriate for him.

The child psychologist determined, after many different test, that
at that time my son - my son was 10 years - had the IQ, vocabulary
and comprehension of 17 year old.

At that the school simply went in to denial, never having
encountered a situation like that before.

They never could do anything with him so they just left him to it.
They were more than happy though for him to fix the school PC's and
network whenever they crashed, and even to teach the teachers how
to use them properly.

Of course I knew why this is, and found it quite amusing much to the
frustration of the teachers who thought I did not care. There is no
way the teachers could accept any reason I gave to them.

Needless to say he went on to graduate, passing all of his final
examinations, and is now progressing with what he wants to do.

But the point is this - had I been hard on my son for not doing
well at school, "flunking his grades" or worse allowed the teachers
to put him in a "special needs class" he would have been extremely
unhappy, and would not be achieving his full potential.

There are Indigo's out there who, having been suppressed and forced
to behave like a "normal person", preferred instead to return to
the Inner Spheres rather than be prevented from fulfilling their true
purpose. Believe me, the Spheres where Indigo's come from are far
and away more glorious, beyond the comprehension of most, and these
children do not need much of an incentive to return there. I should
add that almost always they stay, knowing that glorious times await
them soon.

Now as I mentioned before, all Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children
are born to parents who should recognise their special abilities,
and with sufficient fortitude to allow their child to achieve their
objectives in their own way, just as I do with my own children.

I guide my children, keeping them healthy, warm and safe, but beyond
that I always allow them to Experience as they wish - providing it
is safe to do so of course. And we regard each other as absolute
equals. There is no archetypal dominating parent/subservient child
relationship at all. They know, as do I that this the traditional
parent-child relationship is entirely geared to the influences and
expectations to conform of "modern society", who, for the most part
have no concept, yet, of the true nature of Reality.

I now have the greatest Joy in bringing to you to a real-life
example of everything we have discussed thus far.

Introducing an absolutely remarkable young girl - now aged 8 years
- Jackie Evancho.

I was made aware of Jackie - not by "chance" - on YouTube.

As soon as I heard her sing and saw her videos, I knew instantly
that she is a Child of the Golden Age.

"Indigo", "Crystal" - those labels are not important, it is Who
Jackie Is and why she is here that really matters - as well of
course the children like her.

I first became aware of Jackie she was just 7 years of age singing
"Wishing you were here" from Phantom of the Opera at the 2008 Kean
Idol contest - her first public appearance.

Here is the video, keeping in Mind that this is a little 7 years of
age girl, who, at that time, had no singing lessons, was singing in
in front of a live audience in a major competition, and was simply
singing with Joy from her Heart, Mind and Spirit:

I immediately knew from the way Jackie sings, her eyes and very
special, unmistakable Energy that she is here Now for a reason.

She was incidentally second in the entire competition.

This is the next video I saw of Jackie singing Ave Maria:

I would like to say that I am nearly 53 years, have three children
and attended many school concerts in my time, and I have never,
ever, in all my years heard such a young child as Jackie sing as
she does and indeed anyone of any age.

If Jackie brought tears to your eyes, it is simply because she is
profoundly touching your Soul and Spirit on the same level, which,
in and of itself, is the truest proof of who she Is and Where she
sings from.

As I mentioned before, the one thing that has more of a profound
influence over human consciousness than anything else is sound, and
the purest form of sound on Earth is singing.

Jackie is the epitome of what we have been discussing today.

But behind Jackie of course is her truly wonderful parents who
clearly recognised Jackie's singing abilities from a very young age
and have supported her every step of the way, almost certainly
making great sacrifices in the process, thus allowing Jackie to
live both her dream and her purpose for being here - which Jackie,
deep within. will know all too well.

I know also that her parents allow Jackie to set the pace, choose
her own songs and so on - a great show of true Love.

You can see all of Jackie's videos here:

I Love all of her videos, but this video of Jackie singing
"Everytime". Even a cold does not stop her Energy, personality and
ability shining brightly.

More recently Jackie's mother took her to an International Talent
competition in Las Vegas.

Jackie came 1st in the age 8 to 18 year group in which there were
80 competitors. I am sure you will agree that this is an incredible
performance for an 8 year old girl - the youngest competitor in the
whole competition.

Jackie needs your help in taking her dreams even further.

She explains why in this video:

Please support Jackie in any way you can, and also ask as many of
your relatives, friends and others to do the same.

Jackie is living her dream and her reason for being here, fully
supported by her parents.

I am fully supporting Jackie to the extent I can, and I know that she
would love it if you do the same.

Jackie truly is a Child of the Golden Age.

I will of course keep you fully updated with Jackie's progress.

I will say here and now that I believe, within 1 year - 2 years at
most - Jackie will be touching the Heart, Soul and Spirit of
millions of people around the World when most needed.

Remember - you heard it here first.

The other message that we should learn today is to look at our own
children in a true Light - not simple as "kids" to do as they are
told, and to conform to family expectations.

Most children today are more Spiritually evolved than their parents,
so in the context of Eternity, viewing these children as mere "kids"
is to fail to see them in their true Light for Who they truly Are.

If you Love your Children - and of course you do - then take time
together in a proper setting to listen to what they are saying.

Above all ask them what their dreams are - what they are passionate
about - and then do everything you possibly can to facilitate it
for them, even if it means making personal sacrifices.

There is no greater True Love for your children will return it, while
showing you important aspects of Life you probably never knew
existed along the way.

Until next newsletter I wish you, your Family and all other Loved
Ones a most Joyful, Healthy and Truly Abundant week.

If you ever do feel "down", simply go watch one of Jackie's videos.

In Love, Light and Truth,


Additional resources:

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