Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 08 February 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter. I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful
First, as always, it is my great pleasure to warmly welcome all new
members to this newsletter.
I know that I commence with this each week and that I mention
a particularly large number of new members have joined us, but the
truth is this - as the great Transition of the Ages progresses,
increasingly more people are awakening to the Greater and Truer
nature a and reality of Life, and of the Golden Age to come.
Some people need evidence that this is truly taking place. All I
can say, with all certainty, is that I have personally observed
this process since it started, almost imperceptibly, and gathered
pace exponentially.
10 years ago, even 5 years ago these events would not be happening.
I have been publishing your newsletter now continuously ever since
2005, during which time I have received a great many emails both from
newsletter readers and others reading the website or forums. From
these messages received there is no question whatsoever that this
process is well and truly under way and gathering pace very rapidly.
I conservatively estimate that more people have become awakened in
this last three years alone, than in the history of the planet. No
on can claim that this is the result of "chance" or "coincidence" -
it is real - very real indeed.
There will come a point of no return in the future - a pivotal
point at which all those who are to make the transition will be
This almost certainly means you, but it is the sacred and Divine
duty of each of us to guide as many people as possible.
If you wish to share the Golden Age with someone you know or Love,
then it is up to you to point them in the right direction. This you
can do very simply by forwarding this newsletter, and suggesting
they join for themselves from any page on our website:
Or buy them a copy of my book which I was inspired to write for
these times:
In answer to the many messages received, my new service for you,
which will be very powerful and totally unique is progressing well.
It is a huge task for anyone so please be patient - it will be
worth waiting for, that I promise.
This week:
1. Consciously Creating Circumstances - Final Week
2. The Blessings of the "recession".
Consciously Creating circumstances
Once again the response to your latest newsletter member
opportunity has been exceptional.
This is the opening paragraph from the person who wrote the foreword:
"THIS innocuous-looking little book by George Winslow Plummer is
full of metaphysical dynamite capable of effects baleful or
beneficent according to what I may call the innate altruism and
enlightenment of the person who essays to employ the technique
herein set forth. For this particular teaching, though couched in a
form capable of being grasped by the average reader, is really a
fragment of a most ancient and abstruse Wisdom jealously guarded by
its custodians throughout the world and adown the ages on account
of its potency for evil when misapplied".
Consciously Creating Circumstances is one of only 5 books in total
that I endorse as providing true and accurate knowledge as to the
true way we influence and Experience our own Reality.
This wonderful book will be available at the special newsletter
member value of just $9.70 for another 6 days.
The Blessings of the "recession"
I have received many messages from members and others who are very
concerned about the "recession" and what the "future" has in store
for themselves and families.
What we should always do, regardless of what we are told by the
media, is to seek the positives in every situation. Even the
"recession" can conceal many blessings as well as opportunities.
At first sight this statement might seem to be somewhat of a
contradiction - after all, how can the "recession" possibly be a
blessing much less an opportunity.
The fact is "recession" is what you believe it to be - "Good" or
"bad", opportunity" or "doom" - the choice is your because there is
always a choice. "Recession" is simply a word created by humans -
it does not make it Real.
As we discussed previously at length, every recession originates
from the thinking of humanity - but this works at both a collective
level and an individual level. You have the choice of subscribing
to the recession or "opting out" of the recession.
If you choose to believe the news, and thus opt-in for the gloom and
doom scenario, then so will be your experience in every sense.
So what are the alternatives?
Most people still believe in the archetypal "human model" of school,
university, job, retire, "die".
But it need not and should not be this way at all.
Everyone has a latent passion or ability for something - everyone
is here for a purpose. But being programmed and sucked in to the
"human system" from an early age has very often resulted in latent
abilities and passions being suppressed or even buried deep within.
There are many young children today with incredible abilities,
especially those that touch Hearts and Minds such as Singing or the
playing of musical instruments, but few are blessed with parents
who are prepared to provide the encouragement and often make the
sacrifices for their child to bring it to fruition, preferring
instead to "guide" their children through the same routines they
were subjected to as children.
Of course there are exceptions. Next week I will be introducing you
to an extremely talented 8 year old girl singer, who is living her
talent and her dream with the fullest support of her wonderful
But back to the "recession". Many people live in fear of life -
fear of the loss of job, loss of "security", even loss of their home.
The so called "recession" only serves to accentuate those fears,
and in the minds of many, to even justify them.
These long-held fear may seem more real, even rational in the face
of the perceived situation out there, which we are told, by the
media, is becoming worse by the day.
But the truth is - these fears only seem real and rational in the
context of what people have been programmed to believe from a very
young age, often being taught being taught by parents that "life"
is a "struggle", "rat race", something to "make the best of a bad
job" and so on.
The current human system is a product of, and exploited by the dark
forces, to keep people enslaved, only allowing enough "pay" to
provide the food and rest required to do yet more work for the
Is it possible then to escape the "system"?
Absolutely. I escaped the system 33 years ago, enabling me to
follow my passions, not the least of which includes being of
Service to others in any way I can, in recent years in readiness for
the monumental and glorious events we are rapidly approaching.
So how can you transform the fear of the so called "recession" in to
an opportunity to achieving your own "Freedom"?
Here are steps you can start right away:
1. Change your Mind.
As long as you believe there is a "recession", the recession will
remain very real to you, as will the "evidence" you meet to justify
and reinforce your experience.
Whatever you believe to be true is true.
So how then can you transform your experience, beliefs and
Stop watching and/or reading the "news".
The popular press thrives on reporting the very worst situations
and sides of human nature, very rarely focusing on the positives,
and even less frequently on abundance of beauty out there.
This irresponsible reporting only serves to reinforce and
accentuate the perceived reality of the situation even more,
becoming self-fulfilling.
So do not pro-actively look for evidence of the recession simply to
satisfy yourself of its perceived reality, or even to discuss the
so called "recession" any more than you need to. If you do you are
telling to the Subconsciousness aspect of your Mind that you have
already accepted its reality, but still need evidence to justify it.
Instead, Change your Mind to focus on only the most positive
things of a high vibration - things that make you feel Happy,
Joyful and full of Hope.
If you are passionate about something, then follow your passions.
Follow that which fills you with Joy - that which you feel you can
do forever with Joy and enthusiasm, and never, ever tire of.
You will soon discover that by following your passions, your reason
for Being this time around, your life will become Blessed and
Abundant and above all you will have achieved true Freedom.
There are numerous cases, that I am personally aware of, where a
person has been plunged from the false "security" of a "job" in to
"redundancy", meaning that their employer suddenly decides that the
person has outlived their usefulness to the company - as if it had
never even existed in the first place. This leaves the "redundant"
person feeling helpless, hopeless and insecure, wondering how the
mortgage will get paid once any savings had been exhausted - in fact
wondering whether the family will even end up out on the street.
In such cases it often happens, when all seems hopeless, every
thought filled with worry, fear and dread, to the extent that the
person can take no more, they simple capitulate, abandoning their
"fate" to "higher powers".
In reality, by doing so, they have just stopped blocking their true
Source of Abundance and Universal Life Energy, thus allowing these
"higher powers" thus invoked to freely flow through them, resulting
in an almost miraculous turnaround, a life of Abundance, Joy and
Freedom that they would never before have thought possible,
sometimes even within days.
You do not need to wait until your situation reaches such a low
point and neither should you.
You can instead choose to change your negative, destructive,
disempowering thoughts replacing them with positive thoughts,
constructive, empowering thoughts, empowering you you to follow
your passion - your dreams.
How will you follow your passions and dreams? Especially if you are
not aware yet of what they are.
Well first of all do not think too much. Just before sleep, at
night, in your Mind ask for guidance, and it will surely come - all
you need do is to remain open and receptive, that you may recognise
the answer when it does come - in whatever form it takes.
2. Behaviour towards "money".
Your outward attitudes and behaviour also impress upon your
Subconscious Mind your true thoughts and desires.
One of the worst things anyone can do is to be mean and frugal way
with money. Such behaviour suggests and reinforces lack to your
Subconscious Mind which will duly become your experiential reality.
"Money" is Energy - it flows in to our experience and out again.
The greater the flow, the greater the experience of Abundance and
of course vice versa. Of course this spending must be carried out
wisely on the things you need and make you happy, never
irresponsibly or indiscriminately.
It is often the case that people who perceive themselves as having
little money will be frugal, even responsible with that money, not
realising that the result will be even less money.
It does not matter how much money you have - spend it often but
wisely with joy and gratitude - and even more money will come to
you, often without realising it. You will find that all your needs
are being met by Divine Providence.
So often it happens that people will buy something they really need
or want, even though they have little available money, not thinking
about the financial consequences, only to find while enjoying it
they not only somehow have as much money than before, but have even
more, without knowing how it could have "happened".
Again though money must be spent on those things you need and make
you happy.
It is a well known fact that any lottery winners lose their
millions within a couple of years or so, often ending up with even
less than when they started. This is because their mindset was not
tuned towards wealth, and therefore they were always going to lose
it one way or the other and do.
True Wealth, Health and Abundance is of the Heart and Mind, not by
guessing the right numbers in a lottery draw.
Many have heard of "tithing", the act of giving Joyfully to those who
may have helped you in some way, or to a person or organisation
that is helping other people, animals nature etc.
Giving Joyfully, from the Heart, to another aspect of yourself -
which all in Creation is - will be reflected in kind in your
3. Principle of Expression.
Some weeks ago we discussed the Principle of Expression - the true
way through we Consciously Express our own Experience in a fully,
fully empowered way.
I will not repeat the entire article but simply remind you of the
10 factors that constitute the Principle of Expression which are:
Oneness, True Faith, Expectation, True Belief, Trust, Acceptance,
Gratitude, Imagination, Emotion and Feeling.
We will discuss the Principle of Expression again in the near
future, but hopefully these 10 factors are self-explanatory.
Suffice it to say that the so called "recession" will be completely
meaningless to anyone applying these 10 fundamental factors of the
Principle of Expression, especially in the context of everything we
have discussed today.
Thus empowered we become the Author of our Own Experience - never a
"victim of circumstance" - you always have a choice.
Empower yourself - never allow anyone to determine your
Speaking of "circumstance", your current newsletter member
opportunity, available for another week, is entitled "Consciously
Creating Circumstances", and will show you precisely, as the title
suggests, how to create your own circumstances:
Until next newsletter I wish you, your Family and all other Loved
Ones a most Joyful, Healthy and Truly Abundant week.
In Love, Light and Truth,
Additional resources:

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