Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 18 January 2009

Welcome to your newsletter - I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful
Not a week seems to pass without more evidence of the great
awakening that is now percolating through human consciousness.
Increasingly, all around the world, across all nationalities,
cultures and even religions, more and more people are beginning to
see beyond the veil of darkness that has shrouded humanity for so
long, preventing most from seeing and experiencing our true reality
and heritage as glorious, infinite, immortal Beings of Light who
have chosen to greatly accelerate their own evolution by taking on a
physical body with all of the challenges of the physical world.
At the same time, increasingly more people are seeing beyond the
controlling influences of orthodox religion, controllers of money
supply and "secret governments", finally seeing them for what they
really are.
But yet, still only a very small percentage of the population of
planet Earth have yet awakened, the majority still endeavouring to
"function" in a totally dysfunctional world the best they can.
Many people ask me how they may offer their services to help the
awakening process and the answer is very simple - help others as
you have been helped yourself.
All you need do is take but a moment of your time to forward this
newsletter to everyone you Love and care about, or better still
suggest that they might might join us here for themselves that they
can benefit every week as you do.
All you need do is send them to the Our Ultimate Reality site where
they may join from any page:
Make no mistake - "time" really is running out - in more ways than
one - no one knows just how long we have before the Transition will
be complete. It may be over in December 2012, or this might be the
pivotal date by which all need to be prepared for a ongoing process.
Either way the outcome will be the same - it is just a matter of
If you wish to make the transition together with others you Love,
care about or know, it is for you to show them the way - do not
assume that someone else will show them the way, or that they will
find the way for themselves - it may never happen.
Another way in which you may bring these important matters to the
attention of others is through my book which will guide them in a
way that is undeniable towards the Truth of their own Divine
reality and ultimate Destiny.
Our Ultimate Reality was written by me in the knowledge of the
events facing humanity today.
Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind has
already changed the Life of numerous people, including those who
were previously very religious, but feel they have now been freed.
Here are the details of the paperback edition:
And the eBook edition:
In this weeks newsletter:
I intend to keep your newsletter this week somewhat shorter than in
the previous weeks while discussing a more "down to Earth" subject
that affects us all - Health.
1. Top 5 book: Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons.
2. Messages.
3. You are what you eat
Top 5 book: Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons
In recent months, as long-time members will know, I have been
actively researching extremely valuable, often long lost books which
I believe will make a profound change for the better in your life.
As a result I have compiled a list of my current choice of my
Top 5 greatest books ever written on these important matters.
Aside from my own book, these are the only books that I have
encountered, only recently, that truly understand and teach the true
nature of our relationship with Source, Prime Creator, God, and of
Creating and Managing our own Experience, Health and Happiness
Through Source,First Cause, God, and as God.
Ever since I offered the first of these books, Science of Being in
Twenty Seven Lessons, there have been many thousands of new members
joining us here who have not yet had the opportunity to obtain these
extraordinary, phenomenal, Life Changing books.
Accordingly I have received numerous requests from new members to
make this wholly exceptional Top 5 books available once again.
So starting this week I will make these available once again for a
short time starting with my number one choice, the absolutely
exceptional and unprecedented:
Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons by the Baron Eugene Fersen.
These are his opening words:
"The present Human Race, occupying the Fifth Cycle of Evolution, is
approaching the end of its course. A New Race, the Sixth Race, is
about to emerge in its place.
This imminent change is perceived and heralded by many. Let us look
to that coming Dawn when Man will awaken to the Realities of
Eternal Existence and will see himself no longer as the Slave, but
as the Master".
Prophetic words indeed, written many years before this Transition
to the next Evolution of Human Being, The Sixth Cycle taking all
those prepared, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon from Homo
Sapien to Homo Luminous - Illuminated, Enlightened Man.
I addition to celebrate the availability of this great book I will
include the following exceptional, valuable and powerful books:
Science of Being in Seven Lessons: This is the first Science of
Being book that compliments Twenty Seven Lessons perfectly.
The Master key System: By Charles Haanel. A true classic, and a
book that is known to have influenced many highly successful
Plus these other remarkable and unique Charles Haanel books:
A Book About You
Mental Chemistry
The New Psychology
The Amazing Secrets of The Yogi
Plus a $20 Discount from the usual value of Science of Being in
Twenty Seven Lessons.
A total gift value of $122 exclusively for newsletter members.
This really is an extraordinary package which can be yours for only
$17 in total for a short time only from your special members page:
Messages and priorities
As you will know, I have previously felt the need to inform you
about my message situation - specifically the sheer and increasing
volume of messages I am receiving each and every day.
I am currently working on a new service, a service which will be
available to everyone, and which will no doubt be of profound value
to you as we approach and emerge from the Great Transition.
This new project is however is taking much of my time due to its
sheer size and complexity, time which I am not able to devote to
other matters.
This of course is in addition to my ongoing Services in the
provision of my websites, forums and of course your weekly
I am also taking a few hours over the weekend to simply relax and
pursue activities with my three sons.
So you see thee there are simply no more hours remaining for other
matters leaving me with no choice but to prioritise, and the only
area available to me to accomplish this are in managing the
messages received which hitherto have utilised much of my time.
I would really love to respond to every single message as I have
endeavoured to in the past, but time is running out, and I feel
that I need to focus on the greater issues facing us all,for the
benefit of the maximum number of people.
Please keep in Mind that absolutely every aspect of my Service to
you is exclusively by myself including developing and managing all
technology involved and managing dedicated Internet servers.
My priorities from now will therefore be as follows:
1. The ongoing development of the new service, which is a huge task
by any standards. I promise that you will find this new service,
which will include a whole new website, to be profoundly valuable,
and the key to unlock doors that have so far been closed to you, and
countless others.
2. Responding to genuinely urgent messages from those in need of
urgent personal help of such a nature that cannot addressed in the
forums. Please mark all such messages as "Urgent" as the first
word in the message subject. I will reply to all such messages as
soon as possible and will follow up until the issue is resolved.
3. The Our Ultimate Reality forums where I will continue to be as
active as ever if not more so. These forums contain a wealth of
valuable information by many knowledgeable members, in particular
our three exceptional moderators who are always happy to help.
So please ask all general questions here from now on:
And in addition of course you can rely on receiving your weekly
newsletter every Sunday as usual, and which will always contain
extensive and detailed knowledge on a wide range of subjects of
importance and interest during these times of great change for all.
I am also always very happy to receive feedback on any aspect of my
Services for you.
I trust you will understand my need to prioritise in this way -
there is only so much one single individual can do, and my absolute
priority is to be of effective Service to the maximum number of
people by making the most efficient use of my time.
You can be absolutely assured that this course of action will
enable me to be of Service to you to an even greater extent, and to
a greater number of people in the future, which is my primary
objective during these next few crucial years.
You are what you eat
In most newsletters we discuss the "higher" or "inner" matters
relating to the Well-Being of our Triune Nature - Body, Mind and
We must never neglect any one of these because they are all
inexorably dependant upon each other.
I am sure most will be aware that diseases of the body, often
serious diseases such as diabetes, rampant obesity, coronary heart
conditions, liver and kidney failure, colon and other cancers, to
name but a few, are rising dramatically.
Even more worryingly, these diseases are affecting people at an
increasingly young age. Serious diseases in children have never
been higher but yet are still escalating.
Is this coincidence?
Absolutely not.
There is and can only be one fundamental cause - diet and nutrition.
But why then is this? Why is disease becoming more rampant in a
supposedly "civilised" society?
The fundamental reason is remarkably simple.
Human Beings are simply not "designed" to eat meat or dairy
products, and so he human body either cannot process these "foods",
or when the body does process them the result is a release of toxins.
Most meat and dairy products are toxic to the human body in varying
degrees, causing serious diseases that might not be immediately
For example - recently published research proves that eating bacon
or sausage increases the risk of contracting cancer by a factor of
Likewise another published research result shows that eating steak
has similar consequences.
I could go on to list many other such examples where eating meat
and dairy products in the long term is extremely adverse,
especially in the long term.
In contrast, the current oldest person in the world, a lady in
Israel who is 120 years and still does her own shopping and other
chores on foot, attributes her longevity and activity to eating a
proper diet of vegetables throughout her long life.
Yet other studies have proven that people eating a Vegan diet live on
average 7 to 15 years longer than those eating animals and dairy
products which cannot be properly processed by the human body.
At this point I would like to recommend a book by person who is
universally regarded as the worlds greatest nutritionist. "The
China Study" is by Dr. T. Colin Campbell who wrote this exceptional
book after 20 years of intensive research of human diet involving
many researchers and people based at three major universities in
three countries.
You may read my full review here:
The results are 100% conclusive and unambiguous - eating animal
products of any type has serious consequences for the body.
The conclusion is that natural plant based whole foods are by far
and away the best and healthiest diet, quite simply because it is
our natural diet.
This should be obvious from the fact that the primates from which
humans eventually evolved where, and still are plant eaters, and
accordingly human physiology is designed to process plant material
and not animal flesh which requires a completely different
Another very major issue is cooking food.
When a doctor wishes to sterilize his instruments he either boils
them or heats to a high temperature under pressure in the say way
as a steam cooker.
It follows therefore that boiling or heating food sterilizes the
food, destroying most of the natural nutritional value of the food.
Again we must remind ourselves that humans are, first and foremost,
animals. How many animals do we see in the wild eating three meals
per day at regular intervals, while sitting round a camp fire
coking their food?
Whole natural foods, eaten raw such as nuts, fruit berries grains,
roots etc eaten raw is our natural food and maximum for nutrition.
We should also keep in Mind that food is first and foremost for
Most people today however eat for pleasure - to gratify the sense
of taste. Such foods include fast food and supermarket food.
Supermarket food is laced with chemicals for preservation to
increase "shelf life", and to enhance taste using for example MSG,
with bright packaging carefully designed to lure the customer.
Our first priority for eating food is nutrition for sustenance.
Taste should be considered to be a bonus.
This is one major factor in disease in children which goes on to
become debilitating when they grow older. Many children are given
candy, sweet soda drinks and of course fast food packed as "happy
meals" and so on. Their is nothing "happy" about obesity, diabetes
- which is escalating in children - and other serious conditions.
I will not go in to great details about food nutrition, the book
The China Study covers every aspect extremely well, with proof.
A question that often arises is "if meat and dairy product's are so
risky, why was I not informed by my parents?
The fact is, eating habits and choice of diet are very often family
traditions that go back generations in the same way as religion and
other family customs, so no one ever stops to consider whether
parents are correct or not - they simply assume from an early age
that they must be.
The question everyone needs to ask is "what should I be eating"?
There is no question, when examining all the hard evidence, in
particular that presented in the book "The China Study", the
natural and therefore correct diet for all humans is natural,
harvestable whole foods such as fruits, nuts, grains, roots, fungi
etc, eaten raw.
It is no coincidence that all the largest and most powerful animals
that ever lived eat exclusively plant foods because plant foods
contain the most Energy and nutrition to support growth to the
massive sizes that dinosaurs and modern animals such as Elephant,
Rhinoceros and Giraffe grow to such huge sizes and weight eating
plant foods only, due to the phenomenal nutritional content.
There are of course considerable ethical, not to mention karmic
considerations that arise from supporting the appalling treatment
of animals, birds and fish destined to become a meal on someone's
These animals are not separate to use in any way - objects placed
here for the convenience, or sometimes perceived inconvenience of
humans, they are rather Expressions of the Divine, of God, just as
we are, and therefore aspects of ourselves and should be treated as
I hope this has provided you with "food for thought" and will
enable you to empower yourself and family with a real, fresh,
nutrient rich, natural,uncooked diet.
Please keep in Mind your newsletter member opportunity for the
exceptional book which is currently my number one choice - "Science
of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons", including 5 exceptional Charles
Haanel books.
Until next newsletter I wish you a very Healthy, Abundant and
Joyful week.
In Love, Light and Truth,
Additional resources:

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