Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 08 March 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

I would first like to apologise for the late delivery of your newsletter this week for reasons that will become apparent as you read on. It is my intention to send your newsletter at the more usual time from next week. As most of you will know, last Tuesday, I made available to you the first edition of my new paper - The Reality Matrix - as a downloadable PDF file. I have received numerous messages from people about the document itself, but far too many to reply to. If you have not received a reply from me then please accept my humble apologies, and be absolutely sure that I personally read every single word of every single email that I receive and truly appreciate them all. I would like to reply in detail to each and every email, but, notwithstanding my existing sites, forums and other resources, my focus is currently dedicated to your new forthcoming service, I promise, will prove to be most valuable to you in many different ways, and which can help you enormously if that is your desire. Your new forthcoming Service is very technologically advanced, and very time consuming keeping in Mind that I do everything myself. My objective is to complete and present your new service as soon as possible. The Reality Matrix paper resulted in messages received from numerous newsletter members who, aside from the content, were extremely happy to receive the text in downloadable Adobe PDF format. There were many reasons cited for this, but the most frequent of which was that the long text, also applying to weekly newsletters, is much easier to read in PDF format, and that as a PDF file the newsletters could be easily downloaded and filed for future reference. I have therefore decided that from this issue all newsletters will be provided in Adobe PDF format.

I have chosen to utilise the US standard Letter format as the page size for the newsletter.

The Adobe PDF format also facilitates the inclusion of other a wide range of media where appropriate such as for example pictures and diagrams, which may prove to be useful in future newsletters. From this week, I will send you an email as usual with an introductory message with any important information, and a link to download your latest newsletter. Should you not receive your email in any week, I will always be making the PDF files available in the following format: Please note that the date is in international format, not USA format. So today's newsletter will be for example available at the following URL: To download newsletters, right-click the PDF file, and "save target as....." If you do load the newsletter in your browser, you can save a copy to your PC from within the Adobe Acrobat Reader environment. I also have further newsletter format possibilities in Mind for the future, my objective being to provide the maximum possible knowledge in the most readable and accessible format. I currently send the same newsletter to 5 different subscriber groups. In future all newsletters will be under the title of "Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter". So please do recognise it as such in the email subject line. I am here only to Serve you, and so all feedback, of any type, positive or negative is always most welcome and helps me to Serve you more effectively. Should your newsletter be significantly delayed for any reason, I will let you know by email.

I would like to thank you very much for your ongoing support, and interest in these subjects that are becoming increasingly crucial as we head towards the pivotal moment in the Great Transition.

This week I am going to keep your newsletter short that we may assimilate the new format, and to provide some "breathing space" after the large volumes of information you have received in the last couple of weeks. Beyond the Abyss It has been some weeks now since I made available to you a newsletter reader opportunity. The reason for this is really very simple. It is crucial to me and for you that whatever I make available to you must always be of very great, often unique value and benefit on your path, and provide you with very considerable value that you may not have discovered anywhere else. If I have nothing available that meets these strict requirements, I will not make anything available to you during that newsletter. I am constantly seeking powerful, often long-lost books, that contain knowledge and information that I know to be true. The value of these books lies in the fact that although I could most certainly discuss these subjects within the context of your weekly newsletter, these books are always a very convenient single point of reference, of detailed well structured knowledge that I can fully endorse, thus enabling us to focus on the many other subjects that we are interested in. Now for many years a crucial aspect of my ongoing research has been in the field of "brainwave entrainment". Although the organic brain has no inherent intelligence or consciousness, notwithstanding its extreme organic complexity, human experienced is still filtered through the brain as an interface to Mind and therefore experience. Brainwave frequencies determine the level of access humans may consciously experience towards expanded levels of conscious awareness, and are therefore a valuable key to unlocking experience of the inner states of life.

Several years ago I made available a brainwave entrainment track known as "Abyss", which, at its time, broke new ground in the use of a brainwave entrainment technology known as "binaural beats".

Abyss was and still is immensely popular, having been used for a wide range of purposed ranging from meditation, out of body experiences, and physical conditions such as Tinnitus. Advanced though Abyss was at the time, making maximum use of the technologies, I have always believed that "binaural beats" are inherently very weak in nature, and the subject of considerable hype and gross misinformation. Determined to substantiate this, I have researched this entire binaural beat issue in great depth, and even located the original paper that many sources cite as an authority, but few, if any it seems have actually read or studied. This paper was authored by Dr. Gerald Oster and published in the Scientific journal "Scientific American" in October 1973. In this paper Dr. Oster thoroughly researches binaural beats under various conditions, even taking account of hormone fluctuations. Dr. Oster concluded that binaural beats produced only very relatively small evoked potential within the auditory cortex of the brain. This lack of amplitude implies that any true brainwave entrainment arising from the use of binaural beats is likely to be very small, and unlikely therefore to exert anymore than a token and transient effect on consciousness. In other words, for all practical purposes, binaural beats are of little enduring value. When binaural beat type products are perceived to work, it is very often through a phenomena known as the "Ganzfeld Effect". The Ganzfeld Effect is invoked through the constant exposure to a single sensory stimulus - usually of hearing or sight. In the case of the typical binaural beat track the Ganzfeld Effect is invoked through the repetition of monotonous sounds being played over and over again, for example sea surf, which, and after a time, quite simply paralyses the physical senses through the continuous, monotonous sounds of the background sounds of the track, not directly due to binaural beats.

Although the Ganzfeld Effect can result in temporary effect on consciousness, it is usually only for the duration of the track, with little or no real "entrainment" of brainwaves under these conditions, and certainly no lasting changes or benefit.

I have also been investigating and examining in depth the results of EEG output where people have been listening to binaural beats and other forms of neuro and psycho acoustic stimulus while wearing EEG electrodes upon their scalp. The conclusion that I draw from the evidence to the extent I have collected it to date, strongly suggests that any brainwave entrainment resulting from binaural beat tracks is minimal at best, non-existent in many cases. Even the claimed hemispheric synchronisation is extremely doubtful with no tangible evidence to support it, or even theoretical evidence. The main issue with binaural beats is lack of amplitude and therefore lack of effective "auditory following response" that gives rise to brainwave entrainment. It is also clear that general understanding of brainwave entrainment, is low, most having latched on to the existing hype and summarily disregarding any contrary evidence to the extent that they have even researched it. My results of my own research, development and testing, which is very much ongoing, has proven to be very productive in every aspect of both brainwave entrainment and in particular expansion of consciousness and inner connectivity. I have been and continue to develop new, never been used before technologies and methodologies for maximum brainwave entrainment and Mind and Consciousness expanding effectiveness. I am happy to say that I have made very considerable progress in all of these areas, with further research, development and implementation ongoing. So what is the focus of my ongoing research in these important fields? Well first and foremost is what I would refer to as "listenability". Most people, understandably, find that the average brainwave entrainment track, even Abyss, can get boring and tedious after listening to it a few times. Again, this is how many such tracks work - sensory deprivation - the Ganzfeld Effect.

But if people do get bored there is no motivation to continue, and any benefit, to the extent that it even existed in the first place is lost.

My own research and development therefore has been focussed not only on the effectiveness of brainwave entrainment, expansion of consciousness and

development of Powers of the Mind, but also on this crucially important factor of "listenability". My ongoing research and development has therefore focused upon all of these crucial components as an integrated whole, also incorporating specially composed ambient music which is also used in conjunction with multiple modes of very powerful brainwave entrainment technology. Over the next few months you will be hearing much more of these important subjects. Why are they so important? Well quite simply this. The Quickening is ongoing and the polarisation between Light and dark is accelerating. It is now crucial that all those in a position to participate in the next quantum leap in human evolution should position themselves accordingly. You and every person reading this newsletter are in that position otherwise you would not and could not be here reading this newsletter at all - plain and simple. We must now move beyond the realms of written knowledge and understanding at an academic and intellectual level, to an Experiential level where it can be fully assimilated. This then is my focus and considerable progress is being made. Not only is the current level of brainwave entrainment up to 5 or more times more effective than binaural beats, but it is also much more "listenable" with the potential to greatly expand the range of possibilities for enduring development. I am also focusing not only on the audio aspect of brainwave entrainment and Mind Power, but also the visual aspect as well in the context of further development.

This then brings me to the subject of your newsletter today - Beyond the Abyss.

To me, most people have been trapped, or at least greatly held back by the nature of the material world, with its rampant materialism, its systems of control, under the direction of the dark forces who are becoming increasingly desperate,

such as money supply - as is currently so evident - orthodox religion and the "popular media" - puppets of the dark forces manifesting in numerous, but equally insidious guises, all presenting themselves as being for your benefit. This is the Abyss the edge of which humanity stands on the brink of as we approach the pivotal point in the transitional process. Every human has the choice of falling in to the Abyss, or gaining the wings to glide effortlessly over the Abyss, landing gracefully on the other side as a next generation human Being. Today I am making available to newsletter subscribers the first in a my new generation of brainwave entrainment, consciousness expanding and Mind Power, multi-faceted sound tracks. I have chosen the name "Beyond the Abyss" for this track for various reasons. Firstly the track is most certainly beyond the original Abyss in every possible way. Gone are the binaural beats to be replaced with multiple new, state of the art brainwave entrainment technologies. I would like to address a question that I receive from time to time, vis, why do I attach a cost to these products? This is an excellent and reasonable question that I will now happily address. First and foremost the vast majority of my Services to you are freely offered at no cost. 95% of my time, perhaps more, is dedicated in Service through this newsletter, websites, participation in the Our Ultimate Reality forums, and through the countless emails I receive, very many in need of my help. In addition I am developing a new Service for you which will offer you more than you can imagine at this point. All of my Services and the new Service are funded exclusively by myself. My own needs are simple and few, and in any case mostly for the benefit of my three sons to whom I have been the single parent for the last 14 years.

From a Spiritual perspective, it is absolutely crucial that you make a tangible, conscious firm commitment to your own Evolution - especially in view of this transitional era. A statement to your Subconscious Mind of a sincere commitment

to your Being will impress upon your Subconscious Mind that You intend to Evolve and to achieve your full potential as a human on Earth. It is a somewhat perverse human trait to equate "free" with "no value" and the Subconscious Mind duly accepts such notions as such without question. It is absolutely crucial to make a definitive statement of intent to your Subconsciousness to Evolve to your full potential starting right Now. I can only present you with the Means - the Decision is yours and yours alone. I have developed Beyond the Abyss for the purposes of meditation and inner focus, with an emphasis on inner abilities, notably Clairvoyance. So Beyond the Abyss has been developed specifically for this purpose. Accordingly, Beyond the Abyss should be listened to, passively, while focusing your eyes on the Brow Chakra. This is accomplished by focusing your eyes upwards and inwards to a place between and just above your eyebrows. Listening to Beyond the Abyss should be through a quality set of headphones - although any will do, but the higher the quality the better - and while lying down, feeling comfortable and relaxed. Before sleep at bedtime is an excellent time. Do not expect to instantly put on your headphones and be transported to other realms the very first time you use the track. Each listening, which should be no more than once per day, will take you further and further inwards. All forms of Personal Evolution including the realisation of many abilities and powers is a journey, not a plug and play for instant gratification. Perseverance is key, and the only way to achieve enduring benefits upon which you can build as you progress. I would also like to mention that from this point forth all transactions will be processed through PayPal instead of through Clickbank as previously.

This is mostly due to the fact that Clickbank appears to block customers from around 95% of all countries around the world, including very large and very prosperous countries.

Please note that you do not need to be a member of PayPal and neither will you be obliged by PayPal or anyone else to join. If you are not a PayPal member, you may use your regular payment card in the normal way. Due to this change pricing is in my native currency which is British Pounds, but of course PayPal automatically converts to your native currency based upon current exchange rates. This provides for much greater flexibility and accessibility to newsletter members all around the world which is my main objective. To obtain your copy of the Beyond the Abyss MP3 simply click this link.

Purchase Beyond the Abyss Should this link not open in your version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may copy the URL below and paste it directly in to your web browser address bar. I will also include this link in the weekly message containing your newsletter link. I really do apologise once again for the lateness of your newsletter today, due to the new format and associated issues. Next week it is my intention to return to the more usual delivery time. Until then I wish you a wonderful, healthy and joyful week. In Love and Light, Adrian.

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