Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 22 March 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter,

I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful, healthy and abundant week.

First of all I would as usual like to welcome all new members to this newsletter.

Once again there have been so many of you joining us in the last week.

As the Transition of the Ages inexorably progresses, more and more are becoming aware of the often profound changes happening around us and around the World.

There is also an ongoing polarisation between the forces of Light and darkness. But no one is ever excluded, no matter where currently aligned, and neither is it ever too late.

All I can do is to offer the opportunity to take the Path of Light, but the decision and commitment to walk the Path of Light can only be made on a Personal level. This is the true nature of the same Divine Freewill that every human being is blessed with.

But of course before a decision can be made by anyone, the opportunity must first be presented. Millions of people out there are ready to be freed from the prison they have created for themselves since birth, but are not even aware of the potential.

Just as someone showed you the way, either directly or indirectly, we all have the opportunity to awaken others to the glory of their full potential by showing them the path.

There is no obligation to do this, but a major Spiritual Principle that operates from Source outwards is Service to other and above all showing of the path. There are many Light Beings helping humanity through these transitional times - you may be sure of that.

However, there has been a quickening, and although it is never actually too late, there will come a time when, for practical purposes a person needs time to realise, take action and adjust - actions bound to Earth "time". In a very few short years it may well be too late.

I am not suggesting that Our Ultimate Reality is the only route, but it is nevertheless a route which I personally know to be true and which I share with you out of Service. If you ever feel that anything I am sharing is not your truth, then you must reject - never, ever accept anything from anyone unless you feel ready to accept it within.

If you feel Our Ultimate Reality is a true and worthwhile path of all those available, then please do share this newsletter with as many of those fellow human beings and aspects of yourself that you love and care about as possible, and suggest they might join us here, which they may do from any page of our site:

As mentioned last week, I am currently writing a new book for you.

Well I am pleased to announce that I am now writing two new books for you, which, with Our Ultimate Reality which I am modifying in this context, will form a complete trilogy.

The completion of these books is to be and will be my main priority.

Until then your weekly newsletters may be somewhat shorter than in recent months that I may focus on the writing of your new books.

Once I have completed the trilogy, I will resume the new members service which will help you put everything you gained in the trilogy in to practice.

This week:

1. Beyond the Abyss final week

2. How The Light is Manifesting through our Children

3. Divine Energy of Spring

Beyond the Abyss - Final Week

The response and feedback from your Beyond the Abyss opportunity has been really excellent, and I thank you all very much.

I thank you also for the many messages received, and assure you that I will always answer as many messages as I can, but if you have not received a reply I assure you that your message has been both read and appreciated very much.

Due to the success of Beyond the Abyss I have decided to extend the offer to newsletter members for one more week, before withdrawing it to prepare for more general availability of the sound track at a more appropriate price.

As I mentioned in previous newsletters, my ongoing objective through all of your member opportunities, is to bring to you only the books, sound tracks and software, either pre-existing or developed by myself, that I personally believe and indeed know to

offer the knowledge, resources and opportunities of true value on your path of Evolution.

As mentioned before, this is particularly crucial in view of the ongoing Transition of the Ages, which is quickening, is very real, and to participate in which requires a conscious choice to participate and thus to Evolve.

There are very few products that can genuinely help you in this way - the reason I make so few available.

On a more practical level, I am currently completely focused on the writing the two new books to create the trilogy, as well as developing the other resources I mentioned which will be made available to you.

All of these resources require considerable investment in time, money and resources. The very modest, indeed token value of these products, all of which are offered to help you, also helps towards ongoing development costs of All my Services for You.

If you wish to take advantage of Beyond the Abyss, a new generation of technology and approach to expansion of consciousness, you can still do so from this page:

How The Light is Manifesting through our Children

A few weeks ago I had great pleasure in bringing you news of a truly remarkable young girl in every sense, with an exceptional ability for singing. Although her favourite genre is opera, she also sings from other genres of her choice - all absolutely beautifully - in fact in my view angelically.

Jackie is a Child of the Golden Age, one of a significant number of children who their Higher Selves have incarnated on Earth over the last decade or so, specifically to help to raise the consciousness of humanity, mostly through artistic abilities such as art, poetry and of course music song which can and do exert a very profound influence over human consciousness.

Ever since I first wrote to you about Jackie, she has, as I fully expected, continued to touch the Heart and Soul of thousands of people through her YouTube channel, and through her public performances, where she has left a profound impression on all who have met and heard her, both for her abilities, and as a person. There are even musicians with decades of experience saying that Jackie is already one of the very best singers they have ever heard.

Jackie recently auditioned for the USA World Showcase competition which offers a recording contact to the winner.

Jackie, as always, made a profound impression.

One of the judges, Bill Hinsche of the famous group The beach Boys, said at the end of his appraisal that Jackie and her voice and singing "just stopped me in my tracks".

You can see the short YouTube Video clip of some of her audition and judges comment here:

Jackie won her category in the auditions.

I can say that Jackie swept me off my feet as well the first time I heard her sing, and still does today every time she records a new song. She is going from strength to strength.

The sheer power and beauty of Jackie's voice comes from deep within - from who she really is at an inner level, and Who she is manifesting through song in this World.

Aside from her singing voice, the circumstances of Jackie's recognition is highly reminiscent of many other children who I have become aware of, and who are here at this time for the same purpose - many have yet to be recognised.

This is Jackie's story:

"Although only a third grader, she has a long list of interests which includes reading, writing books, poetry, lyrics and mini plays, designing and sewing clothes, pillows and purses for friends and family, taekwondo, voice study and competitive singing. She is also a member of Pittsburgh’s professional Children’s Festival Chorus as well as a soloist.

In 2005, Jackie’s mom dragged both Jackie and her brother to see the musical film "Phantom of the Opera". While only ages seven and five respectively, she and her brother were so mesmerized by the characters and the music that they didn’t move or make a peep through the nearly two hour movie. In January, 2008, mom bought the newly released "Phantom of the Opera" DVD. It was watched so often it had to be replaced in a short time. Jackie would absentmindedly start singing songs from the movie around the house until, after a while, her mother noticed that Jackie sounded pretty good. Mom found out about a local talent contest that was going to begin in March of 2008 and asked Jackie what she thought about it. Jackie was enthusiastic.

At the tender age of seven, Jackie sang her little heart out through first rounds and semi-finals, singing "Think of Me" and winning "audience choice" both times. For the finals, she sang "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" beating out 183 other

contestants for the first-runner-up spot! As the youngest contestant in the competition, Jackie lost to the judge’s choice of a 20 year old opera singer. That final round performance is still on YouTube today and was further confirmation to Jackie's parents that she has singing talent.

They found her a vocal coach specializing in coaching kids in July of 2008. Since then, she has volunteered at nursing homes singing Christmas carols to the elderly. She has also traveled to Las Vegas to compete and win first place in the 8-18 age category of The USA World Showcase Talent Competition".

This is the first time I heard Jackie sing, and instantly knew the true nature of what I was hearing and seeing:

And to prove that Jackie is just a "regular girl" who Loves to sing, not just on stage, here is a video of her singing "Everytime" in her home, while experiencing a head cold:

I hope this provides you with a valuable insight of a girl, who, only 8 years old and only been singing at all like this for a year, and her just phenomenal voice.

This story is also extremely typical of other children who have experienced a meteoric rise to recognition. But for every child who is recognised, there are a hundred or thousand who are not. Jackie's recognition is directly due to the recognition and Love of her parents, whose main objective now is to support Jackie in every possible way.

When I first brought news of Jackie to you, I received several messages from people who basically stated that all I was doing is "promoting a girl who craves fame, fortune and idolatry, the name most mentioned in this context being Britney Spears". Please note that I have no comment on Britney Spears other than to say that I admire the way she is overcoming her recent, very public issues, and pulling her life back together.

Well let me assure you that I know - not think - know - that this is not the case with Jackie. If I thought, even for a single moment that this was the case, and Jackie is only seeking fame and fortune, you would not be reading about it here - of that I absolutely assure you. I know why Jackie is here, and fame and fortune have nothing whatever to do with it - quite the contrary in fact.

Jackie knows about the YouTube channel set up by her parents to showcase her songs, and of the numerous messages of admiration on YouTube Jackie is receiving, but, while she feels grateful, she is not in the slightest bit interested in the "fame" and "recognition" side at all. If her mother reads out a particularly glowing comment, Jackie will typically reply with "oh, that's nice", and leave it at that to go off and play with a friend or siblings.

So how does Jackie see herself?

She says that she is here to sing for God, and to make people happy.

And I can say that this is absolutely true and that she is fulfilling this purpose Now.

It should be clear to anyone that to sing as Jackie does - without music or studio - after just one year - far, far beyond the range of what might be expected as "normal", with no previous formal coaching until very recently or previous experience - is of Divine Providence, not simply of a "wannabee" girl who craves to be a "star", and then goes and gets lots of "singing lessons" and so on.

Jackie only desires to touch the heart and Soul of as many people as possible, and to make them happy - nothing else. And she has made an exceptional start.

No formal "training" can ever hope to surpass the ability arising out of pure Divine Spirit manifesting through a human - and this applies to everyone in all things.

I rarely ask for much of my valued newsletter readers, but on this occasion I would like to ask for you to help me to help Jackie to fulfil her purpose and destiny here.

I have no doubt that Jackie needs to record her voice in the form of song in order to achieve her dream of touching the Heart and Soul of millions around the World.

The USA World Showcase is but one route to the inevitable.

The first round of voting is now over, but the top twenty artists will go through to the next round for voting on 4 April. I will be keeping you informed.

This is the website:

I would again like to remind you that there are thousands of other children like Jackie around the world just waiting to be recognised and who wish only to fulfil their mission for humanity.

You may call them "indigo's", "Crystals", "Rainbows" and so on if you wish, but always remember that they are here for one purpose - to help humanity through the Transition, through the medium of the arts.

Here is a young 5 years of age Japanese girl pianist that recently came to my attention:

Keeping in Mind that this girl is just 5 years of age, with very small hands and fingers, the way she plays this piece is quite simply incredible - by any standards.

Like Jackie and many other children of exceptional ability, this girl and many others bypass the Conscious Mind allowing their Inner Self and abilities to shine through.

Here is this girl at the age of 6:

And age 7:

I suggest you listen to and watch the whole piece and see how she relates to her music as she progresses through the different tempos, played entirely without sheet music. Also keep in Mind that this is her own interpretation of this piece, played as she feels it.

And finally to show you that these Golden Age Children are not only manifesting through music, I would like to introduce you to a young lady named Akiane:

And this is her gallery to date:

This is one of her early paintings with an interesting lesson attached - which she knew beforehand:

This is what Akiane said of this painting:

..When I was seven we lived by a lake

and a neighbor gave us a strawberry red kitten.

We called him Charlie.

He was the best cat anyone could have, smart, cuddly and cute.

But after a month

because of my father's and my baby brother's severe allergies

we had to find another home for our kitty.

I was very sad and I wrote a good-bye letter for him

hoping to find a good family for him.

Soon I painted two kittens,

so both I and Charlie would feel better.

My wish did come true...

A little later I saw Charlie playing with a white and gray striped kitty

on a neighbor’s porch...

-- Akiane

Do you see - she "painted her wishes" for her beloved kitty, and thus brought the painting very powerfully, precisely and quickly in to realisation and experience. This is a very high level ability.

This is a more recent painting by Akiane:

And this is what she says of the painting:

"This is the painting about inspiration. When we are inspired, we soar, yet we are focused. That is why inspiration seems so heavenly.

The young man is each of us at our greatest inspiration: a poet, a writer, a musician, an artist, a doctor, a scientist, an engineer, or a businessman. He might be a lawyer, a detective, a chef, a speaker, a farmer, an architect, or anyone who is unafraid to imagine, create and to persevere.

I painted the clouds to depict the challenges, and struggles in our decisions. The light in the clouds symbolizes enlightenment. I tried to depict effort through the man’s posture and action. Inspiration is just the start, but it is our effort that brings the inspiration to the finish line."

And this is the poem she wrote for her painting - these are profound words:

Reflections for “Inspiration”

The views expect my walking. The perspective expects my effort.

There is no communion, no joy and no happiness without true effort.

Mature thought crosses all dimensions and efforts.

The purpose of a vow is quitting on impatience.

When both of your palms are in chalk – you are a dreamer!

Inspiration is faith: when unreachable is already reached and inconceivable is already conceived.

It is an effort to make everything simple for others.

Imagination cannot be stopped even with a bullet-proof mind vest.

Empress of all passions is love.

Whatever you create exists. But without your possession.

Those that hunt migrational imagination and wish what never could come true, change impossibility to possibility and become complete. And become enough.

Imagination is a pathway for each broken art and for each broken heart.

For a dreamboat, even the waves show charts of direction.

Hope is a knot in a rope that keeps us from falling down.

Everyone starts believing light only at work.

Effort always crosses the finish line.

Keep in Mind that these are the words as well as the paintings of a 12 years of age girl.

If you ever doubted my word about these Children, after viewing this painting by Akiane, and reading what she is depicting, this I hope your doubts will be dispelled completely.

All these abilities expressed through these children come to us from a very high level, and represent the next Evolution of human once the Transition is complete.

What a glorious Era it will surely be.

There may even be such a child in your own family, just waiting to be recognised and realised.

I know, from messages received, that there are thousands of you who have young daughters in your family of this age group, and resent me "singling out" these particular children, but aside from their abilities they all share one thing in common - devoted parents who recognised the abilities of their children from a young age, and then completely re-organised their family life around their child. This happens because the Higher Self of a Child always chooses parents who are most likely to facilitate their reason for being here. very often the parents, or one parent quite often, are Spiritually advanced themselves, and came "ahead" to be the parents and facilitators.

If you have children, do you recognise their special abilities as the parents of these children do?

I have three children of my own - all with different abilities and I always make it an absolute priority to meet their needs - as well as yours.

I would like to suggest that you look at your children, not just as beautiful Beings - expressions of the Divine - of God - but for what they are bringing to humanity.

Every child has the potential to take their place, especially over the next few years.

You may have noted that the children I featured are girls. This is because artistic abilities seem to be manifesting mostly through girls. Boys here for this purpose are making their impression through poetry, literature and certain non-mainstream sciences, as well as through the media - particularly audio and video.

Our children are the Light Bearers for the next Evolution of the human race that will soon be upon us, and accordingly all have their part to play - all equally valuable in the context of the Whole.

Such boys in particular, even from the age of 2 years, show exceptional intelligence, range and use of vocabulary, and ability to observe, learn through experience and make complex deductions.

The best friend of my eldest son in kindergarten, at age 4, would write complex quadratic equations as well as differential and integral calculus on the kindergarten blackboards - all of which was checked by a high school math teacher to be totally correct - while most of the class was still learning to shape a letter or number.

All of these children, boys or girls, are instantly recognisable through their incredible Energy field which transcends space. In the majority of cases it is apparent in their eyes often blue in colour, that show great depth, understanding and wisdom beyond their years.

In many, if not most cases, if the child has siblings, it is very often the case that the siblings express different but Spiritual abilities.

Sadly many children - mostly boys - find "school" totally boring and just don't bother. In fact their Mind and Consciousness is on a whole different level in class. This teachers often see as being "awkward", disruptive, uncooperative etc in some way. Many are considered for "special needs" and alas "diagnosed" with ADD or ADHD and drugged up on amphetamines.

In fact is not the children that are "ill" it is the teachers in a way - the children are "normal" in accordance with how humans should be, while the teachers are hopelessly lost in, and a slave to the human system.

This will all change, and there will come a time when schools are not necessary - they never have been - it is a human construct designed to propagate the human system.

If you are touched by the children whose abilities I have brought to your attention today, please do look at your own children with different eyes, and instead of only seeing a child, see the glorious Divine Being they surely are, made "in the image of God", Who has Chosen You to be their parent at this time for a reason.

If you have a Child with such apparent abilities, and not sure what to do, please let me know and I promise you that I will do everything within my power to help should that be your desire, and in particular the desire of the Child him or her Self.

The Divine Energy of Spring

Well, as the saying goes - in my part of the World at least - Spring has sprung.

I truly Love this time of the year, the onset of Spring, for so many reasons.

I love being out in the countryside observing the profound changes, as Life in all its Divine abundance and diversity awakens from the slumber of winter, charged by Energy from the Sun, pursuing a new cycle within the Eternal and Divine cycle of Life.

Spring is the evidence of new beginning, new hopes, a new Expression of Divine Love.

During the long, cold, dark nights and short, cool days of Winter, all Life continues but exists mostly as potential just waiting to be realised - even though it may not be apparent.

if you have the opportunity to walk in woods near your home, or in nature unspoilt by human hands, then I recommend that you do so, soak up the Energy, and simply merge your consciousness with the glories of nature around you - after all, it is part of you.

Spring is also such a wonderful metaphor for the human condition generally.

When "life" seems at its darkest, often with no apparent "hope", all you ever need to know, beyond doubt, that just beneath the surface of what you believe to be your "life" , your "reality", your "experience", are an abundance of vibrant shoots, just waiting to push their way to the surface, sprout, flourish and blossom, it only you will allow.

Many people destroy or block the growth of these shoots through negative feelings and emotions including fear, worry, dread and other such "toxic" emotions, when all they ever need do is to scan the landscape, knowing that just below the surface are latent glories, just waiting to be realised, through Faith, Optimism and Joy.

These new life shoots can then sprout, grow and flourish in ways you cannot even imagine.

But yet this Transition of the Seasons is symbolic of an even greater event - the Transition of the Ages.

Over the last 125,000 years or so, humanity has been under the influence of a great "cycle of cycles", each element to which - each season - is around 25,765 years in length.

There are many cultures on this planet, both ancient and modern, who record the passage of "ages" in different ways, one of the best known of which is the Ancient Mayans and their many different calendars, which track cycles of Energy - Ages - of different durations.

The Hindu culture - note I use the word "culture because that is what it is - not a religion - chart these cycles or "ages" as "Yuga's.

Even an instrument as inherently complex as the Chinese I-Ching encapsulates cycles of Energy, one of which points precisely to 21 December 2012 - fully independently of all other sources predicting the 2012 event.

Humanity has experienced several "seasons" of Energy over the last 125,000 years, also corresponding to the four Universal Elements - Fire, Water, Air and Earth, and the Quintessence of the Whole - Ether, Universal Life Energy - in Eastern Mysticism - the Akasha.

Modern humans have now experienced 4 such cycles of Energy in the most recent "Great Cycle", now emerging from a Winter Cycle of darkness of Soul, coldness of Heart, and suspension of Growth - Evolution.

The glorious truth is that a New Spring is dawning for humanity, signifying both the beginning and continuity of a new Evolution of Human Being for all those who choose and prepare to participate. Choosing is most crucial, but must be followed by intent and above all action.

There has long been predicted - not "prophesied" - "prophecy", "fortune telling" and other such superstitions have no basis in fact in and of themselves - a great "battle" between the forces of dark and Light at the end of this Age. This battle has been continuing for quite some time, although it may not be obvious to most involved in the dramas of the material world.

The forces of the long night of darkness have sought to exert control in many insidious ways, broadly through orthodox religions, money supply and popular media over the last few decades, their primary objective being to prevent this new Spring of Life from arriving.

However, as with the annual cycles, there is no way that anything can prevent a new season from dawning when the moment finally - always inexorably arriving with Divine, Immutable certainty, sweeping aside all resistance in its path.

And so it is Now as we enter a new Spring for humanity.

The Light is shining ever Brighter, and piercing the Conscious veils of more and more humans as it does so.

The dark forces have already lost. They lost from the start - but never knew it - until now.

They may be desperate and engage in desperate measures to cling on to their power, but it is totally futile.

Over the next few short years the Light will shine ever Brighter, illuminating all those people who have the potential and choose to be illuminated and thus Enlightened.

But remember - it is always darkest before the dawn -if you know that you will have the power to prevail.

Know though, beyond all doubt - the winter of the dark forces are in their death throes as the Spring of Glory shines ever brighter over humanity, Earth and all life on Earth.

On a more visible and immediate note, the Energy of Spring has the potential to physically influence people in a very profound way. This is particularly true in the higher latitudes, where we experience long, dark winters followed by the onset of Spring.

Over the dark winter months, with short days, whatever sunlight there is generally low in the sky.

This is one major reason why there is a much greater incidence of symptom of depression, anxiety, even psychosis among the population in winter, characterised by the so called "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or "SAD".

Many people also complain of "lack of Energy" or feeling "run down" as well as a lack of enthusiasm and motivation generally - even for activities they usually enjoy.

There are in fact very specific seasonality related reasons for this, all, not surprisingly, related to Sunlight.

First of all, the Sun is not only the most powerful source of heat and light energy, but also of Energy encompassing a far greater spectrum, much of which is invisible and undetectable through the five physical senses or scientific instrumentation.

Other aspects of the Sun's Energy in the form of photons of light, which are both visible and measurable, can have a significant, even considerable effect at a physical, or more specifically neurological level.

The Sun is a vast and immensely powerful Energy source, radiating a whole spectrum of Energy, the higher frequencies of which can be directly "absorbed", "assimilated" and transferred to both the physical and Energy body systems.

Although much human Energy is derived from food in most people, the body also makes use of native Energy in the form of Universal Life Energy - of which there is an infinite supply - and very high - un-measurable - frequencies of Energy transmitted by the Sun.

As an aside, deriving Energy for the physical body from food - although natural, and what the body is designed for, is extremely inefficient, and, in and of itself, requires considerable Energy for the actual digestion process.

It is quite possible for the human body to be maintained entirely by non-physical Energy sources. Attempting this without the necessary degree of Spiritual Evolution and therefore vibration is however extremely inadvisable and potentially fatal.

During the Spring, as the Sun rises higher in the sky and become more intense, the human body absorbs and process increasingly more. This applies to cloudy days or even inside the home, because the Energy we are referring to has a very high frequency, and therefore, like radio waves, can pass through most material surfaces.

Also it is not the physical body that absorbs ambient Energy to any great degree, but rather the Energy Body itself which then transforms the Energy into a form that the physical body can use.

The overall effect is that from Spring, through Summer and early Autumn the physical body, and therefore the brain and all other "vital systems" feel much more invigorated, and able to process more physical and brain activity accordingly.

Another very important function of Sunlight is the effect on level and behaviour of neurotransmitters in the brain, notably Serotonin and Melatonin and also Dopamine.

These neurotransmitters, which are crucial to healthy brain functioning, are very carefully balanced in the brain to regulate moods, sleep and general brain oriented performance.

A deficiency of Serotonin can result in a whole range of adverse issues such as anxiety, fatigue, depression, including "manic" or "bipolor" disorders, obsessions and/or compulsions, bulimia, panic attacks, psychosis and much more.

Addictions also arise from Serotonin deficiency as well as over-eating leading to "food abuse" related disorders such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and so on, as well as several types of cancers.

Melatonin imbalances can greatly influence and disrupt sleep and waking states.

From a dietary perspective, Serotonin is the most important of the two, since Serotonin is metabolised in the body to Melatonin.

Serotonin is an essential amino acid meaning that the human body cannot "create" Serotonin directly, instead relying on an adequate supply of its precursor - Tryptophan, which is present in foods - which is then metabolised via an intermediate compound, 5-Hydroxytryptophan, or 5HTP to Serotonin and then to Melatonin.

A diet containing an adequate supply of Tryptophan is there very important to the health of brain functioning.

Foods containing good levels of dietary Tryptophan include, chocolate, oats, bananas, mangoes, dried dates, sesame, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts.

However, an extremely important part of this processes is an adequate supply of sunlight. Photons of light entering the brain acts as a catalyst to the metabolisation and synthesis from Tryptophan to Serotonin and therefore also to Melatonin.

So what does this mean in terms of optimum physical and brain health?

From early Spring there is nothing better than a walk in nature as often as possible - especially when the Sun is shining brightly in the sky. A local wood or forest is ideal, a beach is very good, or by a river or stream - in fact anywhere in the unspoilt countryside.

You will feel much closer to nature, and therefore our true nature - a human is inseparable from both surroundings and All that Is despite the illusion of separation.

Appreciating all life and its Divine cycles will bring a higher level of both understanding, Oneness and above all Love for All Life and its intrinsic glories and Perfection.

In addition, the exercise, fresh air, and Energy absorbed from the Sun will exert a profoundly positive effect to your health and well-being at every level.

So now Spring is officially here, I suggest you make time, if only once or twice per week, to take a walk in nature, and better still, if you can, find a perfect spot to meditate for twenty minutes or so.

Please keep in Mind that this is the final week of Beyond the Abyss:

And again, if you believe one or more of your children is showing signs of abilities or behaviour that you "do not know what to make of", please send me a message with an appropriate subject line, and I will do my best to help as appropriate.

I wish you a wonderful, healthy and joyful week.

In Love and Light,


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