Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 15 March 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter. I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful, healthy and abundant week.

I would first like to extend a very warm welcome to all new members joining us since last week, of which there has been a particularly large number of you, due in, in no small part to the new PDF format of this newsletter, and PDF of The Reality Matrix, of which I have more to say later.

I would like to mention that during these transitional times, where everything and everyone has the potential to change during this 25,765 year window of opportunity, it is absolutely crucial that as many members of the human population become aware of the ongoing changes and their significance, and accordingly at the very least have the opportunity to participate.

Currently only a small fraction of the total population is anything like prepared, but it is never "too late" - the only "time", the only Moment that matters is Now, and this process is accelerating.

Every member of this newsletter has, and will increasingly gain all that is necessary to make the evolutional leap. It is my absolute commitment and focus to do whatever I possibly can to orchestrate this, even though, as always, it is a matter of the freewill of every individual as to whether to participate and make the effort or not.

Of course before anyone can make that decision and commitment they must first be aware of the opportunity, potential and means by which it may be achieved.

I can only make these means available to the very best of my ability - which I promise I will always do for as long as possible - it is up to you however to help this process by making others aware as you have been made aware.

So if there are any loved ones, relatives, friends and so on who you care about, and would at least like to extend this opportunity to, then please make them aware that they may become aware themselves. They may choose to accept or reject the opportunity, but at least they have the choice.

Keep in Mind that if there is an Frequency Shift of Energy, then there will be a polarisation between the new evolution of human and the current evolution - homo sapien - which will manifest between different levels of living, just as Earth and the "afterlife", the Astral spheres, where everyone is just as "alive", is separated as different states of "Being" by Vibratory Frequency.

So please consider shainge this newsletter with all those you love and care about, and suggest that they join us for themselves from any page on our website:

This week in your newsletter:

1. Beyond the Abyss

2.The Reality Matrix

3. Spheres of Mind

Beyond the Abyss

I would like to thank everyone for the absolutely exceptional response to you newsletter opportunity of Beyond the Abyss, the very first in a new generation of brainwave entrainment tracks that includes technologies and principles that I have been developing for a couple of years now, and continue to do so, with the objective of achieving as near perfect as possible resource that most can benefit from.

This new generation of brainwave entrainment goes far, far beyond the traditional "binaural beats".

I would like to thank everyone for your feedback about Beyond the Abyss so far which has been extremely valuable and positive, and helps in the context of future developments and services.

I would just like to mention that in order to gain the maximum potential from Beyond the Abyss it is crucial to observe these fundamentals:

1. A deep state of relaxation. I have developed Beyond the Abyss as well as future tracks to be of maximum benefit when listened to in bed just before sleep.

This is a very convenient time for most because it means that time does not need to be allocated during the day to listening to the track, even if such time is available. Everyone retires to bed to sleep at night and therefore there is no additional effort or time commitment involved. Also this time is naturally associated with relaxation and the separation from regular waking activities.

2. Focus on the brow, "third eye" Chakra. Focus your eyes upwards and inwards. This might be somewhat of a strain at first, but you will soon find it become a natural process with practice.

Focusing on the Brow Chakra is anyway a valuable practice, and one that is excellent to learn.

3. Patience. I am fully aware of the "instant gratification" that many desire.

Plain and simple there is no instant gratification. Beyond the Abyss and future tracks are next generation and very advanced, but still require a longer term commitment for maximum value.

Beyond the Abyss will be available to you for a short time at your special newsletter subscriber opportunity from this page.

The Reality Matrix

I have received countless messages about your newsletter and subsequent PDF on The Reality Matrix, and I would like to thank everyone for your most generous comments which I truly appreciate.

I do welcome all feedback of whatsoever nature, whether positive, negative or indifferent, because it helps me to better understand what readers are generally thinking, requiring and indeed expecting, which in turn helps me to configure my subsequent writing and Services for you accordingly.

All I would ask in return is your understanding that I receive a very large number of emails on many different subjects, and that I cannot respond to them all, much though I would surely wish to.

I would like you to know however that I do read every single word of every single email without exception. I must however focus on the messages from those in need of help. I also prefer to commit as much time as possible to my ongoing Services for the benefit of the maximum number of people.

By far the best place to address general questions is the Our Ultimate Reality forums in which you may ask any question related to any of these subjects, and where a truly wonderful group of members, and three moderators with a commitment to service, upon whom the harmony and order of the forums depend, will be able to answer many of your questions, as will I as and when I can.

Some have asked what motivates me to produce papers and articles of this nature, as well as further Services on all of these crucial subjects, to which my response is simple - I am here to Serve You.

I would like to announce that events have now taken a completely different turn relative to The Reality Matrix.

I will now be shelving all other projects that I am currently focusing on, in order to write a complete book which will be set out in an accessible format of sections and chapters in much the same way as Our Ultimate Reality.

It is my intention to write and publish this new book within a month or so, but due to the greatly extended scope of this writing, and the fact I cannot of course make any promises. I can say that I have been, as you know, developing another new Service to make available to you as soon as possible, and one which certainly I do not wish to delay any more than absolutely necessary.

I may bring other opportunities in the meantime, depending on the requirements for same.

One this new book has been completed, I will publish it as a paperback, audio book and an eBook which will be first and will be available to all newsletter readers at no cost.

Although I was not expecting this turn of events, I am nevertheless very motivated to fulfil it as soon as possible, and hope that the finished book will prove to be of Service and value to you.

In the meantime your weekly newsletter may be somewhat shorter in length than of recent weeks, that I may focus my maximum attention upon your new book.

Spheres of Mind

During the course of my books, newsletters, articles etc I often make reference to Mind in different contexts.

I fully appreciate that this can be somewhat confusing at times, especially when so many people erroneously associate the organic brain with the Mind.

The organic brain possesses no intelligence, capacity for thought or consciousness whatsoever.

This week then we will take a brief but closer look at some of the main spheres of activity of Mind.

The entire "universe" in all spheres of life and reality is fundamentally Mind, which is Principle, and which may be considered, in the interests of comprehension, to manifest in the form of different spheres of activity, which in turn are entirely dependant upon the perspective and level of understanding and comprehension of the observer.

Although there is nothing "outside" of Mind, within the context of Mind there are various "qualities", the most important of which is Consciousness, and the major characteristics of which are Energy, Frequency and Vibration.

The harmonious activity of Mind is also regulated by an immutable set of Universal Principles.

We will however this week set aside Energy, Frequency and Vibration as well as the immutable Universal Principles that regulate the Whole, all of which we will further examine in later newsletters.

Today however I would like to address spheres of Mind that may help in understanding the Whole.

Source Mind.

Source Mind is the Supreme Intelligence, First Cause, Architect, Supreme Expression of All That Is.

Source Mind exists at the very epicentre of all Creation, the Whole, the All, at the very highest Vibratory frequency of Energy.

All in Existence - to the extent that the word "existence" may be used - is a projection of consciousness of The All.

You, I, everyone, every animal, every being and every "thing" is an integral aspect of Source Mind.

Our very experience is determined by the extent by which we Express Source Mind.

The more we can Realise and Consciously Express Source Mind, the more Influence we exert over our personal and individual Experience.

Universal Mind.

Universal Mind may be considered to represent The Whole, All That is, the Entire Universe.

We must always be careful about using the word "Universe" lest it be confused with the three dimensional environment of "space-time" recognised by mainstream science.

Universal Mind is the "framework" in which All Life has "its" Being.

At the very epicentre of Universal Mind is Source Mind, characterised by the very highest Vibratory Frequency and Unconditional Love.

The further "away" from Source Mind, within the context of Universal Mind, the lower the Vibratory Frequency of Energy, until finally, on the outermost fringe, Vibratory Frequency slows to the point at which it achieves the potential to differentiate in to what people know as "matter".

We should note that "matter" has no true existence, but is rather a "conspiracy" between the five physical senses, organic brain, conscious Ego mind, and the very nature of the quantum field under the influence of observation, collectively giving rise to what I have chose to refer to as the "Experiential Loop".

Although I used the word "conspiracy", there is no "deliberate intention" involved. This environment is rather a "sandbox", a "container" or "self contained environment", the main purpose of which is to facilitate a safe learning environment, where occupants cannot cause havoc in the greater universe.

Superconscious Mind.

Superconscious Mind is that aspect of Personal and Individual Consciousness that is fully aware of the Consciousness of the Whole. Most people on Earth are not Superconscious, but may achieve Superconsciousness through Enlightenment.

Collective Mind.

Although most people on Earth identify with themselves as "thinking" and "being" separate, or "individual", at a "higher" or more specifically "inner" level the Human Mind behaves as, and is One.

Thus unity specific to the human Mind takes place at a range of closely related Vibratory Frequencies known as "the Mental Planes of the Human Mind".

Every aspect of Superconsciousness, in other words all Life within Universal Mind - which includes "inanimate" Life - rocks for example - and animate Life, has its own Causal Plane or Planes of Collective Being, each at a unique Vibratory Frequency.

It is on this Collective level that humans "agree" on a Collective Experience which includes, but is not limited to neighbourhoods, districts, villages, towns, cities, countries and ultimately all human Experience on Earth.

If Human Mind Principle, which is independent of "time", collectively refused to acknowledge the existence of a particular city, then the city would not exist - there would be open, natural countryside instead.

It is the Collective Human Mind that subscribes to countless different concepts, a major one of which is religion for example, money is another, "work" is another.

Subconscious Mind

Subconscious Mind is a sphere of activity of the personal human Mind, being a sphere of activity of Mind as a Whole, and is actually erroneous to consider Subconscious Mind as an autonomous entity. We should rather think in terms of "Subconsciousness".

Even Subconsciousness is erroneous to the extent that it is an anomaly of Human Consciousness in and of itself. The native human state is Consciousness, full awareness in absolute terms. However, during the course of evolution more and more of native human consciousness has been rendered below, or "sub" conscious.

The greatest anomaly is that popular but erroneous self-improvement thinking is to "program" the Subconscious Mind as if it is a computer that will execute the program "for" its programmer.

Consciousness and Subconsciousness must be approached as One, as a symbiotic relationship.

The Subconscious Mind is immensely powerful, being fully Superconscious and Source Mind aware, but is nevertheless sublime and immutable within its sphere of activity.

It is the main function of the Subconscious Sphere of activity of the Mind to regulate all bodily functions such as breathing, blood flow, heart beat, digestion, temperature and many other vital functions, which it does so fully automatically.

It is also the sphere of responsibility of the Subconscious to accept "instructions" from the Conscious Sphere of activity of the Personal Mind, and to execute them without question and to perfection - which is what Subconsciousness always does.

It is not the responsibility of the Subconscious Mind to "decide" whether the Conscious Mind is "right", "wrong" or to consider the consequences in any way, but rather simply to immutably execute the instructions of the Conscious Mind.

Such instructions from the Conscious Mind however are rarely, if ever "conscious" in nature with most people. "Instructions" are in the form of thoughts, feelings and emotions over which most people exert little or no control, instead simply reacting to what they perceive as "real" or "true" around them.

Humans currently little or no control, indeed awareness even over the this process, or ultimately control over their own Minds, which is why "situations" seem to happen "unexpectedly", over which it is perceived there is little or no control. Some even ascribe these "situations" to such notions as "luck", "chance", fortune, and other superstitions.

In order to progress, it is necessary to become aware, and subsequently take control of this process.

Conscious Mind

Conscious Mind, or Consciousness is the natural waking state of humans, though which they interact with what is perceived as their environment.

It is the Conscious Mind that subjectively experiences "life", and makes "decisions" bases upon those subjective perceptions.

I will not address this in depth here, because it is a subject which is both complex and extensive, and will be fully addressed in the forthcoming book, which you will be have full access to.

Suffice it to say that what most perceive as "reality", "life", "experience", is a "conspiracy" of the five physical senses, organic brain and ego Mind, which provides the expected experience, but beneath that, at the quantum level, only exists to the extent of that experience. This is what is refer to as the "Experiential Loop", which gives rise to a safe "container", a "sandbox" for the infant human Mind.

Another name for the human Mind is the "Ego" which is also equivalent to "Lucifer". Lucifer Mind originally "left" Source mind, "Christ Mind", to "descend" in to the first stages of Experiential Evolution - this was a choice, not a punishment.

It is the absolute objective, whether aware or not, of "Lucifer Mind" to reunite with "Christ Mind, and thus the cycle is complete.

Unconscious Mind

In concluding, I would like to mention what is often, and erroneously referred to as the "Unconscious Mind", most often seen in the context of hypnosis.

"Unconsciousness" is not a sphere of Mind, it rather a state of awareness relative to the Conscious Mind. In broad terms, Conscious Mind may be aware or unaware, or if you prefer awake or asleep.

If something happens around you that you are not aware of, then you may be "unconscious" of the event. When you are asleep you are "unconscious", just as you may be as a result of a heavy blow over the head, or consuming a chemical of some kind.

"Unconsciousness" therefore possesses no intrinsic powers, but is rather "lack of awareness".

I hope you have enjoyed this brief tour of spheres of activity of Mind.

In future weeks we will examine some of these in much more depth.

This newsletter, as mentioned at the beginning, is shorter than usual while I continue to write the new book.

Please keep in Mind that your special newsletter subscriber opportunity, Beyond the Abyss, is still available this week: .

I wish you a wonderful, healthy and joyful week.

In Love and Light,


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