Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 03 May 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter.

I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

The events of this last week alone revolving around the so called "swine flu" virus serve to show how just one week can change the course of the world in many different ways, as well as showing just how much the world is changing. This week we will analyse the events of the last few days in the context of the bigger picture and ongoing events.

First I would like to welcome all new members. Since the last newsletter alone there have been a particularly large number of you joining us, and you are all most welcome.

During these pivotal and transitional times for all humanity, it is crucial that as many people as possible become aware, not only of the ongoing events, but also of the choices available so that they can actually make a choice, just as you may have been previously been made aware, and thus empowered to make those crucial choices.

All you need do is share this newsletter with loved ones, friends, acquaintances - indeed as many people as possible. Such a simple actions could make all the difference.

If you have received this newsletter from another member, and wish to receive it every week, you can join us from any page of our site:

Before moving on, I would like to follow up from last week where I mentioned that Jackie Evancho had been invited to sing the American National Anthem at two major events. This week she sang at the 2009 Founders Day benefit with General Chuck Yeager the guest of honour. This was her exceptional performance, keeping in mind the magnitude of the occasion, the large audience, and once again without any musical backing:

In this weeks newsletter:

1. New Website and Root Chakra Development

2. Mind over Health

New Website and Root Chakra Development

In recent newsletters I have mentioned that I am working on a new website.

While these new services are scheduled for the fourth quarter of this year, I assure you it will be worth the wait, taking Self Empowerment and Evolution to a whole new level.

It became apparent to me after last weeks newsletter that the new website and name would be more appropriate to the Chakra Development sound tracks series and future sound tracks than the Our Ultimate Reality site which is related to the book.

The new site is "Sounds of Enlightenment". I will provide further details about the objectives, features and benefits of the new site in future newsletters as appropriate, but for now here is the new information page for your Root Chakra Development track:

The feedback from Root Chakra Development sound tracks has been really exceptional, many of you asking when the next track in the series will be available.

The next track, Sacral Chakra Development, will be made available very soon, now that so many are reporting and making excellent progress with Root Chakra Development.

I have also often been asked if there are samples of the sound track available. The new page now contains therefore three short samples from the first three stages of the track.

While most already understand the significance of the Chakras to at least some extent, some of you have asked why Chakra Development generally is so important.

The Yogis, Tibetan Monks and many other Mystical and Spiritual traditions dedicate a whole lifetime to Inner Development, including the Chakra System, because they know very well just how important this is, and of the profound benefits a highly developed Chakra System and Energy Body can bring, Physically, Metaphysically and Spiritually.

The only effective way to develop the entire Chakra system is to develop each Individual Chakra In order, literally "from the ground up", and then to maintain and tune the Chakra System on an ongoing basis.

Although the traditions of the Far East, including the Yoga traditions and monks of Tibet, dedicate much of their life to Developing the Chakras, you really do not need to.

Modern Technologies - which the Yogis, Monks and Adepts of the Far East do not have access to or feel they need access to due to an exclusive focus without the needs and distractions of every day life - enables you to very easily and very conveniently enjoy a greatly accelerated Chakra Development Path, without the same years and decades of dedicated Meditation and other Metaphysical pursuits.

Mind over Health

As you will no doubt be aware, the subject dominating the media this week as been the so called "swine flu".

While I do not usually watch or read the news - for very good reason as we will discuss later - I have been following the "reporting" of swine flu very closely, not because I believe it is in any way important in its own right - because it is not - but because of the covert factors behind it, and the resultant intended effect over the human Mind.

Now one of the factors that immediately struck me as being somewhat unusual is that only the cases identified in Mexico appeared to be fatal or potentially fatal, while all those cases confirmed outside of Mexico, which were still confirmed as exactly the same "H1N1" designated virus produced no more than typical flu type symptoms.

There are two factors then we need to address here then:

1. The circumstances of the reporting of the "swine flu" and its consequential effects.

2. How the Mind ultimately determines what the body experiences according to beliefs.

The circumstances surrounding the reporting of the swine flu have been, in my decades of experience, been wholly unusual to say the very least, and far beyond what may be generally considered as "normal", bearing no resemblance whatsoever to what may be considered to be "responsible reporting" even assuming such a concept actually exists.

Early in the week I was standing in a small shop waiting to be served, and happened to notice the headlines of a newspaper on display which read:

" Pig flu strikes 2 Brits 14 more probables, 750,000 could well die".

The "750,000" referred to the UK alone, the implication being that millions around the World would die from what they dramatically referred to as "pig flu".

This headline was in huge letters, over the entire front page, with the numbers in red.

While this headline was probably among the more extreme, it clearly followed a trend among such "popular media" reporting throughout the world, most of which that implied that swine flu was a major global disaster in the making.

Now given that the only fatalities, except for one, were in Mexico, the other being a visitor to the USA from Mexico, followed by the dramatic media "reporting", or rather gross exaggeration of these isolated cases becomes immediately highly suspicious.

This entire situation is very typical of a preconceived and carefully planned and executed, but failed attempt by the dark forces, the same dark forces responsible for the "financial crisis", to bring humanity to its knees in the face of the ongoing Transition.

Now I know this sounds like a so called "conspiracy theory" so let us look at the facts.

The "strain" of swine flu in Mexico is identical to the strain contracted by hundreds of people throughout the world - biologically identical in every way. Why is it then that the swine flu has apparently killed may people living in Mexico but has manifested only as a mild, seasonal, typical flu type symptoms outside of Mexico?

The answer is simple but yet profound - Mind.

Before we look at this further however we should take a brief look at this incident as a whole, and the apparent strategy behind it.

The dark forces know very well the power of the Mind, especially when reinforced by mass hysteria and fear that so called "pandemics" of "killer viruses" can bring.

The popular media - entirely controlled by the dark forces - has gone to tremendous, probably unprecedented lengths to report swine flu in the media, being sure to focus on all the negatives, with front page pictures of people wearing everything from face masks to full "bio suits", thereby conveying the impression of global gloom and doom.

The headlines, such as the one on the front page of the British tabloid, focus only on how many people have been infected, how many may become infected, and the shortage of "anti-viral" drugs, and also how many people might be "expected" to die.

As an aside, the cost of a course of treatment of "Tamiflu" is between $50 and $100 per person. Multiply that by millions of people, and you can quickly see just how lucrative this swine flu event has been for the makers of Tamiflu in just a couple of weeks.

To add to the dramatisation, several countries are slaughtering hundreds of thousands of pigs, banning imports of pork etc, despite the fact that flu cannot be contracted from pigs directly. In other words this is all part of a huge con designed to influence the Mind by implying that swine flu is a global huge problem which everyone should fear.

The question that some are asking is if swine flu itself has been genetically engineered.

Well while it is very difficult to prove one way or the other, there appears to be a very high possibility that swine flu has been genetically engineered for a specific purpose. The likelihood of a variant of flu, containing genetic material from birds, pigs and humans arising by itself are extremely small. The first occurrence being in Mexico would seem to indicate that this location was chosen to make the origin look feasible, and also because there is a considerable amount of travel taking place between Mexico and the

USA and Mexico and other Spanish speaking counties to spread the virus. Had the "outbreak" occurred in a remote part of the world, it would have minimal if any effect.

Also, to place these events in to a proper perspective, millions of people contract the flu virus every year and hundreds of thousands of people die from the flu virus every year, none of which are ever reported being considered to be normal. Yet outside of Mexico swine flu has proven to be no more serious than most annual varieties of flu.

So all in all the entire situation does appear to be a concerted effort to engineer a situation over the course of a week, designed to profoundly negatively impact humanity.

Up to perhaps 100 years ago this strategy may well have succeeded, and indeed has succeeded in the recent past, but this time there is little doubt that it has failed. Swine flu is a non-event, and will quickly disappear from the media in the next month or so.

How could it have succeeded 100 years ago?

In a word "fear".

There is a proverb that illustrates this very well which goes like this:

A traveller from a large city was surprised to encounter the plague a few miles from the town. He asked the plague "where are you going" and the plague responded "I am going to the big city to kill 5000 people". At that the traveller continued on his way.

Upon his return the traveller once again met the plague as after it had left the town, and he said to the plague "I thought you said you were only going to kill 5000 people, I heard that 50,000 have died". The plague responded "I did only kill 5000 people, the other 45000 died out of fear".

Now actually this is very appropriate to swine flu and many other such "pandemics" as well as diseases generally. It is almost always not the disease itself that causes illness or even death, but rather the fear or expectation of contracting the disease.

The major difference between this swine flu event therefore is not in the disease itself, which is identical across the world, but rather in the way people have reacted to it.

When it was reported that people in Mexico were dying from swine flu, those contracting it feared for their lives, thought they would die, and their Subconscious Mind made it real.

Recently the first person to have ever contracted swine flu has been located in Mexico - a small boy who made a full recovery and is now completely well.


Because being the first case, he did not know that he was expected to die.

Clearly soon after someone, possibly due to other complications did die from swine flu, and from then on swine flu became a "killer bug" with the resultant panic and dramatisation seen over the course of the last week.

However - humanity has continued to progress over the last century, and this time, outside of Mexico, people simply either did not "buy" in to the severity of swine flu, and/or had great confidence in their doctors to "cure" them with drugs such as Tamiflu.

In the meantime because people in Mexico were expected to die, they continue to do so even though their variant of swine flu is identical to that appearing around the world.

So basically the only solution to this conundrum is Mind.

But is Mind really that powerful you may ask?

The answer is not only yes, but rather Mind is Principle over all health.

It is impossible to contract any disease unless you actually believe you can.

An "experiment" conducted some years ago proves this point most emphatically.

A researcher, familiar with the "placebo effect" wanted to prove his theories about the placebo effect in the ultimate way - Mind over life itself.

He persuaded the governor of prison where a condemned prisoner was being held to allow him to conduct an experiment with the cooperation of the prisoner.

The prisoner was told that a large incision would be made in his leg after dark, and that if he had not bled to death by the following morning he would be released a free man.

The prisoner, who was on "death row", had nothing to lose and agreed.

When the night came the researcher entered the cell and instructed that the lights in he cell be switched off until morning. The prisoner was then blindfolded and told to lie down on his bed while the researcher commenced the experiment.

But instead of placing a deep incision in the leg of the prisoner, the researcher instead made a small scratch, just enough for the prisoner to feel, but which drew very little blood. The researcher then placed a drip feed of warm water, at blood temperature in such a way that it trickled down the leg of the prisoner from the slight of the scratch.

In the morning the prisoner was dead.


Because he completely believed he was bleeding to death, and his Mind made it real.

In another experiment more recently, a doctor took a group of people experiencing Parkinson's disease, which manifests in the form of a wide range of functional disabilities arising from a deficiency of Dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain, due to a malfunction in the part of the brain responsible for producing dopamine.

He told the group that he had created a "miracle drug" for Parkinson's disease, and that all they needed was one injection of this "miracle drug" to be cured completely.

They day after the patients were given their injection, 50% of the group showed no signs whatsoever of Parkinson's Disease, with normal bodily functions being restored.

The doctors responsible for the patients dismissed it as being "all in the Mind", but when they later checked the Dopamine levels of the cured patients, they found the Dopamine levels to be completely normal, as if the patient had never experienced this condition.

In fact the researcher had simply injected a harmless salt solution in to the patients, but because the patient believed they would be cured, the Mind ensured that this was true.

This then is the basis of all health and all healing - Mind.

There is no "disease" in the world that can affect us unless our Mind "gives it permission" to do so.

This also highlights a deeper and more insidious trait of humanity, to focus on suffering and misery rather than happiness and health.

One of the best metaphors for this appeared in the movie "The Matrix" when Agent Smith was interrogating Morpheus when he said:

"Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization."

And this is precisely where humanity was, but is now waking up from, and hence the failure of the "swine flu" strategy of the dark forces.

Humanity is no longer prepared to accept the fact that just because the media claims that hundreds of people are dying in Mexico, and the entire city has been shut down, does not make it real in any way.

The virus is real certainly - but humanity has refused to accept it, and the hype of the dark forces controlled media. Humanity is thinking for itself to a much greater degree than ever before.

This is all part of the great awakening that is taking place and indeed accelerating.

So what may we learn from this experience?

Quite simply that Mind is Principle - over our entire experience.

It is absolutely impossible to experience anything without Mind first accepting it as real.

In the past, humanity has always looked upon the dark, negative, destructive side of everything, which is why the popular media has proven to be such a powerful and pervasive force.

Science has dismissed the so called "placebo effect" as some mysterious curiosity.

In fact the "placebo effect" is not only very real, it is actually primary to healing, "drugs" and other medical procedures being secondary at best.

The Mind always, always without exception determines the health and well-being of the physical body. It is impossible to contract anything, including "swine flu" unless you believe you can, i.e. believe the popular media or the medical establishment.

In future newsletter we will see how this translates to perfect ongoing health.

Please keep in Mind the first sound track in the Chakra Development Course - the Root Chakra Development - is now available on the new website, until the next sound track in the series, Sacral Chakra Development, is made available very soon.

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,


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