Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 17 May 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful, abundant and healthy week.

From time to time we should remind ourselves that whatever we experience today is the direct result of our previous thoughts, feelings and emotions, although of course in reality there is only Now.

Once we fully accept that truth, and that no other person or people - again erroneous because we are all one, and everyone we encounter is an aspect and reflection of ourselves.

Providing our thoughts are consistent with our wishes, and we accept every experience as a an opportunity to learn, and every person as a mirror image of ourselves, then we have the basis upon which we can enjoy total control over our own experience.

I would like to welcome all new members to this newsletter. New members number well in to the thousands during this last week alone, and it is truly wonderful to see so many people awakening to the true nature of what we call "life" and taking the first crucial steps towards total empowerment and the freedom and joy it brings.

The very greatest Service you can offer here on Earth - and this is confirmed consistently from the Beings of Light within, is to show people the true path and reason for being here, which, during these transitional times have never been more profound.

So please forward this newsletter to all those you Love and are about, and if you really wish to achieve something very special for yourself, forward this newsletter to all those who you think you do not Love or Care about - they are still part of and a reflection of you.

For all of you reading this newsletter for the first time I welcome you with open arms, and invite you to join us every week by entering your details in the form on any page of our website:

I rarely mention my book these days, but it is a great source of joy that I receive numerous messages each week from people who regard my book as their definitive guide for their life and reason for being here, and tell me how life changing it is. Details of my book for yourself or as a gift to others can be found on this page:

In this weeks newsletter:

1. Root Chakra Development - Feedback

2. The Biggest Apple

Root Chakra Development - Feedback

The Root Chakra Development track has now closed, and I would like to thank everyone for the exceptional response and for the most valuable feedback.

I have very carefully recorded and analysed all he comments received and now have a basis upon which I can proceed with further tracks.

Many of the comments were more of a technical nature relating to the equipment upon which the track was listened which varied considerably. This technical feedback has been most valuable and will enable me to make the necessary adjustments in future.

The main concern however was the prospect of having to purchase and follow a series of 8 tracks to complete the course of Chakra Development - not so much from the cost perspective but also from the perspective of the timescales. Based upon the progress reported, it may have taken 7 or 8 months to complete the course.

I have decided therefore to address all of these issues and concerns.

After further research, development and experimentation I have determined that I can now, with the technology I am using, produce a single Chakra Development track for the entire chakra system. Although such a track will be longer - necessary to adequately develop each Chakra - in addition to a full track I can also provide individual tracks for each of the three main stages.

The first two stages are designed for deep physical relaxation with the associated brainwave frequency. However, it is possible to learn these states and reproduce them almost at will using Subconscious triggers and other methods, so that it will only be necessary to focus on the Chakra activation and development track itself.

In addition, once learned, the deep physical relaxation and trance state is a crucial precursor to other metaphysical abilities, many of which people have been asking for.

I am here only to Serve you, and I am delighted to say that I am now working on sound tracks to fulfil all these requirements and wishes.

For all those who have already purchased Root Chakra Development, be assured that I will fully take this in to account. I will keep you all fully informed of the progress.

The Biggest Apple

One of the most used but yet misunderstood words in the context of defining the nature of "reality" is the "Universe".

When most people think of the Universe think in terms of the 3 dimensional Newtonian Universe of matter, with its stars, planets, moons and other cosmic matter.

In fact the entire basis of mainstream science is closely related and connected to this perception of the Universe.

In reality however, the Newtonian Universe of matter is actually represents just a tiny fraction of the Universe as a whole.

To those still thinking in terms of the observable, physical Universe, it is often difficult to conceptualise anything greater or indeed different.

A familiar metaphor that I have often applied is that of an Apple.

Why an Apple?

The humble Apple is a truly excellent and very familiar metaphor for describing the nature or more specifically structure of the Universe as a whole, beyond the enclosed and restricted three dimensions plus time framework of mainstream Newtonian science.

If we let the Apple represent the entire, complete "Universe" of "All that Is" - "All in Creation", "All in Existence" if you prefer - then this then is what we may observe:

At the very "Core" of the Apple is Source Mind, First Cause, Supreme Intelligence, Prime Expression - in terms of Quantum Mechanics, Prime Observer - the Only True Objective Reality.

All Experience commencing with the so called physical Universe up to, and immediately before the highest vibration of Source is subjective. The ultimate purpose of all Life is to reunite with Source at which Moment the Subjective Personality gives way to the Ultimate Objective, All Encompassing Reality.

This is the process described in my book Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind.

Now let us further consider our Apple metaphor in the context of the Greater Universe - The Whole - All That Is.

An Apple is characterised first and foremost by a smooth, shiny, waxy outer "skin" which differentiates from another fruit, say an Orange.

If we pierce the skin of the Apple, its tough but very thin outer membrane, we find the flesh of the Apple, characterised by a continuum of tasty white organic matter.

If we continue to progress deeper and deeper in to the flesh of the Apple, which represents the majority, we eventually reach the Core of the Apple where we find its seeds.

So how then does this metaphor translate and relate to the Universe as a Whole?

At the very centre of the Apple then is the Core.

The Core of the Apple represents Source Mind, First Cause, Prime Expression, Prime Observer, where may be found the seeds and therefore the origin of All Life in the Universe as a Whole.

The Core of the Apple may therefore be regarded as the Core and the Source, a Source and origin of All Life, the Supreme Guiding Intelligence from which All is Expressed.

Again, the Core of the Apple is characterised by the very highest possible Vibratory Frequency of Energy.

Moving outwards, the flesh of the Apple is analogous to the vast majority of "All Creation" within the Universe as a Whole - the 99.99999%.... of the Universal Energy Spectrum "between" the core and the skin.

Let the flesh of the Apple then represent the Infinite Continuum of Energy, the fundamental characteristic of which is Vibration, as measured by Frequency.

I would like to note however that he Native State of Energy is a Continuous Waveform of Infinite Possibility, which, under the influence of Observation first become Probability, and finally Experience, which, in the context of the physical Universe, is the local, temporal collapsing of he Unified Quantum Waveform in to Particles. As soon as Observation, either Personal or Collective is withdrawn, the Quantum Field becomes Unified once again in to a Waveform.

Since the Native and therefore only sustainable State of the Universe is as a Waveform, then what appears to be the Physical Universe actually has no basis in fact - it is not real.

So when we talk about the skin of the Apple, we are talking about that lowest vibration of the Universe which uniquely has the potential but not the certainty to differentiate in to what humans call matter, but which is reality does not exist.

The entire Universe exists then only as an infinite superposition of possibilities, until such moment that a consciousness causes an observation at some level. The Suns,

Stars, Planets and other cosmic bodies are the result of, and perpetuated by High Level sustained observation by much "Higher" beings.

A Galaxy for example may be the Observation by a Highly Evolved Being.

Your local experience is the result of your own temporal observations fuelled by thoughts, feelings and emotions and other Mind potential.

This is of course empowering, because once you know that you can "Observe" your wishes, needs and desires in to your Experience, then all things are possible.

The Observer is not the "eyes" but the Subconscious Mind. It is always the task of the Subconscious Mind to ensure that your Experience matches your Expectations.

Getting back to the flesh, the majority of the Apple, here may be found the region analogous to the Infinitely diverse Spheres of Life, Mind, Consciousness and Being, far beyond the reach of normal conscious human perception or comprehension, and certainly far beyond the scope of detection of any scientific instruments.

Mainstream Science has no basis. There is only One "instrument" capable of exploring this Infinite, Unified, Continuum of Energy Waveform - Mind. Every human is thus equipped.

It is within this continuum of Energy Frequency between the skin and the core, that the Universe "proper" continues, with infinite diversity, but all intimately connected as One, and with the same ultimate objective and reason for Being - to reunite with the Core.

The extremely diverse and infinite nature of this "inner "flesh" of the Universe is beyond the scope of a single chapter of this book, but suffice it to say that these are Spheres of Glory, Bliss and Harmony beyond the remotest comprehension of the Conscious Earthly Human Mind. However, Every Higher Self knows, and Whose objective it is to complete the "Earth phase" of Is Evolution through as few personalities, incarnations as possible, and to progress along the path of inner Evolution - through the flesh of our Universal Apple.

From an Energy perspective, as we travel from the skin of the Apple to the Core, Vibratory Frequency progressively increases, as does "resolution" of Energy under the Observation of Mind, along with the realisable potential for powers, abilities and experiences, again, way beyond the current comprehension of humans focused on Earth.

Now of particular interest to you on Earth is the skin of this Big Apple, because it represents the "skin of the universe" - the three dimensional Newtonian Universe of three dimensions of matter plus time - where most humans believe they "live, experience and "die".

In the context of both the Apple and the Universe as a Whole, this outer skin, this membrane, this apparent "solid", "material", "tangible" environment that people know and believe they experience in the context of their own experience as Earth, this skin has special properties of interest, from both the perspective of mainstream science and Quantum Mechanics.

From the perspective of mainstream science, and indeed of all humans "living on Earth", the skin of the Apple, the material Universe, is recognised and experienced in the context of its apparently "solid objects", which are deemed to be composed of "atoms", "molecules" and "compounds" giving rise to "matter", which of course is equally deemed also to apply to the entire "physical Universe".

So how then, from a quantum perspective did the potential for this "special" or even apparently "anomalous" outer level of the Whole Universe happen?

Well to understand this we need to take a look at what "happened" "in the beginning".

Now let me say right away that "beginning" is, in and of itself an erroneous concept, simply because "beginning" is an entirely erroneous duality, "time" based concept.

In fact there is no "time" anywhere in the Universe, in any Sphere of life or reality, except to the extent that it is subjectively experienced, and so accordingly there "was" no "beginning" and there "will be" no "end.

The Whole Universe is Eternal relative to Source Mind, an Eternal Expression of Source Mind, again without "beginning" or "end". This also applies to the physical Newtonian Universe, notwithstanding the best efforts of science to identify, measure and chronologically pinpoint the so called "big bang".

Now we have that clear what was this "special" circumstance that gave rise to the physical Universe?

As Energy "radiates" "outwards" or "away" from its Source, the Vibratory Frequency of the Energy progressively slows, along with its potential resolution and responsiveness to Mind Principle, the Observer, until finally Energy attains the Potential, but not necessarily the actuality, to "differentiate" in to what you know as "matter", giving rise not only to this planet Earth, but the entire "material" three dimensional physical Universe.

The great Quantum Physicist David Bohm shared with us a wonderful, appropriate and highly perceptive metaphor for the Quantum State characterised by the material Universe - "Frozen Light".

The "Light" Bohm was referring to with his metaphor was not the "light" generally associated with "illumination" from the Sun, "daylight", electrical bulbs, tubes, LED's and so on, in other words not "photons of light" per se, but the Great, All Inclusive Universal

Light, the Divine Light originating from the Central Sun, the very Fabric of The All, Through and in Which The All has Its Collective Being.

We may regard this Light as Quanta as opposed to photons.

So as this Energy, this Light, characterised by Infinite Potential, slowed to a certain Vibratory Frequency, it attained the potential, but again not the actuality to differentiate in to what people know and think of as "matter".

Note again, because this is crucial, that "potential" does not necessarily imply "realisation", and that the "realisation" or "experience" of "matter" is subject to a whole set of "conditions" which we will discuss in depth in later newsletters or books.

However, we may regard the three dimensional universe plus any subjective experience of "time" as a "special circumstance". As such, special though it may be, it still nevertheless Coalesced and acquires its Potential under the Expression of Supreme Intelligence, First Cause, Prime Observer, and is accordingly as part of the "great scheme of things".

Many have no doubt read about or heard mystics in particular refer to different "planes" of life, as for example the "Astral Planes", and indeed I sometimes use the word "planes" myself in the interests of the understanding, because it is often more intuitive to think in terms of "distinct levels" rather than One Continuous Whole.

Let the Earth, and entire three dimensional Universe represent the "skin" of our "Cosmic Apple".

What lies just beneath the skin?

Just beneath the skin are the vibratory frequencies of Energy that also encompass spheres of human consciousness.

Although, for many, the first experience of these inner frequencies will be subsequent to the change known as "death", they are also readily accessible by humans, still "living" or "focused" on Earth, through an expansion and re-focusing of point of consciousness, known mystically as "Out of Body Experiences", Astral Projection. and Meditation. In addition we may include the "dream state" experienced by most people during normal sleep, and also Near death Experiences which are similar to Out of Body Experiences.

Just beneath the "skin" of the "Universal Apple" lies the "Etheric" vibratory frequency of Energy, mystically known as the "Etheric Plane". The "Etheric" is a transitional, intermediate frequency that lies between the physical "plane" and Astral Planes" vibratory frequencies, and is also known as the "afterlife".

It is "within" the Etheric that the human "Etheric" or "Energy" "body" is permanently "located", and which provided a crucial Energy "interface" between the Earth vibratory frequency and Astral vibratory frequency of the Universal Energy Continuum.

The human "Etheric" or "Energy" body acts in the capacity of a "step down transformer" system, integral to which is an Energy "grid", throughout which are located Energy "sub-stations", the major ones of which are mystically known as the "Chakras".

The Etheric vibratory frequency, or "plane", is the realm of recently "deceased" human beings in a transient and transitory condition, often known as "ghosts". Out of Body and Near Death Experiences also take place or at least commence at this group of frequencies.

Beyond the Etheric we find the so called "Astral Planes", consisting broadly of an Energy spectrum of vibratory frequencies containing the countless - and to all intents and purposes infinite - manifestations of the "Afterlife", where the vast majority of humans transition after the change known as "death", in accordance with the vibratory frequency of the Energy and Astral bodies, which in turn is proportional to the level of Spiritual Evolution, character, beliefs and many other factors of the person.

If Enlightenment is achieved within the context of a physical body, the person will transition almost directly to the Inner Spiritual Spheres of Life, where the great adventure and Evolution continues with the next chapter. This is the ultimate objective of every person on Earth, the only difference between people is the extent to which they know, realise and pursue Enlightenment.

It is in the Astral where most are reunited with "pre-deceased" relatives, friends, acquaintances and so on, as well as potentially numerous personalities of themselves.

The Astral is still, relative to the Big Apple, literally located "just under the skin", the difference, within the overall context of the Apple as a whole, being microscopic.

In the context of the Universe as a Whole, the entire Apple, humans are still at an extremely embryonic phase of Evolution with Everything ahead. Earth is first year of Kindergarten, but everyone must graduate before they may progress to second year of Kindergarten and then Primary School - still mush education and experience ahead.

Now, before continuing, again let me once again stress again that in utilising numbers, limits, and even words such as "the", "beginning" and even "level" are. in and of themselves, fundamentally flawed, because ultimately we are referring Only to a Seamless Continuum of The Infinite where there is only Now.

These words will however suffice in the interests of understanding, and in the complete absence of more appropriate language to describe the true nature of Reality as a Whole.

Most mainstream science, even today, denies the existence of these higher levels of vibratory frequencies of Energy, simply because they can neither be measured, substantiated or otherwise quantified by the physical instruments upon which their entire paradigm rests.

Over the last few decades however, Quantum Physics and related Sciences has made, and continues to make huge strides forward.

I am firmly of the view that mainstream science is now as far from Quantum Science as mainstream science is from Spiritual Reality.

In fact the Quantum Sciences and Spiritual Sciences differ very little, except in approach and concepts, both of which are equally valid. Quantum Science is the new Spiritual Science and are both merging rapidly, as mainstream science becomes increasingly fringed, with much more in common with orthodox religion.

As previously mentioned, David Bohm is a great pioneer in bridging Quantum and Spiritual Sciences.

Bohm's thesis on "Wholeness and the Implicate Order" remains a practical conceptual Universal model, taking into account Spheres of Energy, Vibration and Potential far beyond the confines of the Newtonian model of the physical Universe. Indeed Bohm also takes into account Consciousness which, with Mind, is Principle, and without which nothing could or would exist.

Without becoming too deeply involved in our Apple metaphor, beyond the scope of this newsletter, suffice it to say for now that it is the absolute destiny of all humans to commence the Great, Divine Journey at the skin of the Apple - analogous to Earth or other physical planet - as multiple incarnations of the Higher Self, and then, as the complete Higher Self - the Spiritual "I" - to Evolve through the seamless continuum of the "flesh" of the Apple at increasing vibratory frequencies, resolutions and realisable potential - until finally, through the process of Perfection and Evolution through Experience, made possible through the Divine Freewill with which every human is blessed, the Core of the Apple from Whence we "came" in the "beginning" is ultimately attained, and with it the potential to Reunite, or "Re-Merge" with Source Mind.

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,


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