Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 24 May 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful, abundant and healthy week.

This week I have a particularly busy weekend with my family, so I will be making this newsletter shorter than of late, and delivered somewhat later - I hope you understand - but hopefully this newsletter will prove no less interesting and valuable. I apologise in advance for any grammatical or typographical errors you may discover today.

I would like to thank everyone for your most kind words following our newsletter of last week on "The Biggest Apple". Many of you forwarded the newsletter to family, friends and loved ones who subsequently joined us here - I extend a very warm welcome.

Many ask me how they may be of Service to others - Service to Others before Service to Self being a fundamental Principle of Spiritual Evolution and Enlightenment. It is not necessary to devote your life in Service, or take anything out of the ordinary.

Simply showing another the Path, showing them the Light, is, in and of itself Service anyone can provide, and which can and does make a difference.

For each person you show the path, they in turn can then show many others the path, so your Service becomes exponential, and this is how Enlightenment can propagate throughout the World in readiness for the great Transition.

Again, to all of you reading this newsletter for the first time I welcome you with and invite you to join us every week by entering your details in the form on any page of our website:

For those wishing to discover more about the nature of Life and the Universe I wrote my book, Our Ultimate Reality as a comprehensive guide for that very purpose:

In this weeks newsletter:

1. Current message situation

2. Root Chakra Development - Update

3. Quantum Spoon Bending

Current Message Situation

Over the last few weeks I have received a much larger volume of messages than I can adequately reply to, in addition to the other projects I am working on for All.

While it is always my intention to respond to every single message in as much detail as appropriate, at times such as this, it become necessary to prioritise, and to focus on messages requiring personal help, which I continue for as long as necessary.

My next priority are questions from people who have acquired products such as Root Chakra Development, and then finally all remaining general questions.

The best place to ask questions of a general nature on most of the subjects discussed in the newsletters are in our forums managed by three excellent and dedicated moderators to whom I am most grateful, with contributions by many very knowledgeable members:

If you have sent me a message in recent weeks and not received a reply yet I do apologise. If your message is genuinely urgent or regarding one of the members opportunities such as Root Chakra Development then please do let send your message again, and I will make every effort to respond as soon as I can.

Root Chakra Development - Update

I would like to thank everyone very much indeed for the continued feedback from the Root Chakra Development Track which has provided further most valuable direction.

the feedback has indicated that while most have found the track to be very effective, it is also felt that a series of tracks over several months would be a too long and protracted, process, and that the benefits of earlier tracks may be lost while focusing on the later tracks, with the entire series not being completed for 8 months.

There has also been valuable feedback on the audio aspects of the track, from which it would seem apparent that audio quality, although recorded at a very high level, depends very much on the nature of the equipment being used.

Based upon all of this feedback, I have therefore decided to produce a single Chakra Development track for all Chakras, taking in to account the audio aspects of the track.

I will create a single track of perhaps 90 minutes - the minimum for optimum results, but will also provide each stage individually so that once you can achieve the initial relaxation stage at will, you may focus only in the Chakra Development itself.

Of course I will not overlook the fact that so many of you have already acquired the Root Chakra Development track alone, and I assure you that I will take this fully in to account with the new, all encompassing Chakra Development track.

I am currently working on the new track, and will keep you informed in this newsletter.

Quantum Spoon Bending

Now I am sure that the title of this article will raise a few eyebrows, after all, surely "spoon bending" belongs on the stage and has nothing to do with Spiritual Evolution or Enlightenment?

Well actually spoon bending, as well as other Metaphysical abilities such as Telekinesis are extremely relevant, because they are abilities that anyone can learn but which also provide first hand experience of the same Universal principles that govern our Life and Experience itself.

Now when most people think of spoon bending they think of those who appear to concentrate for a while and then, all of a sudden, physically bend the spoon handle around several times - even the spoon bowl itself.

Of course the sceptics would be quick to point out that physical contact and force was used, which is true, but I would challenge anyone to take a real spoon and twist it around half a dozen times, or bend the bowl of the spoon double on itself using pure strength alone. If you believe you can then I suggest that you go and try it right away.

Of course the whole accusation of trickery breaks down when we see a 7 year old child bending loops and tying knots in a thick iron bar with ease, having great fun doing it. A child knows no limitations, because they have not yet been programmed with limitations by those around them. A child is simply making use of natural abilities with joy.

Of course spoons can be bent without applying any pressure at all - it is all a matter of faith, belief and knowing.

Spoon bending is excellent proof of how the true nature of every "thing" around you, that you regard as "solid" or "real" in some way - your experience through the mediation of the five physical senses - can be "bent" or "shaped" in any way you wish, so that your experience reflects it.

To investigate this further, we need to take a very close look at the structure of the spoon, which could of course be any apparently "solid" object, going deeper and deeper until we can "drill" down in to the structure of the spoon no further.

First then we look at the surface of the spoon and note that it is composed of shiny metal.

Magnifying still further, we begin to see the atoms of the metal.

Magnifying still further we see beyond nucleus of the atom.

Magnifying still further still we see electrons orbiting the nucleus of the atom.

Magnifying still further to look inside the nucleus we see protons and neutrons.

Magnifying still further we see protons and neutrons include up and down quarks.

Magnifying still further we see that the quarks are held in place by gluons.

But when we achieve maximum magnification we see - absolutely nothing - space.

So when we look at the spoon enough, we see the atoms which the object appears to be made of comprises nothing but empty space.

In fact, as we will see next, none of the above atomic particles has any tangible form of existence anyway - so matter, and therefore all material science, is really meaningless.

What we have just observed through progressive magnification is only observed through the very process of observation itself, otherwise it would not exist at all.

Now the reason why most people fail to bend a spoon, is exactly the same reason that most people fail in consciously creating their own experience - they believe the spoon is real, solid, and therefore cannot be bent in opposition to the laws of "physics".

It is this belief alone that, just like using the power of the find to create your own experience generally that makes it seem impossible.

Plain and simple - Source Mind, Prime Observer, God if you prefer, Experiences through Us as Us, and accordingly, as God, there are no limitations to which we are subjected, except for those that arbitrarily exist in the Mind.

It follows therefore that in order to accomplish anything at al, whether it be bending a spoon, bending a half inch thick iron bar, or creating your own Experience, we first need to understand the true nature of the Universe and of our relationship to the Universe.

Again, the process of bending a spoon is no different to creating any Experience you can possibly Imagine.

Let us then take a brief look at the nature of the Universe, and how we, as the Observer, influence the Universe both at a local, temporal level, and as a Whole.

The Native State of the entire Universe, is precisely the same as the native state of the spoon and the native state of our own Experience.

In reality, nothing, in the entire Universe, including that outer aspect of the Universe - he "skin of the apple" we discussed last week, actually has any basis in fact - it simply does not exist. And so of course it follows that the spoon does not exist either - and it does not exist - nothing does in the way that most think of existence as experienced through the five physical senses.

That being the case, what precisely is "real"? What is the native state of the Universe.

The Native State of the Universe is Universal Energy in the form of a Wave of Infinite Potential, but where nothing is Actual except at the Moment in Which it is Observed.

So what then you may ask causes some "thing" to look "real" or "tangible" or "solid" in some way?

To answer this question we need to look at the process through which humans Experience.

The full process constitutes a full article in and of itself, a process I have termed "The Principle of Expression" which I will discuss in full in a later newsletter.

Fundamentally however the physical senses send millions of sensory inputs per second to the organic brain which then assembles the data as an "impression" which is sent to the Subconscious Mind where a lifetime of learned filters are applied based on beliefs, prejudices, biases and much more are applied and then forwarded to the Conscious Mind as current temporal, local Experience.

I refer to this process as the "Experiential Loop".

It is however the Subconscious Mind that creates the Experience being fed to the physical senses in the first place. Subconscious Mind is the Observer - not the eyes.

So what then does the Subconscious Mind actually "do" at a quantum level to create the basis for the physical impression compiled the organic brain and presented as Experience?

To answer to this question let us now return to our spoon once again, keeping in Mind that the process for bending a spoon is no different to the process of "altering" or "perceiving" in other words Experiencing any aspect of your Experience.

You simply need to know that nothing you believe to be "real" is in fact "real" by your normal concept of "real", in other words solid or at least tangible.

It has been conclusively proven by Quantum Physics that the entire Universe is Energy in the form of a Wave - i.e. a Wave Form originating from Source and radiating outwards, reducing in vibration as it does so until finally achieving the potential, but not the actuality of "collapsing" in to the particles perceived by the five physical senses as matter, and in accordance with atomic theory which is a human concept, in to localised, temporal event.

The spoon therefore only exists as a concept, but one in which you believe the spoon to always look like a spoon, and be solid in nature so you can use it to eat your food.

The Quantum Field Wave Form can however just as readily "collapse" in to particles comprising the spoon, as if the spoon were bending or bent. The only factor that differs is how the conscious Mind instructs the Subconscious Mind to Observe the spoon.

This then also applies to your entire Experience. If you wish for an alternative Experience then you must observe your "reality" in a different way, and the Quantum Field will respond accordingly.

Again, I could go in to this in much more depth, but the main message I wish to convey today is this.

Every single person, without exception, has total control over their own Experience at all times, and only the lack Realisation and Faith in this truth stands between you and any Experience you can Imagine.

Such Realisation and Faith however can only be realised through first hand experience, and bending a spoon is probably one of the easiest and most compelling ways to accomplish this.

If you can shape the spoon with the power of your Mind you can shape your Experience.

In future newsletters we will look at this more closely, but for now it would be a valuable exercise to consider what I have said, and spend time meditating on it, for it holds the key to the realisation of anything you can imagine.

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,


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