Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 31 May 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful, abundant and healthy week.

Today's newsletter will once again be somewhat shorter and later than usual.

The weather here this weekend has been and is absolutely beautiful and an absolute joy to experience - I am sure all readers in the British Isles will appreciate what I mean.

Here people wait in hope of this sort of weather for 8 or 9 months and some years, as in 2008, it rarely if ever happens, at least where I live.

Today we have bright sunshine, cloudless blue skies, a light breeze, temperatures around 18 degrees Celsius, which is about 64 degrees Fahrenheit. People are using their barbecues, children have their paddling pools, plenty of ice cream being sold too.

The greatest joy is seeing just how happy and joyful this weather makes people of all ages, often a complete contrast to most of the year. The brightness and Energy of the Sun is indeed a most welcome and transforming influence. Let there be many more.

I have been enjoying my day as I hope you have enjoyed yours also.

Due to the lateness of publishing today's edition of your newsletter which I wish to get to you as soon as possible, there may be a few typographical errors.

I would like to welcome all new members to this newsletter which is published every Sunday. I hope you find this newsletter enjoyable and above all of value.

If you wish to enjoy all future newsletters as they are published, you can subscribe from any page of our website by completing the form at the top of the page:

If you wish a permanent reference and guide to all these crucial subjects, my best selling book, Our Ultimate Reality will provide just that as you will see from the reviews on

If you know of others who may benefit, even though not be immediately apparent. It has been my experience, even locally, that people interested in Spiritual issues almost never talk about such interest through fear of what people may think.

A craftsman came to my house recently to provide a quote for some decorating work and saw a copy of my book on a table - he did not know I was the author. He then happened to mention that his wife frequently "goes out of body" and went onto talk about "life after death" and so on.

I am of the view that many more of the population are awakening than is readily apparent, just waiting for an opportunity to meet with "kindred Spirits", which usually comes as a great relief.

So please do forward this newsletter to anyone at all you feel may be joyful to receive it.

Again - for those of you who are reading this newsletter for the first time, if you wish to receive your own edition every week, you can do so by completing the form at the top of any page on our website:

I am still experiencing a backlog of messages, but would like to thank you for your cooperation.

It is my wish to be a be in a position to respond to all messages as soon as possible.

If you have sent me an urgent message and have not received a reply with one day, please do send it again - every message is equally important to me I assure you.

Act Your Age and Be Your Health

One of the main concerns I see in the world today, even in messages I receive, is the concern, indeed sometimes obsession with the effects of ageing.

There are many reasons for this, but the primary ones are social pressures, the desire to look attractive and a primal fear of ageing itself with the inevitability of "death".

The "taboo" associated with ageing is consistently being reinforced by advertising in the media, television and Internet, offering all sorts of "age symptom" remedies.

These products are portrayed in such a way that they imply that they are almost mandatory necessity to the viewer of the advert if they wish to remain "looking young" or to "maintain youth" and desirability to the opposite gender.

Of course it has always been the case that some people appear very young for their age while others of the same age look very old.

So how can this be?

To begin to understand the so called ageing process from a physical appearance perspective as well as general process, we must first look at the biological process.

Cells that constitute the body as a whole are constantly regenerating at different intervals. Some cells may generate within minutes, some within days, others weeks, months and even years, but after 7 to 11 years has passed virtually every cell in the body has been renewed.

If then this is the case, how and why do people "age" at all?

When we are born in to this physical plane of life, the Subconscious Sphere of Mind Activity associated with our physical Being contains within it a "blueprint" for our Perfect boy, which in turn is modelled after the Principle of Supreme Perfection of Source Mind.

The body of course rapidly changes in accordance with normal human growth patterns, again under the direct control of the Subconscious Sphere of Mind activity, controlling hormones and other body chemistry to bring about and maintain the various changes.

The effects of ageing are not programmed in to the Blueprint.

Ageing is reinforced by human programming, beliefs and expectations.

Right from birth the concept of "age" is reinforced when, a "birthday" arrives and the child is given a party to "celebrate" being a year "older", further reinforced by the appropriate number of candles on the cake.

Now of course it is absolutely great that we give our children something to look forward to on the "big day" where they get to dress up, have their friends around and have fun, because life is all about experience through fun and joy, and these are days our children remember, but the fact still remains that at the same time the concept of "age" is being reinforced and the child remembers it.

Children often visit "elderly" grandparents, see the grey hair, wrinkles and so on - and there is nothing wrong with that, we all love our grandparents as people - but at the same time the inevitability of ageing with the passage of time is firmly reinforced.

If ageing takes place at a cellular level, body cells renewed after 11 years at the most, what then is causing the cells to make your body look "older".

The short answer is the Subconscious Mind which is entirely responding to the cumulative programmed beliefs and expectations of life to date of which ageing is firmly programmed as an inevitability.

The truth however is that ageing is far from inevitable - how can it be inevitable if, by default, we should not age at all? Grow and mature yes, but not age.

Whatever your current "blueprint" for ageing is, you can always override it, because Mind is always Principle. The body must always, and will obey the Mind.

So how then may we stay younger looking?

Well first of all it id crucial not to obsess about age, whether it be a desire to stay young or to avoid the effects of ageing. The very act of thinking about ageing one way or the other will result in ageing.

If we live in the present moment of Now, focusing on only those "things" we particularly desire, and disregarding all else, even if reminded by the TV and those around us, then the Subconscious Mind will always maintain all natural bodily functioning while delivering the things we focus on.

From a proactive point of view it is best to avoid TV adverts and other advertising media that reinforce the concept of ageing. If you do see adverts on the TV that reinforce the concept of ageing, simply do what I do and laugh at them.

Numerous adverts today attempt to impress - or deceive - the viewer by inventing all manner of impressive sounding chemical names, "formulas", "serums" and so on, the vast majority of which have been invented by the makers of the products - which they are at liberty to so - simply to deceive the viewer in to thinking that the product is highly advanced or otherwise special in some way.

There is not a product available and neither will there be that can actually defeat the process of ageing. The very best such a product can do is to hide the effects of ageing for a short time - usually for the day or until the wearer takes a bath or shower etc.

To the extent that any of these vanity products do work, it would be an out-working of the "placebo effect" plain and simple. The user of the product has believed the message delivered in the advert to such an extent and has so much faith in the claimed efficacy of the product that the Subconscious Mind makes it so. But of course such a situation is built on sand, and as soon as the person is tempted by the next greatest, "next generation" product to come along, they lose the faith in the first, and all effectiveness is lost. Unless they have the same faith in the new product, there can be no long-term placebo effect.

The only difference between "age" and "eternal youth" is that the latter always knows that they are part of Our Source, God if you prefer - the name does not matter - and always knows they are an infinite, immortal and eternal aspect of Perfection, always looking forward to something better, while the former believes that they are under the "control" of external physical forces, dwells upon and sometimes mourns their "lost" youth while waiting for "age" to take its toll.

In both cases these expectations are impressed upon the Subconscious Mind, and faithfully brought to pass, in accordance with the Thought Forms impressed upon the Subconscious Mind which it uses as its blueprint.

Now ageing can really be regarded as a "disease" because just as ageing is fundamentally a decision, attitude or expectation, so to is health or conversely disease.

If you are around someone who is experiencing a Cold or 'flu and expect to "catch their germs then you will contract the same disease. The virus itself is simply a mode of executing conscious expectations in the physical world.

When great epidemics and pandemics have exerted their influence throughout history, for every person who dies as a direct result of contracting the disease through physical contact or proximity, a hundred or a thousand die after contracting the disease through fear of contracting the disease itself. In fact large numbers die even though they have not contracted the disease but rather simply through believing they have.

Conversely we see doctors and nurses tending these patients, being in close proximity almost constantly, yet never contract the disease simply because they do not expect to.

If someone experiences "cancer" for example, which might well, as is usually the case have originated from stress or other Energetic influence, they think about their "disease" constantly, go to the "doctors", undergo "chemotherapy" etc. if necessary - all actions that reinforce the reality of the cancer upon the Subconscious Mind of the afflicted person. So when the part of the body with the cancer is rebuilt by the Subconscious Mind as part of its ongoing task, using the blueprint the person has provided, the Subconscious Mind faithfully builds back the cancer that the person continues to "believe" they have in to their body, and thus their disease become self-perpetuating.

It is a medically accepted fact that everyone in the world has the potential to contract any one of the many forms of cancer which of course is one of the most feared of all diseases.

Cancer is actually also one of the very easiest diseases to heal without medical intervention of any type.

At a quantum level our physical body has no permanent basis in fact. It only persists and appears real because it is being constantly "observed" and experienced by the Soul and Spirit inhabiting it as well as those around generally.

What people generally regard as their body has a native existence only as a quantum waveform of infinite potential, as is the case with All in Existence, which only becomes an Experience when it is observed in accordance with beliefs, expectations, prejudices and a lifetime of programming generally, in turn used by the Subconscious Mind to modify the original blueprint, "collapsing" the quantum wave in to the transient particles forming the impression of the body in that moment of observation.

Now if that sounds convoluted do not worry - it need not be.

All you need to understand is that the appearance and state of health of your body is infinitely fluid, and accordingly can be modified in a moment through the Power of the Mind, Expressing Source Energy to modify the Quantum Waveform.

Most people who die from cancer, or put themselves through tortuous cancer treatments, do so only because they believe they have no choice - but only because of the way cancer is perceived and the taboos and horror stories that accompany it.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that chemotherapy has no basis as a "treatment" and that it is the expectation that chemotherapy will be successful that often results in success and an apparent "cure", which in turn reinforces the belief in this treatment.

Using the power of the Mind cancer, no matter how severe or advanced, can be totally eradicated, even instantly - as in one moment it is terminal, and the next it never existed. And there are countless cases like this.

There have been numerous cases in the past of people being born with crippling deformities or other "disabilities" due to pre-natal "damage", for example due to the mother smoking tobacco, or drinking alcohol", or during the process of birth, but have grown up to be "perfect" humans in every way, simply because they refused to accept their lack of perfection, and imagined themselves only to be mad in the perfect in the image of God.

Many well known people were weak, incapable or anaemic as children, Roosevelt for example, and yet grew up to be great men and women.

If you go to the doctors with an ailment to get some "medicine", you are saying to your Subconscious Mind - "you take a rest - I have more faith in this concoction of chemicals to do the work". And the Subconscious Mind will duly oblige. And further - the more you trust doctors and "medicines, the more the Subconscious Mind will effectively say "fine - you get on with it then".

Consider then the Wisdom of Solomon

"Seek not death in the error of your life: and pull not upon yourselves destruction with the works of your hands. For God made not death: neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the living For he created all things, that they might have their being: and the generations of the world were healthful; and there is no poison of destruction in them, nor the kingdom of death upon the earth: (For righteousness is immortal:) But ungodly men with their works and words called it to them: for when they thought to have it their friend, they consumed to nought, and made a covenant with it, because they are worthy to take part with it. -- Book of Solomon 1:12-16

Here Solomon is saying that God did not create "death" or derives pleasure from the destruction of the living - humans do all that for themselves by the freewill and powers of creation conferred upon us by our Prime Creator.

But "ungodly men" and of course women, failing to realise the perfection of God within, have wrought disease, decay and death upon themselves.

So if you want to know the true secret of maintaining perfect age and health here it is:

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them" -- Genesis 1:27

All any of us have to do therefore is to maintain that perfect image that God holds for each and every one of us in order to remain perpetually healthy, and of an ideal "appearance", always keeping in Mind that "time" does not exist and therefore "age" does not exist.

What does this mean in practical terms?

Just before sleep each night, take time to realise God within. Feel the Energy and Unconditional Love of God flowing through you and know that you are a Divine channel through which God expresses and experiences.

Maintain that feeling and knowing of God-Energy flowing through you for a few minutes, and know that as a co-creator of the Universe, you have unlimited powers of creation and feel the gratitude.

Next use every power of your imagination to "see" yourself in the most perfect radiant health. Visualise yourself in glowing health, and see and hear people commenting on how well you look, how radiant you seem and how much Energy you have - and know it to be so.

Now feel how glowing with health you are. Feel the health radiating through you and around you, knowing, beyond any doubt that your body is perfect in every way, just as God "imaged" after God's own perfection.

As you drift of to sleep, hold this image in your Mind.

During the day, never allow an unhealthy thought to enter your Mind. Never think of the inevitability of "ageing".

If you do look in the mirror, only see an image of perfection reflected back at you.

If you see unhealthy people around you, people who are coughing or sneezing, or complaining about their health, simply reinforce the truth of your own perfection in your Mind in the joyous knowledge that it is true Now.

Act, healthy, think, health and Be healthy and you will be healthy.

If you see "anti-ageing" products on TV, or in stores etc., know that it is a part of another cabal designed to appeal the Ego, vanity, and fears about your appearance as you "age", and know, beyond doubt that you can be as young and healthy as you Think you Are.

Remember again the Wisdom of Solomon:

"God made not death: neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the living For he created all things, that they might have their being: and the generations of the world were healthful"

In future newsletters we will take a look at how to maintain perfect health and heal and disease more closely.

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,


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