Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 10 May 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter. I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

All too many people it seems connect their moods with the weather, feeling miserable if it is cloudy and wet, and happy if the Sun shines and it is pleasantly warm.

While this is understandable to a certain extent, it is also completely relative to learned expectations of mood, and not to what the "elements" happen to be doing outside.

If you live in a climate where it is sunny and hot most of the time you may regard a few days of wet weather as completely miserable. Yet if you live in the far northern hemisphere you may regard a few days of sunshine and warm weather as miraculous.

Where I live for example the weather is still more like winter, but we are nearer Summer. Between July and September we may see three consecutive days of Sun where the temperature might reach as high as 20 degrees Celsius. Adults here "endure" 9 months of cool, cloudy, wet and windy weather in the hope of 3 months of better weather in the middle of Summer.

Yet the children here play happily in all weathers. They do not see sun, rain or wind, they see only boundless joy, wonder and opportunity - from which adults can learn much.

To be miserable or resentful about any experience is to reject life itself, and your experience will always reflect that in your health, abundance, relationships and more.

The Central Sun always shines brightly within, and as long as we discover and embrace that Source of all Energy within, the Sun will always shine brightly in our lives without. So we should always be grateful for everything, and celebrate life - whatever the five physical senses say to the contrary.

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all new members of this newsletter. I do hope you find it to be of great Joy and Service during these crucial times for humanity.

Please do share this newsletter with all those you love, know and care about - it could well make all the difference both to them and to you. If you are reading this newsletter for the first time, and wish to receive it every week, you are most welcome to join us simply by filling in your details at the top of any page on our website:

In this weeks Newsletter:

1. Root Chakra Development - Final Week

2. The Religion of Science

Root Chakra Development - Final Week

I would like to thank everyone for the really exceptional response to your Root Chakra Development track, the feedback for which has been absolutely excellent.

I am delighted that so many of you have been able to realise so much benefit already.

Based upon the feedback I have received so far, this will be the final week of the Root Chakra Development opportunity which has now been running for four weeks:

For those of you who are new to this newsletter, or not familiar with the Chakras, this is a brief introduction.

Within the Energy body resides a series Energy Centres known mystically as the “Chakras”. The word “Chakra” is Sanskrit for “wheel” or “disk”, signifying the clairvoyant appearance of each of the 7 Main Energy centres located at specific points within the Energy Body.

Each of these Energy Centres also correspond directly to a major physical nerve ganglia, or gland, usually connected directly to the physical spinal column.

The Chakras correspond non-physically to the many levels of Consciousness, Spiritual Connection, ultimately with Source, as well as the many developmental stages of life at a physical level such as colours, sounds, body functions, and much more.

All thoughts, feelings, worries, fears and other emotions change the Energy Body first, inevitably manifesting sooner or later as a physical or mental condition 0r disease. Cancer is a classic example of a stress related disease originating at the level of the Energy Body.

The Yogis, Tibetan Monks and many other Mystical and Spiritual traditions dedicate a whole lifetime to Inner Development, Including the Chakra System, because they know very well just how important this aspect of development really is, and the profound

benefits a highly developed Chakra system and therefore Energy Body can bring from every perspective, including Physically, Metaphysically and Spiritually.

Although the traditions of the Far East, including the Yoga traditions and monks of Tibet, Dedicate much of their Life to developing the Chakras, no longer need to.

Modern Technologies, which the Yogis, Monks and Adepts of the Far East do not have access to or feel they need access to - they dedicate their whole life to inner development through meditation and other Spiritual practices - enables You to Easily and conveniently enjoy a greatly accelerated Chakra Development path, without years and decades of Meditation and other Metaphysical pursuits.

Root Chakra Development deploys a combination of the most advanced brainwave entrainment technologies with vocal guidance by myself to achieve a greatly accelerated Chakra Development Experience, in the least possible time.

So if you wish to take advantage of this unique opportunity, you only have one more week in which to do so. Here is your special newsletter reader page:

No "time" to lose

Last Thursday was my birthday, where I would be considered to be "53 years old".

Of course birthdays, especially as the "years pass", generally attract well meaning comments such as "another year older" and so on, which set me thinking about the nature of "time" generally, especially as so many people live their lives by the clock and the calendar.

It is the very acknowledgment of time in fact that actually gives rise to the phenomena known as "ageing", which in turn is reinforced by the tradition known as "birthdays".

Right from birth the very process of physical ageing is constantly being reinforced by "birthdays", where a child is presented with a cake with another candle embedded in it, symbolising being another "year old". Children are taken to see aging relatives and notice how "old" they look. A child is told that they may to do certain things and certain ages and so on. So from birth the concept of time and ageing is firmly reinforced.

The concept of ageing is further reinforced by a relentless procession of "vanity products" advertised on TV and elsewhere, promising to make you look and feel younger in some way - cover the greys, fill in the wrinkles, shinier skin and so on.

As we have discussed before, it is a fact that every cell in our body is renewed every few years at most, usually in days, weeks or months, so how can ageing occur at all?

The short answer is that the Subconscious Mind will always "model" the body on the latest "blueprint", which in turn is modelled by ongoing thoughts, feelings and attitudes.

So today I thought it would be a good idea to place "time" in to a proper perspective.

The role of "time" must be considered, in that the very nature of "time" is, according to contemporary thinking, intimately linked with the three dimensions of "space" and therefore of "matter" itself.

For the last few hundred years at least, humans have attempted attempt to reduce the concept of "time" to an objective experience by arbitrarily introducing methods of "time" measurement based upon the relationships between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun.

The "history" of "time measurement" can actually be traced back thousands of years whereby the passage of time, as well as larger units of "time" such as the "seasons" by measuring the relative position of the Sun relative to Earth.

One of the simplest devices to measure the "passage of time" - actually to measure the passage of the Sun across the sky - is the "sundial".

Many ancient civilisations developed much more complex stone built structures, not only to measure the passage of time at a micro level - minutes, hours, days etc, but also at increasing levels on a macro scale - months, seasons and so on through the construction of large stone circles, positioned in accordance with Sun, Moon, Stars and other cosmic entities. Stonehenge is such an structure.

This they did so they knew when to plant crop, harvest crops, expect the colder weather etc, keeping in mind that they had know other methods of time keeping.

It is thought that Stonehenge was constructed after a physical pole shift which completely changed the seasons, so the locals did not know when to plant crops and so on. By creating the stone structure they were once again able to determine when to plant crops and conduct other activities.

There has, over the course of the last 5000 years or so, been many ancient civilisations - some known, some not yet known - who have made use of stone structures of varying levels of complexity, which typically include observation points or even full observatories, enabling them to not only measure cycles of "time" as experienced on

Earth, but also cosmic cycles, some of which have the potential to influence Earth in various ways.

All "cycles" are fundamentally Energy structures which have the potential to exert an Energetic influence over Earth in some way.

Setting aside the "lost civilisations", the attainments of which, in the absence of any tangible evidence so far, remain only a matter of speculation, and as such cannot be included, by far the greatest known civilisation relating to the measurement of cosmic cycles ranging from the micro to macro levels are the Classic or Ancient Maya Civilisation of Central America.

This is the same civilisation which is most infamously associated with the 21 December 2012 date representing the so called "end of the Mayan Calendar".

In the interests of completeness we should note, as indeed I have many times before, that this iconic date - 21 December 2012 - does not in any way represent the "end of the Mayan Calendar" or "end" of anything else, and neither is it "the" only Mayan Calendar.

The "calendar" in question is in fact the Mayan "Long Count Calendar", which is only one in a whole series of calendars, or more specifically "calendrical systems", measures a cycle of around, but not precisely 25,800 years, based upon the relationship between Earth, and therefore Sun and the entire Solar system, with the centre of our Galaxy.

This is not simply some academic exercise on the part of the Mayan civilisation, the true nature and history of which extends far beyond that which most people realise from the archaeological remains and records to the extent they were not destroyed by the church, but rather a very serious measurement of a very specific cycle of Energy which has the potential to be, and generally is, highly transformational infinite potential ways.

The Classic Maya were the most brilliant and advanced cosmologists that ever lived. They predicted cosmological events at levels ranging from the level of Earth, the Solar System, and Galaxy with such extreme accuracy that is not even possible today with the benefit of all the most advanced scientific "equipment" in the world.

Yet the Classic Maya did not even have "metal". Everything they achieved they did so using stone to build the structures forming the basis of all their sciences and culture.

The Maya did not share the obsession of "modern" humans with "time keeping". Mayan chronology was and is the measurement and prediction of cycles of Energy that had the inherent potential to influence physical experience in some way, either immediately or at some point in the future, as, for example, with the iconic date of 21 December 2012.

Although the Mayan Civilisation is alive and well, the Maya responsible for these great calendrical systems would never survive to see the outcome of "2012", and they knew they wouldn't. They knew, from the measurement of a cycle of Energy, that their own

epoch would end long "before" that iconic date, but their legacy would live on in their stone monuments - stellae - and written records - codices.

However, when the Spanish conquistadors arrived, they were under orders to forcibly convert the natives to the Catholic church. So they gathered all of the natives together and forced them to watch as their history and knowledge written on the codices was burnt on a huge fire. Only the stone stellae remain now, many of which have worn ovr time due to weathering.

The Classic Maya never, ever made "prophecies", only "scientific predictions" of which 21 December 2012 is a pivotal and iconic example.

In "modern" times the infatuation of people with "time", which is in reality is no more than a "concept", has wrought all manner of confusion and misery upon humanity, equalled only by the illusion of "separation".

If "time" is so important to humanity, to the point where most people "live their lives" by it, surely it would be helpful to know what "time" is - or is not.

As previously mentioned - the basis of "time" as subscribed to by most humans is a construct arbitrarily derived from the relationship of a "place" on planet Earth in relation to the observed positions of Sun and Moon.

But is this treatment of "time" realistic?

Is "time" really a mechanical, fixed process?

Most importantly, is "time" a constant?

This is a crucial question, because if we accept the fact that there are only one "set" of immutable Universal Principles regulating All That Is, then for "time" to be Principle it must also be a constant, which exerts the same influence irrespective of where it is experienced, observed or measured within the context of the entire physical Universe.

Consider this scenario then.

If you were to place yourself in a room without windows, clocks or other mechanical means or devices of any sort, with a fixed level of ambient lighting, what then happens to your perception of "time"?

Very quickly you have no idea what "minute" or "hour" it was. Soon you would lose track of what "day" it was followed by loss of orientation with the concept of "weeks" or "months", and eventually even years.

Time would become meaningless in fact along with erroneous concepts such as ageing.

You could take a guess of course, but you would invariably be wrong due to total lack of reference points. As your isolation progresses, any "best guesses" about "time", "date", "year" would become increasingly flawed to the point of becoming meaningless.

This proves that once we remove all human mechanical reference points, "time" itself immediately becomes totally meaningless.

When humans "pass on" and transition to the Astral Worlds - he "afterlife" - although the environment is very similar to Earth, there is no concept of "time". Even though the residents there came from Earth where they subjected themselves to "time", ageing and therefore mortality, now, in the Astral, "time" is a useless idea which no one experiences or even understands, and neither can they understand the obsession of those still living on Earth for the idea of "time".

If the best scientists in the world were placed in an enclosed room, of fixed ambient light and conditions, with access to any scientific instruments of their choosing, except for computers, clocks and other means of measuring "time", then these scientists would not be able to objectively define or quantify time as a constant or Principle.

Neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate sleep and waking cycles - melatonin, serotonin for example - would reset, resulting in a loss of all orientation with the previous concept of "time". They would not be able to differentiate between night or day, weeks, months or years. Time becomes a useless, meaningless concept.

Without a reference to "time" such people may become disoriented or even distressed, and perhaps, in some cases ultimately psychotic, as the conscious Mind desperately strives to find some sort of reference point for time..

Let us now then consider the human concept of "time" in its proper perspective.

Again, "time" is a human construct, for the purposes of convenience, that makes use of arbitrary reference points in the sky - notable Sun and Moon taken together with the rotation of the Earth.

Now how then would "time" look if, instead of living on Earth we lived on say Jupiter - assuming, for the purposes of this illustration, that Jupiter could support human life.

Jupiter is many times the size and mass of Earth, with a completely different speed of rotation, distance from the Sun, has numerous different "moons" and so on.

How would your clocks and calendars, if constructed in the same way as those on Earth, appear then on Jupiter?

Well clearly clocks and calendars would be unrecognisable different.

Due to the speed of rotation of Jupiter relative to Earth, a " day" on Earth which is considered to be 24 "hours" in duration, would, not withstanding the much greater circumference of Jupiter, be only 9.9 hours in duration.

But an "hour" is, in and of itself a construct of Earth humans, so who is to say that an Earth Gregorian "hour" is more of a "standard" than a Jovian "hour"?

But what about a "year" on Jupiter.

Well Jupiter takes the equivalent of nearly 12 Earth years to orbit the Sun, so one Jupiter year is equal to 12 Earth years.

But again - that observation is based on the presumption that the "Earth" year is the basis of the definition of a "year".

It should be readily apparent then that the measurement of "time" on Earth is completely different to the measurement of "time" on Jupiter, and accordingly clocks and calendars designed for one, would be completely almost completely useless for the other.

So is "time" correct on Earth?

Or is "time" correct on Jupiter?

Or is "time" correct on none of the above?

Well clearly it must be none of the above.

"Time", as measured mechanically, can never be "correct", in other words a constant, a Principle, because no matter where in the physical Universe an attempt is made to measure time in accordance with human constructs, it will always be different to greater or lesser degrees.

So now we must consider the "experience" of "time".

We have already discussed how being isolated in an enclosed, constant ambient environment influences the experience of "time, but how about other influences based upon experience itself?

What for example happens to your perception of "time" if you are really enjoying yourself, engaged in an activity you are really passionate about and wished could never end?

Time then is said to "fly by".

Conversely, if you are engaged in a really mundane or boring activity, or something you intensely dislike, and wish you were not doing, what happens to your experience of "time" then?

It seems to "drag on forever".

The reason humans feel "tired" at "night" and "awake" during the day, is not due to the relative positions of the hands or digital numbers on your clock, but rather because Conscious sphere of Mind activity has convinced Subconscious sphere of Mind activity that "time" is in fact "real", and henceforth shall be "measured in a certain way", based upon the observation of clocks of various types, and with reference to photons of Energy entering the eyes as "light", or alternatively absence of photons, a lack of "light".

Subconsciousness then reproduces those expectations by programming the biorhythms of the organic body through the manipulation of amino acids, neurotransmitters in the brain such as melatonin, serotonin and central nervous system stimulants such dopamine, which in turn provides the conscious experience of "wakefulness", "sleepiness", activity and mental alertness and other experiential states.

These are also related to "brainwave" frequencies and activity.

So clearly, the only possible conclusion is that the very nature of time is always inexorably linked to:

1. The way "time" is experienced in accordance with the perceived nature of the current situation - e.g. enjoyable, boring, tedious etc.

2. The way you the Subconscious Mind is programmed to process the experience of time using many different fixed and experiential reference points. e.g. You may always find work "tedious" and therefore "5:00 pm simply cannot come fast enough".

3. The way time is measured using arbitrary reference points.

Since experience itself varies infinitely not only within the context of one person, but all people, then "time" cannot possibly be "fixed" or quantifiable in any way, because there can never be a single point of reference.

"Time" therefore is a qualitative not a quantitative experience.

If we then look at "time" dispassionately, we can clearly see that:

Time cannot be a constant.

Time can never be objective.

Time cannot be, and is not Principle.

In short, "time" is exclusively a subjective experience to the extent that it is made so.

So what are the further ramifications of this relative to your previous concept of "time".

If "time" and "space" really are connected, and "time" is subjective, then "space", matter and "things" generally must be also subjective.

But again, as with "matter", "space-time" in and of itself does not even exist in anything other than a transient form under the influence of an observer - specifically Mind.

The entire "physical" Universe is simple Energy in the form of Waves transiently collapsed into the illusory, temporality and locality of a particle based environment that humans regard and experience as "matter" which gives rise to the experience of "substance" and "solidity".

If "space-time" does not exist, and therefore the physical Newtonian Universe does not exist, "time" cannot exist by itself and neither can space.

As Werner Heisenberg said - "Atoms are not things, they are only tendencies". And of course he was and is absolutely correct.

As "space" and "time" and therefore "matter" do not have any objective or fundamental basis in fact, are actually "tendencies", or "possibilities" or even "probabilities", there can be no "laws" or "rules" or equations that regulate matter and therefore of time.

Both "time and "matter" are therefore illusions.

There is only one Experience - Now - nothing else matters except to the extent you believe it does. Take care of the Now, and your Experience will take care of itself

Please keep in Mind that your Root Chakra Development opportunity ends this week:

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,


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