Sunday, August 30, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 30 August 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

I would as always like to welcome all new members to this newsletter.

This and the next few newsletters may be shorter than usual.

I am taking the opportunity while enjoying reasonable weather to fully renovate our house inside and out, which, as you can imagine, is a major job involving considerable external turmoil, although within all remains calm, peaceful and harmonious as always.

With tradesmen coming in and out, hammering, drilling and sawing, it is not the best environment to publish your newsletter, although of course will be perfect when completed.

It is truly wonderful to see so many new members joining us from every part of the world, and from so many different cultures and situations, thus once again illustrating the fact that the quest for Enlightenment, Freedom and the feeling of the profound, impending changes lying just ahead are Universal in nature, and fully reflect the truth that Ultimately we are All One.

If you enjoy this newsletter, and I certainly hope you do, and wish to receive it every Sunday as thousands have done since 2005 when I published the first edition, please join us by completing the form at the top of any page of our website, and receive 7 free chapters of my book - Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind:

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I receive many messages from people concerned about the ongoing changes that are quite clearly taking place at all levels of Life Experience around the world, wondering where it is all leading.

It is my committed objective to continue to publish this newsletter for as long as it is possible for me to do so, and will always bring to you any and all significant information during these transitional times as events unfold, most importantly separating all of the misinformation out there being propagated by many people for many reasons, from the truth as I personally known and understand it to be.

My sole or "Soul" objective is to guide as many people as possible towards Enlightenment and thereby in the best possible position as the changes accelerate and we reach the pivotal point in this great transition which is very much ongoing even Now.

Our Divine Corporeal Nature

Although we often discuss matters involving Higher or more specifically Inner Realities, it is also crucial, in the interests of balance, not to overlook the corporeal, human aspect of our existence, and aspect chosen by our Higher Self in the interests of accelerated evolution.

First then we must take a brief look at our Higher Self in order to understand how our physical, temporary and temporal shell relates to Higher Self.

The Higher Self is who we truly are, and can be thought of as an aspect of the immortal “I” who is sublime and as the sum of all of all physical lives and experiences, past present and future, relative to the Earth concept of “time is infinitely wise. Being connected with everything in the Universe that “is”, at all levels of reality, as well as all previous physical lives, full access to this inner aspect of ourself is most sought after by those consciously on the path and by those pursuing other Spiritual disciplines. It is the Higher Self that progresses on to “greater” things, once all physical lives with their associated physical, Astral and Mental body experiences have been completed.

It should be noted from the outset that the term “Higher Self” should more correctly be “Inner Self”. However, as the original term has been so widely used and understood, we will continue with its use in this book. It is very important to keep in Mind however that the physical world and therefore our physical bodies are the outermost aspect of the Universe existing at the lowest rate of Energy vibration, and the highest density, and The Source, The First Cause, God is at the very centre of all creation, existing at the very highest Energy vibration, encompassing the highest vibration of Unconditional Love. We therefore, after the cycle of physical incarnation has been completed, continue the journey inwards towards The Source as on the Divine path to perfection.

While in physical, Astral or Mental incarnation, the Higher Self can for example provide intuition to assist in circumstances where understanding, answers, clarification or guidance are needed and cannot be obtained by any “lower” means, and provides the highest level of connectedness and influence within the Universe in all spheres, and is

therefore most important in any matter requiring any sort of unrestricted Universal connection such as that ideally required for manifestation for example.

Not much more need be said about the Higher Self, but suffice it to say He/She/It is who we really are, and that in physical incarnation, achieving and maintaining contact with this aspect of Self is considered to be one of the very highest priorities as a source of inspiration, knowledge and guidance.

What then may we say about the nature of the Personal "reality" of humans focused on Earth.

To provide further wise insight in to this question we can turn to The Baron Eugene Fersen who in Lesson 4 of Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons shares this.

"THE first question you may ask is: What exactly are the qualities and the different functions of the physical body? It is presumed that you already know how this physical body came into existence. The process of its development from conception and growth within the mother until it reaches full maturity is so well known to the average reader that we are not going to enter into details on that subject. But the mysterious Forces and Laws back of that physical development, governing it and emerging into visible expression through it, are of vital interest to everybody; and it is the operation of those Laws and Forces which will be here explained in detail.

The physical body as a whole represents the embodiment on this material plane of your Ego, or Soul, whose manifold activities are expressed through its different organs and members. That body is made up of millions and millions of cells, grouped according to the different functions of the body, and each group of cells having its own particular duties to perform. Moreover, every cell has an individual and independent life within it. Modern investigations have proven that even when taken from the body these cells can, if placed in the proper surroundings, not only live an independent life, but can even develop under those new conditions.

If you want to have a strong and healthy body, you must give to the cells the opportunity and possibility to function properly. Breathing and taking material food are two of the ways to accomplish this. Physical and mental activity naturally needs energy, and it is in the work of supplying this energy that all the cells of your body cooperate. You feed the cells of your body with gasses and chemicals which, being absorbed and transmuted by the cells into a form of energy, in their turn feed you. That is, they supply you with the necessary amount of power for the work you have to do.

This transmutation into energy, or Life Force, of the air absorbed through breathing and the chemicals absorbed through eating is in direct proportion not only to the amount of their absorption by your body, but also to the body's capacity for transforming them. As that work is limited the amount of Life Force stored in your Solar Plexus is therefore also limited.

Naturally under those conditions you can use these forces only to the extent of the actual capacity of your Solar Plexus. Once the Solar Plexus is drained of Life Force, you feel that there is nothing to draw upon any longer. Then you call yourself tired, because you have exhausted the supply of energy in your body.

Yet Nature, who takes good care that her children should never be left stranded at the time when they need her support, has provided various physical channels through which to replenish this store of energy by tapping the great Universal Reservoir of Power.

For instance, the hair on your body, which is developed more on certain parts of It than on others, as well as the hair on your head, is of tremendous value in helping you to recoup your physical Forces. Each hair is a tiny wireless pole contacting Universal Life Energy and conveying it into the cells and the different centres of the body. Just as those natural wireless poles are ready to function all the time, so is Universal Life Energy ready to flow through, them continually.

Another major means for contacting the Energy outside is through the fine network of nerves which send their tendrils to the skin over every portion of the body. Where these tendrils are concentrated to form a genuine mat of sensitiveness, such as in the balls of the fingers, the palms, soles of the feet, etc., the sensitized areas act especially strongly as the grid of a receiving set, the point of contact peculiarly adapted to the reception of vibrations of Life Energy from without.

With all this highly specialized apparatus already at your disposal, it would seem as if that Power ought to be flowing into your body all the time. The reason it does not is because your nerves and cells are contracted on account of the general tenseness of your body and are almost paralyzed and closed up by some latent fear.

Naturally under these conditions the Life Force concentrated within your Life Centre cannot attract the Universal Life Energy which surrounds your body on every side. That is why Relaxation and Silence are such important exercises to the harmonization of the body. If human beings would live a natural life and would be in as close contact with the Forces of Nature as is the rest of Creation, there would be no necessity to contact Universal Life Energy. It would continually flow into the body, as there would be no obstacles to prevent the inflow.

The more Life Energy enters into your body, the stronger the individual cells will become. As the entire body is made up of millions of cells, it is obvious that the well being and proper functioning of that body as a whole depends chiefly on the well being and proper functioning of its component cells. Add to this clear, strong, harmonious thoughts, constructive and lofty emotions, and you have power and harmony within ready to contact the Universal Harmony and Power without.

That Power, flowing through the cells as the medium of transmission, bathes them individually and collectively with Life Energy, refreshing and stimulating them, washing

them clean from impurities and building them up naturally into a healthy, strong and beautiful body, a fitting instrument for the expression of the Individuality that dwells within.

As stated previously, Harmony means Equilibrium, and Equilibrium is Power. If you want to be powerful you must achieve the Balance which Power demands for its most efficient expression. There is no better way to obtain that Balance than by bringing out your fundamental qualities.

Remember that your body is the outgrowth, the vehicle through which your Soul's Individuality expresses its activities. If the Four Fundamental QualitiesLife, Mind, Law (Truth) and Loveas explained in a previous Lesson, are given physical expression in your daily activities, they will by nature build up adequate physical channels for that expression. That is, in proportion as those Four Qualities are brought out in your own Individuality they will be reflected in the body which is but the material counterpart of that Individuality.

Remember also there are two ways of bringing out those Qualities, each way of equal importance and each supplementing the other. The continual use, through the Star Exercise and the Mental Contact, of Universal Life Energy, whose essential function it is always to establish Equilibrium, will automatically develop them within you, promoting their growth to the point where they will blossom into your consciousness as ready for expression. Then your conscious application of them by performing every act with Energy, Intelligence, Accuracy and Joy will cultivate and strengthen them in an increasing and harmonious growth which will visibly manifest itself in the various organs and members of your body.

As your body is simply the visible, material expression of the activities of your own Individuality, naturally if those activities are harmonious their physical expression must be so also. Real Harmony, Power and consequently Beauty of body are absolutely unattainable unless Equilibrium is first established within the individual and manifested through his daily activities.

It has often been noticed that when individuals are happy, that happiness radiating from their faces makes them appear actually beautiful, though originally they may have been very plain. The explanation is, of course, that the inner sense of Happiness, of Love, is able to produce such a transformation. If that inner condition were sustained through any length of time the effect would be so radical and lasting that the body would not only appear to be transformed, but would actually be transformed and would remain so as long as the cause of that transformation continued to be active within the inner self of the individual.

The definite physical process through which such fundamental causes obtain permanent expression usually takes place more quickly with young people than with. Older ones. Scientific investigation has proved definitely that all body tissues are being continually renewed, with the result that everybody possesses a virtually new body at

periods ranging from one to seven or more years. It is through this renewal that any change must be gradually manifested. The younger a person is the more rapidly that work of renewal generally takes place, because the plasticity of a young mind is reflected in a young and pliant body, whereas in older people a set habit of thought and ideas has expelled that buoyant physical elasticity.

Yet age must never be considered an impediment. However slowly or quickly that change may be taking place, nevertheless it is taking place every moment of your lives. Not a minute passes but what some element of the new invades every tissue of your body to replace a corresponding amount of the old and worn out which it expels. You who will honestly and perseveringly follow the instructions here given will so temper with your aroused qualities this new fabric which is being perpetually knit into your being that you will produce most astonishing bodily changes, both as to appearance and as to producing power.

Naturally the transformation of your body is so gradual that you will not notice it at first. Yet the growth from within your body is continually operating, and if you have in you a continual flow of Life Energy, as well as harmony in your thought and action, then Life Force penetrating into every cell is bound to make that physical side of your triune nature grow healthier, stronger, finer and more beautiful all the time. All you need to do is to apply the rules and laws stated before, and particularly to use Universal Life Energy continually, never worrying about the results. The very Forces and Laws you put into operation will take good care that the results manifested in your body shall be in exact proportion to the direct application of those Laws and Forces in you.

The right kind of food, well prepared but not too much of it, especially for grown people, will help a great deal in that work of harmonization of your body. Vegetarian food is by all means preferable to the ordinary meat diet. You have only to look into the great book of Nature to find there the answer to your query as to which diet is preferable, meat or vegetable. The animals which can produce the greatest continual physical effort are vegetarians, as for instance elephants, bulls or horses.Carnivorous animals can produce a great deal of energy in a single effort, but only for a very short duration of time. Sustained effort is almost an impossibility for most of them.

However, the demands of our modern life call for this sustained effort. A sufficient proof that there is already a dim realization of this exists in the increasing number of vegetarians. Eventually the whole Human Race will become vegetarians and fruitarians.

Yet as in everything else, gradual growth is preferable to an abrupt change, and for that reason you are advised to cat what you feel like for the time being. Inner adjustment will demand a different kind of a food to sustain your physical body, and then without any effort you will adopt a different diet. It will be no more a sacrifice to you, as you will have gotten into that new condition. Under these circumstances your body will be changed gradually, and will not suffer depletion or cause you any such physical discomfort as usually afflicts those who make a sudden radical change.

The same can be said in regard to smoking, drinking or any other similar habits. You will be able to get rid of them not by fighting or trying to overcome them, but through transmutation into healthy habits. There again the continual use of Universal Life Energy will be of invaluable assistance to you. Being a Perfect Power, it will by and by eliminate from your system all harmful desires and appetites.

Scientific breathing is also very helpful in the work of harmonization of your body. Most people breathe only to a partial capacity of their lungs. Under such conditions there is not a sufficient amount of oxygen conveyed into the body. As oxygen is, next to Universal Life Energy, the most important element for the subsistence of all life, it is obvious that if you do not absorb a sufficient amount of it through breathing your physical body suffers as a result of that shortcoming.

The above mentioned scientific breathing performs also a great service aside from the mere introduction of oxygen into the system. Based usually on the beats of the heart, it attunes the rhythm of the life within to the vast Rhythm of the Universal Life Energy outside. Thus it is an excellent help in establishing a quick and vigorous contact between the two.

Western systems of breathing, of which the object is only to bring about harmonious physical results, are preferable to Oriental methods, which are not so much concerned with the physical results obtained as with the development of psychic powers within the individual. There are quite a number of very good methods of scientific breathing which may be found in books on physical culture written by specialists in America as well as in Europe. A good system is that of Dr. Miller, a Swedish physicist, whose book "My System" is known all over the world.

Modern science constantly gives more and more scientific information in all directions, and in this direction also. Only by taking the trouble from time to time to keep yourself informed about the latest discoveries made along specific lines can you progress together with the general progress of human knowledge.

Physical exercises and sports of any kind are very necessary for your well being. As physical exercises the "daily dozen" by Walter Camp are excellent to keep you fit; but whenever opportunity presents itself do not despise walking, climbing stairs or any other similar effort. You will be more than amply repaid for it. Hiking, skating, swimming, rowing and all kinds of outdoor games are also excellent means to sustain the health and energy of your body.

Whenever exercising or indulging in sports, always remember two capital points. First, to make the contact with Universal Life Energy, so as to get the double benefits of the Force, and Second, to perform those activities with enthusiasm, since only then will they actually benefit you.

An exercise performed indifferently or with reluctance, at the compulsion of the will, will never bring any very constructive results, because the use of the will induces a general

contraction and tenseness of the body nerves and cells which completely neutralizes the beneficial influence of the exercise itself. Under such circumstances the muscles are only wearied, not refreshed, and the individual acquires from his exertions nothing but that sudden fatigue which comes from utterly exhausted tissues".

So what does this say about our Personal Reality?

Personal Reality is simply your Subjective Experience in any Moment of Now within the overall context of the Greater Reality and of a unique enclosed Experiential loop that gives rise to the illusion of that experience.

The Moment of Now is Eternal, Encompassing Infinite Potential, any Aspect of Which any Personality has the Potential to Realise and Experience through Mind Principle in the process of Personal Evolution - also an aspect of Collective Evolution.

There is ultimately One of Which we are All Eternal Aspects of Universal Mind.

Subjective Experience, the reason or "meaning" of physical "life", provides a limitless, self-regulating experiential environment through which Personal Evolution may progress through the Divine Freewill with which we are All Blessed, and the Infinite Power of Mind, within the context of a Universal Mind of Infinite Potential, always regulated through immutable Universal Principles and Ultimately Source Mind - Supreme Intelligence, First and Only Cause.

Once Higher Self of a human has attained sufficient Experience and Evolution, all concurrent "incarnations" are released from the sandbox - the physical Universe as a formless Spiritual "I" in the context of the greater Whole, All, of Universal Mind.

The objective and destiny of every Individual Aspect of Mind as Spiritual "I" is to attain the potential to reunite with Source Mind Energy, Supreme Being and Intelligence, at which moment the absolute "Ultimate Reality" is instantly Realised in that Only Moment.

Most humans currently experiencing "Earth life" are just setting foot on this Eternal Path, during which Life and Experience becomes increasingly "real" and glorious". There are no human words to even begin to describe these Divine glories but known to Higher Self - a primary motivation to continue, during which increasingly Greater and more responsible Roles are accepted with great Joy, thus facilitating ever Greater potential for Experience, Evolution and above all Perfection, while concurrently contributing to the Evolution and Expansion of the Whole - the All of Universal Mind.

So how may we summarise your "physical human experience" in the context of Earth?

Your physical "life" is a "sandbox" and you are the Much Loved Child of the Universe joyfully playing within your sandbox. You toys are the Play-Doh through which you may mould any Experience that you can possibly Imagine through the Expression of the Source Energy flowing through you from Source Mind of which you are a Divine, inseparable aspect and Unconditionally Loved Expression.

"Life" in the physical world of matter - your current experience - is a but a Dream, a Dream which you and you alone Continually Generate, Perpetuate and Live, within the context the Collective Dream of Humanity.

Your objective on Earth is to Realise both the Personal and Collective Dream for what it Really is, Free yourself from that Dream, and Consciously Realise, and Connect With the Greater Reality Beyond the Dream, and Source of All that Is.

What you have been previously been taught, experienced and recognised as "Life", is but a Game, a Game in which you have hitherto willingly participated and immersed yourself believing it to represent your life and reality. Your Moment has Now arrived to graduate beyond the nurturing, loving and self experiencing kindergarten realm of games, pretend and make-believe, to graduate to the Glorious Realms of a much Greater Responsibility, Love and Service to All.

Your current Experience of "life" is but a space-time bound Matrix, a projected game, an illusion that you have Chosen to Experience. You must Now Awaken to the full nature of this game, before you may liberate your Self from the game.

Your objective is to attain Enlightenment, encompassing the Full Realisation of, and Conscious Oneness and Connection With, Source Mind of All that Is.

Unconditional Love and Service for All Life are Primary Principles of Enlightenment.

Enlightenment is to realise the Physical, material "life" for the Dream that it really is, having finally served its purpose which you understand and for which you are grateful.

The ultimate objective and greatest attainment of all humans therefore, as many have "before" you, is to achieve Enlightenment while still in the context of a physical human corporeal experience. This is a primary reason why Higher Self of Humans chooses the extremely challenging route of concurrent physical incarnation - the most effective way of instantly attaining the necessary Experience to facilitate the Graduation of Higher Self - Spiritual "I" - to much Greater, Glorious and Responsible roles and Adventures within the All Encompassing Universal Mind of Infinite Potential and Unconditional Love .

Until next newsletter, I wish you a healthy, happy, abundant week.

In Love and Light,
