Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality 02 August 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

Health is a subject increasingly in the news, with a huge and relentless rise in various diseases related to both lifestyle and government policies, all of which can be avoided.

This week therefore we will diverge somewhat from our usual Spiritual, Metaphysics and Quantum Physics related subjects to the more fundamental aspects of diet and nutrition. We must always keep in Mind that total Well-Being at all levels requires a complete balance of our triune nature - Body, Mind and Spirit.

First however I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all new members of this newsletter.

The Our Ultimate Reality newsletter has been my personal gift and service to all humanity, almost every week since 2005 and will continue to be published every week for as long as is possible to do so with due regard for forthcoming events.

All I ever request in return for my commitment to you is that you forward this newsletter to everyone you know, that they may decide for themselves.

It has been my experience that the vast majority of people interested in these higher Truths, in the forthcoming transition and in improving quality of life generally rarely, if ever talk about it due to the prejudices of so called "modern society".

Helping people in this small way can have profoundly positive benefits on your own situation before, during and after the transition, and generally.

If you are receiving this newsletter for the first time, and wish to receive it every week, you can easily join from any page on our website:

If you need a full picture and wish to familiarise yourself with all these subjects as well as the meaning of Life, the Universe and Destiny of Humanity, my acclaimed, bestselling book will provide you with all you need to know:

In this week's newsletter:

1. Developing Psychic Powers

2. Juice Fasting - Detoxifying your toxic diet

Developing Psychic Powers

I receive many messages from people, especially new members regarding Developing Psychic Powers books, and many others interested in the subject of Telekinesis, Spoon Bending and other such powers of the Mind.

Many have asked whether I would make these available once again.

While I personally do not emphasise Psychic Powers - a term widely misunderstood - or abilities to change the physical locality using the power of the Mind alone, it is absolutely true that learning these abilities can bring with it valuable lessons on a wider scale such as concentration and above all the realisation that Mind has absolute dominion over our entire experience.

Many people, no doubt influenced by the plethora of so called "psychic hotline" sites out there will assume that psychic powers are all about "telling the future" or "fortune telling" - which after all is what these sites claim to be able to do.

In reality Psychic Powers are far more profound as are Mind Powers generally.

To enable you to discover this for yourself, and especially for the benefit of new members, I am delighted to extend a special opportunity to newsletter members only to acquire these 6 powerful books for just $17:

Psychic Power Secrets

Clairvoyance Power Secrets

Psychomancy Power Secrets

And for this newsletter member opportunity only:

Telekinesis Power Secrets

Mental Power Secrets

This opportunity will be available for a short time due to the popularity of these books.

For full details:

Juice Fasting - Detoxifying your toxic diet

This week I thought I would move away from our usual more Spiritual, Metaphysical and Mind Power subjects to address an activity that can have the most profound benefits at the physical level of our life - Juice Fasting.

Actually I am three weeks in to one of my own periodic juice fasts as I write this - one reason I felt prompted to share with you.

The so called "diet" of the average person lacks nutrition at best, is toxic and destructive at worst.

The massive and increasing rise in obesity in the past few decades is directly linked to nutritional variety and quality of diet.

These are just a few of the official statistics for the USA which are more or less reflected in the UK and other industrialised countries:

58 Million Overweight; 40 Million Obese; 3 Million morbidly Obese
Eight out of 10 over 25's Overweight
78% of American's not meeting basic activity level recommendations
25% completely Sedentary
76% increase in Type II diabetes in adults 30-40 yrs old since 1990

One of the most disturbing trends is the exponential increase in the cases of obesity and diabetes in children, which, equally disturbingly is occurring at increasingly younger ages. Cancers tend to manifest later in life as a direct result.

Well meaning parents often have no idea just how much damage they are doing to their children due to eating habits - habits which begin almost immediately from birth in the form of "formula milk" and later the various "treats", "happy meals" and other typical children's favourites including sweets and candies.

Before continuing we should once again note that all meat and dairy products have conclusively been proven to be toxic to the human system by a man regarded as the "Einstein of Nutrition" - Dr. T. Colin Campbell - recognised as the greatest nutritionist that ever lived, and author of the definitive book on the subject, "The China Study".

You can read my review on this absolutely crucial reading here:

If you take a look at the reviews of this book on Amazon, you will see 586 reviews at the time of writing, almost all, including from doctors, in Universal praise, most saying that absolutely everyone should read this crucial book. I totally and completely agree.

The China Study on

Alright, so we can accept that animal and dairy products are damaging, but what of those who are vegetarian, vegan or include plenty of fruit and vegetables in their diets?

As you will read in the China Study, naturally occurring whole foods are the natural diet of the human digestive system - every possible food a human requires to live healthily have been provided for in nature.

Many people erroneously believe that in order to grow "big and strong", especially children, meat products are a necessary part of the diet.

Yet if we look at the very largest animals alive today - Elephant, Giraffe etc - they all eat vegetation.

The very largest fish in the sea - the Basking Shark - feeds exclusively on tiny plankton.

The largest of the dinosaurs of prehistoric times, the 30, 40, 50 ton Sauropods, all exclusively ate vegetation.

The daily energy requirement of all of these vast creatures, just to move around and perform normal functions is absolutely immense, yet their vegetable diet always provided that Energy in abundance..

Many people erroneously believe, due to the marketing hype of the meat and food supply industries that meat is necessary in order to obtain nutrients not found in plants.

The truth is very different.

Animals consumed for food - cattle, sheep, pigs etc - do not manufacture any crucial nutrients any more than the body of the human animal does.

We should always keep in Mind that humans are physiologically animals.

If humans and other animals could manufacture crucial nutrients, they would not be required to be consumed in the diet.

The only source of such crucial nutrients are plants.

The nutrients contained in the meat therefore have been absorbed from the plant food they consume.

Numerous crucial nutrients and amino acids such as L-Tryptophan, which is metabolised to Melatonin and Serotonin to regulate waking, sleeping, mood and much more, are much more abundant in plant foods than through absorption by animals.

While most people recognise that plant foods are healthy, most destroy 90% or more of available nutrition by cooking.

One of the most valuable and crucial aspects of plant food are the digestive enzymes in plant foods which are absolutely crucial for efficient digestion and absorption of all food.

In other words - meat and dairy products are toxic and unnatural to the human body, while cooking plant foods destroys most of the benefits, and in fact can cause a chemical reaction rendering harmless plant chemicals toxic.

Add to these facts that most supermarket food is processed in some way, adulterated with chemicals for preservation, food enhancement, and sometimes including hormones, insecticides and other farming by-products, then it becomes easy to see why human health is deteriorating rapidly, particularly in the USA, UK and Europe, the saddest trend being among children.

Plain and simple - the diet of the vast majority of the human population is nutritionally dead or deficient at best, toxic and in the long term lethal at worst.

But this is really the tip of the iceberg.

Virtually everything that humans purchase to eat or drink, often even the water from the faucet, is toxic or damaging in some way, often cumulatively, meaning the body cannot rid themselves of these toxins so they build up over a lifetime with increasingly damaging effects, especially in advancing years where they can become debilitating.

A very dangerous chemical for example present in almost all diet drinks and foods is the highly toxic chemical aspartame.

Although aspartame is not immediately toxic upon entry in to the human system, it very quickly metabolises in to aspartic acid , phenylalanine , methanol , and then further metabolises in to formaldehyde , formic acid , and a diketopiperazine which are very highly toxic, collectively affecting the body and central nervous system in several ways.

Part of the affect on the central nervous system including brain neuron activity, and also damage to the lining and other parts of the brain through Formaldehyde.

Of particular concern in recent years has been the dangers of airline pilots drinking diet drinks before flights and on an ongoing basis resulting in a wide range of serious incidents as reported by respected neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock who reported:

"We continually receive complaints from pilots about seizures, cardiac problems, vision loss, vertigo, confusion, disorientation, etc. associated with consumption of aspartame/NutraSweet/Spoonful/Canderel/E951, etc.

Aspartame is a compound of phenylalanine, aspartic acid and a methyl ester which converts to methyl alcohol in digestion: wood alcohol, 1 ounce is a fatal dose, then into formaldehyde!

I have reviewed reports from airline and private pilots concerning effects of aspartame on various physiological systems. Several of these are related to the nervous system, which puts this in category of great concern to the pilot as well as the general public. The more common complaints include disorientation, difficulty thinking and concentrating, visual blurring or even monocular blindness, seizures and heart failure. It is well known that the ingredients in aspartame, as well as its breakdown products, have deleterious effects on the nervous system and retina.

Dr. Blalock concludes: Finally, a scientific study demonstrated that aspartame exposure significantly increases the level of formaldehyde in all tissue, including brain and retina and that this breakdown product of aspartame is very toxic to proteins and DNA, leading to permanent injury to these vital cellular components. Even more important, was the finding this highly toxic substance accumulates in these tissues with chronic exposure to aspartame. This could lead to significant injury to the brain, retina and other organs long after the exposure. Also, the effects appear to be dose related. That is, the more aspartame you consume, the greater the danger. It should be appreciated that formaldehyde is a powerful carcinogenic agent.

My book, Excitotoxins, The Taste That Kills, explains in detail how excitotoxins damage the nervous system, leading to severe disorders, and what can be done to reduce your risk. It is my opinion that aspartame is a dangerous neurotoxin, as well as a significant carcinogen to many organs, and that it should be avoided at all cost."

I am sure I need add no more to the above. Diet drinks and foods containing aspartame are probably, in the long term, as dangerous as eating rat poison, and should be avoided, and never, ever fed to children under any circumstances.

So why is aspartame allowed to be included in drinks and foods?

For exactly the same reason that the USA is in the process of making organic farming a criminal offense - to maintain the profits of the chemical and drug companies - and one company in particular.

This is one reason no doubt that the Obama family has created an organic food garden in the grounds of the Whitehouse for their own food consumption, knowing these laws were on the way, and knowing the implications for the health of their own family.

Everyone knows that tobacco and alcohol cause millions of deaths and debilitating diseases every year, but anyone can walk in to a supermarket and purchase them just as they can meat and dairy products, processed foods, aspartame drinks, fruits and vegetables soaked in toxins and poisons, and so on, all in the cause of money, control

and power in a world where human life is rendered meaningless by the dark forces, who promote all of the above products as "healthy" in some way.

All of this is in the name of money, control, power, and a much darker agenda.

It is a fact that if all available quality agricultural land in the World were turned over from food animal farming and growing the vast amounts of food required to sustain food animals, there would be at least four times as much plant food growing space available to alleviate food shortages and malnutrition in the world today, not to mention removing the numerous environmental hazards of food animal farming.

Let us keep in Mind that Swine Flu has been directly attributed to pig farming.

Many of these toxic foods are targeted at children.

For example the government propaganda tells us that children must drink lots milk and eat plenty of dairy products to ensure "strong teeth and bones".

Now how can drinking mammary secretions of a cow, designed exclusively to sustain the first 8 weeks of life of baby cattle be a necessary as part of the human diet - or of adults?

It is clearly absolute nonsense of the highest order, serving only to maintain the multi-trillion dollar global "dairy" industry. Dairy cows are kept pregnant each year to sustain milk supplies, their calves are slaughtered for veal, and after 4 years the surplus to requirements dairy cows, after a life of misery, are slaughtered for the low quality meat deemed fit only for the fast food industry - notably the burgers in "happy meals" - even if the child may be happy, you can be sure that the cow never was.

If you wish to see the truth about food animal farming, and can stand the truth, then watch this video on YouTube:

Meet your Meat

I caution though that true though this documentary is - the contents are horrific.

In addition, it has been shown that accelerated puberty in human females and infertility in human males can be directly related to milk consumption, due to the high levels of female hormones fed and injected in to cows to increase milk production, which hormones are subsequently secreted in the milk of the cow, resulting in increasingly earlier female puberty and increasing levels of male infertility.

Another insidious and very highly damaging agent of attack, supposedly for the benefit of children is fluoridated water which is supposed to "protect against tooth decay".

Not only is this not true, it actually causes a serious tooth disease called Fluorosis, but much worse it has a serious long term effect on brain neurotransmitters, brain damage generally, and a whole series of debilitating diseases, an updated database of which can be found here: .

The first time flourides were ever used in this way was by the Nazis in the second world war who added these toxic chemicals to the drinking water of their concentration camps.

Much of the fluorides used in drinking water are the waste products of the aluminium industry who did a deal with the government to purchase these toxic wastes from them for adding to water supplies in a mutually financially beneficial arrangement.

Another major chemical used in fluoridation of water is Sodium Fluoride which is a class 2 poison in Europe, and according to Merck, is a rat and cockroach poison. Ths is this also the chemical used in toothpastes.

Realising that more people are drinking bottled water, more and more bottled water now has fluorides added directly to ensure that humans receive the intended dose - so always check the labels.

Fluorides also have a "dumbing" down effect on humans, one of the reasons behind this dark strategy. Most of today's anti-depressants such as Prozac contain the fluoride chemical compound fluoxitine.

So what is to be done?

Well clearly a balanced, fresh, raw, organic whole food diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, pulses, fungi etc is the correct and only safe, healthy diet for human beings.

We should never, ever eat primarily for pleasure.

Nutrition must always come first.

If the food tastes nice then all the better - plenty of raw vegan foods do indeed taste good.

In the meantime it is an excellent idea to purge the body of all contaminants, and the best way of accomplish this is by a Juice Fast.

Juice fasting can be almost miraculous for some people.

For example - there have been many cases of cancer healed almost exclusively by juice fasting, because cancer cells simply cannot survive under those conditions.

Because the plant food is being broken down by the juicer and only the juice drunk, the enzymes usually engaged in the process of digesting tough foods, are re-directed to extremely beneficial service in other parts of the body, resulting in detoxification.

The human immune system is also boosted dramatically by Juice Fasting.

Garlic in particular has profound health benefits including a powerful natural antibiotic.

I personally consume at least one whole, raw garlic bulb each day.

During a juice fast I juice two whole bulbs of fresh garlic every day in the juice cocktail.

Juice fasting is also profoundly beneficial from a Spiritual perspective due to the abundance of additional Energy available, and the high level of purity and consequent higher vibration of Body, Mind and Spirit that results, enabling access to Metaphysical abilities such as Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences, Lucid Dreaming and so on.

Juice Fasting is also an excellent test of willpower.

Going without solid food for 4 weeks or more while people around you are stuffing themselves with fake, toxic, nutritionally devoid supermarket foods does take considerable inner strength of the sort absolutely necessary for Spiritual progress and indeed ultimately Enlightenment.

Anyone who cannot go without solid food for 4 weeks or more is unlikely to have the Mind Power and self-discipline to achieve Enlightenment, which is the ultimate objective of every human on Earth.

Never fear the reaction of others to your diet - there is no need to justify yourself to anyone. They must be allowed to learn and evolve through experience just as you do.

So what is required for a juice fast?

Well firstly a high quality juicer. It is absolutely crucial to only use an auger juicer such as those by Matstone, Samson, Live Enzyme and so on.

Never use a juicer that looks like a blender or processor - they generate too much heat and the fast mechanical action destroys enzymes and other nutrients. These are not in any case true juicers, and will not extract the same beneficial juices. So what to juice?

I juice mostly vegetables of all types.

Keep in mind that vegetables contain varying amounts of water.

I use organic celery and cucumber to provide a good liquid base, typically juicing a whole cucumber or whole pack of celery, and then will juice tomatoes, spring onions,

one or two whole bulbs of garlic, two or three chilli's, beets, carrots, and any other fresh organic vegetables I can obtain. There is no "recipe" - just make it up as you go along.

Also there is no waste. Never cut off the leaves - just juice everything.

I usually drink a pint of juice at a time, once or twice per day. The nutritional and enzyme content of that pint of juice is absolutely staggering - rocket fuel for the body with all the most profound benefits.

I also juice fruits from time to time but keep them to a necessary minimum because fruit generally contains nowhere near the nutrition of vegetables. Juices, particularly citrus juices of oranges etc are acidic which is an adverse environment for the human body.

Vegetables alone provide all necessary nutrients including vitamin C.

Cancer can only survive in an acid environment. Many people consume far more acidic food and drink than alkaline foods and drinks - one of the major contributory factors towards a wide range of cancers.

A major source of extreme acidity - relative to the human body - are soft drinks, especially cola which are so acidic they can be used to dissolve impurities and residues from metals. Diet versions of these drinks also contain aspartame, so drinking diet drinks, especially diet cola drinks are seriously damaging to the human body.

I hope this newsletter has provided you with the encouragement to take a long, hard look at your own diet, or at least the diet of your children who rely on you for their health and well-being.

The only true food is natural, whole, organic plant based products - nothing else will really do. Eating for nutrition should always come before eating to gratify the senses of taste and smell.

Before embarking on this nutritionally correct diet, a thorough detoxification through a 30 day juice fast will be profoundly beneficial.

Until next newsletter, I wish you a healthy, happy, abundant week.

In Love and Light,


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